
Defines functions is_jags_folder get_individual_data get_individual_prediction nplcm_read_folder

Documented in get_individual_data get_individual_prediction is_jags_folder nplcm_read_folder

#' Read data and other model information from a folder that stores model results.
#' @param DIR_NPLCM File path to the folder containing posterior samples
#' @return A list with data, options and posterior samples.
#' \itemize{
#' \item `bugs.dat`
#' \item `model_options`
#' \item `clean_otions`
#' \item `Nd`; `Nu`; `Y`; `Mobs`; 
#' \item `res_nplcm`.
#' }
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' data(data_nplcm_noreg)
#' cause_list <- LETTERS[1:6]
#' J.BrS      <- 6
#' model_options_no_reg <- list(
#'   likelihood   = list(
#'     cause_list = cause_list,
#'     k_subclass = 2,
#'     Eti_formula = ~-1, # no covariate for the etiology regression
#'     FPR_formula = list(
#'       MBS1 =   ~-1)    # no covariate for the subclass weight regression
#'   ),
#'   use_measurements = c("BrS"), 
#'   # use bronze-standard data only for model estimation.
#'   prior= list(
#'     Eti_prior = overall_uniform(1,cause_list), 
#'     # Dirichlet(1,...,1) prior for the etiology.
#'     TPR_prior  = list(BrS = list(
#'       info  = "informative", # informative prior for TPRs
#'       input = "match_range", 
#'       # specify the informative prior for TPRs by specifying a plausible range.
#'       val = list(MBS1 = list(up =  list(rep(0.99,J.BrS)), 
#'                              # upper ranges: matched to 97.5% quantile of a Beta prior
#'                              low = list(rep(0.55,J.BrS))))
#'       # lower ranges: matched to 2.5% quantile of a Beta prior
#'     )
#'     )
#'   )
#' )     
#' set.seed(1)
#' # include stratification information in file name:
#' thedir    <- paste0(tempdir(),"_no_reg")
#' # create folders to store the model results 
#' dir.create(thedir, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' result_folder_no_reg <- file.path(thedir,paste("results",collapse="_"))
#' thedir <- result_folder_no_reg
#' dir.create(thedir, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' # options for MCMC chains:
#' mcmc_options_no_reg <- list(
#'   debugstatus = TRUE,
#'   n.chains = 1,
#'   n.itermcmc = as.integer(200), 
#'   n.burnin = as.integer(100), 
#'   n.thin = 1,
#'   individual.pred = FALSE, 
#'   ppd = TRUE,
#'   result.folder = thedir,
#'   bugsmodel.dir = thedir
#' )
#' BrS_object_1 <- make_meas_object(patho = LETTERS[1:6], 
#'                                  specimen = "MBS", test = "1", 
#'                                  quality = "BrS", cause_list = cause_list)
#' clean_options <- list(BrS_objects = make_list(BrS_object_1))
#' # place the nplcm data and cleaning options into the results folder
#' dput(data_nplcm_noreg,file.path(thedir,"data_nplcm.txt")) 
#' dput(clean_options, file.path(thedir, "data_clean_options.txt"))
#' rjags::load.module("glm")
#' nplcm_noreg <- nplcm(data_nplcm_noreg,model_options_no_reg,mcmc_options_no_reg)
#' res <- nplcm_read_folder(nplcm_noreg$DIR_NPLCM)
#' }
#' @export

