
Defines functions computeRV plsCoVarCommonShape getPLSCommonShape svd2B plsCoVar predictPLSfromData getPLSscores predictPLSfromScores getPLSfromScores print.pls2B pls2B

Documented in getPLSCommonShape getPLSfromScores getPLSscores pls2B plsCoVar plsCoVarCommonShape predictPLSfromData predictPLSfromScores

#' Two-Block partial least square regression.
#' Performs a Two-Block PLS on two sets of data and assesses the significance
#' of each score by permutation testing
#' The Two-Block PLS tries to find those linear combinations in each block
#' maximising the covariance between blocks. The significance of each linear
#' combination is assessed by comparing the singular value to those obtained
#' from permuted blocks. If both blocks contain landmarks superimposed
#' TOGETHER, the option \code{same.config=TRUE} requests superimposition of the
#' permuted configurations (i.e. where the the landmarks of block \code{x} are
#' replaced by corresponding landmarks of other specimen.
#' @param y array containing superimposed landmark data of the first block.
#' Matrices are also allowed but the option 'same.config' will not work.
#' @param x array containing superimposed landmark data second block.Matrices
#' are also allowed but the option 'same.config' will not work.
#' @param tol threshold for discarding singular values.
#' @param same.config logical: if \code{TRUE} each permutation includes new
#' superimposition of permuted landmarks. This is necessary if both blocks
#' originate from landmarks that are superimposed together.
#' @param rounds rounds of permutation testing.
#' @param useCor if TRUE, the correlation matrix instead of the covariance matrix is used.
#' @param cv logical: if TRUE, a leave-one-out cross-validation is performed
#' @param cvlv integer: number of latent variables to test
#' @param mc.cores integer: determines how many cores to use for the
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{ProcGPA}}
#' computation. The default is autodetect. But in case, it doesn't work as
#' expected cores can be set manually. Parallel processing is disabled on
#' Windows due to occasional errors.
#' @return
#' \item{svd }{singular value decomposition (see \code{\link{svd}}) of the
#' 'common' covariance block}
#' \item{Xscores }{PLS-scores of x}
#' \item{Yscores }{PLS-scores of y}
#' \item{CoVar }{Dataframe containing singular values, explained
#' covariation, correlation coeffictient between PLS-scores and p-values for singular values obtained from permutation testing}
#' \item{xlm}{linear model: \code{lm(Xscores ~ Yscores - 1)}}
#' \item{ylm}{linear model: \code{lm(Yscores ~ Xscores - 1)}}
#' \item{predicted.x}{array containing matrices of cross-validated predictions for \code{x}(landmarks arrays will be vectorized using \code{\link{vecx}})}
#' \item{predicted.y}{array containing matrices of cross-validated predictions for \code{y} (landmarks arrays will be vectorized using \code{\link{vecx}})}
#' \item{rv}{RV-coefficient}
#' \item{p.value.RV}{p-value for RV-coefficient determined by permutation testing}
#' @author Stefan Schlager
#' @seealso \code{\link{plsCoVar}, \link{getPLSfromScores}, \link{predictPLSfromScores}, \link{getPLSscores}, \link{predictPLSfromData},\link{svd} , \link{plsCoVarCommonShape}, \link{getPLSCommonShape}}
#' @references Rohlf FJ, Corti M. 2000. Use of two-block partial least-squares
#' to study covariation in shape. Systematic Biology 49:740-753.
#' @examples
#' if (require(shapes)) {
#' ### very arbitrary test:
#' ### check if first 4 landmarks covaries with the second 4
#' proc <- procSym(gorf.dat)
#' ## we do only 50 rounds to minimize computation time
#' \dontrun{#same.config takes too long for CRAN check
#' pls1 <- pls2B(proc$rotated[1:4,,],proc$rotated[5:8,,],
#'               same.config=TRUE,rounds=50,mc.cores=2)
#' }
#' pls1 <- pls2B(proc$rotated[1:4,,],proc$rotated[5:8,,],
#'               same.config=FALSE,rounds=50,mc.cores=1)
#' pls1
#' layout(matrix(1:4,2,2,byrow=TRUE))
#' for(i in 1:4)
#'  plot(pls1$Xscores[,i]~pls1$Yscores[,i])
#' ## predict first 4 landmarks from second 4 for first config
#' layout(1)
#' predPLS <- predictPLSfromData(pls1,y=proc$rotated[5:8,,1])
#' ## show differences between prediction and original
#' deformGrid2d(predPLS,proc$rotated[1:4,,1],pch=19)
#' ##plot the complete first config
#' points(proc$rotated[,,1])
#' ##show effects of first latent variable
#' plsEffects <- plsCoVar(pls1,i=1)
#' deformGrid2d(plsEffects$x[,,1],plsEffects$x[,,2])##show on x
#' deformGrid2d(plsEffects$y[,,1],plsEffects$y[,,2],add=TRUE,pch=19)##show on y
#' ##show effects of 2nd latent variable
#' plsEffects2 <- plsCoVar(pls1,i=2)
#' deformGrid2d(plsEffects2$x[,,1],plsEffects2$x[,,2])##show on x
#' deformGrid2d(plsEffects2$y[,,1],plsEffects2$y[,,2],add=TRUE,pch=19)##show on y
#' }
#' @export
pls2B <- function(x, y, tol=1e-12, same.config=FALSE, rounds=0,useCor=FALSE,cv=FALSE,cvlv=NULL, mc.cores=parallel::detectCores(),...) {
    landmarks <- landmarksx <- landmarksy <- FALSE
    p.value.RV <- NULL
    xorig <- x
    yorig <- y
    win <- FALSE
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        win <- TRUE
        registerDoParallel(cores=mc.cores)### register parallel backend
    if (length(dim(x)) == 3) {
        landmarks <- TRUE
        landmarksx <- TRUE
        x <- vecx(x)
    if (length(dim(y)) == 3) {
        landmarksy <- TRUE
        y <- vecx(y)
    } else
        landmarks <- FALSE
    xdim <- dim(x)
    ydim <- dim(y)

