# #############################################################################
# #############################################################################
#' @importFrom BBmisc normalize
# kNN density function ====
KnnDensity <- function(k, min, max, n, nn.ids.df, nn.dists.df,
numcluster = numcluster, #table.lengths
table.breaks, offset) {
all.densities.list <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(nn.ids.df)) {
## Alternatives for calculating density
## Dist to kth nearest neighbor:
#density.by.knn <- abs(nn.dists.df[i,k])
## Transformed metric from X.shift paper:
#density.by.Xshift <- (1/(n*(longest.dist^d))) * (sum(c(1:k)^d)/sum(compile.dists))^d
## Sum of distances from 1:kth nearest neighbor:
#density.by.knn <- sum(abs(nn.dists.df[i,1:k]))
## Mean of distances from 1:kth nearest neighbor:
density.by.knn <- sum(abs(nn.dists.df[i,1:k]))/k
all.densities.list[[paste(i,".nn", sep='')]] <- density.by.knn
densities.df <- rbind(matrix(unlist(all.densities.list), byrow=T))
normalized.densities <- BBmisc::normalize(densities.df, method = "range", range = c(min, max), margin = 2, on.constant = "quiet")
if (offset == 0) {
names(normalized.densities) <- (1:numcluster)
} else {
names(normalized.densities) <- offset:table.breaks[n + 2]
#Check connectedness for first flowmap ====
FirstConnectSubgraphs <- function(output.graph, edge.list, offset,
table.breaks, n, distance.metric, clusters) {
output.graph <- set.vertex.attribute(output.graph,'name',index=V(output.graph),as.character(1:vcount(output.graph)))
## Identify subgraphs of density-based nearest neighbor graph
subgraphs.ls <- decompose.graph(output.graph)
## Change row names of cluster medians df to have correct indexing
#rownames(clusters) <- c(offset:table.breaks[n + 2])
## Make edge.list a df and change colnames
edge.list <- as.data.frame(edge.list)
colnames(edge.list) <- c("Vertex1", "Vertex2", "Distance")
## Set lists and ind for while loop
y <- 0
graphs.ls <- list()
subgraphs.ls.el <- list()
while (length(subgraphs.ls) >= 2) {
y <- y + 1
## Compute inter-subgraph edges
if (length(get.edgelist(subgraphs.ls[[2]])) != 0) {
print("in loop")
i <- 1
j <- 1
to.add.df <- data.frame()
for (p in 1:length(subgraphs.ls)) {
si.graph <- subgraphs.ls[[p]]
## Prepare df to hold 1 nn from this subraph to other subgraphs
inter.sub.nns.df <- data.frame()
for (m in 1:length(subgraphs.ls)){
# if (m > length(subgraphs.ls)){
# break
# }
if (m == p){
sj.graph <- subgraphs.ls[[m]]
if (distance.metric == 'manhattan') {
print("Manhattan distance no longer supported. Using euclinean distance.")
