
Defines functions build.diagonal.model build.input.models genMineData tfplot.TSestModelEstEval roots.TSestModelEstEval coef.TSestModelEstEval print.summary.TSestModelEstEval summary.TSestModelEstEval tfplot.TSmodelEstEval roots.TSmodelEstEval coef.TSmodelEstEval print.summary.TSmodelEstEval summary.TSmodelEstEval TSestModel.coefEstEval TSmodel.coefEstEval distribution.coefEstEval roots.coefEstEval tfplot.coefEstEval print.summary.coefEstEval summary.coefEstEval distribution.rootsEstEval roots.rootsEstEval plot.rootsEstEval tfplot.rootsEstEval print.summary.rootsEstEval summary.rootsEstEval tfplot.EstEval print.summary.EstEval summary.EstEval print.EstEval testEqual.EstEval is.EstEval EstEval distribution.MonteCarloSimulations distribution.default distribution.TSdata distribution tfplot.MonteCarloSimulations print.summary.MonteCarloSimulations summary.MonteCarloSimulations testEqual.MonteCarloSimulations seriesNamesInput.MonteCarloSimulations seriesNamesOutput.MonteCarloSimulations Tobs.MonteCarloSimulations tframe.MonteCarloSimulations nseriesInput.MonteCarloSimulations nseriesOutput.MonteCarloSimulations print.MonteCarloSimulations is.MonteCarloSimulations MonteCarloSimulations.TSmodel MonteCarloSimulations.MonteCarloSimulations MonteCarloSimulations.EstEval MonteCarloSimulations.TSestModel MonteCarloSimulations generateSSmodel

Documented in build.diagonal.model build.input.models coef.TSestModelEstEval coef.TSmodelEstEval distribution distribution.coefEstEval distribution.default distribution.MonteCarloSimulations distribution.rootsEstEval distribution.TSdata EstEval generateSSmodel genMineData is.EstEval is.MonteCarloSimulations MonteCarloSimulations MonteCarloSimulations.EstEval MonteCarloSimulations.MonteCarloSimulations MonteCarloSimulations.TSestModel MonteCarloSimulations.TSmodel nseriesInput.MonteCarloSimulations nseriesOutput.MonteCarloSimulations plot.rootsEstEval print.EstEval print.MonteCarloSimulations print.summary.coefEstEval print.summary.EstEval print.summary.MonteCarloSimulations print.summary.rootsEstEval print.summary.TSestModelEstEval print.summary.TSmodelEstEval roots.coefEstEval roots.rootsEstEval roots.TSestModelEstEval roots.TSmodelEstEval seriesNamesInput.MonteCarloSimulations seriesNamesOutput.MonteCarloSimulations summary.coefEstEval summary.EstEval summary.MonteCarloSimulations summary.rootsEstEval summary.TSestModelEstEval summary.TSmodelEstEval testEqual.EstEval testEqual.MonteCarloSimulations tfplot.coefEstEval tfplot.EstEval tfplot.MonteCarloSimulations tfplot.rootsEstEval tfplot.TSestModelEstEval tfplot.TSmodelEstEval tframe.MonteCarloSimulations Tobs.MonteCarloSimulations TSestModel.coefEstEval TSmodel.coefEstEval

# Comments here need to be cleaned up to reflect re-org
# Functions in the next group are mainly for evaluating estimation techniques.

# The first group are for generating simulations (ie- generate multiple
#   stochastic simulations of a model using simulate.)
#   These are good for looking at the stochastic properties of a model,
#   but mostly these are intended
#   only for verification purposes since other functions also generate 
#   simulations and it is usually more efficient to regenerate by setting
#   the RNG and seed than it is to save data.
#   The main function in this group is MonteCarloSimulations().
#   The main object class in this group is "simulation"

# The second group are for analysing the convergence of estimators. This
#  is extended to functions of estimates (such as model roots). These
#  functions evaluate a single given estimation method with multiple
#  simulated data sets from a given "true" model.
#  The main function in this group is EstEval().
#  The main object classes in this group are
#    "EstEval"
#     c("rootsEstEval","EstEval")
#     c("TSmodelEstEval","EstEval")
#     c("TSestModelEstEval","EstEval")
#     c("coefEstEval","EstEval")           and
#     c("rootsEstEval","EstEval")

# The third group applies multiple estimation techniques to a given data set.
#  This is primarily a utility for other functions 
#  The main (only) function in this group is estimateModels().
#  It returns an object of class c("estimatedModels")

# The fourth group looks at the forecasts and the covariance of forecasts 
#   for multiple horizons. 
#  The simplest case horizonForecasts() which calculates the forecast for 
#    different horizons at all periods in the sample. This is primarily
#    a utility for calculating the forecast error.
#  The next case is is estimatorsHorizonForecastsWRTdata() which 
#   is an extention of horizonForecasts(). It takes specified data 
#   and estimation techniques and calculates forecasts from the estimated 
#   models.
#  The generic function forecastCov() which considers mulitple  
#   models and calculates the cov of forecasts relative to a given data set.
#   It takes a list of models (+ trend, zero)  and calculates the cov 
#   of predictions. It uses forecastCovSingleModel()
#  The next case, forecastCovEstimatorsWRTdata() uses a list of estimation
#   methods to estimate a list of models and calculate the cov of predictions 
#   relative to one given data set.