    if (same.config && !landmarks)
        warning("the option same.config requires landmark array as input")
    xs <- x <- scale(x,scale = F)
    ys <- y <- scale(y,scale = F)
    if (useCor) {
        xs <- scale(x,scale = TRUE)
        ys <- scale(y,scale = TRUE)
    ## cova <- crossprod(xs,ys)/(nrow(x)-1)
    svd.cova <- svd2B(xs,ys,scale = useCor)

    svs <- svd.cova$d
    svs <- svs[which(svs > tol)]
    svs <- svs^2
    covas <- (svs/sum(svs))*100
    l.covas <- length(covas)
    svd.cova$d <- svd.cova$d[1:l.covas,drop=FALSE]
    svd.cova$u <- svd.cova$u[,1:l.covas,drop=FALSE]
    svd.cova$v <- svd.cova$v[,1:l.covas,drop=FALSE]
    Xscores <- x%*%svd.cova$u #pls scores of x
    Yscores <- y%*%svd.cova$v #pls scores of y
    rv <- computeRV(Xscores,Yscores)
### calculate correlations between pls scores
    cors <- 0
    for(i in 1:length(covas))
        cors[i] <- cor(Xscores[,i],Yscores[,i])

### Permutation testing
    permupls <- function(i)
        x.sample <- sample(1:xdim[1])
        y.sample <- sample(x.sample)
        if (same.config && landmarks) {
            tmparr <- .bindArr2(xorig[,,x.sample],yorig[,,y.sample],along=1)
            tmpproc <- ProcGPA(tmparr,silent=TRUE,...)
            x1 <- vecx(tmpproc$rotated[1:dim(xorig)[1],,])
            y1 <- vecx(tmpproc$rotated[1:dim(yorig)[1],,])
        } else {
            x1 <- x
            y1 <- y
                #cova.tmp <- crossprod(x1[x.sample,],y1[y.sample,])/(nrow(x)-1)
        svd.cova.tmp <- svd2B(x1[x.sample,],y1[y.sample,],u=T,v=T,scale = useCor)
        Xscores.tmp <- x1[x.sample,]%*%svd.cova.tmp$u #pls scores of x
        Yscores.tmp <- y1[y.sample,]%*%svd.cova.tmp$v #pls scores of y
        svs.tmp <- svd.cova.tmp$d
    p.values <- rep(NA,l.covas)
    if (rounds > 0) {
        if (win)
            permuscores <- foreach(i = 1:rounds) %do% permupls(i)
            permuscores <- foreach(i = 1:rounds) %dopar% permupls(i)

