
#' @title Process module: Background
#' @description Process module to generate random (optionally biased) background
#'   records in cells of the covariate raster and return these along with the
#'   presence only data.
#' @param .data \strong{Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow
#'   function}. \code{.data} is a list of a data frame and a raster object
#'   returned from occurrence modules and covariate modules respectively.
#'   \code{.data} is passed automatically in workflow from the occurrence and
#'   covariate modules to the process module(s) and should not be passed by the
#'   user.
#' @param n the number of background points to sample
#' @param bias optional \code{RasterLayer} with cells giving the relative
#'   probability of a background record being sampled there. Alternatively,
#'   a length one numeric giving a radius (in KM) around presence points to take 
#'   background points from. If \code{bias = NULL} (the default) then no 
#'   biasing is applied, and all non-missing cells are equally likely to be selected.
#' @param seed Numeric used with \code{\link[base]{set.seed}}
#' @author ZOON Developers, Simon Kapitza \email{zoonproject@@gmail.com}
#' @section Version: 1.5
#' @section Date submitted: 2017-11-28 
#' @section Data type: presence-only
#' @name Background
#' @family process

Background <- function (.data, n = 100, bias = NULL, seed = NULL) {
  occurrence <- .data$df
  # Keep attributes
  Atts <- attributes(occurrence)[!names(attributes(occurrence)) %in% c('names', 'class', 'row.names')]
  # check training data
  training_types <- occurrence$type[occurrence$fold != 0]
  if (!all(training_types == 'presence')) {
    stop ('"Background" module only works for presence-only training data')
  # if no bias grid is provided
  if (is.null(bias)) {
    ras <- .data$ras
    prob <- FALSE
  } else if(inherits(bias, 'RasterLayer')) {
    ras <- bias
    prob <- TRUE
  } else {
    # If it's not a raster, it should be a length one numeric
    if (!inherits(bias, 'numeric') | !length(bias) == 1) {
      stop ('bias must be either NULL or a RasterLayer object from the raster package')
    # Take the points and convert them so we can query the raster with them.
    xypoints <- SpatialPoints(.data$df[, c('longitude', 'latitude')], CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84'))

    # Transform points so they match transformation of .data$ras
    transpoints <- sp::spTransform(xypoints, .data$ras[[1]]@crs)

    # Make a raster the same size as .data$ras. Set points in transpoints to 1. Then make circle of 1s around those points.
    r2 <- rasterize(transpoints, .data$ras[[1]], field = 1)
    ras <- raster::buffer(r2, width = bias * 1000)
    # If NA in .data$ras[[1]], make ras NA as well.
    values(ras)[is.na(values(.data$ras[[1]]))] <- rep(NA, sum(is.na(values(.data$ras[[1]]))))
    prob <- TRUE

  # set seed if specified
    if(inherits(x = seed, what = c('numeric', 'integer'))){
    } else {
      stop("'seed' must be numeric or NULL")
  # generate pseudo-absence data
  points <- n
  # check the number
  if (sum(!is.na(getValues(ras))) < n) {
    # find the number of non-na cells in ras
    points <- length(na.omit(getValues(ras)))
    message(sprintf('There are fewer than %i cells in the covariate raster.\nUsing all available cells (%i) instead',

  # generate pseudo-absence data on the grid, possibly biased,
  # suppressing warnings when the number is restricted
  suppressWarnings(pa <- dismo::randomPoints(ras,
                                             prob = prob))
  pa_covs <- as.matrix(raster::extract(.data$ras, pa))
  colnames(pa_covs) <- names(.data$ras)
  df_bg <- data.frame(value = 0,
                      type = "background",
                      fold = 1,
                      longitude = pa[, 1],
                      latitude = pa[, 2],
  # add empty columns for any additional fields (like crs)
  extra_columns <- setdiff(colnames(occurrence), colnames(df_bg))
  if (length(extra_columns) > 0) {
    for (col in extra_columns) {
      new_col <- data.frame(NA)
      names(new_col) <- col
      df_bg <- cbind(df_bg, new_col)
  # combine with the previous data
  df_bg <- df_bg[, colnames(occurrence)]
  df <- rbind(occurrence, df_bg)
  attributes(df) <- c(attributes(df), Atts)
  attr(df, 'covCols') <- names(.data$ras)
  # remove missing values
  if (NROW(na.omit(df)) > 0){
    df <- na.omit(df)

  return (list(df = df, ras = .data$ras))
zoonproject/modules documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:25 p.m.