
Defines functions filename_ok filename_ok_biking prefixes_ok error_report initiate_processing addZero is.error generate_metadata splitHeader collapseHeader hex_average_to_second

Documented in addZero collapseHeader error_report filename_ok filename_ok_biking generate_metadata hex_average_to_second initiate_processing is.error prefixes_ok splitHeader

#' @import dplyr
#' @import XML
#' @import digest
#' @import Rcpp

#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @export

#' @importFrom data.table foverlaps
#' @export

#' @importFrom data.table setDT
#' @export

#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @export

#' @importFrom data.table setkey
#' @export

#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @export

#' @importFrom gdata trim
#' @export

#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export

#' @importFrom RPostgreSQL dbListConnections dbDisconnect PostgreSQL
#' @export

#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @export

# *****************************************************************************
# Test file prefix -----
# *****************************************************************************

#' A test for whether the input filenames are OK. It is basically a switch
#' to send to project-specific filename evaluators
#' @param filenames A vector of filenames (not paths)
#' @param projectid The projectid grabbed from the shiny app pulldown
#' @return Returns a list with the first item as a vector of TRUE/FALSE about whether
#' each filename is OK and then a list of the filenames that are NOT Ok.
#' @examples
#' prefixes_ok(c("GPS", "AB"))
#' @export

filename_ok<-function(filenames, projectid){

  bad_filenames <- switch(projectid,
         "columbiaBike" = filename_ok_biking(filenames))
  # return T/F for if there is a problem, then list of problem
  # filenames
  return(list(is.null(bad_filenames), bad_filenames))

# *****************************************************************************
# Test file prefix -----
# *****************************************************************************

#' A test for whether the input filenames are OK for the biking project
#' @param filenames A vector of filenames (not paths)
#' @param projectid The projectid grabbed from the shiny app pulldown
#' @return Returns a list with the first item as a vector of TRUE/FALSE about whether
#' each filename is OK and then a list of the filenames that are NOT Ok.
#' @examples
#' prefixes_ok(c("GPS", "AB"))
#' @seealso \code{\link{filename_ok}}
#' @export

  #filenames<-c("BIKE0001_GPS01_S01_150306.gpx", "BIKE0001_ABP01_sdf_150306.gpx", "BIKE0001_ABP01_S01_150306.gpx")
  req_length <- c(4,5)
  req_prefix <- c("GPS", "ABP", "MAE", "MPM", "HXI")
  filenames_split<-strsplit(filenames, "_")
  # test consistent file name length
  l <- sapply(filenames_split, length)
  bad_length <- which(!l%in%req_length)
  # test prefix
  prefix<-substring(sapply(filenames_split, "[[",2),1,3)
  bad_prefix <- which(!prefix%in%req_prefix)

  bad_tot <- unique(c(bad_length, bad_prefix))
  if(length(bad_tot)==0) return(NULL)


# *****************************************************************************
# Test file prefix -----
# *****************************************************************************

#' For now this is deprecated
#' @param prefixes are the prefixes of files
#' @param filenames the full list of filenames the user uploaded
#' @param stage is the stage of processing ("processing", "uploading",
#' "pre-screening" right now.)
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' prefixes_ok(c("GPS", "AB"))
#' @export

prefixes_ok<-function(prefixes, allowed=c("GPS", "ABP", "MAE", "MPM", "HXI")){


# *****************************************************************************
# Data processing or upload error report for Shiny
# *****************************************************************************

#' Assemble the Shiny error report about which files were processed, uploaded
#' or screened
#' @param currentfile_num is the number in sequence of the file where
#' an error occurred
#' @param filenames the full list of filenames the user uploaded
#' @param stage is the stage of processing ("processing", "uploading",
#' "pre-screening" right now.)
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' error_report(1, c("file1_abc", "file2_abc"), stage="uploading")
#' @export

error_report<-function(currentfile_num, filenames, stage){
    completed<-" No files uploaded successfully."
  }else if(stage !="plotting") {

    completed<-paste(" Files ", 
                     paste(complete, collapse=", "), 
                     " uploaded successfully.", sep="")
    notcompleted<-paste(" Files ", 
                        paste(notcomplete, collapse=", "), 
                        " NOT UPLOADED.", sep="")