        svdscores <- sapply(permuscores,function(x) x <- x$svs)
        rvscores <- sapply(permuscores,function(x) x <- x$rv)
        p.val <- function(x,rand.x)
            p.value <- length(which(rand.x >= x))
            if (p.value > 0)
                p.value <- p.value/(rounds+1)
                p.value <- 1/(rounds+1)
        for (i in 1:l.covas) {
            if (is.matrix(svdscores)) 
                p.values[i] <- p.val(svd.cova$d[i],svdscores[i,])
            else {
                p.values[i] <- p.val(svd.cova$d[i],svdscores[i])
        p.value.RV <- p.val(rv,rvscores)
### get weights
    xlm <- lm(Xscores ~ Yscores -1)
    ylm <- lm(Yscores ~ Xscores -1)
### create covariance table
    Cova <- data.frame(svd.cova$d[1:l.covas],covas,cors,p.values)
    colnames(Cova) <- c("singular value","% total covar.","Corr. coefficient", "p-value")
    out <- list(svd=svd.cova,Xscores=Xscores,Yscores=Yscores,CoVar=Cova)
    out$x <- xorig
    out$y <- yorig
    out$xcenter <- attributes(x)$"scaled:center"
    out$ycenter <- attributes(y)$"scaled:center"
    out$xlm <- xlm
    out$ylm <- ylm
    out$rv <- rv
    out$p.value.RV <- p.value.RV
    class(out) <- "pls2B"
    if (cv) { ## Cross-validation
        if (is.null(cvlv))
            cvlv <- max(1,nrow(Cova)-1)
            cvlv <- min(nrow(Cova),cvlv,(nrow(x)-2))
        cvarrayX <- array(NA,dim=c(dim(x),cvlv))
        cvarrayY <- array(NA,dim=c(dim(y),cvlv))
        dimnames(cvarrayX)[1:2] <- dimnames(x)
        dimnames(cvarrayY)[1:2] <- dimnames(y)
        dimnames(cvarrayX)[[3]] <- dimnames(cvarrayY)[[3]] <- paste("LV",1:cvlv)
        ## prepare testing sample
        if (landmarksx)
            xcv <- vecx(xorig)
            xcv <- as.matrix(xorig)
        if (landmarksy)
            ycv <- vecx(yorig)
            ycv <- as.matrix(yorig)
        for (i in 1:xdim[1]) {
            tmppls <- pls2B(xcv[-i,,drop=F],ycv[-i,,drop=F],useCor = useCor,tol=tol)
            for (j in 1:cvlv) {
                cvarrayY[i,,j] <- predictPLSfromData(tmppls,x=x[i,],ncomp=j)
                cvarrayX[i,,j] <- predictPLSfromData(tmppls,y=y[i,],ncomp=j)
        out$predicted.x <- cvarrayX
        out$predicted.y <- cvarrayY

#' @export
print.pls2B <- function(x,...) {
    cat("  Covariance explained by the singular values\n\n")
    df <- x$CoVar
    df <- df[,colSums(is.na(df)) != nrow(df)]
    print( df,row.names=FALSE)
    rv <- paste0("\n  RV-coefficient: ", round(x$rv,digits=3), "   p-value: ",x$p.value.RV,"\n")