#   The next case forecastCovWRTtrue() takes a list of models (+ trend,
#   zero)  and calculates the cov of forecasts relative to data sets 
#   simulated with a true.model.
#   The next case, forecastCovEstimatorsWRTtrue simulates data and 
#   uses a list of estimation methods to estimate a list of models, then
#   calculates the cov of predictions relative to other simulated data set.
#  The main object classes in this group are
#     c("estimatorsHorizonForecastsWRTdata") # ? "horizonForecasts")
#     "horizonForecasts"
#     c("multiModelHorizonForecasts","horizonForecasts")
#     "forecastCov"
#     c("forecastCovWRTdata", "forecastCov")
#     c("forecastCovWRTtrue", "forecastCov")
#     c("forecastCovEstimatorsWRTdata",  "forecastCov")
#     c("forecastCovEstimatorsWRTtrue",  "forecastCov")

# The fifth group are some experimental estimation techniques.

#       methods for MonteCarloSimulations  <<<<<<<<<<

generateSSmodel <- function(m,n,p, stable=FALSE)
 {#randomly generate an innov state space model. Discard models with largest root
  # greater than 1 (if stable=F) or equal to or greater than 1 if stable=T.
    {FF <- matrix(runif(n^2, min=-1,max=1),n,n)
     if (m!=0) G <- matrix(runif(n*m, min=-1,max=1),n,m)
     else G <- NULL
     H <- matrix(runif(n*p, min=-1,max=1),p,n)
     K <- matrix(runif(n*p, min=-1,max=1),n,p)
     model <- SS(F.=FF, G=G,H=H,K=K)
     if (stable) {if (max(Mod(roots(model))) <  1.0) break()}
     else        {if (max(Mod(roots(model))) <= 1.0) break()}

MonteCarloSimulations <- function(model, simulation.args=NULL, 
           replications=100, rng=NULL, quiet=FALSE, ...) UseMethod("MonteCarloSimulations")

MonteCarloSimulations.default <- function (model, simulation.args=NULL, 
 		replications=100, rng=NULL, quiet=FALSE, ...){
        #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 	if (is.null(rng)) rng <- setRNG()
	else {
		old.rng <- setRNG(rng)
	arglist <- append(list(model), simulation.args)
	r <- do.call("simulate", arglist)
	if (! is.matrix(r)) stop("simulate(model) must return a matrix.")
        result <- array(NA, c(dim(r), replications))
        tfr <- tframe(r)
        result[, , 1] <- r
        if (1 < replications) 
            for (i in 2:replications)
	      result[, , i] <- do.call("simulate", arglist)
	# default does not work on array seriesNames(result) <- seriesNames(r)
        if (length(seriesNames(r)) != dim(result)[2])
         stop("length of names (",length(seriesNames(r)),
	      ") does not match number of series(",dim(result)[2],").")
        attr(result,"seriesNames") <- seriesNames(r)
	result <- tframed(result, tfr)
	invisible(classed(list(simulations = result, model = model, 
        rng = rng,  simulation.args = simulation.args, 
        description = "data generated by MonteCarloSimulations.default"), 

MonteCarloSimulations.TSestModel <- function(model, simulation.args=NULL, 
           replications=100, rng=NULL, quiet=FALSE, ...)
  {if (is.null(simulation.args$sd) & is.null(simulation.args$Cov)) 
     simulation.args$Cov <- model$estimates$cov
   if (is.null(simulation.args$input)) simulation.args$input <- inputData(model)
   MonteCarloSimulations(TSmodel(model), simulation.args=simulation.args, 
           replications=replications, rng=rng, quiet=quiet, ...)

MonteCarloSimulations.EstEval <- function(model, simulation.args=NULL,
            replications=100, rng=getRNG(model),  quiet=FALSE, ...)
     MonteCarloSimulations(TSmodel(model), simulation.args=simulation.args,
         replications=replications, rng=rng,  quiet=quiet, ...)
# this looks like a candidate for NextMethod

MonteCarloSimulations.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(model, simulation.args=NULL,
            replications=100, rng=getRNG(model),  quiet=FALSE, ...)
     MonteCarloSimulations(TSmodel(model), simulation.args=simulation.args,
         replications=replications, rng=rng,  quiet=quiet, ...)
# this looks like a candidate for NextMethod

MonteCarloSimulations.TSmodel <- function(model, simulation.args=NULL,
          replications=100, rng=NULL, quiet=FALSE, ...)
#	  Spawn=if (exists(".SPAWN")) .SPAWN else FALSE, ...)
 if(is.null(rng)) rng <- setRNG() # returns setting so don't skip if NULL
 else        {old.rng <- setRNG(rng);  on.exit(setRNG(old.rng))  }
 arglist <- append(list(model), simulation.args)
# if (Spawn)
#  {if (!quiet)cat("Spawning processes to calculate ", replications, " replications.\n")
#   assign("sim.forloop.n", replications, where = 1)
#   assign("sim.forloop.result", list(NULL), where = 1)
# #  assign("sim.forloop.model", model, where = 1)
#   assign("sim.forloop.arglist", arglist, where = 1)
#   on.exit(remove(c("sim.forloop.i", "sim.forloop.n", "sim.forloop.result",
#       "sim.forloop.arglist"),where = 1))
#   For(sim.forloop.i = 1:sim.forloop.n, sim.forloop.result[[sim.forloop.i]] <- 
#       do.call("simulate",  sim.forloop.arglist),
#       first=options(warn=-1), sync = TRUE)
#   result <- array(NA, c(dim(sim.forloop.result[[1]]$output),replications))
#   tfr <- tframe(sim.forloop.result[[1]]$output)
#   for (i in 1:replications) result[,,i] <- sim.forloop.result[[i]]$output
#  }
# else {
   #r <- simulate(model, list(...))$output
   r <- do.call("simulate", arglist)$output
   result <- array(NA, c(dim(r),replications))
   tfr <- tframe(r)
   result[,,1] <- r
   if (1 < replications)
     for (i in 2:replications) 
        result[,,i] <- outputData(do.call("simulate", arglist))
#  }
# default does not work on array seriesNames(result) <- seriesNamesOutput(model)
if (length(seriesNamesOutput(model)) != dim(result)[2])
 stop("length of names (",length(seriesNamesOutput(model)),
      ") does not match number of series(",dim(result)[2],").")
attr(result,"seriesNames") <- seriesNamesOutput(model)