  } else{
    completed<-paste(" Files ", 
                     paste(complete, collapse=", "), 
                     " uploaded successfully.", sep="")
    notcompleted<-paste(" Files ", 
                        paste(notcomplete, collapse=", "), 
                        " NOT UPLOADED.", sep="")
  msg<-paste("There is a problem with file ", 
             " Error occurred in the ", stage, " step.",
             notcompleted, sep="")

  if(stage=="filename screening") msg<-paste(msg, "The file", cur, "seems to have been uploaded previously.")

# *****************************************************************************
# initiate processing
# *****************************************************************************

#' Start the file processing -- basically a switch to file type-specific 
#' functions
#' @param filepath The full path to the file (see details)
#' @param filename The file name with suffix
#' @param projectid The projectid from the Shiny pulldown
#' @param metainfilename Not used now (see details)
#' @details The filepath in most instances will be the filepath from the browser
#' which is a temporary location. The metainfilename argument was added to allow
#' some files to have no metadata in the filename so that we could handle differently
#' for now this is not implemented.
#' @return The processed dataset.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export
initiate_processing<-function(filepath, filename, projectid, metainfilename){
  # this is metadata and each element of fileinfo will become a column
  # where each row has the same value.
  if(projectid=="columbiaBike") fileinfo<-unlist(stringr::str_split(filename, "_"))
  if(projectid!="columbiaBike") fileinfo<-c("abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl")
  fileinfo<-fileinfo[-length(fileinfo)] # we don't need date
  fileinfo<-c(fileinfo, projectid)

                         GPS = process_gps(filepath, filename, fileinfo, metainfilename),
                         ABP = process_abp(filepath, filename, fileinfo, metainfilename),
                         MAE = process_microaeth(filepath, filename, fileinfo, metainfilename),
                         MPM = process_micropem(filepath, filename, fileinfo, metainfilename),
                         HXI = process_hexoskin(filepath, filename, fileinfo, metainfilename))
  # timezone <- ifelse(filetype == "gps","UTC","America/New_York")
  # process_result$datetime <- paste0(process_result$datetime, timezone)

# *****************************************************************************
# Allow autoincrement field and date added
# *****************************************************************************


#' in order to write the tables to the postgresql database the dbWriteTable works
#' fine but when I want an autoincrement serial field and a auto date/time field
#' for when data was added I needed a hack like this. The dbWriteTable uses the
#' function postgresqlWriteTable so I'm creating a new functino called 
#' postgresqlWriteTableAlt that takes care of it. Copied from stackoverflow
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @references \url{http://bit.ly/1E0Vsf6}
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export
body_lines <- deparse(body(RPostgreSQL::postgresqlWriteTable))
new_body_lines <- sub(
  'postgresqlTableRef(name), "FROM STDIN")', 
  'postgresqlTableRef(name), "(", paste(shQuote(names(value), type = "cmd"), collapse = ","), ") FROM STDIN")', 
  fixed = TRUE
postgresqlWriteTableAlt <- RPostgreSQL::postgresqlWriteTable
body(postgresqlWriteTableAlt) <- parse(text = new_body_lines)

# *****************************************************************************
# add zero
# *****************************************************************************

#' Helper to add zero padding to numbers (mostly for dates/times)
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export
  stringr::str_pad(dat, width=width, side="left", pad="0")

# *****************************************************************************
# is error
# *****************************************************************************

#' Test if it's an error
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @references \url{http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Exceptions-Debugging.html}
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export
is.error <- function(x) inherits(x, "try-error")

# *****************************************************************************
# repeatFileInfo
# *****************************************************************************