#' compute changes associated with 2-Block PLS-scores 
#' compute changes associated with 2-Block PLS-scores 
#' @param pls output of pls2B
#' @param x scores associated with dataset x in original pls2B
#' @param y scores associated with dataset y in original pls2B
#' @return returns data in the original space associated with the specified values.
#' @details other than \code{\link{predictPLSfromScores}}, providing Xscores will not compute predictions of y, but the changes in the original data \code{x} that is associated with the specific scores
#' @export
getPLSfromScores <- function(pls,x,y) {
    if (!missing(x) && !missing(y))
        stop("either x or y must be missing")
    svdpls <- pls$svd

    if (missing(y)) {
        if (is.vector(x) || length(x) == 1) {
            xl <- length(x)
            x <- t(x)
        else if (is.matrix(x))
            xl <- ncol(x)

        out <- t(svdpls$u[,1:xl,drop=FALSE]%*%t(x))
        out <- sweep(out,2,-pls$xcenter)
        if (length(dim(pls$x)) == 3) {
            if (is.matrix(x) && nrow(x) > 1) {
                out <- vecx(out,revert = T,lmdim = dim(pls$x)[2])
                                        #dimnames(out) <- dimnames(pls$y)
            } else {
                out <- matrix(out,dim(pls$x)[1],dim(pls$x)[2])
    if (missing(x)) {
        if (is.vector(y) || length(y) == 1) {
            xl <- length(y)
            y <- t(y)
        } else if (is.matrix(y))
            xl <- ncol(y)
        out <- t(svdpls$v[,1:xl]%*%t(y))
        out <- sweep(out,2,-pls$ycenter)
        if (length(dim(pls$y)) == 3) {
            if (is.matrix(y) && nrow(y) > 1) {
                out <- vecx(out,revert = T,lmdim = dim(pls$y)[2])
                                        #dimnames(out) <- dimnames(pls$y)
            } else {
                out <- matrix(out,dim(pls$y)[1],dim(pls$y)[2])

#' predict data from 2-Block PLS-scores
#' predict data from 2-Block PLS-scores
#' @param pls output of pls2B
#' @param x scores associated with dataset x in original pls2B
#' @param y scores associated with dataset y in original pls2B
#' @note either x or y must be missing. If x-scores are provided, the yscores will be estimated and the predictions calculated.
#' @return returns an array/matrix of landmarks or original values, depending on input for computing \code{pls}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pls2B}, \link{getPLSscores},\link{predictPLSfromData}}
#' @export
predictPLSfromScores <- function(pls,x,y) {
    if (!missing(x) && !missing(y))
        stop("either x or y must be missing")
    svdpls <- pls$svd
    if (missing(y)) {
        pls$ylm$coefficients <- as.matrix(pls$ylm$coefficients)
        if (is.vector(x) || length(x) == 1) {
            xl <- length(x)
            x <- t(x)
        else if (is.matrix(x))
            xl <- ncol(x)

        yest <- t(t(pls$ylm$coefficients[1:xl,,drop=FALSE])%*%t(x))
        out <- t(svdpls$v%*%t(yest))
        out <- sweep(out,2,-pls$ycenter)
        if (length(dim(pls$y)) == 3) {
            if (is.matrix(x) && nrow(x) > 1) {
                out <- vecx(out,revert = T,lmdim = dim(pls$x)[2])
                                        #dimnames(out) <- dimnames(pls$y)
            } else {
                out <- matrix(out,dim(pls$y)[1],dim(pls$y)[2])
    if (missing(x)) {
        pls$xlm$coefficients <- as.matrix(pls$xlm$coefficients)
        if (is.vector(y) || length(y) == 1) {
            xl <- length(y)
            y <- t(y)
        else if (is.matrix(y))
            xl <- ncol(y)
        xest <- t(t(pls$xlm$coefficients[c(1:xl),,drop=FALSE])%*%t(y))
        out <- t(svdpls$u%*%t(xest))
        out <- sweep(out,2,-pls$xcenter)
        if (length(dim(pls$x)) == 3) {
            if (is.matrix(y) && nrow(y) > 1) {
                out <- vecx(out,revert = T,lmdim = dim(pls$x)[2])
                                        #dimnames(out) <- dimnames(pls$x)
            } else {
                out <- matrix(out,dim(pls$x)[1],dim(pls$x)[2])

