# FLSP - Class and methods for Surplus Production models
# FLAssess/R/FLSP.R

# Copyright 2003-2007 FLR Team. Distributed under the GPL 2 or later
# Maintainer: Iago Mosqueira, Cefas
# $Id: FLSP.R 719 2010-07-23 12:46:50Z robscott $

# class FLSP {{{
#setClass('FLSP', representation(
#  'FLModel',
#  catch='FLQuant',
#  index='FLQuant',
#  mpar='numeric',
#  delta='numeric')
#) # }}}

# FLSP()	{{{
#setGeneric('FLSP', function(model, ...)
#		standardGeneric('FLSP'))
#setMethod('FLSP', signature(model='ANY'),
#  function(model, ...)
#    return(FLModel(model, ..., class='FLSP')))
#setMethod('FLSP', signature(model='missing'),
#	function(...)
#		return(FLModel(formula(NULL), ..., class='FLSP'))) # }}}
# ************** Accessors **************************************
# Accesors  {{{
#setMethod('catch', signature(object='FLSP'),
#  function(object)
#    return(object@catch)
#setMethod('catch<-', signature(object='FLSP', value='FLQuant'),
#  function(object, value)
#  {
#    object@catch <- value
#    return(object)
#  }

#setMethod('index', signature(object='FLSP'),
#  function(object)
#    return(object@index)
#setMethod('index<-', signature(object='FLSP', value='FLQuant'),
#  function(object, value)
#  {
#    object@index <- value
#    return(object)
#  }
## }}}

# ***********	PellaTom with estimated Q ************
# PellaTom {{{
PellaTom <- function(catch, r, K, Q, mpar, delta)
  dm <- dimnames(catch)
  catch <- as.vector(catch)
  biomass <- rep(delta, length(catch))
  for(y in seq(2, length(catch)))
    biomass[y] <- biomass[y-1] + (r / (mpar-1)) * biomass[y-1] * (1 - (biomass[y-1] / K) ^ (mpar-1)) - catch[y-1]
  biomass[biomass <= 0] <- 1e-9
  #return(list(indexhat=FLQuant(Q*biomass, dimnames=dm), biomass=FLQuant(biomass,dimnames=dm)))
  return(FLQuant(Q*biomass, dimnames=dm))

pellatom <- function()
  logl <- function(Q, r, K, sigma2, mpar, delta, catch, index)
    sum(dnorm(log(index), window(log(PellaTom(catch, r, K, Q, mpar, delta)),
      start=dims(index)$minyear,end=dims(index)$maxyear), sqrt(sigma2), TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
  initial <- structure(function(catch) return(TRUE),
    lower=rep(1e-6, 4), upper=rep(Inf, 4))
  return(list(model=index~PellaTom(catch, r, K, Q, mpar, delta), logl=logl, 
} # }}}

# ************ PellaTom with calculated  Q***************

PellaTom_calcQ <- function(catch, index, r, K, mpar, delta)
  dm <- dimnames(catch)
  catch <- as.vector(catch)
  index <- as.vector(index)
  biomass <- rep(delta, length(catch))
  for(y in seq(2, length(catch)))
    biomass[y] <- biomass[y-1] + (r / (mpar-1)) * biomass[y-1] * (1 - (biomass[y-1] / K) ^ (mpar-1)) - catch[y-1]
  biomass[biomass <= 0] <- 1e-9
  mnbio <- (biomass[-length(biomass)] + biomass[-1]) / 2
  q <- sum(mnbio*index[-length(biomass)])/sum(mnbio*mnbio)
  # Basically saying that index in year y measures mean of biomass y and y+1
  indexhat <- FLQuant(q*mnbio,dimnames=dm)
  # Need to set final year to NA as we have effectively lost last year of index
  indexhat[,dm$year[length(dm$year)]] <- NA

#PellaTom_noQ(alb.sp.nq@catch, alb.sp.nq@index, 0.5,200,1,2,250)
# Need to pass in index to the PellaTom function
pellatom_calcQ <- function()
  logl <- function(r, K, sigma2, mpar, delta, catch, index)
  # Need to lose final year of index due to q calc 
    sum(dnorm(log(index[,-dim(index)[2]]), window(log(PellaTom_calcQ(catch, index, r, K, mpar, delta)),
      start=dims(index)$minyear,end=dims(index)$maxyear-1), sqrt(sigma2), TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
  initial <- structure(function(catch) return(TRUE),
    lower=rep(1e-6, 4), upper=rep(Inf, 4))
  return(list(model=index~PellaTom_calcQ(catch, index, r, K, mpar, delta), logl=logl,
} # }}}