result <- tframed(result, tfr)  # my more general multidimensional ts
invisible(classed( # constructor MonteCarloSimulations
         list(simulations=result, model=model, rng=rng, simulation.args=simulation.args,
              description = "data generated by MonteCarloSimulations.TSmodel"),
   c("MonteCarloSimulations") ))

is.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(obj) 

print.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 cat("Simulation with RNG ", x$rng, " from model:\n")

nseriesOutput.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x)

nseriesInput.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x)

tframe.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x) tframe(x$simulations)

Tobs.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x) Tobs(tframe(x))

seriesNamesOutput.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x)

seriesNamesInput.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x)

testEqual.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=1e-16)
 {if (length(obj1$result) != length(obj2$result)) r <- FALSE
  else  r <- all(fuzz > abs(obj1$simulations - obj2$simulations))

summary.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(object,
        series=NULL, periods=1:3, ...)
 {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  stats <- NULL
  if (!is.null(series))
    {if (dim(object$simulations)[3] <20) 
        warning("SD calculation is not very good with so few simulations.")
     names <- seriesNamesOutput(object)
     if(is.null(names)) names <- seriesNamesOutput(object$model)
     if (!is.numeric(series)) series <-match(series, names)
     names <- names[series]
     stats <- rbind(mn,sd) 
     dimnames(stats)<- list(c(paste("mean period", periods), 
                          paste("S.D. period",periods)), names)
  classed(list(  # constructor summary.MonteCarloSimulations
     p=      dim(object$simulations)[2], 

print.summary.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
 {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  cat("Object class MonteCarloSimulations\n")
  cat(x$description, "\n")
  cat("Tobs=",x$sampleT, "variables=", x$p,"simulations=",x$simulations,"\n")
  cat("rng= ", x$rng, "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$summary.stats))   print(x$summary.stats, digits=digits)

tfplot.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(x, 
    tf=tframe(x$simulations), start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf),
    graphs.per.page=5, mar=par()$mar, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   names <- seriesNames(x$simulations)
   tf.p <- tframe(x$simulations) # actual may be different (but not in default)
   Ngraph <- min(length(series), graphs.per.page)
   old.par <-par(mfcol = c(Ngraph, 1), mar= mar, no.readonly=TRUE) #c(5.1,6.1,4.1,2.1))
   #zz<- matrix(NA, dim(sim)[1], length(x$simulations))
   if (!is.numeric(series)) series <- match(series, names)
   for(i in series) 
        {zz <- (x$simulations)[,i,select.simulations]
         tframe(zz) <- tf.p
	 seriesNames(zz) <- NULL #otherwise name length does not match in tfwindow.default(zz)
         tfOnePlot(zz,start=start,end=end, ylab=names[i]) #tsplot
         if(i == series[1])  title(main = "Monte Carlo Simulations")

distribution <- function(obj, ...)UseMethod("distribution")

#distribution.TSdata <- function(obj, bandwidth=0.2, 
#        select.inputs = seq(length= nseriesInput(obj)),
#        select.outputs= seq(length=nseriesOutput(obj)), ...)
distribution.TSdata <- function(obj, ..., bandwidth=0.2, 
        select.inputs = seq(length= nseriesInput(obj)),
        select.outputs= seq(length=nseriesOutput(obj)))
  {#  (... further objects, currently disregarded)
   if (0 !=  nseriesInput(obj))
      distribution( inputData(obj), bandwidth=bandwidth, series=select.inputs)
   if (0 != nseriesOutput(obj))
      distribution(outputData(obj), bandwidth=bandwidth, series=select.outputs)