#' compute 2-Block PLS scores for new data 
#' compute 2-Block PLS scores for new data from an existing pls2B
#' @param pls output of pls2B
#' @param x matrix or vector representing new dataset(s) -  same kind as in original pls2B
#' @param y matrix or vector representing new dataset(s) - same kind as in original pls2B
#' @note either x or y must be missing
#' @return returns a vector of pls-scores
#' @seealso \code{\link{pls2B}, \link{predictPLSfromScores},\link{predictPLSfromData}}
#' @export
getPLSscores <- function(pls,x,y) {
    if (!missing(x) && !missing(y))
        stop("either x or y must be missing")
    if (missing(y)) {
        if (length(dim(x)) == 3 || (is.matrix(x) && is.matrix(pls$x))) {
            if (length(dim(x)) == 3)
                x <- vecx(x)
            out <- NULL
            for(i in 1:nrow(x))
                out <- rbind(out,getPLSscores(pls,x=x[i,]))
        } else {
            if (is.matrix(x))
                x <- as.vector(x)
            x <- x-pls$xcenter
            out <- t(t(pls$svd$u)%*%x)
    if (missing(x)) {
        if (length(dim(y)) == 3 || (is.matrix(y) && is.matrix(pls$y))) {
            if (length(dim(y)) == 3)
                y <- vecx(y)
            out <- NULL
            for(i in 1:nrow(y))
                out <- rbind(out,getPLSscores(pls,y=y[i,]))
        } else {
            if (is.matrix(y))
                y <- as.vector(y)
            y <- y-pls$ycenter
            out <- t(t(pls$svd$v)%*%y)
#' predict 2 Block-PLS from new data
#' predict 2 Block-PLS from new data
#' @param pls output of pls2B
#' @param x data in the same format as in original pls2B (for landmarks this can be an array or a matrix and for other data a matrix of a vector)
#' @param y data in the same format as in original pls2B (for landmarks this can be an array or a matrix and for other data a matrix of a vector)
#' @param ncomp number of (latent) components to use for prediction.
#' @note either x or y must be missing
#' @return returns an array/matrix/vector of predictions - depending on input for computing \code{pls}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pls2B}, \link{getPLSscores},\link{predictPLSfromScores}}
#' @examples
#' ##see examples in pls2B
#' @export
predictPLSfromData <- function(pls,x,y,ncomp=NULL) {
    if (!missing(x) && !missing(y))
        stop("either x or y must be missing")
    if (is.null(ncomp))
        ncomp <- ncol(pls$Xscores)

    if (missing(y)) {
        scores <- getPLSscores(pls,x=x)[,1:ncomp,drop=F]
        out <- predictPLSfromScores(pls,x=scores)

    if (missing(x)) {
        scores <- getPLSscores(pls,y=y)[,1:ncomp,drop=F]
        out <- predictPLSfromScores(pls,y=scores)

