
Defines functions exportTable summaryTable

Documented in exportTable summaryTable

summaryTable <- function(template, output = NULL,
	datatable = NULL, latex = FALSE, sep = NULL, ...){
	# Generates a summary table from a data.table and a
	# template stating what text to include in the table
	# If the output is a .tex file, all the formatting
	# functions use LaTeX output
	# Arguments: template = a character matrix or
	#                tab or comma-delimited file
	#                containing instructions on how to
	#                construct the table. If comma separated,
	#                the extension must be .CSV
	#            output = output file name
	#            datatable = a data.table contains the
	#                data to be summarised (or it can be
	#                written in the template)
	#            ... = additional arguments to send to
	#                exportTable

	# Format of template:
	# The first column should state whether a
	# horizontal line should be drawn below this row (1 / 0)
	# or 1 / blank or TRUE / FALSE

	if (is.character(template) & length(template) == 1){
		if (is.null(sep)){
			sep <- findDelimiter(template)
		temp <- as.matrix(read.delim(template, header = FALSE,
			sep = sep, as.is = TRUE))
	} else {
		temp <- as.matrix(template)
	# Name of data.table - use DT as the alias in this function
	if (is.null(datatable)){
		DT <- NULL
		try(DT <- get(temp[1, 2], envir=.GlobalEnv))
	} else {
		DT <- datatable
	if (!is.data.table(DT)){
		stop('Not a data.table')

	# Initialise the output to be the same as the template
	out <- temp
	# Cycling through columns
	for (j in 3:ncol(temp)){
		# Cycling through rows
		if (temp[1, j] != '<text>'){
			if (temp[1, j] == ''){
				# include all observations
				subset_expr <- expression(TRUE)
			} else {
				subset_expr <- parse(text = temp[1, j])
			thetext <- ''
			for (i in 2:nrow(temp)){
				if (temp[i, 2] == '<text>'){
					# this row contains text only, so keep as is
				} else {
					# the row might contain a function
					if (temp[i, j] == '.'){
						# use previous function
					} else {
						thetext <- temp[i, j]
					if (grepl('\\($', thetext)){
						# this is a function with an argument
						# the argument is in column 2
						# try to evaluate expression (hide errors)
						capture.output(try(out[i, j] <- DT[eval(subset_expr),
							eval(parse(text = thetext %&% temp[i, 2] %&% ')'))]),
							type = 'message') -> hide
					} else {
						capture.output(try(out[i, j] <- DT[eval(subset_expr),
							eval(parse(text = thetext))]),
							type = 'message') -> hide
	# Remove the first column and first two rows from the output
	out <- out[2:nrow(out), 3:ncol(out)]
	# Locate the horizontal lines
	hline <- which(temp[, 1] %in% c('1', 'T', 'TRUE')) - 1

	if (is.null(output)){
		if (latex == FALSE){
		} else {
			exportTable(out, hline.after = hline, ...)
	} else if (grepl('tex$|TEX$', output) | latex == TRUE){
		# output to LaTeX (returns an xtable object)
		exportTable(out, filename = output,
			hline.after = hline, ...)
	} else if (grepl('CSV$|csv$', output)) {
		# output to CSV file
		write.table(out, file = output, sep = ',', 
			row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

exportTable <- function(data, filename = NULL, align = 'l', 
	include.rownames = FALSE, include.colnames = FALSE,
	sanitize.text.function = 'default', 
	blank = '$-$', digits = 3, booktabs = FALSE, ...){
	# Export a LaTeX table to filename
	# Columns which state multicolumn get converted to multicolumn
	sanitize <- function(x){
		x[is.na(x)] <- ''
		temp <- gsub('_', '\\\\_', x)
		temp <- gsub('\\\\\\\\_', '\\\\_', temp)
		temp <- gsub('&', '\\\\&', temp)
		temp <- gsub('\\\\\\\\&', '\\\\&', temp)
		temp <- gsub('%', '\\\\%', temp)
		temp <- gsub('\\\\\\\\%', '\\\\%', temp)
		temp <- gsub('<', '\\\\textless ', temp)
		temp <- gsub('>', '\\\\textgreater ', temp)
	is.wholenumber <-	function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5){
		abs(x - round(x)) < tol
	# Convert numeric to character, and LaTeXify
	for (i in 1:ncol(data)){
		if (is.numeric(data[,i])){
			if (all(is.wholenumber(data[,i]), na.rm = TRUE)){
				# don't do any formatting - keep them as whole numbers
				data[,i] <- as.character(round(data[,i]))
			} else {
				data[,i] <- sapply(data[,i], function(x){
					temp <- '$' %&% sub('e-([[:digit:]]*)', '\\\\times 10^{-\\1}',
						format(x, scientific = 4, nsmall = 1, digits = digits)) %&% '$'
					if (temp == '$Inf$') {temp <- '$\\infty$'}
					if (temp %in% c('$NA$', '$NaN$')) {temp <- blank}
		} else {
			# Sanitize text if not already done so
			use <- !istrue(substr(data[,i], 1, 1)=='$')
			if (sanitize.text.function == 'default'){
				data[use,i] <- sanitize(data[use,i])

	# Set up sanitize.text.function for xtable
	if (sanitize.text.function == 'default'){
		sanitize.text.function <- function(x) {x}
	# Alignment
	if (length(align) < (ncol(data) + 1)){
		# align must have an additional element for row.names
		# in the xtable function. We assume align is a vector rather
		# than a single character vector
		if (include.rownames == FALSE & length(align) == ncol(data)){	
			align <- c('l', align)
		# repeat last character if not enough align characters
		align = c(align, rep(align[length(align)], ncol(data)))
	# Truncate align to the correct length
	align <- align[1:(ncol(data) + 1)]

	invisible(capture.output(x <- print(xtable(data, align = align), 
		floating = FALSE,
		sanitize.text.function = sanitize.text.function,
		include.colnames = include.colnames,
		include.rownames = include.rownames,
		sanitize.rownames.function = sanitize,
		sanitize.colnames.function = sanitize, ...)))
	# replace MULTI1l with \multicolumn{1}{l} ...
	# replace MULTI2c with \multicolumn{2}{c} ... (and remove one &)
	x <- gsub('MULTI1([lrc])([^&]*)', '\\\\multicolumn{1}{\\1}{\\2}', x)
	x <- gsub('MULTI2([lrc])([^&]*)&', '\\\\multicolumn{2}{\\1}{\\2}', x)
	for (i in 3:9){
		replacement <- '\\\\multicolumn{' %&% i %&% '}{\\1}{\\2}'
		pattern <- 'MULTI' %&% i %&% '([lrc])([^&]*)&' %&%
			paste(rep('[[:space:]]+&', i-2), collapse='')
		x <- gsub(pattern, replacement, x)
	if (booktabs){
		# Convert \hline to \toprule, \midrule, \bottomrule
		x <- strsplit(x, '\\\\hline')[[1]]
		# paste back using \toprule, \midrule etc.
		x <- x[1] %&% '\\toprule' %&% 
			paste(x[2:(length(x) - 1)], collapse = '\\midrule') %&% 
			'\\bottomrule' %&% x[length(x)]
	if (is.null(filename)){
	} else {
		write(x, file=filename)

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CALIBERdatamanage documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 3 p.m.