# this should be something like distribution.tframed if distribution becomes
#  generic in EstEval.  ALSO SEE distribution.factorsEstEval RE ...
#distribution.default <- function(obj, bandwidth=0.2, series=NULL, ...)
distribution.default <- function(obj, ..., bandwidth=0.2, series=NULL)
  {#  (... further objects, currently disregarded)
   # obj should be a ts matrix (perhaps this should be a tf method).
   # If series is NULL then all series are ploted.
   # note that this graphic can be fairly misleading:
   #    distribution(runif(1000))  should be uniform
   names <- seriesNames(obj)
   if (!is.matrix(obj) ) obj <- matrix(obj, length(obj), 1)
     {obj   <-   obj[,series, drop=FALSE]
      names <- names[series]
   for ( i in 1:ncol(obj))
      {if      (exists("density")) rd <- density(obj[,i], bw= bandwidth)
       #  'is.R' is deprecated in R 4.3.3 2024-02-02, replace with TRUE
       else if (exists("ksmooth") & !TRUE) rd <- ksmooth(obj[,i], bandwidth=bandwidth) 
       else     stop("Neither ksmooth nor density are available.")
       plot(rd, type="l", ylab="density", ylim=c(0, max(rd$y)), xlab=names[i] )

distribution.MonteCarloSimulations <- function(obj,
     x.sections=TRUE, periods=1:3, graphs.per.page=5, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  if (dim(obj$simulations)[3] <20) 
     warning("This is not very good with so few simulations.")
   names <- seriesNamesOutput(obj)
   if(is.null(names)) names <- seriesNamesOutput(obj$model)
   if (!is.numeric(series)) series <- match(series, names)
   names <- names[series]
   Ngraph <- min(length(series), graphs.per.page)
   if (x.sections)
       {data <- obj$simulations[periods, series,,drop=FALSE]
        old.par <-par(mfrow =c(Ngraph, length(periods)),
	              mar=c(5.1,6.1,4.1,2.1), no.readonly=TRUE)
       {old.par <-par(mfrow =c(Ngraph, 1), mar=c(5.1,6.1,4.1,2.1), no.readonly=TRUE)
        mn <- apply(obj$simulations[, series,,drop=FALSE], c(1,2), mean)
        sd <- apply(obj$simulations[, series,,drop=FALSE], c(1,2), var) ^ 0.5
        plt <- array(c(mn, mn+sd, mn-sd, mn+2*sd, mn-2*sd), c(dim(mn),5))
        tf.p <- tframe(obj$simulations)
   for (i in 1:length(series)) 
    {if (x.sections)
        {for (j in 1:length(periods)) 
          {if (exists("density")) plot(density(data[j,i,]), # -mean[j,i]
           else if (exists("ksmooth") & !TRUE) plot(ksmooth(data[j,i,], # -mean[j,i],
                              bandwidth=var(data[j,i,])^0.5, kernel="parzen"),
        stop("Neither ksmooth nor density are available to calculate the plot.")
           if ((i == 1) & (j ==length(periods)%/%2))
              title(main = "kernel estimate of distributions")
        {pl <-plt[,i,]
         tframe(pl) <- tf.p
         tfplot(pl, type="l", lty= c(1,3,3,2,2), ylab=names[i]) #tsplot
         if (i == 1) title(main = "Simulation mean, 1 & 2 S.D. estimates")

#       methods for EstEval.  <<<<<<<<<<

#e.bb.ar.100 <- EstEval( mod2, replications=100, 
#               estimation.args=list(estimation="estVARXar", verbose=F))

#e.bb.ls.over <- EstEval( simple.mod, replications=100, 
#   estimation.args=list(estimation="estVARXls", max.lag=6, verbose=F), 
#   criterion="coef")

EstEval <- function( model, replications=100, rng=NULL, quiet=FALSE, 
                       estimation=NULL, estimation.args=NULL, 
                       criterion ="coef", criterion.args =NULL) 
#		       Spawn=if (exists(".SPAWN")) .SPAWN else FALSE)
 if(is.null(estimation)) stop("estimation method must be specified.")
 if (is.EstEval(model) | is.MonteCarloSimulations(model))
   {rng  <- getRNG(model)
    model<- TSmodel(model)
 truth <- do.call(criterion, append(list(model), criterion.args))

 if(is.null(rng)) rng <- setRNG() # returns setting so don't skip if NULL
 else        {old.rng <- setRNG(rng);  on.exit(setRNG(old.rng))  }
# if (!Spawn) {
    if(!quiet) cat("Calculating ", replications, " estimates.\n")
    result <- vector("list",replications)
    for (i in 1:replications)
       {data <- do.call("simulate", append(list(model), simulation.args))
	m   <-  do.call(estimation, append(list(data),  estimation.args))
        result[[i]]<-do.call(criterion, append(list(m), criterion.args))
#   }
# else {
#     if(!quiet)
#	 cat("Spawning processes to calculate ", replications, " estimates.\n")
#     est.forloop <- function(estimation, estimation.args, model, 
#			      simulation.args, criterion, criterion.args)
#	{data <- do.call("simulate", append(list(model), simulation.args))
#	 m   <-  do.call(estimation, append(list(data),  estimation.args))
#	 do.call(criterion, append(list(m), criterion.args))
#	}
#     assign("est.forloop", est.forloop, where = 1)
#     assign("est.forloop.n", replications, where = 1)
#     assign("est.forloop.result", list(NULL), where = 1)
#     assign("est.forloop.estimation", estimation, where = 1)
#     assign("est.forloop.model", model, where = 1)
#     assign("est.forloop.simulation.args", simulation.args, where = 1)
#     assign("est.forloop.criterion", criterion, where = 1)
#     assign("est.forloop.estimation.args", estimation.args, where = 1)
#     assign("est.forloop.criterion.args", criterion.args, where = 1)
#     on.exit(remove(c("est.forloop", "est.forloop.i", "est.forloop.n",
#	  "est.forloop.result",  "est.forloop.estimation","est.forloop.model",
#	  "est.forloop.simulation.args", "est.forloop.criterion", 
#	  "est.forloop.estimation.args","est.forloop.criterion.args"),where = 1))
#     For(est.forloop.i = 1:est.forloop.n, est.forloop.result[[est.forloop.i ]]<-
#	est.forloop(est.forloop.estimation, est.forloop.estimation.args, est.forloop.model, 
#	est.forloop.simulation.args, est.forloop.criterion, est.forloop.criterion.args),
#	first=options(warn=-1), sync = TRUE)
#     result<-est.forloop.result
#    }
invisible(classed( # constructor EstEval (EstEvals)
           rng=rng, version=version,
           estimation=estimation, estimation.args=estimation.args,
            criterion=criterion,   criterion.args=criterion.args, 
     c(paste(criterion,"EstEval",sep=""), "EstEval")))