inter.sub.nns <- RANN::nn2(data = clusters[V(sj.graph)$name,],
k=1, searchtype="priority", eps=0.1)
} else if (distance.metric == 'euclidean') {
inter.sub.nns <- RANN::nn2(data = clusters[V(sj.graph)$name,],
k=1, searchtype="priority", eps=0.1)
## Add nn output to temp df, then bind to full list
temp.inter.sub.nns.df <- data.frame("Vertex1" = V(si.graph)$name)
temp.inter.sub.nns.df <- cbind(temp.inter.sub.nns.df,
colnames(temp.inter.sub.nns.df) <- c("Vertex1", "Vertex2", "Distance")
inter.sub.nns.df <- rbind(inter.sub.nns.df, temp.inter.sub.nns.df)
## Put list of nearest neighbors in order with shortest dist at top
inter.sub.nns.df <- inter.sub.nns.df[order(inter.sub.nns.df$Distance), ]
to.add.df <- rbind(to.add.df, inter.sub.nns.df[1,])
output.graph.update <- graph.empty()
og.el <- get.edgelist(output.graph)
to.add.mat <- as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(data.frame(to.add.df),
function(x) as.character(x))))
vertices.edges <- rbind(og.el[,1:2], to.add.mat[,1:2])
ogw.df <- data.frame()
output.graph.update <- graph_from_edgelist(vertices.edges, directed = FALSE)
ogw.df <- data.frame(E(output.graph)$weight)
ta.df <- data.frame(to.add.df[,3])
colnames(ogw.df)[1] <- "weight"
colnames(ta.df)[1] <- "weight"
ogw.ta.df <- data.frame(rbind(ogw.df, ta.df))
E(output.graph.update)$weight <- ogw.ta.df[,1]
output.graph.update <- set.vertex.attribute(output.graph.update,'name',
as.character(offset:table.breaks[n + 2]))
subgraphs.ls <- decompose.graph(output.graph.update)
subgraphs.el.ls <- list()
for (ind in 1:length(subgraphs.ls)) {
subgraphs.el.ls[[ind]] <- get.edgelist(subgraphs.ls[[ind]])
graphs.ls[[y]] <- output.graph.update
subgraphs.ls.el[[y]] <- subgraphs.el.ls
output.graph <- output.graph.update
## Return edge.list and output.graph as results
colnames(edge.list) <- c("row.inds", "col.inds", "values")
results <- list('output.graph' = output.graph, 'edgelist.with.distances' = edge.list)
# kNN verion of "CheckMSTEdges"
ConnectSubgraphs <- function(output.graph, edge.list, offset,
table.breaks, n, distance.metric, clusters) {
print("in connected")
#Remember starting nrow of edgelist to use for adding new edges to full graph later
orig.nrow.edge.list <- nrow(edge.list)
## Make graph from edge.list (this is to force extra connection to be within self or neighboring time point)
#because edgelist only contains current round, while graph has accumulation of all prior rounds
time.prox.graph <- graph.empty()
edge.list$id_num <- edge.list$id-offset+1 #have to number from 1 so igraph doesnt count all numbers up to vertex "name" number
edge.list$index_num <- edge.list$index-offset+1 #have to number from 1 so igraph doesnt count all numbers up to vertex "name" number
time.prox.graph <- graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(cbind(edge.list$id_num, edge.list$index_num)), directed = FALSE)
E(time.prox.graph)$weight <- edge.list$dist
time.prox.graph <- set.vertex.attribute(time.prox.graph,'name',index=V(time.prox.graph),as.character(offset:table.breaks[n + 2])) #or, edge.list$id
## Identify subgraphs of density-based nearest neighbor graph
subgraphs.ls <- decompose.graph(time.prox.graph)
## Set index for while loop
y <- 0
while (length(subgraphs.ls) >= 2) {
y <- y + 1
## Compute inter-subgraph edges
if (length(get.edgelist(subgraphs.ls[[2]])) != 0) { #decompose.graph() returns list of two, second one empty, when graph is fully connected
print("in loop")
## Change row names of cluster medians df to have correct indexing
rownames(clusters) <- c(offset:table.breaks[n + 2])
## Compute inter-subgraph edges
i <- 1
j <- 1
to.add.df <- data.frame()
for (p in 1:length(subgraphs.ls)) {
si.graph <- subgraphs.ls[[p]]
## Prepare df to hold 1 nn from this subraph to other subgraphs
inter.sub.nns.df <- data.frame()
for (m in 1:length(subgraphs.ls)){
if (m > length(subgraphs.ls)){
if (m == p){
sj.graph <- subgraphs.ls[[m]]
if (distance.metric == 'manhattan') {
print("Manhattan distance no longer supported. Using euclinean distance.")
