Defines functions BAPC

Documented in BAPC

BAPC <- function(APCList,  predict = list(npredict = 0, retro = TRUE), 
                      model=list(age=list(model="rw2", prior="loggamma", param=c(1, 0.00005), initial=4, scale.model=FALSE), 
                      period=list(include=TRUE, model="rw2", prior="loggamma", param=c(1, 0.00005), initial=4, scale.model=FALSE),
                      cohort=list(include=TRUE, model="rw2", prior="loggamma", param=c(1, 0.00005), initial=4, scale.model=FALSE),
                      overdis=list(include=TRUE, model="iid", prior="loggamma", param=c(1, 0.005), initial=4)),
                      secondDiff=FALSE, stdweight=NULL, verbose=FALSE){

    if(length(stdweight) != nage(APCList))
        stop("\n\n\tThe weight vector for age-standardization is not of correct length!\n")
  if(!is.null(stdweight) & (sum(stdweight)!= 1)){
    cat("\n\n\tCaution: Your age-specific weights were normalised so that they sum to one.\n")
  if(predict$npredict < 0){
    stop("\n\n\tThe argument npredict must be an integer larger or equal to zero\n")
    stop("\n\n\tThe argument secondDiff must be either TRUE or FALSE\n")
    stop("\n\n\tThe argument verbose must be either TRUE or FALSE\n")
  model$age <- .checkmodel(model$age)
  model$period <- .checkmodel(model$period)
  model$cohort <- .checkmodel(model$cohort)
  model$overdis <- .checkoverdis(model$overdis)

  APCList@npred <- predict$npredict

  # number of a  data.inla <- data.frame(y=y, n=n, i=i, j=j, k=k, z=z)
  I <- nage(APCList)
  # number of periods
  J <- nperiod(APCList)
  # number of cohorts
  K <- ncohort(APCList)

  y <- APCList@epi
  # retrospective prediction
  if(predict$npredict > 0){
          y <- epi(APCList)
          y[(J-predict$npredict + 1):J, ] <- NA
          y <- c(y)
  n <- APCList@pyrs
  # age index
  i <- ageindex(APCList)
  # period index
  j <- periodindex(APCList)
  # cohort index
  k <- cohortindex(APCList)
  # overdispersion parameter
  z <- overdisindex(APCList)

  # data frame for inla
  data.inla <- data.frame(y=y, n=n, i=i, j=j, k=k, z=z)

  # formula object
  formula <- paste("y ~ f(i, model=\"", model$age$model , "\", 
        hyper=list(prec=list(prior=\"", model$age$prior, "\", param=c(", model$age$param[1], ",", model$age$param[2], "), 
            initial=", model$age$initial, ")), constr=T, scale.model=", model$age$scale.model, ")", sep="")

