pulsar.params: pulsar params

pulsar.paramsR Documentation

pulsar params


The values to the pulsar.params/icov.select.params argument in the spiec.easi function must be a list with values from pulsar and/or batch.pulsar. See the pulsar docs for detailed instructions.

List of arguments, data type, default. Description

  • thresh, numeric, 0.05. Threshold for StARS criterion.

  • subsample.ratio, numeric, 0.8. Subsample size for StARS.

  • rep.num, numeric, 20. Number of subsamples for StARS.

  • seed, numeric, NULL. Set the random seed for subsample set.

  • ncores, numeric, 1. Number of cores for parallel.

With pulsar.select='batch', additional arguments:

  • wkdir, dir path, current directory. Working directory for process running jobs.

  • regdir, dir path, temp directory. Directory for storing the registry files.

  • init, string, 'init'. String for differentiating the init registry for batch mode pulsar.

  • conffile, string / file path, ”. Path to config file or string that identifies a default config file.

  • job.res, list, empty list. Named list to specify job resources for an hpc.

  • cleanup, boolean, FALSE. Remove registry files.

See Also

pulsar batch.pulsar spiec.easi

zdk123/SpiecEasi documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 6:49 a.m.