#' A function to create a matrix of the metadata extracted from the file
#' names for adding to a sensor table.
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export
generate_metadata<-function(fileinfo, n, filename, metainfilename){
  writeLines(paste("Metadata in filename: ", metainfilename))
  # the sessionid should not include the "S"
  fileinfo[3]<-gsub("S", "", fileinfo[3])
  fin<-data.frame(matrix(fileinfo, nrow=n, ncol=l, byrow=TRUE))
  fin<-cbind(fin[,1:3], filename=rep(filename, nrow(fin)), fin[,4:ncol(fin), drop=FALSE])
  if(l==4) names(fin)<-c("subjectid", "instrumentid", "sessionid","filename", "projectid")
  if(l==5) names(fin)<-c("subjectid", "instrumentid", "sessionid", "filename", "filterid", "projectid")

# *****************************************************************************
# splitHeader and collapseHeader -- for dealing with MicroPEM headers
# *****************************************************************************

#' xxt
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export
splitHeader<-function(dat, beg, end){
  strsplit(dat[beg:end], ",")  

#' Collapses header info into one string separated by pipes (|)
#' this is done because we don't want each piece of the header
#' to be its own variable.
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export
collapseHeader<-function(dat, width=NA){
  #dat<-strsplit(nonParsed[[14]], ",")[[1]]
    if(all(dat=="")) dat<-"NA"
  dat<-paste(dat, collapse="|")

# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************

#' Read GPX files [http://www.topografix.com/gpx.asp] and convert the data to tables;
#' this function was created by Tomislav Hengl with contributions from Dylan Beaudette
#' and Pierre Roudier
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export

readGPX <- function (gpx.file, metadata = TRUE, bounds = TRUE, waypoints = TRUE, 
          tracks = TRUE, routes = TRUE) 
  options(warn = -1)
  if (metadata == TRUE) {
    metadata <- readGPXelement(gpx.file, "name")
  if (bounds == TRUE) {
    bounds <- readGPXelement(gpx.file, "bounds")
  if (waypoints == TRUE) {
    waypoints <- readGPXelement(gpx.file, "wpt")
  if (tracks == TRUE) {
    tracks <- readGPXelement(gpx.file, "trk")
  if (routes == TRUE) {
    routes <- readGPXelement(gpx.file, "rte")
  gpx <- list(metadata = metadata, bounds = bounds, waypoints = waypoints, 
              tracks = tracks, routes = routes)

# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************

#' Read GPX files [http://www.topografix.com/gpx.asp] and convert the data to tables;
#' this function was created by Tomislav Hengl with contributions from Dylan Beaudette
#' and Pierre Roudier
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export

find_gaps_assign_session <- function (datetime) {
  # which are long gaps (more than 12 hours)
  to<-c(which(as.numeric(diff)<(-12*60*60)), length(datetime))
  from<- c(1, to[-length(to)]+1)
  #to<-c(to, nrow(data))
  dat<-data.frame(from=from, to=to)
  # you can subtract dates but the units might end up different
  dat$session_time<-difftime(datetime[dat$to], datetime[dat$from], units="secs")
  # if the length of a session is less than 10 minutes
  # we will consider this a non-session
  dat$tooshort <- dat$session_time < 10 * 60
  dat$session_id <- "Non session"
  session<-rep(dat$session_id, times=dat$length)
  if(length(session)!=length(datetime)) stop("There is a problem with the gap/assign session")

# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************

#' Read GPX files [http://www.topografix.com/gpx.asp] and convert the data to tables;
#' this function was created by Tomislav Hengl with contributions from Dylan Beaudette
#' and Pierre Roudier
#' @param sdf
#' @return user.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
#' @export