inter.sub.nns <- RANN::nn2(data = clusters[V(sj.graph)$name,],
k=1, searchtype="priority", eps=0.1)
} else if (distance.metric == 'euclidean') {
inter.sub.nns <- RANN::nn2(data = clusters[V(sj.graph)$name,],
k=1, searchtype="priority", eps=0.1)
## Add nn output to temp df, then bind to full list
temp.inter.sub.nns.df <- data.frame("id" = V(si.graph)$name)
temp.inter.sub.nns.df <- cbind(temp.inter.sub.nns.df,
colnames(temp.inter.sub.nns.df) <- c("id", "index", "dist")
inter.sub.nns.df <- rbind(inter.sub.nns.df, temp.inter.sub.nns.df)
}#for loop
## Put list of nearest neighbors in order with shortest dist at top
inter.sub.nns.df <- inter.sub.nns.df[order(inter.sub.nns.df$dist), ]
to.add.df <- rbind(to.add.df, inter.sub.nns.df[1,])
}#for loop
## Add new edges to edgelist and rebuild full graph
#TODO make this and following three sections into a function, repeated below
to.add.df <- data.frame(lapply(data.frame(to.add.df),function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
to.add.df$id_num <- to.add.df$id-offset+1 #have to number from 1 so igraph doesnt count all numbers up to vertex "name" number
to.add.df$index_num <- to.add.df$index-offset+1 #have to number from 1 so igraph doesnt count all numbers up to vertex "name" number
edge.list <- rbind(edge.list, to.add.df)
## rebuild graph from new updated edgelist
output.graph.update <- graph.empty()
output.graph.update <- graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(edge.list[,c("id_num", "index_num")]), directed = FALSE)
## Add edge weights to graph
E(output.graph.update)$weight <- edge.list$dist
## Add vertex names to edgelist (still only has the two timepoints)
output.graph.update <- set.vertex.attribute(output.graph.update,'name',
as.character(offset:table.breaks[n + 2]))
## Test for connectedness of new graph
subgraphs.ls <- decompose.graph(output.graph.update)
subgraphs.el.ls <- list()
for (ind in 1:length(subgraphs.ls)) {
subgraphs.el.ls[[ind]] <- get.edgelist(subgraphs.ls[[ind]])
else {
break }
## This section adds new edges to full graph
output.graph.update <- graph.empty()
og.el <- get.edgelist(output.graph)
colnames(og.el) <- c("id", "index")
#combine original edges in graph with new edges added here
og.el <- rbind(og.el[,1:2], edge.list[(orig.nrow.edge.list+1):nrow(edge.list),c("id", "index")]) #can use actual numbers bc this has from 1:highest anyway
output.graph.update <- graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(og.el), directed = FALSE)
## Add corresponding new edge weights to full graph
ogu.weights <- c(E(output.graph)$weight, edge.list[(orig.nrow.edge.list+1):nrow(edge.list),"dist"])#combine original weights in graph with new weights added here
E(output.graph.update)$weight <- ogu.weights
##Add vertex names to graph containing all clusters from all timepoints so far
V(output.graph.update)$name <- 1:length(V(output.graph.update))
output.graph <- output.graph.update
##return edge.list and output.graph as results
edgelist.with.distances <- edge.list[,c("id", "index","dist")]
colnames(edgelist.with.distances) <- c("row.inds", "col.inds", "values")
results <- list('output.graph' = output.graph, 'edgelist.with.distances' = edge.list)
DrawNormalizedEdgesKnn <- function(output.graph, nn.ids.df, nn.dists.df,
normalized.densities, n, table.breaks,
offset) {
final.edgelist.with.distances <- c()
knn.indexes <- list()
knn.distances <- list()
for (i in names(normalized.densities)) {
## New not relying on cluster dist matrix
# Set density-based edge number and format as igraph edgelist
tmp.edgelist <- data.frame(cbind(as.numeric(i), as.numeric(nn.ids.df[i,]),as.numeric(nn.dists.df[i,])))#[1:normalized.densities[i],]
colnames(tmp.edgelist) <- c("id","index", "dist")
tmp.el.ord <- tmp.edgelist[with(tmp.edgelist, order(dist)), ] #need this because keeping all edges, just expanding distance for ones that originally would have been dropped ##############################################################################################
if (nrow(tmp.el.ord) > normalized.densities[i]) {
tmp.el.ord$dist[(normalized.densities[i]+1):nrow(tmp.el.ord)] <- (tmp.el.ord$dist[(normalized.densities[i]+1):nrow(tmp.el.ord)])^4
tmp.el.ord <- tmp.el.ord[complete.cases(tmp.el.ord), ]##############################################################################################