nplcm_read_folder <- function(DIR_NPLCM){
  use_jags      <- is_jags_folder(DIR_NPLCM)
  # Read data from DIR_NPLCM:
  if (use_jags){
    new_env <- new.env()
    bugs.dat <- as.list(new_env)
    res_nplcm <- coda::read.coda(file.path(DIR_NPLCM,"CODAchain1.txt"),
    for (bugs.variable.name in names(bugs.dat)) {
      assign(bugs.variable.name, bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]])
    bugs.dat <- dget(file.path(DIR_NPLCM,"data.txt"))  
    res_nplcm <- coda::read.coda(file.path(DIR_NPLCM,"coda1.txt"),
    # WinBUGS stores objects with transposition, so need to rev or aperm back:
    for (bugs.variable.name in names(bugs.dat)) {
      if (!is.null(dim(bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]]))) {
        dim(bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]]) <- rev(dim(bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]]))
        bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]] <- aperm(bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]])
      assign(bugs.variable.name, bugs.dat[[bugs.variable.name]])
  model_options  <- dget(file.path(DIR_NPLCM,"model_options.txt"))
  if (!file.exists(file.path(DIR_NPLCM,"data_clean_options.txt"))){
    stop("=='data_clean_options.txt' does not exist in the result folder. Please 'dput' the clean_options in the result folder. ==")
  clean_options  <- dget(file.path(DIR_NPLCM,"data_clean_options.txt"))
  #some data preparation:
  Nd <- bugs.dat$Nd
  Y  <- c(rep(1,Nd))
  Nu <- 0
  if (!is.null(bugs.dat$Nu)){
    Nu <- bugs.dat$Nu
    Y  <- c(rep(1,Nd),rep(0,Nu))
  get_MBS <- function(){
    MBS_nm <- (names(bugs.dat)[grep("MBS_",names(bugs.dat))])
    MBS_nm <- MBS_nm[order(MBS_nm)]
    res <- list()
    for (s in seq_along(MBS_nm)){
      res[[s]] <- as.data.frame(bugs.dat[[MBS_nm[s]]])
      colnames(res[[s]]) <- clean_options$BrS_objects[[s]]$patho
    names(res) <- unlist(lapply(clean_options$BrS_objects,"[[","nm_spec_test"))
  get_MSS <- function(){
    MSS_nm <- (names(bugs.dat)[grep("MSS_",names(bugs.dat))])
    MSS_nm <- MSS_nm[order(MSS_nm)]
    res <- list()
    for (s in seq_along(MSS_nm)){
      res[[s]] <- as.data.frame(bugs.dat[[MSS_nm[s]]])
      colnames(res[[s]]) <- clean_options$SS_objects[[s]]$patho
    names(res) <- unlist(lapply(clean_options$SS_objects,"[[","nm_spec_test"))
  MBS <- MSS <- MGS <- NULL
  if ("BrS" %in% model_options$use_measurements){MBS <- get_MBS()}
  if ("SS" %in% model_options$use_measurements){MSS <- get_MSS()}
  Mobs <- make_list(MBS, MSS, MGS)
  res <- list(bugs.dat = bugs.dat,
              model_options = model_options,
              clean_options = clean_options,
              Nd = Nd,
              Nu = Nu,
              Y  = Y,
              Mobs = Mobs,
              res_nplcm = res_nplcm)

#' get individual prediction (Bayesian posterior)
#' must set `individual.pred = TRUE` in MCMC options (see the example of this 
#' function)
#' @param x an `nplcm` object; it contains the file path `DIR_NPLCM`
#' to where the model results and specifications are stored. The function 
#' first reads a list from this folder by [nplcm_read_folder()]
#' @return a matrix of individual predictions; rows for cases, columns for causes 
#' specified in `model_options$likelihood$cause_list`; See [nplcm()]
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' data(data_nplcm_noreg)
#' cause_list <- LETTERS[1:6]
#' J.BrS      <- 6
#' model_options_no_reg <- list(
#'   likelihood   = list(
#'     cause_list = cause_list,
#'     k_subclass = 2,
#'     Eti_formula = ~-1, # no covariate for the etiology regression
#'     FPR_formula = list(
#'       MBS1 =   ~-1)    # no covariate for the subclass weight regression
#'   ),
#'   use_measurements = c("BrS"), 
#'   # use bronze-standard data only for model estimation.
#'   prior= list(
#'     Eti_prior = overall_uniform(1,cause_list), 
#'     # Dirichlet(1,...,1) prior for the etiology.
#'     TPR_prior  = list(BrS = list(
#'       info  = "informative", # informative prior for TPRs
#'       input = "match_range", 
#'       # specify the informative prior for TPRs by specifying a plausible range.
#'       val = list(MBS1 = list(up =  list(rep(0.99,J.BrS)), 
#'                              # upper ranges: matched to 97.5% quantile of a Beta prior
#'                              low = list(rep(0.55,J.BrS))))
#'       # lower ranges: matched to 2.5% quantile of a Beta prior
#'     )
#'     )
#'   )
#' )     
#' set.seed(1)
#' # include stratification information in file name:
#' thedir    <- paste0(tempdir(),"_no_reg")
#' # create folders to store the model results 
#' dir.create(thedir, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' result_folder_no_reg <- file.path(thedir,paste("results",collapse="_"))
#' thedir <- result_folder_no_reg
#' dir.create(thedir, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' # options for MCMC chains:
#' mcmc_options_no_reg <- list(
#'   debugstatus = TRUE,
#'   n.chains = 1,
#'   n.itermcmc = as.integer(200), 
#'   n.burnin = as.integer(100), 
#'   n.thin = 1,
#'   individual.pred = TRUE, # <- must set to TRUE! 
#'   ppd = FALSE,
#'   result.folder = thedir,
#'   bugsmodel.dir = thedir
#' )
#' BrS_object_1 <- make_meas_object(patho = LETTERS[1:6], 
#'                                  specimen = "MBS", test = "1", 
#'                                  quality = "BrS", cause_list = cause_list)
#' clean_options <- list(BrS_objects = make_list(BrS_object_1))
#' # place the nplcm data and cleaning options into the results folder
#' dput(data_nplcm_noreg,file.path(thedir,"data_nplcm.txt")) 
#' dput(clean_options, file.path(thedir, "data_clean_options.txt"))
#' rjags::load.module("glm")
#' fitted_nplcm_noreg <- nplcm(data_nplcm_noreg,model_options_no_reg,mcmc_options_no_reg)
#' image(get_individual_prediction(fitted_nplcm_noreg))
#' }
#' @export
get_individual_prediction <- function(x){
  read_res <- nplcm_read_folder(x$DIR_NPLCM)
  res_nplcm     <- read_res$res_nplcm
  model_options <- read_res$model_options
  NSAMP         <- nrow(res_nplcm)
  NCAUSE        <- length(model_options$likelihood$cause_list)
  ind_pred_mat  <- matrix(0,nrow=read_res$Nd,ncol=NCAUSE)
  Nd            <- read_res$Nd
  for (i in 1:Nd){
    curr_Icat <- res_nplcm[,grep(paste0("^Icat\\[",i,"\\]"),colnames(res_nplcm))]
    curr_ind_pred_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=NSAMP,ncol=NCAUSE)
    for (iter in 1:NSAMP){
      curr_ind_pred_mat[iter,curr_Icat[iter]] <- 1  
    ind_pred_mat[i,] <- colMeans(curr_ind_pred_mat)
  colnames(ind_pred_mat) <- model_options$likelihood$cause_list

