
Defines functions get_peak_blocks_graph

get_peak_blocks_graph <- function(dataA, simmat, adjacencyfromsimilarity, 
    time_step = 3, max.rt.diff = 5, outloc, column.rm.index = NA, 
    cor.thresh = NA, cormethod = "pearson", networktype = "unsigned", 
    num_nodes = 2) {
    # fname<-'/Users/karanuppal/Documents/Emory/JonesLab/Projects/NIST_QSTD_60K/apLCMS_with_xMSanalyzer_merged_data/apLCMS_feature_list_at_p1_U_p2cor0.7_CV100.txt'
    # setwd('/Users/karanuppal/Documents/Emory/JonesLab/Projects/NIST_QSTD_60K/apLCMS_with_xMSanalyzer_merged_data/')
    # fname<-'/Users/karanuppal/Documents/Emory/JonesLab/Projects/NIST_QSTD_60K/XCMS/xcmsCW_snthresh3step0.1mzdiff-0.001max50bw10ppm10.txt'
    # setwd('/Users/karanuppal/Documents/Emory/JonesLab/Projects/NIST_QSTD_60K/XCMS/')
    # setwd(outloc)
    # time_step<-3
    # dataA<-read.table(fname,sep='\t',header=TRUE)
    # dataexpA_comp<-dataA
    # 1:3,6:11
    if (is.na(column.rm.index) == FALSE) {
        dataA <- dataA[, -c(column.rm.index)]
    cnames <- colnames(dataA)
    cnames[1] <- "mz"
    cnames[2] <- "time"
    colnames(dataA) <- as.character(cnames)
    data_m <- t(dataA)
    feat_inf <- paste(dataA[, 1], dataA[, 2], sep = "_")
    sample.col.start <- 2
    if (FALSE) {
        if (cormethod == "pearson") {
            ADJdataOne <- adjacency(data_m, type = "signed hybrid", 
                power = 1, corOptions = "use = 'p'")
        } else {
            ADJdataOne <- adjacency(data_m, type = "signed hybrid", 
                power = 1, corOptions = "use = 'p',method='spearman'")
    powers = c(c(1:10), seq(from = 12, to = 20, by = 2))
    if (adjacencyfromsimilarity == FALSE) {
        sft = pickSoftThreshold(data = data_m, dataIsExpr = TRUE, 
            powerVector = powers, verbose = 0)
        power_val = sft$powerEstimate
        if (is.na(power_val) == TRUE) {
            power_val = 6
        if (cormethod == "pearson") {
            ADJdataOne <- adjacency(datExpr = data_m, type = networktype, 
                power = power_val, corOptions = "use = 'p'")
        } else {
            ADJdataOne <- adjacency(datExpr = data_m, type = networktype, 
                power = power_val, corOptions = "use = 'p',method='spearman'")
    } else {
        sft = sft = pickSoftThreshold.fromSimilarity(similarity = simmat, 
            powerVector = powers, verbose = 0)
        power_val = sft$powerEstimate
        if (is.na(power_val) == TRUE) {
            power_val = 6
        ADJdataOne <- adjacency.fromSimilarity(similarity = simmat, 
            power = power_val, type = networktype)
    # cormat<-cor2pcor(cormat)
    if (is.na(cor.thresh) == FALSE) {
        ADJdataOne[ADJdataOne < cor.thresh] <- 0
        ADJdataOne[ADJdataOne >= cor.thresh] <- 1
    # rownames(ADJdataOne) <- sample(letters,
    # nrow(ADJdataOne)) colnames(ADJdataOne) <-
    # seq(ncol(ADJdataOne))
    g1 <- graph.adjacency(ADJdataOne, weighted = TRUE, mode = "undirected")
    # summary(g1)
    s1 <- E(g1)
    e1 <- get.edgelist(g1)
    l1 <- levels(as.factor(e1[, 1]))
    set1 <- new("list")
    for (l2 in 1:length(l1)) {
        # set1[l2]<-e1[which(e1[,1]==l1[l2]),2]
        set1[[l2]] <- (e1[which(e1[, 1] == l1[l2]), 2])
        set1[[l2]] <- as.numeric(gsub(set1[[l2]], pattern = "V", 
            replacement = ""))
    cor_groups <- set1
    cor_group_list <- {
    cor_groups_clust <- new("list")
    for (m in 1:length(cor_groups)) {
        # cor_groups_clust[[m]]<-unique(cor_groups[[m]])
        if ((m %in% cor_group_list) == FALSE) {
            for (n in (m + 1):length(cor_groups)) {
                if (n > length(cor_groups)) {
                com1 <- intersect(cor_groups[[m]], cor_groups[[n]])
                if (length(com1) > 0) {
                  cor_groups[[m]] <- c(cor_groups[[m]], cor_groups[[n]])
                  cor_group_list <- c(cor_group_list, n)
                  cor_groups[[n]] <- c(0)
            cor_groups[[m]] <- unique(cor_groups[[m]])
    if (length(cor_group_list) > 0) {
        cor_groups <- cor_groups[-cor_group_list]
    diffmat <- {
    # cor_groups<-cor_groups_clust
    levelAnum <- 1
    diffmat <- lapply(1:length(cor_groups), function(m) {
        if ((m %in% cor_group_list) == FALSE) 
            if (cor_groups[[m]] != 0) {
                levelAnum <- m
                cur_group_ind <- unique(cor_groups[[m]])
                cur_group_ind <- as.numeric(gsub(cur_group_ind, 
                  pattern = "V", replacement = ""))
                cur_group <- dataA[cur_group_ind, ]
                cur_group <- cbind(levelAnum, cur_group)
                # diffmat<-rbind(diffmat,cur_group)
                # levelAnum<-levelAnum+1
    diffmat <- do.call(rbind, diffmat)
    diffmat <- as.data.frame(diffmat)
    mod_list <- diffmat$levelAnum
    t1 <- table(mod_list)
    mod_names <- names(t1)
    # mod_names<-as.numeric(mod_names)
    time_mult_fact <- 1
    time_mult_fact <- 1
    diffmatC <- {
    dataA <- cbind(data_mzrt, dataA)
    dataA <- as.data.frame(dataA)
    d1 <- density(dataA$time, bw = "nrd", from = min(dataA$time), 
        to = (10 + max(dataA$time, na.rm = TRUE)))
    # time_step<-3
    time_step <- abs(d1$x[1] - d1$x[time_step + 1])
    t1 <- d1$x
    time_step <- 1 * time_step
    diffmatB <- {
    for (i in 1:length(mod_names)) {
        # groupB_res<-sapply(1:length(mod_names),function(i){
        groupA_num <- mod_names[i]
        subdata <- dataA[which(moduleLabels == groupA_num), 
        # subdata<-dataA[which(m1==groupA_num),]
        subdata <- subdata[order(subdata$time), ]
        groupB <- group_by_rt(subdata, time_step, max.rt.diff = max.rt.diff, 
            groupnum = groupA_num)
        diffmatB <- rbind(diffmatB, groupB)
yufree/xMSannotator documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 12:20 a.m.