is.EstEval <- function(obj){inherits(obj,"EstEval")}

testEqual.EstEval <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz = 0)
 {all(as.character(obj1) == as.character(obj2))}

print.EstEval <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 cat("Estimation evaluation with model:\n")
 print(x$model, digits=digits)
 cat("Evaluation criterion: ",x$criterion, "\n")

summary.EstEval <- function(object, ...)
 {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  classed(list( # constructor summary.EstEval
     estimation.args= if(!is.list((object$estimation.args)[[1]]))
                           object$estimation.args    else    NULL,

print.summary.EstEval <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
{ #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  cat("Object of class: ", x$class, "\n")
  cat("Evaluation of `",x$estimation,"'")
    {cat( " estimation with argument ") 
     cat(labels(x$estimation.args),"= `",x$estimation.args,"'")
  cat("using criterion `", x$criterion, "' with argument ")
  cat(x$labels," = `", x$criterion.args, "'\n")
  cat(x$replications, " replications, RNG = ", x$rng, "\n")
  cat("true model:\n")

tfplot.EstEval <- function(x, tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf),
        truth= if(is.TSdata(x$truth)) outputData(x$truth) else x$truth,
        series = seq(length=nseries(truth)),
	Title="Estimated (and true) results",
        ylab = seriesNames(truth), remove.mean=FALSE,
	graphs.per.page=5, mar=par()$mar, reset.screen=TRUE, ...)
 {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  old.par <- par(mfcol = c(min(length(series), graphs.per.page), 1),
  tf <- tframe(truth)
  truth <- unclass(truth)
  if (remove.mean) 
    {truth <- sweep(truth,2, colMeans(truth))
     ylab <- paste(ylab, "(mean removed)")
  r <- matrix(NA,Tobs(truth), N)
  for (j in series) {
  	for (i in 1:N)  r[,i] <- x$result[[i]][,j]
	if (remove.mean) r <- sweep(r,2, colMeans(r))
  	tfOnePlot(tframed(tbind(truth[,j], r), tf), ylab= ylab[j],
	              lty=c(1,rep(2, N)), col=c("black",rep("red",N)),
        if(!is.null(Title) && (j == series[1]) && (is.null(options()$PlotTitles)
                || options()$PlotTitles)) title(main = Title)

#       methods for rootsEstEval  (EstEval)  <<<<<<<<<<

summary.rootsEstEval <- function(object, verbose=TRUE, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  nxt <- if (verbose) NextMethod("summary") else NULL
  if (! verbose) conv <- NULL
    {if (!is.null(object$result.conv)) conv <- NULL
     else                              conv <- object$result.conv
  N <- length(object$result)
  p <- 0
  for (i in 1:N) p <- max(p, length((object$result)[[i]]))
  r <- matrix(NA, N, p)
  for (i in 1:N) r[i,1:length((object$result)[[i]])] <- (object$result)[[i]]
  m <- colSums(r)/N
  cov <- r- t(matrix(object$truth, p, N))
  cov <- (t(Conj(cov)) %*% cov)/(N-1)
  ecov <- r- t(matrix(m, p, N))
  ecov <- (t(Conj(ecov)) %*% ecov)/(N-1)
  classed(list( # constructor summary.summary.rootsEstEval

print.summary.rootsEstEval <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
 {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  if (!is.null(x$nxt)) print(x$nxt)
  if (!is.null(x$conv))
        {if(all(x$conv)) cat("All estimates converged.\n")
         else cat(sum(!x$conv)," estimates did not converge!\n")
  cat("\nTrue model criterion mean: ",x$true.criterion,"\n")
  cat("Sampling estimate of mean: ",x$mean,"\n")
  cat("Estimate of sampling covariance [e*Conj(t(e))] using true model:\n")
  cat("\nEstimate of sampling covariance (using sample mean and not the true model):\n")

tfplot.rootsEstEval <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("plot.rootsEstEval")

