readNWISuv: Instantaneous value data retrieval from USGS (NWIS)

View source: R/readNWISunit.R

readNWISuvR Documentation

Instantaneous value data retrieval from USGS (NWIS)


Imports data from NWIS web service. This function gets the data from here: Inputs to this function are just USGS site ids, USGS parameter codes, and start and end date. For a more complex query, use readNWISdata, including an arguement service="uv". Not all parameter codes are available for all data. Use the function whatNWISdata to discover what data is available for a USGS site. The column data_type_cd with the values "uv" returned from whatNWISdata) are available from this service.


readNWISuv(siteNumbers, parameterCd, startDate = "", endDate = "", tz = "UTC")



character USGS site number (or multiple sites). This is usually an 8 digit number


character USGS parameter code. This is usually an 5 digit number.


character starting date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Default is "" which indicates retrieval for the earliest possible record. Simple date arguments are specified in local time. See more information here:


character ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Default is "" which indicates retrieval for the latest possible record. Simple date arguments are specified in local time. See more information here:


character to set timezone attribute of dateTime. Default is "UTC", and converts the date times to UTC, properly accounting for daylight savings times based on the data's provided tz_cd column. Possible values to provide are "America/New_York", "America/Chicago", "America/Denver", "America/Los_Angeles", "America/Anchorage", as well as the following which do not use daylight savings time: "America/Honolulu", "America/Jamaica", "America/Managua", "America/Phoenix", and "America/Metlakatla". See also OlsonNames() for more information on time zones.


More information on the web service can be found here:, choosing the "Instantaneous Value Service".


A data frame with the following columns:

Name Type Description
agency_cd character The NWIS code for the agency reporting the data
site_no character The USGS site number
dateTime POSIXct The date and time of the value converted to UTC
tz_cd character The time zone code for dateTime
code character Any codes that qualify the corresponding value
value numeric The numeric value for the parameter

Note that code and value are repeated for the parameters requested. The names are of the form: X_D_P_S, where X is literal, D is an option description of the parameter, P is the parameter code, and S is the statistic code (if applicable).

There are also several useful attributes attached to the data frame:

Name Type Description
url character The url used to generate the data
siteInfo data.frame A data frame containing information on the requested sites
variableInfo data.frame A data frame containing information on the requested parameters
statisticInfo data.frame A data frame containing information on the requested statistics on the data
queryTime POSIXct The time the data was returned

See Also

renameNWISColumns, importWaterML1


site_id <- "05114000"
parameterCd <- "00060"
startDate <- "2014-10-10"
endDate <- "2014-10-10"

rawData <- readNWISuv(site_id, parameterCd, startDate, endDate)

rawData_today <- readNWISuv(site_id, parameterCd, Sys.Date(), Sys.Date())

timeZoneChange <- readNWISuv(
  c("04024430", "04024000"), parameterCd,
  "2013-11-03", "2013-11-03"

centralTime <- readNWISuv(site_id, parameterCd,
  "2014-10-10T12:00", "2014-10-10T23:59",
  tz = "America/Chicago"

# Adding 'Z' to the time indicates to the web service to call the data with UTC time:
GMTdata <- readNWISuv(
  site_id, parameterCd,
  "2014-10-10T00:00Z", "2014-10-10T23:59Z"

dataRetrieval documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:13 p.m.