readGPXelement<-function (gpx.file, element) 
  ret <- xmlTreeParse(gpx.file, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
  top <- xmlRoot(ret)
  if (any(grep(element, names(top)))) {
    if (element == "trk") {
      ret <- NULL
      nu <- which(names(top) %in% element)
      for (c in seq_along(nu)) {
        lst <- which(names(top[[nu[c]]]) %in% "trkseg")
        nm <- names(top[[nu[c]]][[lst[1]]][[1]])
        ret[[c]] <- list(NULL)
        for (i in seq_along(lst)) {
          trkpt <- top[[nu[c]]][[lst[i]]]
          ret[[c]][[i]] <- data.frame(NULL)
          lon <- as.numeric(xmlSApply(trkpt, xmlGetAttr, 
          lat <- as.numeric(xmlSApply(trkpt, xmlGetAttr, 
          ret[[c]][[i]][1:length(lon), "lon"] <- lon
          ret[[c]][[i]][1:length(lat), "lat"] <- lat
          if (!nm[[1]] == "NULL") {
            for (j in 1:length(nm)) {
              xm <- as.character(sapply(sapply(xmlChildren(trkpt), 
                                               function(x) x[[nm[[j]]]]), xmlValue))
              ret[[c]][[i]][1:length(xm), nm[[j]]] <- xm
        names(ret[[c]]) <- xmlValue(top[[nu[c]]][["name"]])
    if (element == "wpt") {
      ret <- data.frame(NULL)
      nu <- which(names(top) %in% element)
      nm <- names(top[[nu[1]]])
      for (i in seq_along(nu)) {
        ret[i, "lon"] <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(top[[nu[i]]], 
        ret[i, "lat"] <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(top[[nu[i]]], 
        if (!nm[[1]] == "NULL") {
          for (j in 1:length(nm)) {
            ret[i, nm[[j]]] <- xmlValue(xmlChildren(top[[nu[i]]])[[nm[[j]]]])
    if (element == "rte") {
      ret <- NULL
      nu <- which(names(top) %in% element)
      for (c in seq_along(nu)) {
        ret[[c]] <- data.frame(NULL)
        lst <- which(names(top[[nu[c]]]) %in% "rtept")
        nm <- names(top[[nu[c]]][[lst[1]]])
        for (i in seq_along(lst)) {
          rtept <- top[[nu[c]]][[lst[i]]]
          ret[[c]][i, "lon"] <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(rtept, 
          ret[[c]][i, "lat"] <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(rtept, 
          if (!nm[[1]] == "NULL") {
            for (j in c("name", "cmt", "desc", "sym", 
                        "type")) {
              try(ret[[c]][i, j] <- xmlValue(rtept[[j]]), 
                  silent = TRUE)
        names(ret)[c] <- xmlValue(top[[nu[c]]][["name"]])
    if (element == "bounds") {
      nu <- which(names(top) %in% element)
      ret <- matrix(rep(NA, 4), nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("lat", 
                                                            "lon"), c("min", "max")))
      ret[1, 1] <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(top[[nu[1]]], 
      ret[1, 2] <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(top[[nu[1]]], 
      ret[2, 1] <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(top[[nu[1]]], 
      ret[2, 2] <- as.numeric(xmlGetAttr(top[[nu[1]]], 
    if (element == "name") {
      lst <- c("name", "desc", "author", "email", "url", 
               "urlname", "time")
      nu <- which(names(top) %in% lst)
      if (!nu[[1]] == "NULL") {
        ret <- data.frame(NULL)
        for (i in seq_along(lst)) {
          try(ret[1, lst[i]] <- xmlValue(top[[nu[[i]]]]), 
              silent = TRUE)
  else {
    ret <- NULL

# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************

#' Function for averaging the data from the binary files in the hexoskin to one
#' second. Specifically for the acceleration X, Y, Z files
#' @param .data the acceleration data files
#' @return averaged data
#' @examples
#' xyz
#' xyz
#' @export

hex_average_to_second <- function(.data){
  savenames <- names(.data)
  names(.data) <- letters[1:ncol(.data)]
  .data <- mutate(.data, timesecond = round(a)) 
  # See Git issue 46, average 0 and 1
  .data$timesecond[.data$timesecond==0] <- 1
  .data <- group_by(.data, timesecond) %>% summarise(avg = mean(b))
  names(.data) <- savenames
zevross-spatial/rpackage-sensorDataImport documentation built on Aug. 16, 2019, 4:53 p.m.