plot.rootsEstEval <- function(x, complex.plane=TRUE, cumulate=TRUE, norm=FALSE,
     bounds=TRUE, transform=NULL, invert=FALSE, Sort=TRUE, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   n <- 0
   for (i in 1:N) n <- max(n, length((x$result)[[i]]))
   r <- matrix(0,N, n) 
   for (i in 1:N) r[i,1:length((x$result)[[i]])] <- (x$result)[[i]]
   true.lines <- c(x$truth, rep(0,n-length(x$truth)))
   if (invert)
         {true.lines <- 1/true.lines
          r <- 1/r
         {r <- do.call(transform,list(r))
          true.lines <-do.call(transform,list(true.lines))
   if (complex.plane)
    {#plot.roots(x$truth, pch="o")
     plot(x$truth, pch="o")
     for (i in 1:N) addPlotRoots(r[i,], pch="*") 
     addPlotRoots(0, pch="+") # addPlotRoots(0+0i, pch="+")
     {if (Sort)
        {r <- t(apply(r,1,sort))
         true.lines <- sort(true.lines)
      if (cumulate) r <- apply(r,2,cumsum)/matrix(1:N,N,ncol(r))
      else     r <- r 
         { r <- cbind(Re(r), Im(r))
          true.lines <-c(Re(true.lines),Im(true.lines))
      r[is.infinite(r)] <- 0
      true.lines <-t(matrix(true.lines, length(true.lines),N))
      matplot(x=seq(nrow(r)), y=cbind(0,true.lines, r), type="l",
             lty=c(1,rep(3,dim(true.lines)[2]), rep(2,dim(r)[2])) )

roots.rootsEstEval <- function(obj, ...)   {obj}

distribution.rootsEstEval <- function(obj, ..., mod=TRUE, invert=FALSE, Sort=FALSE, 
    bandwidth=0.2, select=NULL)
{#  (... further objectss, currently disregarded)
 # if mod is true the modulus is used, otherwise real and imaginary are separated.
 # if invert is true the reciprical is used.
 # if Sort is true then sort is applied (before cumulate). This is of particular interest
 #   with estimation methods like black.box which may not return parameters
 #   of the same length or in the same order.
 # If select is not NULL then only the indicated roots are plotted. 
 #     ie - select=c(1,2)  will plot only the two largest roots
      n <- 0
      for (i in 1:N) n <- max(n, length((obj$result)[[i]]))
      r <- matrix(0,N,n)
      for (i in 1:N) r[i,] <- c((obj$result)[[i]], 
      true.lines <- c(obj$truth, rep(0,n-length(obj$truth)))
      if (invert)
         {true.lines <- 1/true.lines
          r <- 1/r
         {r <- Mod(r) 
          true.lines <-Mod(true.lines)
          xlab <-"Mod root "
         { r <- cbind(Re(r), Im(r))
          true.lines <-c(Re(true.lines),Im(true.lines))
          xlab <-"Real part root "
      r[is.infinite(r)] <- 0
      if (Sort)
        {r <- t(apply(r,1,sort))
         true.lines <- sort(true.lines)
      if(!is.null(select)) r <- r[,select, drop=FALSE]
      for ( i in 1:dim(r)[2])
         {if      (exists("ksmooth") & !TRUE) rd <- ksmooth(r[,i], bandwidth=bandwidth) 
          else if (exists("density")) rd <- density(r[,i], bw= bandwidth)
        stop("Neither ksmooth nor density are available to calculate the plot.")
          if (i > n) xlab <-"Imaginary part root "
          plot(rd, type="l", ylab="density", ylim=c(0, max(rd$y)),
               xlab=paste(xlab, n-(-i%%n)) )

#       methods for coefEstEval (EstEval)  <<<<<<<<<<

summary.coefEstEval <- function(object, verbose=TRUE, ...)
  {classed(summary.rootsEstEval(object, verbose=verbose), "summary.coefEstEval")} # constructor
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

print.summary.coefEstEval <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

tfplot.coefEstEval <- function(x, cumulate=TRUE, norm=FALSE, bounds=TRUE,
        invert=FALSE, Sort=FALSE, graphs.per.page = 5, ...){
      #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
      n <- 0
      for (i in 1:N) n <- max(n, length((x$result)[[i]]))
      r <- matrix(0,N,n)
      plottrue <- TRUE
      for (i in 1:N) {
	ni <- length((x$result)[[i]])
	r[i,1:ni] <- (x$result)[[i]]
	if (ni != n) plottrue <- FALSE
      if (invert) r <- 1/r
      if(norm)    r <- matrix((rowSums(r^2))^.5, N,1)
      r[is.infinite(r)] <- 0
      if (Sort) r <- t(apply(r,1,sort))
      if (n != length(x$truth)) plottrue <- FALSE
      if (plottrue) {
	true.lines <- c(x$truth)
	if (invert) true.lines <- 1/true.lines
	if(norm) true.lines <-sum(true.lines^2)^.5
	if (Sort) true.lines <- sort(true.lines)
	true.lines <-t(matrix(true.lines, length(true.lines),N))
	if (bounds) {
		z  <- r-true.lines
		#Om <- t(z) %*% z/(nrow(z)-1)
		Om <- crossprod(z, z)/(nrow(z)-1)
		Om <- diag(Om)^.5
		Om <- t(matrix(Om, length(Om), N))
		Om <- Om/matrix((1:N)^.5 , N, ncol(Om))
      if (cumulate) r<- apply(r,2,cumsum)/matrix(1:N,N,ncol(r))
      seriesNames(r) <- paste("parm", seq(ncol(r)))
#      matplot(x=matrix(seq(nrow(r)),nrow(r),1), y=cbind(0,true.lines,r, Om), 
#              type="l", lty=c(1,rep(3,dim(true.lines)[2]), rep(4,dim(r)[2]), 
#                     rep(2,2*dim(r)[2])))
      if (plottrue & bounds)
         tfplot(r, true.lines,true.lines + Om, true.lines - Om,
            graphs.per.page = graphs.per.page)
      else if (plottrue) tfplot(r, true.lines, graphs.per.page=graphs.per.page)
      else               tfplot(r, graphs.per.page = graphs.per.page)

