
#' apLCMS.align
#' Call apLCMS function, cdf.to.ftr, at different parameter settings
#' This utility calls the cdf.to.ftr() function in the apLCMS package and
#' performs serial sample processing at multiple combinations of two
#' parameters: min.run (minimum length of elution time for a series of signals
#' grouped by m/z to be considered a feature; default value: 3) and min.pres
#' (minimum proportion of scans in which the signal was present; default
#' values: 0.3, 0.8). The function allows the user to define parameters such as
#' min.exp (minimum number of samples in which a feature is present). This
#' differs from the original apLCMS in that the original only allows one set of
#' parameters, whereas this function allows multiple sets. The resulting tables
#' containing m/z, retention time, and peak intensities in each sample are
#' stored at each parameter combination.
#' @param cdfloc The folder where all NetCDF/mzML/mzXML/mzData files to be
#' processed are located. For example "C:/experiment1/cdf/"
#' @param apLCMS.outloc The folder where alignment output will be written. For
#' example "C:/experiment1/apLCMSoutput/"
#' @param min.run.list List of values for min.run parameter, eg: c(3,6) would
#' run the cdf.to.ftr function at min.run=3 and min.run=6
#' @param min.pres.list List of values min.pres, eg: c(0.3,0.8) would run the
#' cdf.to.ftr function at min.run=3 and min.run=6
#' @param minexp If a feature is to be included in the final feature table, it
#' must be present in at least this number of spectra, eg:2
#' @param mztol The user can provide the m/z tolerance level for peak
#' identification to override the programs selection of the tolerance level.
#' This value is expressed as the percentage of the m/z value. This value,
#' multiplied by the m/z value, becomes the cutoff level. Please see the help
#' for proc.cdf() for details.
#' @param alignmztol The user can provide the m/z tolerance level for peak
#' alignment to override the programs selection. This value is expressed as the
#' percentage of the m/z value. This value, multiplied by the m/z value,
#' becomes the cutoff level.Please see the help for feature.align() for
#' details.
#' @param alignchrtol The retention time tolerance level for peak alignment.
#' The default is NA, which allows the program to search for the tolerance
#' level based on the data.  Default: 10
#' @param numnodes Number of nodes to use for processing.
#' @param run.order.file Name of a tab-delimited file that includes sample
#' names sorted by the order in which they were run (sample names must match
#' the CDF file names)
#' @param subs If not all the CDF files in the folder are to be processed, the
#' user can define a subset using this parameter.  For example, subs=15:30, or
#' subs=c(2,4,6,8)
#' @param filepattern File format of processed data files. eg: ".cdf", ".mzXML"
#' @param apLCMSmode "untargeted" or "hybrid"; Default: "untargeted"
#' @param known_table A data frame containing the known metabolite ions and
#' previously found features.  Please see documentation of semi.sup() function
#' in apLCMS for more details.
#' @param match_tol_ppm The ppm tolerance to match identified features to known
#' metabolites/features.  Used by the semi.sup() function in apLCMS. Default: 5
#' @return Feature table after weak signal recovery. This is the end product of
#' the function cdf.to.ftr.
#' @author Karan Uppal <kuppal2@@emory.edu>
#' @references http://www.sph.emory.edu/apLCMS/
#' @keywords ~apLCMS
apLCMS.align <- function(cdfloc, apLCMS.outloc, min.run.list = c(3, 
    3), min.pres.list = c(0.3, 0.8), minexp = 2, mztol = 1e-05, 
    alignmztol = NA, alignchrtol = NA, numnodes = 2, 
    run.order.file = NA, subs = NA, filepattern = ".cdf", 
    apLCMSmode = "untargeted", known_table, match_tol_ppm = 5, 
    ref.mz.list = NA, refMZ.mz.diff = 10, refMZ.time.diff = NA, 
    target.mz.list = NA) {
    cdf.files = list.files(cdfloc, filepattern, ignore.case = TRUE)
    cdf.files = tolower(cdf.files)
    dir.create(apLCMS.outloc, showWarnings = FALSE)
    aligned_data_list = new("list")
    pcount = 1
    if (is.na(subs[1]) == FALSE) {
        numsamp = length(subs)
        cdf.files = cdf.files[subs]
    } else {
        numsamp = length(cdf.files)
    if (length(min.run.list) != length(min.pres.list)) {
        stop("Vectors min.run.list and min.pres.list should be of the same length. eg: min.run.list=c(3,3) and min.pres.list=c(0.3,0.8)")
    for (r in 1:length(min.run.list)) {
        runval = min.run.list[r]
        p = r
        # for(p in 1:length(min.pres.list))
            features <- new("list")
            presval = min.pres.list[p]
            par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
            fname <- paste("Rplots", runval, presval, 
                ".pdf", sep = "")
            if (apLCMSmode == "untargeted") {
                aligned <- cdf.to.ftr(cdfloc, subs = subs, 
                  min.exp = minexp, min.run = runval, 
                  min.pres = presval, mz.tol = mztol, 
                  align.mz.tol = alignmztol, align.chr.tol = alignchrtol, 
                  n.nodes = numnodes, file.pattern = filepattern)