final.edgelist.with.distances <- rbind(final.edgelist.with.distances, tmp.el.ord)##############################################################################################
#final.edgelist.with.distances <- rbind(final.edgelist.with.distances, tmp.edgelist)
knn.indexes <- rbind(knn.indexes,tmp.el.ord$index)
knn.distances <- rbind(knn.distances,tmp.el.ord$dist)
#colnames(final.edgelist.with.distances) <- c("row.inds", "col.inds", "values")
## Make df with vertex names, make graph from edge.list df
if (offset == 0) {
output.graph.update <- graph.empty()
vertices.edges <- final.edgelist.with.distances[,1:2]
vertices.edges <- as.matrix(vertices.edges)
output.graph.update <- graph_from_edgelist(vertices.edges, directed = FALSE)
E(output.graph.update)$weight <- final.edgelist.with.distances[,3]
} else {
output.graph.update <- graph.empty()
#vertices.edges <- get.edgelist(output.graph)
#vertices.edges <- rbind(vertices.edges, final.edgelist.with.distances[,1:2])
vertices.edges <- data.frame(get.edgelist(output.graph))##############################################################################################
vertices.edges <- data.table::rbindlist(list(vertices.edges, final.edgelist.with.distances[,1:2]), use.names = FALSE)##############################################################################################
print("vert edge rbind")
vertices.edges <- as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(data.frame(vertices.edges), function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))))
output.graph.update <- graph_from_edgelist(vertices.edges, directed = FALSE)
ogw.df <- data.frame()
ogw.df <- data.frame(E(output.graph)$weight)
fewd.df <- data.frame(final.edgelist.with.distances[,3])
colnames(ogw.df)[1] <- "weight"
colnames(fewd.df)[1] <- "weight"
ogw.fewd.df <- data.frame(rbind(ogw.df, fewd.df))
E(output.graph.update)$weight <- ogw.fewd.df[,1]
V(output.graph.update)$name <- 1:length(V(output.graph.update))
results <- list('output.graph' = output.graph.update,
'edgelist.with.distances' = final.edgelist.with.distances,
'indexes' = knn.indexes,
'distances' = knn.distances)
BaseBuildKNN <- function(clusters, table.breaks, offset, n, k, min, max,
output.graph, edgelist.save, distance.metric) {
## Find k+1 nearest neighbors
cat(paste0("Clusters length:", as.character(dim(clusters)[1]), "\n"))
if (k < max) {
cat(paste0("Input k (",k,") less than max edge number (",max,") -- changing k to max edge number"))
k <- max
if (distance.metric == 'manhattan') {
cat("Manhattan distance no longer supported. Using euclinean distance.\n")
nns <- RANN::nn2(data=clusters, k=k+1, searchtype="priority", eps=0.1) #k=k+1
} else if (distance.metric == 'euclidean') {
nns <- RANN::nn2(data=clusters, k=k+1, searchtype="priority", eps=0.1) #k=k+1
temp_nnids.df <- as.data.frame(nns$nn.idx)
temp_nndists.df <- as.data.frame(nns$nn.dists)
nn.ids.df <- temp_nnids.df[,2:length(temp_nnids.df)]
nn.dists.df <- temp_nndists.df[,2:length(temp_nndists.df)]
## Correctly index the edges at each sequential step
if (offset > 0) {
cat(paste0("In BaseBuildKNN, offset = ", as.character(offset), "\n"))
cat(paste0("In BaseBuildKNN, table.breaks[n + 2] = ", as.character(table.breaks[n + 2]), "\n"))
row.names(nn.ids.df) <- offset:table.breaks[n + 2]
nn.ids.df[] <- lapply(nn.ids.df, function(x) x+table.breaks[n])
row.names(nn.dists.df) <- offset:table.breaks[n + 2]
numcluster <- nrow(clusters)
## Calculate density at each vertex based on kNN
normalized.densities <- KnnDensity(k=k, min, max, n=n,
nn.ids.df = nn.ids.df,
nn.dists.df = nn.dists.df,
numcluster = numcluster,
table.breaks = table.breaks,
offset = offset)
## Build new edgelist with N edges for each cluster based on normalized density
results <- DrawNormalizedEdgesKnn(output.graph = output.graph,
nn.ids.df = nn.ids.df,
nn.dists.df = nn.dists.df,
normalized.densities = normalized.densities,
n = n, table.breaks = table.breaks, offset = offset)
output.graph <- results$output.graph
edgelist.save <- results$edgelist.with.distances
knn.indexes <- results$indexes
knn.distances <- results$distances
## Test whether graph is connected, connect by kNN if not
if (!is_connected(output.graph)) {
print("Graph has disconnected components!")