#' get individual data
#' @param i index of individual as appeared in `data_nplcm`
#' @param data_nplcm the data for nplcm; see [nplcm()]
#' @return a list of the same structure as `data_nplcm`; just with one row of values
#' @examples 
#' data(data_nplcm_noreg)
#' get_individual_data(2,data_nplcm_noreg)
#' @export
get_individual_data <- function(i, data_nplcm){
  if (!is.null(data_nplcm$Mobs$MBS)){
    MBS <- vector("list",length = length(data_nplcm$Mobs$MBS))
    names(MBS) <- names(data_nplcm$Mobs$MBS)
    for (s in seq_along(data_nplcm$Mobs$MBS)){
      MBS[[s]] <- data_nplcm$Mobs$MBS[[s]][i,,drop=FALSE]
  if (!is.null(data_nplcm$Mobs$MSS)){
    MSS <- vector("list",length = length(data_nplcm$Mobs$MSS))
    names(MSS) <- names(data_nplcm$Mobs$MSS)
    for (s in seq_along(data_nplcm$Mobs$MSS)){
      MSS[[s]] <- data_nplcm$Mobs$MSS[[s]][i,,drop=FALSE]
  if (!is.null(data_nplcm$Mobs$MGS)){
    MGS <- vector("list",length = length(data_nplcm$Mobs$MGS))
    names(MGS) <- names(data_nplcm$Mobs$MGS)
    for (s in seq_along(data_nplcm$Mobs$MGS)){
      MGS[[s]] <- data_nplcm$Mobs$MGS[[s]][i,,drop=FALSE]
  X <- NULL
  if (!is.null(data_nplcm$X)){
    X <- data_nplcm$X[i,,drop=FALSE]
  Y <- NULL
  if (!is.null(data_nplcm$Y)){
    Y <- data_nplcm$Y[i]
  list(Mobs = list(MBS = MBS, MSS=MSS, MGS=MGS), X=X,Y=Y)

#' See if a result folder is obtained by JAGS
#' @param DIR_NPLCM directory to the folder with results. 
#' "mcmc_options.txt" must be in the folder.
#' @return TRUE for from JAGS; FALSE otherwise.
#' @examples
#' is_jags_folder(tempdir()) # just an illustration.
#' @export
is_jags_folder <- function(DIR_NPLCM){
    expr = {
      mcmc_options = dget(file.path(DIR_NPLCM,"mcmc_options.txt"))
      res = !is.null(mcmc_options$use_jags) && mcmc_options$use_jags
    error = function(e){
      message("[baker] no `mcmc_option.txt` found.")
    warning = function(w){
      message("[baker] no `mcmc_option.txt` found.")
zhenkewu/baker documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 4:20 p.m.