            } else {
                if (apLCMSmode == "hybrid") {
                  aligned <- semi.sup(folder = cdfloc, 
                    known.table = known_table, match.tol.ppm = match_tol_ppm, 
                    subs = subs, min.exp = minexp, 
                    min.run = runval, min.pres = presval, 
                    mz.tol = mztol, align.mz.tol = alignmztol, 
                    align.chr.tol = alignchrtol, n.nodes = numnodes, 
                    file.pattern = filepattern)
            finalfeatmat = aligned$final.ftrs
            fname <- paste(apLCMS.outloc, "/apLCMS_aligned", 
                "_pres", presval, "_run", runval, 
                "_", minexp, "exppostrecovery.Rda", 
                sep = "")
            save(aligned, file = fname)
            if (is.na(target.mz.list) == FALSE) {
                eic_fname <- paste(apLCMS.outloc, 
                  "/EICrun", runval, "pres", presval, 
                  ".pdf", sep = "")
                if (is.na(target.mz.list[1, 1]) == 
                  FALSE) {
                  stddata <- target.mz.list
                  # print(head(stddata))
                } else {
                  Name <- paste("mz", seq(1, dim(finalfeatmat)[1]), 
                    sep = "")
                  stddata <- cbind(finalfeatmat[, 
                    c(1)], Name)
                overlapres5ppm <- getVenn(dataA = finalfeatmat, 
                  name_a = paste("Expdata", sep = ""), 
                  dataB = stddata, name_b = "Target", 
                  mz.thresh = 10, time.thresh = NA, 
                  alignment.tool = "apLCMS", xMSanalyzer.outloc = apLCMS.outloc, 
                  plotvenn = FALSE)
                if (length(unique(overlapres5ppm$common$index.A)) > 
                  0) {
                  num_samples <- dim(finalfeatmat)[2] - 
                  min_samp <- 6
                  if (num_samples < min_samp) {
                    min_samp <- num_samples
                  rand_sample_set <- sample(size = num_samples, 
                    x = num_samples, replace = FALSE)
                  rand_set <- c(1:min_samp, (num_samples - 
                  com_ind <- which(rand_sample_set %in% 
                  if (length(com_ind) > 0) {
                    rand_sample_set <- rand_sample_set[-c(com_ind)]
                    rand_sample_set <- rand_sample_set[1:min_samp]
                    rand_set <- c(rand_set, rand_sample_set)
                  } else {
                    rand_set <- c(rand_set, rand_sample_set[1:min_samp])
                    rand_set <- rand_set[order(rand_set)]
                  rand_set <- na.omit(rand_set)
                  # EIC.plot(aligned,rows=c(unique(overlapres5ppm$common$index.A)),min.run=runval,min.pres=presval)
                  # apLCMS.EIC.plot(aligned, rows =
                  # c(unique(overlapres5ppm$common$index.A)), colors
                  # = NA, transform = 'none', subset = rand_set,
                  # minrt=NA, maxrt=NA,
                  # min.run=runval,min.pres=presval,
                  # max.spline.time.points = 1000) rand_set<-c(1:6)
                  overlap_res <- overlapres5ppm$common
                  overlap_res <- as.data.frame(overlap_res)
                  dup_mz_ind <- which(duplicated(overlapres5ppm$common$index.A) == 
                  if (length(dup_mz_ind) > 0) {
                    overlap_res <- overlap_res[-c(dup_mz_ind), 
                  finalfeatmat <- as.data.frame(finalfeatmat)
                  time.list = finalfeatmat$time[c((overlap_res$index.A))]
                  mz.list = finalfeatmat$mz[c((overlap_res$index.A))]
                  chem.names <- stddata$Name[c((overlap_res$index.B))]
                  custom.EIC.plot(aligned, rows = c((overlap_res$index.A)), 
                    colors = NA, transform = "none", 
                    subset = rand_set, mz.list = mz.list, 
                    time.list = time.list, chem.names = chem.names, 
                    min.run = runval, min.pres = presval, 
                    max.spline.time.points = 1000)
            cnames <- colnames(finalfeatmat[, -c(1:4)])
            cnames <- tolower(cnames)
            cnames <- gsub(".cdf", "", cnames)
            if (is.na(run.order.file) == FALSE) {
                fileorder = read.table(run.order.file, 
                  header = FALSE)
                fileorder = apply(fileorder, 1, tolower)
                cnames = tolower(cnames)
                ordlist = sapply(1:length(fileorder), 
                  function(i) {
                    which(cnames == fileorder[i])
                ordlist = unlist(ordlist)
                ordlist = ordlist + 4
                finalfeatmat = finalfeatmat[, c(1:4, 
            fname <- paste(apLCMS.outloc, "/apLCMS_aligned", 
                "_pres", presval, "_run", runval, 
                "_", minexp, "exppostrecovery.txt", 
                sep = "")
            write.table(finalfeatmat, fname, sep = "\t", 
                row.names = F)
            aligned_data_list[[pcount]] <- finalfeatmat
            pcount = pcount + 1
yufree/xMSanalyzer documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:35 p.m.