roots.coefEstEval <- function(obj, criterion.args=NULL, ...)
{# extract roots criterion 
  model <- obj$model
  truth <-do.call("roots", append(list(model), criterion.args))
  r <- NULL
  for (m in obj$result)
    {coef(model) <- m
     model <- setArrays(model)
     r <- append(r, 
           list(do.call("roots", append(list(model), criterion.args))))
  ok <- TRUE
  for (m in obj$result)
     ok <- ok & (length(coef(model)) == length(m))  # not perfect but ...
  if (!ok) warning("Parameters do not all correspond to given true model.")
  obj$truth <-truth
  obj$criterion.args <-criterion.args
  invisible(classed(obj, c("rootsEstEval","EstEval")))# constructor

distribution.coefEstEval <- function(obj, ...,  Sort=FALSE, bandwidth=0.2,
{#  (... further objects, currently disregarded)
 # if Sort is true then sort is applied (before ave). This is of particular interest
 #   with estimation methods like black.box which may not return parameters
 #   of the same length or in the same order.
      n <- length(obj$truth)
      for (i in 1:N) n <- max(n, length((obj$result)[[i]]))
      if (n == length(obj$truth)) plottrue <- TRUE
      else {
         warning("Number of true parameters does not match number estimated.")
	 plottrue <- FALSE
      r <- matrix(0,N,n)
      for (i in 1:N) r[i,1:length((obj$result)[[i]])] <- (obj$result)[[i]]
      true.lines <- c(obj$truth, rep(0,n-length(obj$truth)))
      if (Sort)
        {r <- t(apply(r,1,sort))
         true.lines <- sort(true.lines)
      xlab <-"parameter "
      old.par <- par(mfcol=c(min(graphs.per.page, ncol(r)),1),
                    mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1), no.readonly=TRUE)
      for ( i in 1:ncol(r))
         {if (TRUE)     rd <- density(r[,i], bw=bandwidth)
          else            rd <- ksmooth(r[,i], bandwidth=bandwidth) # Splus
          plot(rd, type="l", ylim=c(0, max(rd$y)),
               ylab="density",  xlab=paste(xlab, i) , main="")
          if (plottrue) lines(rep(true.lines[i],2),c(1,0))

TSmodel.coefEstEval <- function(obj, ...)
{# rebuild model from coef
  model <- obj$model
  truth <-TSmodel(model)
  r <- NULL
  for (m in obj$result)
    {coef(model) <- m
     model <- setArrays(model)
     r <- append(r, list(model))
  ok <- TRUE
  for (m in obj$result)
     ok <- ok & (length(coef(model)) == length(m))  # not perfect but ...
  if (!ok) warning("Parameters do not all correspond to given true model.")
  obj$truth <-truth
  obj$criterion.args <-NULL
  invisible(classed(obj, c("TSmodelEstEval","EstEval")))

TSestModel.coefEstEval <- function(obj)
{# rebuild ... 
  model <- obj$model
  truth <-l(TSmodel(model), data)   # need to regenerate data
  r <- NULL
  for (m in obj$result)
    {coef(model) <- m
     model <- l( setArrays(model), data)
     r <- append(r, list(model))
  ok <- TRUE
  for (m in obj$result)
     ok <- ok & (length(coef(model)) == length(m))  # not perfect but ...
  if (!ok) warning("Parameters do not all correspond to given true model.")
  obj$truth <-truth
  obj$criterion.args <-NULL
  invisible(classed(obj, c("TSestModelEstEval","EstEval")))

#       methods for TSmodelEstEval (EstEval)  <<<<<<<<<<

summary.TSmodelEstEval <- function(object, ...)
 {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  if (is.null((object$result)[[1]]$converged)) conv <- NULL
    {conv <- rep(NA,length(object$result))
     for (i in 1:length(conv)) conv[i] <- (object$result)[[i]]$converged
 # summary(coef(object))
 #summary(roots(object))  these are slow

  classed(list( # constructor summary.TSmodelEstEval

print.summary.TSmodelEstEval <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  cat("Object of class: ",x$class, "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$conv))
        {if(all(x$conv)) cat("All estimates converged.\n")
         else cat(sum(!x$conv)," estimates did not converge!\n")

coef.TSmodelEstEval <- function(object, criterion.args=NULL, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 # extract parameters from models in the list and 
 #   return a list of class coefEstEval EstEval 
 # criterion.args is not used. It is provided only so calls from 
 #   summary.TSmodelEstEval can provide this argument.
  truth <-coef(object$truth)
  r <- NULL
  for (m in object$result) 
     r <- append(r,list(coef(m)))
  if (! is.null((object$result)[[1]]$converged))
    {rc <- rep(NA,length(object$result))
     for (i in 1:length(rc)) rc[i] <- (object$result)[[i]]$converged
  object$truth <-truth
  object$criterion.args <-criterion.args
  invisible(classed(object, c("coefEstEval","EstEval")))

roots.TSmodelEstEval <- function(obj, criterion.args=list( randomize=TRUE), ...)
{# extract roots criterion 
  truth <-do.call("roots", append(list(obj$truth), criterion.args))
  r <- NULL
  for (m in obj$result)
     r <- append(r, 
           list(do.call("roots", append(list(m), criterion.args))))
  if (! is.null((obj$result)[[1]]$converged))
    {rc <- rep(NA,length(obj$result))
     for (i in 1:length(rc)) rc[i] <- (obj$result)[[i]]$converged
  obj$truth <-truth
  obj$criterion.args <-criterion.args
  invisible(classed(obj, c("rootsEstEval","EstEval")))

tfplot.TSmodelEstEval <- function(x, graph.args=NULL,
                       criterion ="coef", criterion.args=NULL, ...){
  #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  # extract criterion and pass to another method with graph.args
  r <- do.call(paste(criterion,".TSmodelEstEval", sep=""), 
               append(list(x), list(criterion.args=criterion.args)))
  do.call("tfplot", append(list(r), graph.args))