    if(model$period$model != "drift"){
    formula <- paste(formula, paste("f(j, model=\"", model$period$model , "\", 
        hyper=list(prec=list(prior=\"", model$period$prior, "\", param=c(", model$period$param[1], ",", model$period$param[2], "), 
        initial=", model$period$initial, ")), scale.model=", model$period$scale.model, ")", sep=""), collapse="+", sep="+")
    } else {
      formula <- paste(formula, "j", collapse="+", sep="+")
    if(model$cohort$model != "drift"){
    formula <- paste(formula, paste("f(k, model=\"", model$cohort$model , "\", 
        hyper=list(prec=list(prior=\"", model$cohort$prior, "\", param=c(", model$cohort$param[1], ",", model$cohort$param[2], "), 
        initial=", model$cohort$initial, ")), scale.model=", model$cohort$scale.model, ")", sep=""), collapse="+", sep="+")
    } else {
        formula <- paste(formula, "k", collapse="+", sep="+")
        formula <- paste(formula, paste("f(z, model=\"", model$overdis$model , "\", 
        hyper=list(prec=list(prior=\"", model$overdis$prior, "\", param=c(", model$overdis$param[1], ",", model$overdis$param[2], "), 
        initial=", model$overdis$initial, ")))", sep=""), collapse="+", sep="+")
    # make linear combinations which are the nPred linear predictors
    len <- length(y)
    p <- matrix(NA, len, len)
    diag(p) <- 1
    lincomb <- INLA::inla.make.lincombs(Predictor=p)
    names(lincomb) <- unlist(strsplit(sprintf("lc%.6f", 1:len/10000), ".", fixed=T))[seq(2, 2*len, 2)]
    config <- TRUE
  } else {
    lincomb <- NULL
    config <- TRUE
    # define linear combinations for the second differences
    # AGE
    for(l in 3:I) 
      idx <- rep(NA, I)
      idx[c(l, l-1, l-2)] <- c(1,-2,1)
      lc <- INLA::inla.make.lincomb(i=idx)
      names(lc) <- paste("diff_i.", .num(l, width=4), sep="")
      lincomb <- c(lincomb, lc)
    # PERIOD
    for(l in 3:J)
      idx <- rep(NA, J)
      idx[c(l, l-1, l-2)] <- c(1,-2, 1)
      lc <- INLA::inla.make.lincomb(j=idx)
      names(lc) <- paste("diff_j.", .num(l, width=4), sep="")
      lincomb <- c(lincomb, lc)
    # COHORT
    for(l in 3:K)
      idx <- rep(NA, K)
      idx[c(l, l-1, l-2)] <- c(1,-2, 1)
      lc <- INLA::inla.make.lincomb(k=idx)
      names(lc) <- paste("diff_k.", .num(l, width=4), sep="")
      lincomb <- c(lincomb, lc)

  res <- INLA::inla(as.formula(formula), family="Poisson", data=data.inla, E=n, 
      control.predictor=list(compute=TRUE, link=1),
      #quantiles=c(0.025, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.975),
      control.compute=list(config=config, dic=TRUE, cpo=TRUE,
  inlares(APCList) <- res

#   lambda=sapply(1:(I*J), function(i){INLA::inla.emarginal(function(x){exp(x)}, res$marginals.linear.predictor[[i]])})
#   lambda2=sapply(1:(I*J), function(i){INLA::inla.emarginal(function(x){exp(x)^2}, res$marginals.linear.predictor[[i]])})
#   # variance of lambda
#   slambda = lambda2 - lambda^2

  lambda = res$summary.fitted.values$mean
  # variance of lambda
  slambda = (res$summary.fitted.values$sd)^2
  # mean of the predictive distribution
  mu = n*lambda
  # variance of the predictive distribution
  sig = mu + n^2*slambda

  mu_m = matrix(mu, ncol=I, nrow=J, byrow=F)
  ##  lci_m = matrix(mu-1.96*sqrt(sig), ncol=I, nrow=J, byrow=F)
  # lci_m = matrix(qnorm(0.025, mean=mu, sd=sqrt(sig)), ncol=I, nrow=J, byrow=F)
  # do not allow for negative projection rates and set them to zero instead
  #lci_m[lci_m < 0] = 0
  ##uci_m = matrix(mu+1.96*sqrt(sig), ncol=I, nrow=J, byrow=F)
  #uci_m = matrix(qnorm(0.975, mean=mu, sd=sqrt(sig)), ncol=I, nrow=J, byrow=F)
  sd_m = matrix(sqrt(sig), ncol=I, nrow=J, byrow=F)

