
Defines functions use_covrpage_vignette covrpage_vignette

Documented in use_covrpage_vignette

covrpage_vignette <- function(path = ".") {
  tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")

  on.exit(unlink(tf, force = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  file.copy(system.file("covrpage_vignette.Rmd", package = "covrpage"), to = tf)

  LINES <- readLines("tests/README.md")[-c(1:4)]

  this_uri <- get_uri()

  LINES <- gsub("testthat/", sprintf("%s/tests/testthat/", this_uri), LINES)
  LINES <- gsub("../R", sprintf("%s/R", this_uri), LINES)

    file = tf,
    sep = "\n", append = TRUE

  invisible(file.copy(tf, file.path(path, "tests_and_coverage.Rmd"), overwrite = TRUE))

#' @title Create a vignette for covrpage
#' @description Perform general setup and copying of tests/README.md into
#' vignette subdirectory
#' @param path character, path to root of file, Default:'.'
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' use_covrpage_vignette()
#' }
#' @rdname use_covrpage_vignette
#' @family setup
#' @export
use_covrpage_vignette <- function(path = ".") {
  fd <- file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION")
  fv <- file.path(path, "vignettes")
  vgit <- file.path(fv, ".gitignore")
  rgit <- basename(vgit)

  if (!dir.exists(fv)) {
    message(sprintf("creating %s", fv))


    message(sprintf("creating %s", vgit))

    cat(c("*.html", "*.R"), sep = "\n", file = vgit)

  message(sprintf("copying tests_and_coverage.Rmd into %s", fv))


  if (!file.exists(rgit)) {
    message(sprintf("creating %s", rgit))


  if (!any(grepl("^inst/doc", readLines(rgit)))) {
    message(sprintf("adding inst/doc to %s", rgit))

    cat("inst/doc", file = rgit, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")

  DESC <- read.dcf(fd)

  ADD_SUGG <- names(which(sapply(c("knitr", "rmarkdown"), function(x) {
    idx <- match(c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests"), colnames(DESC))

    THIS_DESC <- DESC[, idx]

    !any(grepl(x, THIS_DESC))

  if (length(ADD_SUGG) > 0) {
    ADD_SUGG <- paste0(ADD_SUGG, collapse = ",")

    message(sprintf("adding %s to Suggests field in %s", paste0(ADD_SUGG, collapse = ", "), fd))

    if (any(grepl("Suggests", colnames(DESC)))) {
      NEW_SUGG <- sprintf("%s,%s", DESC[, "Suggests"], ADD_SUGG)
    } else {

      NEW_MAT <- matrix(NA, 1)

      colnames(NEW_MAT) <- "Suggests"

      DESC <- cbind(DESC, NEW_MAT)

    DESC[, "Suggests"] <- NEW_SUGG

    write.dcf(x = DESC, file = fd)

  if (!any(grepl("VignetteBuilder", colnames(DESC)))) {
    message(sprintf("adding VignetteBuilder: knitr to %s", fd))

    write.dcf(x = data.frame(VignetteBuilder = "knitr"), file = fd, append = TRUE)
yonicd/covrpage documentation built on Feb. 23, 2023, 6:58 p.m.