#       methods for TSestModelEstEval (EstEval)   <<<<<<<<<<

summary.TSestModelEstEval <- function(object, ...)
  {classed(summary.TSmodelEstEval(object), "summary.TSestModelEstEval") }  # constructor 
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

print.summary.TSestModelEstEval <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

coef.TSestModelEstEval <- function(object, criterion.args=NULL, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 # extract parameters from models in the list and convergence info.
 #   return a list of class coefEstEval EstEval
 # criterion.args is not used. It is provided only so calls from 
 #   summary.TSmodelEstEval can provide this argument.
  truth <-coef(object$truth)
  r <- NULL
  for (m in object$result) r <- append(r,list(coef(m)))
  rc <- rep(NA,length(object$result))
  for (i in 1:length(rc)) rc[i] <- (object$result)[[i]]$converged
  object$truth <-truth
  object$criterion.args <-criterion.args
  invisible(classed(object, c("coefEstEval","EstEval")))

roots.TSestModelEstEval <- function(obj, criterion.args=NULL, ...)
{# extract roots criterion 
  truth <-do.call("roots", append(list(obj$truth), criterion.args))
  r <- NULL
  for (m in obj$result)
     r <- append(r, 
             list(do.call("roots", append(list(m), criterion.args))))
  rc <- rep(NA,length(obj$result))
  for (i in 1:length(rc)) rc[i] <- (obj$result)[[i]]$converged
  obj$truth <-truth
  obj$criterion.args <-criterion.args
  invisible(classed(obj, c("rootsEstEval","EstEval")))

tfplot.TSestModelEstEval <- function(x, graph.args=NULL,
                       criterion ="coef", criterion.args=NULL, ...){
  #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  # extract criterion and pass to another method with graph.args
  r <- do.call(paste(criterion,".TSestModelEstEval", sep=""), 
               append(list(x), list(criterion.args=criterion.args)))
  do.call("tfplot", append(list(r), graph.args))

#  methods for generating test data

genMineData <- function(umodel, ymodel, uinput=NULL, sampleT=100, 
	unoise=NULL, usd=1,ynoise=NULL, ysd=1, rng=NULL)
{if (is.TSestModel(umodel)) umodel <- TSmodel(umodel)
 if (is.TSestModel(ymodel)) ymodel <- TSmodel(ymodel)
 if(!is.TSmodel(umodel)) stop("genMineData expecting a TSmodel.")
 if(!is.TSmodel(ymodel)) stop("genMineData expecting a TSmodel.")

 if (nseriesInput(ymodel) != nseriesOutput(umodel))
   stop("umodel output dimension must equal ymodel input dimension.")
 if(is.null(rng)) rng <- setRNG() # returns setting so don't skip if NULL
 else        {old.rng <- setRNG(rng);  on.exit(setRNG(old.rng))  }
 input <- outputData(simulate(umodel, input=uinput, sampleT=sampleT, 
                   noise=unoise, sd=usd))
 r <- TSdata(input  = input,
             output = outputData(simulate(ymodel, input=input,
	                             sampleT=sampleT, noise=ynoise, sd=ysd)) )
 r$umodel  <- umodel
 r$ymodel  <- ymodel
 r$uinput  <- uinput
 r$sampleT <- sampleT 
 r$unoise  <- unoise
 r$usd     <- usd
 r$ynoise  <- ynoise
 r$ysd     <- ysd
 r$rng     <- rng

build.input.models <- function(data, max.lag=NULL)
{# make a list of univariate models, one for each series in inputData(data)
 #   for use by build.diagonal.model. 
 n <- nseriesInput(data)
 multi.models <- vector("list", n)
 for (i in seq(n))
   {d <-trimNA(TSdata(output= inputData(data, series=i)))
    multi.models[[i]] <- TSmodel(estVARXls(d, max.lag=max.lag))

build.diagonal.model <- function(multi.models)
{# build one diagonal model from a list of models as returned  by 
 # build.input.models. Uses the AR part only. This can be used by genMineData.
 n <- length(multi.models)
 lag <- 0
 for (i in seq(n)) lag <- max(lag, dim(multi.models[[i]]$A)[1])
 p <- 0
 for (i in seq(n))  p  <- p + dim(multi.models[[i]]$A)[3]
 model <- array(0, c(lag, p,p))
 p <- 0
 for (i in seq(n))
   {pi <- dim(multi.models[[i]]$A)[3]
    li <- dim(multi.models[[i]]$A)[1]
    model[ 1:li, (p+1):(p+pi), (p+1):(p+pi)] <-  multi.models[[i]]$A
    p <- p + pi
 ARMA(A= model, B=array(diag(1, p), c(1,p,p)))

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