#' Get the shape changes from pls2B associated with each latent variable
#' Get the shape changes from pls2B associated with each latent variable
#' @param pls output of pls2B
#' @param i integer: which latent variable to show. E.g. i=3 will show the changes associated with the 3rd latent variable.
#' @param sdx standard deviation on the xscores. sdx=3 will show the effecs of -3sd vs +3sd
#' @param sdy standard deviation on the yscores. sdy=3 will show the effecs of -3sd vs +3sd
#' @return
#' \item{x}{matrix/array with reconstructed x}
#' \item{y}{matrix/array with reconstructed y, with each prediction named accordingly: e.g. neg_x_sd_3 means the prediction of x at a score of \code{-3*sd(Xscores)}}. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{pls2B}, \link{getPLSfromScores}, \link{predictPLSfromScores}, \link{getPLSscores}, \link{predictPLSfromData},\link{svd},  \link{plsCoVarCommonShape}}
#' @export 
plsCoVar <- function(pls,i,sdx=3,sdy=3) {
    x <- t(t(c(-1,1)*sdx*sd(pls$Xscores[,i])))
    y <- t(t(c(-1,1)*sdy*sd(pls$Yscores[,i])))
    x0 <- matrix(0,2,i); x0[,i] <- x
    y0 <- matrix(0,2,i); y0[,i] <- y
    xnames <-  paste(c("neg","pos"),"x_sd",sdx,sep="_")
    ynames <-  paste(c("neg","pos"),"y_sd",sdy,sep="_")
    pls1x <- getPLSfromScores(pls,x=x0)
    if (is.matrix(pls1x))
        rownames(pls1x) <- xnames
        dimnames(pls1x)[[3]] <- xnames
    pls1y <- getPLSfromScores(pls,y=y0)
    if (is.matrix(pls1y))
        rownames(pls1y) <- ynames
        dimnames(pls1y)[[3]] <- ynames

    pls1out <- list(x=pls1x,y=pls1y)

svd2B <- function(x,y,scale=F,u=T,v=T) {
    xs <- scale(x,scale = scale)
    ys <- scale(y,scale = scale)
    svdx <- svd(xs)
    svdy <- svd(ys)
    u1 <- t(t(svdx$u)*svdx$d)
    u2 <- t(t(svdy$u)*svdy$d)
    utu <- crossprod(u1,u2)
    svdutu <- svd(utu)
    svdutu$d <- svdutu$d/(nrow(x) -1 )
    if (u)
        svdutu$u <- as.matrix((svdx$v)%*%svdutu$u)
        svdutu$u <- NULL
    if (v)
        svdutu$v <- as.matrix((svdy$v)%*%svdutu$v)
        svdutu$v <- NULL
#' Get the linear combinations associated with the common shape change in each latent dimension of a pls2B
#' Get the linear combinations associated with the common shape change in each latent dimension of a pls2B
#' @param pls object of class "pls2B"
#' @return
#' returns a list containing
#' \item{shapevectors}{matrix with each containing the shapevectors (in column- major format) of common shape change associated with each latent dimension}
#' \item{XscoresScaled}{Xscores scaled according to \code{shapevectors}}
#' \item{YscoresScaled}{Yscores scaled according to \code{shapevectors}}
#' \item{commoncenter}{Vector containing the common mean}
#' \item{lmdim}{dimension of landmarks}
#' @references Mitteroecker P, Bookstein F. 2007. The conceptual and statistical relationship between modularity and morphological integration. Systematic Biology 56(5):818-836.
#' @examples
#' data(boneData)
#' proc <- procSym(boneLM)
#' pls <- pls2B(proc$orpdata[1:4,,],proc$orpdata[5:10,,])
#' commShape <- getPLSCommonShape(pls)
#' ## get common shape for first latent dimension at +-2 sd of the scores
#' ## (you can do this much more convenient using \code{\link{plsCoVarCommonShape}}
#' scores <- c(-2,2) * sd(c(commShape$XscoresScaled[,1],commShape$YscoresScaled[,1]))
#' pred <- restoreShapes(scores,commShape$shapevectors[,1],matrix(commShape$commoncenter,10,3))
#' \dontrun{
#' deformGrid3d(pred[,,1],pred[,,2])
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{plsCoVarCommonShape}}
#' @export
getPLSCommonShape <- function(pls) {
    out <- NULL
    xdim <- dim(pls$x)
    ydim <- dim(pls$y)
    lmdim <- xdim[2]
    nlmx <- xdim[1]
    nlmy <- ydim[1]
    if (xdim[2] != ydim[2])
        stop("landmarks need to be of same dimensionality")
    if (length(xdim) != 3 || length(ydim) != 3)
        stop("this function only works on landmark data")
    XscoresScaled <- pls$Xscores
    YscoresScaled <- pls$Yscores
    for (i in 1:ncol(pls$Xscores)) {
        tmp <- cbind(pls$Xscores[,i],pls$Yscores[,i])
        tmppca <- prcompfast(tmp,retx = FALSE)$rotation[,1]
        if (prod(tmppca) > 0)
            tmppca <- abs(tmppca)
        xtmp <- matrix(pls$svd$u[,i]*tmppca[1],nlmx,lmdim)
        ytmp <- matrix(pls$svd$v[,i]*tmppca[2],nlmy,lmdim)
        tmpvec <- c(rbind(xtmp,ytmp))
        XscoresScaled[,i] <- XscoresScaled[,i]/tmppca[1]
        YscoresScaled[,i] <- YscoresScaled[,i]/tmppca[2]
        out <- cbind(out,tmpvec)
    commoncenter <- c(rbind(matrix(pls$xcenter,nlmx,lmdim),matrix(pls$ycenter,nlmy,lmdim)))