if (offset == 0) {
results <- FirstConnectSubgraphs(output.graph = output.graph,
edge.list = edgelist.save,
offset = offset,
table.breaks = table.breaks,
n = n,
distance.metric = distance.metric,
clusters = clusters)
} else if (offset > 0) {
results <- ConnectSubgraphs(output.graph = output.graph,
edge.list = edgelist.save,
offset = offset,
table.breaks = table.breaks,
n = n,
distance.metric = distance.metric,
clusters = clusters)
output.graph <- results$output.graph
edgelist.save <- results$edgelist.with.distances
}#end if
return(list("output.graph" = output.graph,
'indexes' = knn.indexes,
'distances' = knn.distances))
BuildFirstFLOWMAPkNN <- function(FLOWMAP.clusters, k, min, max, distance.metric,
clustering.var) {
## This section creates a flowmap for the first time point
cat("Building first FLOWMAP:\n")
## Read in info from FLOWMAP.clusters
table.lengths <- FLOWMAP.clusters$table.lengths
table.breaks <- c(0, FLOWMAP.clusters$table.breaks)
clusters <- FLOWMAP.clusters$full.clusters[1:table.lengths[1], ]
clusters <- subset(clusters, select = clustering.var)
output.graph <- graph.empty()
results <- BaseBuildKNN(clusters=clusters,table.breaks=table.breaks, offset=0, n=0,
output.graph=output.graph, k=k, min=min, max=max,
BuildFLOWMAPkNN <- function(FLOWMAP.clusters, k, min, max,
distance.metric, clustering.var) {
## Build graph from first timepoint
first.results <- BuildFirstFLOWMAPkNN(FLOWMAP.clusters = FLOWMAP.clusters,
k = k, min = min, max = max,
distance.metric = distance.metric,
clustering.var = clustering.var)
output.graph <- first.results$output.graph
knn.indexes <- list()
knn.distances <- list()
knn.indexes[[1]] <- first.results$indexes #
knn.distances[[1]] <- first.results$distances #
## Read in info for indexing timepoint clusters from FLOWMAP.clusters
table.lengths <- FLOWMAP.clusters$table.lengths
table.breaks <- c(0, FLOWMAP.clusters$table.breaks)
## This section builds the flowmap one timepoint at a time for subsequent timepoints
for (n in 1:(length(FLOWMAP.clusters$cluster.medians) - 1)) {
## Offset value is used to correctly index the edges at each sequential step
offset <- table.breaks[n] + 1
cat(paste0("Starting next round, offset = ", as.character(offset), "\n"))
## Go through sequential cluster sets, add edges for each a-a and a-a+1 set
cat(paste0("Building FLOWMAP from", n, "to", n + 1, "\n"))
## Get clusters for time a and a+1
clusters <- rbind(FLOWMAP.clusters$cluster.medians[[n]], FLOWMAP.clusters$cluster.medians[[n + 1]])
clusters <- subset(clusters, select = clustering.var)
results <- BaseBuildKNN(clusters=clusters, table.breaks=table.breaks, offset=offset,
output.graph=output.graph,n=n, k=k, min=min, max=max,
output.graph <- results$output.graph
#output.graph <- simplify(output.graph) ### TEMP FOR TESTING!!!!!
