
eval.target.mz <- function(dataA, refMZ, feature.eval.result, 
    mzthresh = 10, timethresh = NA, outloc, folderheader = NA, 
    alignment.tool = NA) {
    feature09 <- dataA
    if (is.na(refMZ[1, 1]) == FALSE) {
        stddata <- refMZ
    } else {
        Name <- paste("mz", seq(1, dim(feature09)[1]), 
            sep = "")
        stddata <- cbind(feature09[, c(1)], Name)
    qcresults <- feature.eval.result
    outloc1 <- paste(outloc, "/", folderheader, "targetedeval", 
        mzthresh, "ppm/", sep = "")
    dir.create(outloc1, showWarnings = FALSE)
    col.names.dataA <- colnames(feature09)
    if (is.na(alignment.tool) == FALSE) {
        if (alignment.tool == "apLCMS") {
            sample.col.start = 5
        } else {
            if (alignment.tool == "XCMS") {
                sample.col.start = 9
                col.names.dataA[1] = "mz"
                col.names.dataA[2] = "time"
                colnames(data_a) = col.names.dataA
    } else {
        # stop(paste('Invalid value for alignment.tool.
        # Please use either \'apLCMS\' or \'XCMS\'',
        # sep=''))
        col.names.dataA[1] = "mz"
        col.names.dataA[2] = "time"
        sample.col.start = 3
        print("Using the 1st columns as \"mz\" and 2nd columsn as \"retention time\"")
        colnames(feature09) = col.names.dataA
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
    overlapres5ppm <- getVenn(dataA = feature09, name_a = paste("Expdata", 
        sep = ""), dataB = stddata, name_b = "Target", 
        mz.thresh = mzthresh, time.thresh = timethresh, 
        alignment.tool = "apLCMS", xMSanalyzer.outloc = outloc1, 
        plotvenn = FALSE)
    save(overlapres5ppm, file = "overlapRes.Rda")
    match5ppmdata <- feature09[overlapres5ppm$common$index.A, 
    name_mz <- {
    if (dim(match5ppmdata)[1] < 1) {
        print("No matches found for targeted metabolites.")
    qcresults5ppmdata <- qcresults[overlapres5ppm$common$index.A, 
    # m1<-cbind(match5ppmdata[,c(1:(sample.col.start-1))],qcresults5ppmdata[,c(3,7,8)],match5ppmdata[,-c(1:(sample.col.start-1))])
    fnames <- paste("../../Stage3b/Targeted_feature_table_", 
        mzthresh, "ppm_filtered.txt", sep = "")
    # write.table(m1,file=fnames,sep='\t',quote=F,col.name=T,row.names=F)
    # write.table(match5ppmdata,file='Matching_data.txt',sep='\t',quote=F,col.name=T,row.names=F)
    fnames <- paste("Boxplot_sampleintensity_usingtargetmatches", 
        mzthresh, "ppm.tiff", sep = "")
    int_data <- log10(match5ppmdata[, -c(1:(sample.col.start - 
        1))] + 1)
    # int_data<-match5ppmdata[,-c(1:(sample.col.start-1))]
    main_lab <- paste("Intensity distribution (log10; all samples) \n of each m/z matching targets (+/- ", 
        mzthresh, "ppm)", sep = "")
    vennDiagram(circle.col = "red", overlapres5ppm$vennCounts, 
        counts.col = "blue")
    # (fnames,width=2000,height=2000,res=300)
    # boxplot(int_data,cex.names=0.35,cex.axis=1,main=main_lab,
    # ylab='Intensity',xlab='Sample',col='orange',cex.main=0.7)
    # dev.off()
    cv5ppm <- apply(match5ppmdata[, -c(1:(sample.col.start - 
        1))], 1, function(x) {
        x <- replace(x, which(x == 0), NA)
        cvres <- 100 * sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)/mean(x, 
            na.rm = TRUE)
    names(cv5ppm) <- round(match5ppmdata[, 1], 5)
    fnames <- paste("TotalCVallsamples_refmz", mzthresh, 
        "ppm.tiff", sep = "")
    # pdf('Targeted_mz_QC.pdf')
    main_name <- paste("Total CV (across all samples) \n of each m/z matching targets (+/- ", 
        mzthresh, "ppm)", sep = "")
    if (length(cv5ppm) > 0) {
        # tiff(fnames,width=2000,height=2000,res=300)
        barplot(cv5ppm, cex.names = 0.4, cex.axis = 1, 
            main = main_name, col = "orange", cex.main = 0.7)
    # dev.off()
    fnames <- paste("BarplotTIC_targetmatches", mzthresh, 
        "ppm.tiff", sep = "")