  #inlaq <- t(sapply(1:(I*J), function(i){INLA::inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.975), res$marginals.linear.predictor[[i]])}))
  #pre <- exp(inlaq)
  #pre <- cbind("0.025Q"=pre[,1], "mean"=lambda, "0.975Q"=pre[,2], "sd"=sqrt(slambda))
  pre <- cbind("mean"=lambda, "sd"=sqrt(slambda))
  agespec.rate(APCList) <- lapply(1:I, function(m){tmp=pre[((m-1)*J+1):(m*J),]
  names(agespec.rate(APCList)) <- agelabels(APCList)
  #agespec.proj(APCList) <- lapply(1:I, function(m){tmp=cbind("0.025Q"=lci_m[,m], "mean"=mu_m[,m], "0.975Q"=uci_m[,m], "sd"=sd_m[,m]);
  #   rownames(tmp)=plab
  #   return(tmp)})
  agespec.proj(APCList) <- lapply(1:I, function(m){tmp=cbind("mean"=mu_m[,m], "sd"=sd_m[,m]);
  names(agespec.proj(APCList)) <- agelabels(APCList)


    stdweight(APCList) <- stdweight
    my.wm <- matrix(rep(stdweight, each=J), byrow=F, nrow=J)
    stdobs(APCList)=rowSums(my.wm * epi(APCList)/pyrs(APCList), na.rm=T)*rowSums(pyrs(APCList))

    idx.sort <- sort(res$summary.lincomb.derived$ID[1:(I*J)], index.return=T)$ix
    lc <- res$summary.lincomb.derived[idx.sort,]

    mcor <- res$misc$lincomb.derived.correlation.matrix[1:(I*J), 1:(I*J)]
    if(sum(colnames(mcor)!=rownames(mcor)) > 0){

    mcor.idx <- sort(as.numeric(colnames(mcor)), index.return=T)$ix
    mcor <- mcor[mcor.idx,]
    mcor <- mcor[, mcor.idx]

    if(sum(colnames(mcor) != rownames(lc)) > 0){

    # get the covariance matrix for the linear combinations
    mcov <- .cor2cov(mcor, lc$sd)
    # use the multivariate delta rule to get the covariance matrix
    # for exp(linear combinations)
    D_matrix <- diag(exp(lc$mean))
    mcov_exp <- D_matrix %*% mcov %*% t(D_matrix)

    w_matrix <- matrix(0, ncol=(I*J), nrow=J)
    for(m in 1:J){
        w_matrix[m, j==m] <- stdweight
    ## get the variances of the age standardize quantities
    my_sd <- sqrt(diag(w_matrix %*% mcov_exp %*% t(w_matrix)))

    mi <- res$marginals.lincomb.derived[idx.sort]

    #new_mean <- matrix(sapply(1:(I*J), function(u){inla.emarginal(function(y){exp(y)}, mi[[u]])}), nrow=J, byrow=F)
    new_mean <- exp(lc$mean)
    my.wm <- matrix(rep(stdweight, each=J), byrow=F, nrow=J)
    new_mean <- rowSums(my.wm*new_mean)
    ##new_l <- (new_mean - 1.96*my_sd) 
    ##new_u <- (new_mean + 1.96*my_sd) 
    #new_l <- qnorm(0.025, mean=new_mean, sd=my_sd)
    #new_u <- qnorm(0.975, mean=new_mean, sd=my_sd)

    #tmp = cbind("0.025Q"=new_l, "mean"=new_mean, "0.975Q"=new_u, "sd"=my_sd)
    tmp = cbind("mean"=new_mean, "sd"=my_sd)
    rownames(tmp) = plab
    agestd.rate(APCList) <- tmp
    agg.n <- rowSums(pyrs(APCList))
    agg.mean <- agg.n * new_mean
    agg.std <- sqrt(agg.mean + agg.n^2*my_sd^2)
    #tmp = cbind("0.025Q"=agg.mean-1.96*agg.std, "mean"=agg.mean,
    #    "0.975Q"=agg.mean+1.96*agg.std, "sd"=agg.std)
    tmp = cbind("mean"=agg.mean, "sd"=agg.std)
    rownames(tmp) = plab
    agestd.proj(APCList) <- tmp


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BAPC documentation built on March 23, 2022, 3 p.m.