#' Compute the shape changes along the common axis of deformations
#' Compute the shape changes between two blocks of 2D or 3D shape coordiantes along the common axis of deformations defined by each dimension of the latent space
#' @param pls object of class "pls2B"
#' @param i integer: dimension of latent space to show shape changes for
#' @param sdcommon standard deviations derived from scores scaled to a consensus scale
#' @note this give the same results as \code{plsCoVar}, however, using common shape vectors as suggested by Mitteroecker and Bookstein (2007)
#' @return
#' returns an k x m x 2 array with the common shape changes associated with +-\code{sdcommon} SD of the \code{i-th} latent dimension
#' @references Mitteroecker P, Bookstein F. 2007. The conceptual and statistical relationship between modularity and morphological integration. Systematic Biology 56(5):818-836.
#' @examples
#' data(boneData)
#' proc <- procSym(boneLM)
#' pls <- pls2B(proc$orpdata[1:4,,],proc$orpdata[5:10,,])
#' commShape <- getPLSCommonShape(pls)
#' ## get common shape for first latent dimension at +-2 sd of the scores
#' pred <- plsCoVarCommonShape(pls,1,2)
#' \dontrun{
#' deformGrid3d(pred[,,1],pred[,,2])
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{pls2B}, \link{getPLSfromScores}, \link{predictPLSfromScores}, \link{getPLSscores}, \link{predictPLSfromData},\link{svd},  \link{plsCoVar},  \link{getPLSCommonShape}}
#' @export
plsCoVarCommonShape <- function(pls,i,sdcommon=1) {
    commonshape <- getPLSCommonShape(pls)
    sdi <- sd(c(commonshape$XscoresScaled[,i],commonshape$YscoresScaled[,i]))
    sdvec <- t(commonshape$shapevectors[,i]%*%t(c(-1,1)*sdcommon*sdi))
    sdvec <- sweep(sdvec,2,-commonshape$commoncenter)
    out <- vecx(sdvec,revert = TRUE,lmdim = commonshape$lmdim)

computeRV <- function(X,Y) {
    Xcent <- X
    Ycent <- Y
    X <- scale(X,scale=FALSE)
    Y <- scale(Y,scale=FALSE)
    n <- nrow(X)
    m <- min(ncol(X),ncol(Y))
    if (n < m) {
        SigmaX <- tcrossprod(Xcent)
        SigmaY <- tcrossprod(Ycent)
        COVV <- sum(diag(SigmaX%*%SigmaY))
        VAVX <- sum(diag(tcrossprod(SigmaX)))
        VAVY <- sum(diag(tcrossprod(SigmaY)))
    else {
        SigmaX <- crossprod(Xcent)
        SigmaY <- crossprod(Ycent)
        SigmaXY <- crossprod(X,Y)
        SigmaYX <- crossprod(Y,X)
        COVV <- sum(diag(SigmaXY %*% SigmaYX))
        VAVX <- sum(diag(SigmaX %*% SigmaX))
        VAVY <- sum(diag(SigmaY %*% SigmaY))
    RV <- COVV/(sqrt(VAVX*VAVY))
zarquon42b/Morpho documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 9:57 p.m.