    main_name <- paste("TIC per sample for matching targets (+/- ", 
        mzthresh, "ppm)", sep = "")
    # tiff(fnames,width=2000,height=2000,res=300)
    tic <- apply(match5ppmdata[, -c(1:(sample.col.start - 
        1))], 2, function(x) {
        x <- replace(x, which(x == 0), NA)
        res <- sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (length(tic) > 0) {
        barplot(tic, cex.names = 0.4, cex.axis = 1, 
            main = main_name, col = "orange", cex.main = 0.7)
    fnames <- paste("Pairwiseplot_overall", mzthresh, 
        "ppm.tiff", sep = "")
    # tiff(fnames,width=2000,height=2000,res=300)
    if (length(overlapres5ppm$common$index.A) > 0) {
            c(1:2)], qcresults[overlapres5ppm$common$index.A, 
            c(3, 7, 8)]), main = "Pairwise plots of m/z, time, CV, Qscore", 
            cex.main = 0.7)
    # dev.off()
    # dev.off()
    mean_tic <- mean(tic, na.rm = TRUE)
    # cv_tic<-100*sd(tic,na.rm=TRUE)/mean(tic,na.rm=TRUE)
    # tic_res<-cbind(mean_tic,cv_tic)
    # colnames(tic_res)<-c('Average_TIC','CV_TIC')
    # fnames<-paste('TICperfeat_targetmatches',mzthresh,'ppm.txt',sep='')
    # write.table(tic_res,file=fnames,sep='\t',quote=F,col.name=T,row.names=F)
    tic <- as.data.frame(tic)
    names(tic) <- c("sample_TIC")
    fnames <- paste("TICpersamp_targetmatches", mzthresh, 
        "ppm.txt", sep = "")
    write.table(tic, file = fnames, sep = "\t", quote = F, 
        col.name = T, row.names = TRUE)
    # refMZ<-cbind(refMZ[overlapres5ppm$common$index.B,],match5ppmdata)
    # colnames(refMZ)<-c('mz','Name')
    name_mz <- cbind(match5ppmdata[, c(1:2)], stddata[overlapres5ppm$common$index.B, 
        ], match5ppmdata[, -c(1:2)])
    name_mz <- as.data.frame(name_mz)
    # name_mz<-merge(refMZ,match5ppmdata,by='mz')
    if (folderheader == "raw") {
        fnames <- paste("../../Stage3b/", folderheader, 
            "_targetfeaturetable", mzthresh, "ppm_final.txt", 
            sep = "")
    } else {
        if (folderheader == "ComBat") {
            fnames <- paste("../../Stage4b/", folderheader, 
                "_targetfeaturetable", mzthresh, "ppm_final.txt", 
                sep = "")
    # fnames<-paste('Targetmz_matching_data',mzthresh,'ppm.txt',sep='')
    write.table(name_mz, file = fnames, sep = "\t", 
        quote = F, col.name = T, row.names = F)
    # outloc1<-paste(outloc1,'target_barplots/',sep='')
    # dir.create(outloc1,showWarnings=FALSE)
    # setwd(outloc1)
    match5ppmdata <- name_mz
    match5ppmdata <- as.data.frame(match5ppmdata)
    match5ppmdata_int <- match5ppmdata[, -c(1:(2 + 
    match5ppmdata_int <- apply(match5ppmdata_int, 
        2, as.numeric)
    if (length(overlapres5ppm$common$index.B) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:dim(match5ppmdata_int)[1]) {
            fname <- paste("mz", round(match5ppmdata[i, 
                1], 5), ".tiff", sep = "")
            # tiff(fname,width=2000,height=2000,res=300)
            delta_ppm <- 10^6 * (abs(match5ppmdata[i, 
                1] - match5ppmdata[i, 3]))/match5ppmdata[i, 
            delta_ppm <- round(delta_ppm, 2)
            # int_val<-as.numeric(int_val)
            if (length(overlapres5ppm$common$index.B) > 
                1) {
                cur_vec <- t(match5ppmdata_int[i, 
            } else {
                cur_vec <- t(match5ppmdata_int[i])
            plot(x = t(cur_vec), main = paste("mz: ", 
                round(match5ppmdata[i, 1], 5), "; time:", 
                round(match5ppmdata[i, 2], 0), "(s) ;\n", 
                match5ppmdata$Name[i], " (delta=", 
                delta_ppm, " ppm)", sep = ""), ylab = "Intensity", 
                xlab = "Sample index", cex = 0.6, 
                cex.main = 0.7, col = "brown")
            # dev.off()
    # dev.off()
yufree/xMSanalyzer documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:35 p.m.