#First fill in new connections from cells in previous timepoint
knn.indexes[[n]] <- data.frame(cbind(knn.indexes[[n]],results$indexes[1:table.lengths[n],])) #to make cols for adding connections back from second timepoint
knn.distances[[n]] <- data.frame(cbind(knn.distances[[n]],results$distances[1:table.lengths[n],])) #(nrow(results$indexes)/2) dplyr::bind_cols
#Then add for cells in new timepoint
#knn.indexes[[n+1]] <- results$indexes[1:(nrow(results$indexes)/2),]
knn.indexes[[n+1]] <- results$indexes[(table.lengths[n]+1):nrow(results$indexes),]
knn.distances[[n+1]] <- results$distances[(table.lengths[n]+1):nrow(results$distances),]
# PREP KNN FOR OUTPUT ####################################### (should probably be simplified in the future, but works so ok for now)
#make final timepoint data frame as well
knn.indexes[[n+1]] <- data.frame(knn.indexes[[n+1]]) #make final timepoint a dataframe so it doesnt mess up below processing
knn.distances[[n+1]] <- data.frame(knn.distances[[n+1]])
## Remove duplicate connections====
keep_ind = lapply(knn.indexes, function(y) apply(y,1,function(x){
to.keep <- c()
for (i in unique(x)) {
to.keep <- rbind(to.keep, head(which(x==i),1))
knn.ind.sim <- lapply(1:(length(keep_ind)-1), function(x) {
knn.indexes.keep <- c()
for (i in 1:length(keep_ind[[x]])){
knn.indexes.keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(knn.indexes.keep,knn.indexes[[x]][i,keep_ind[[x]][[i]]])
knn.ind.sim <- dplyr::bind_rows(knn.ind.sim,knn.indexes[[length(knn.indexes)]]) #join into one data frame
knn.dist.sim <- lapply(1:(length(keep_ind)-1), function(x) {
knn.distances.keep <- c()
for (i in 1:length(keep_ind[[x]])){
knn.distances.keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(knn.distances.keep,knn.distances[[x]][i,keep_ind[[x]][[i]]])
knn.dist.sim <- dplyr::bind_rows(knn.dist.sim,knn.distances[[length(knn.distances)]]) #join into one data frame
knn.out <- list("indexes" = knn.ind.sim, "distances" = knn.dist.sim)
print("processing knn output")
for(i in 1:ncol(knn.out$indexes)) knn.out$indexes[sapply(knn.out$indexes[,i], is.null),i] <- 0 #replace null index with 0 (so 'unlist' maintains full dim)
for(i in 1:ncol(knn.out$distances)) knn.out$distances[sapply(knn.out$distances[,i], is.null),i] <- 10000 #replace null dist with high dist
knn.out$indexes <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(knn.out$indexes), nrow=length(unlist(knn.out$indexes[1])))) #unnest
knn.out$distances <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(knn.out$distances), nrow=length(unlist(knn.out$distances[1])))) #unnest
dist_order = t(apply(knn.out$distances, 1, order))
for(i in 1:nrow(knn.out$indexes)) knn.out$indexes[i,] <- knn.out$indexes[i,dist_order[i,]] #order indexes by increasing distance (necessary to incorporate second timepoint connections into overall order)
for(i in 1:nrow(knn.out$distances)) knn.out$distances[i,] <- knn.out$distances[i,][dist_order[i,]] #increasing order distances
knn.out$indexes <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(knn.out$indexes), nrow=length(unlist(knn.out$indexes[1]))))
knn.out$distances <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(knn.out$distances), nrow=length(unlist(knn.out$distances[1]))))
print("finished processing knn output")
# PREP GRAPH FOR OUTPUT #######################################
output.graph.final <- graph.empty()
vertices.edges <- get.edgelist(output.graph)
vertices.edges <- as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(data.frame(vertices.edges), function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))))
output.graph.final <- graph_from_edgelist(vertices.edges, directed = FALSE)
E(output.graph.final)$weight <- unlist(lapply(E(output.graph)$weight, function(x) 1/as.numeric(x)))
output.graph.final <- AnnotateGraph(output.graph = output.graph.final,
FLOWMAP.clusters = FLOWMAP.clusters)
## Remove duplicates and self-edges
output.graph.final.simplified <- simplify(output.graph.final)
return(list("output.graph" = output.graph.final.simplified,
"knn.out" = knn.out))
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