#' Build your lesson site
#' This function orchestrates rendering generated lesson content and applying
#' the theme for the HTML site.
#' @param path the path to your repository (defaults to your current working
#' directory)
#' @param rebuild if `TRUE`, everything will be built from scratch as if there
#' was no cache. Defaults to `FALSE`, which will only build markdown files that
#' haven't been built before.
#' @param quiet when `TRUE`, output is supressed
#' @param preview if `TRUE`, the rendered website is opened in a new window
#' @param override options to override (e.g. building to alternative paths).
#' This is used internally and will likely be changed.
#' @return `TRUE` if it was successful, a character vector of issues if it was
#' unsuccessful.
#' @details
#' ## Structure of a Workbench Lesson
#' A Carpentries Workbench lesson is comprised of a set of markdown files and
#' folders:
#' ```
#' +-- config.yaml
#' +-- index.md
#' +-- episodes
#' | +-- data
#' | +-- fig
#' | +-- files
#' | \-- introduction.Rmd
#' +-- instructors
#' | \-- instructor-notes.md
#' +-- learners
#' | \-- setup.md
#' +-- profiles
#' | \-- learner-profiles.md
#' +-- links.md
#' +-- site
#' \-- [...]
#' +-- renv
#' | \-- [...]
#' +-- LICENSE.md
#' \-- README.md
#' ```
#' @export
#' @seealso [serve()]: an interactive way to build and edit lesson content.
#' @examplesIf sandpaper:::example_can_run()
#' tmp <- tempfile()
#' create_lesson(tmp, open = FALSE, rmd = FALSE)
#' create_episode("first-script", path = tmp, open = FALSE)
#' check_lesson(tmp)
#' build_lesson(tmp)
build_lesson <- function(path = ".", rebuild = FALSE, quiet = !interactive(), preview = TRUE, override = list()) {
# Pre-flight compillation ----------------------------------------------------
# In this part, we need to do a couple of things:
# 1. check that pandoc is present and fail early if it is not
# 2. check if we are only building one file and get its slug to pass to the
# markdown and site functions.
slugpath <- get_build_slug(path, quiet = quiet)
slug <- slugpath$slug
# 3. set the source path global variable so that it can be used throughout the
# build process without explicitly needing to pass a variable from function
# to function, resetting the build path when the function exits (gracefully
# or ungracefully)
path <- slugpath$path
# 4. validate the lesson and set the global values for the lesson.
# This includes the following objects:
# - .store..............the lesson as a pegboard::Lesson object
# - .resources..........a list of markdown resources for the lesson
# - this_metadata.......metadata with template for including in the pages
# - learner_globals.....variables for the learner version of the pages
# - instructor_globals..variables for the instructor version of the pages
validate_lesson(path, quiet = quiet)
# Building the markdown ------------------------------------------------------
# Once we know we have all of the lesson components, we can build the markdown
# sources and store them in `site/built`. Only the markdown sources that have
# changed in content will be rebuilt with `{knitr}`.
built <- build_markdown(path = path, rebuild = rebuild, quiet = quiet, slug = slug)
# Building the HTML ----------------------------------------------------------
# This step uses the contents of `site/built` to build the website in
# `site/docs` with {whisker} and `{pkgdown}`
build_site(path = path, quiet = quiet, preview = preview, override = override, slug = slug, built = built)
# Determine the build slug for lessons with child documents.
# The slug is the name of the file without the path or extension for the
# purposes of building a single file during the `serve()` and `knit` function
# operations.
# For child files, we need to take into account _where_ the child files exist.
# This function loops through the four possibilities of paths that can be passed
# to `build_lesson()`
# 1. a path to a lesson
# 2. the path to an existing source file
# 3. the path to a new source file
# 4. the path to a child file
# This function returns a list with the slug and the cleaned path to the lesson.
get_build_slug <- function(path, quiet = TRUE) {
original_path <- path
not_file <- !fs::is_file(path)
# set the source path and return it
path <- set_source_path(path)
# CASE 1: path is a directory ---------------------------------------------
# The base case: if we are building a directory, we don't need a slug and
# we return early
if (not_file) {
return(list(slug = NULL, path = path))
# CASE 2: path is a source file -------------------------------------------
# get the resource list and make it one big vector (use the stored resource
# list to reduce lookup time)
sources <- .resources$get() %||% get_resource_list(path)
no_extra <- names(sources) %nin% c("files", "fig", "data")
sources <- unlist(sources[no_extra], use.names = FALSE)
# if we find the file in the sources, we can return the original path
if (all(fs::path_file(original_path) %in% fs::path_file(sources))) {
return(list(slug = get_slug(original_path), path = path))
# CASE 3: this is a new source file ---------------------------------------
# load the lesson object and find the children
lsn <- this_lesson(path)
children <- names(lsn$children)
if (length(children) == 0L) {
# no children anywhere so we return the slug of that file
return(list(slug = get_slug(original_path), path = path))
# CASE 4: we have a child file (maybe) ------------------------------------
this_file <- fs::path_abs(original_path, start = path)
if (this_file %in% children) {
# the child exists and we rejoice!
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_info("Found child document: {.path {this_file}}")
parent <- lsn$children[[this_file]]$build_parents
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert("Building parent{?s}: {.path {parent}}")
} else {
# it's a new file that we missed.
parent <- original_path
# if there are MULTIPLE parents, then just rebuild the whole thing
# (slug = NULL) otherwise return the slug
parent <- if (length(parent) > 1L) NULL else get_slug(parent)
return(list(slug = parent, path = path))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.