# Calculate approximate sigma2 istead of estimating it#
# From Polacheck, Hilborn and Punt 1993

pellatom_calcSigma <- function()
  logl <- function(Q, r, K, mpar, delta, catch, index)
	indexhat <- window((PellaTom(catch, r, K, Q, mpar, delta)),start=dims(index)$minyear,end=dims(index)$maxyear)
	v <- log(index / indexhat)
	sigma2 <- sum(v^2) / length(index)
	sum(dnorm(log(index),log(indexhat) , sqrt(sigma2), TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)

  initial <- structure(function(catch) return(TRUE),
    lower=rep(1e-6, 3), upper=rep(Inf, 3))
  return(list(model=index~PellaTom(catch, r, K, Q, mpar, delta), logl=logl,
} # }}}

#***************** Methods **********************************

# biomass {{{
if (!isGeneric("biomass"))
	setGeneric("biomass", function(object, ...)

#    # Just calculates and returns the biomass
#setMethod('biomass', signature(object='FLSP'),
#  function(object) {
#      #browser()
#    dm <- dimnames(object@catch)
#    biomass <- FLQuant(object@delta,dimnames=dm)
#    # Mixing Quants and Pars is fairly ugly
#    for(y in 2:length(dm$year))
#	# Pretty ugly with either as.numeric or sweeps
#	#biomass[,y] <- biomass[,y-1] + as.numeric(object@params["r",] / (object@mpar-1)) * biomass[,y-1] * (1 - (biomass[,y-1] as.numeric(object@params["K",])) ^ (object@mpar-1)) - object@catch[,y-1]
#	biomass[,y]<-biomass[,y-1] + sweep(biomass[,y-1],6,object@params["r",]/(object@mpar-1),"*") * (1 - sweep(biomass[,y-1], 6, object@params["K",],"/")^(object@mpar-1)) - object@catch[,y-1]
#    biomass[biomass <= 0] <- 1e-9
#    return(biomass)})
#    # }}}

# harvest rate {{{
#if (!isGeneric("harvest.rate"))
#	setGeneric("harvest.rate", function(object, ...)
#    	standardGeneric("harvest.rate"))
#setMethod('harvest.rate', signature(object='FLSP'),
#  function(object)
#    return(catch(object) / biomass(object)))
# }}}

# plot {{{
#setMethod('plot', signature(x='FLSP', y='missing'),
#  function(x, y, ...)
#  {
#    # new trellis device
#    trellis.device(new=FALSE)
#    trellis.par.set(list(layout.heights = list(bottom.padding = -0.5,
#      axis.xlab.padding = 0.5, xlab = -0.5), layout.widths = list(left.padding = -0.5,
#      right.padding = -0.5, ylab.axis.padding = -0.5)))
#    # upper plots data: biomass and residuals
#    data <- FLQuants(biomass=biomass(x), residuals=residuals(x))
#    print(xyplot(data~year|qname, data=data, scales=list(relation='free'),
#      panel=function(x, y, ...)
#      {
#        if(panel.number() == 1)
#          panel.xyplot(x, y, col='black', type='b', cex=0.8, pch=19)
#        else if (panel.number() == 2)
#        {
#			    panel.xyplot(x, y, col='gray40', cex=0.8)
#          panel.loess(x,y, col='red')
#	    		panel.abline(a=0, b=0, lty=2, col='blue')
#        }
#		  }, xlab="", ylab=""), 
#      split=c(1,1,1,2), more=TRUE)
#    # panel function for lowe panel: index vs. fitted
#    pfun <- function(x, y, groups, subscripts,...)
#    {
#      panel.grid(h=-1, v=2)
#      panel.xyplot(x[groups=='index'], y[groups=='index'], type='b', pch=19, col='black')
#      panel.xyplot(x[groups=='fitted'], y[groups=='fitted'], type='smooth', lwd=2, 
#        col='red')
#      panel.xyplot(x[groups=='fitted'], y[groups=='fitted'], type='b', lwd=1, lty=2,
#        col='black', pch=1)
#    }
#    # data for lower panel
#    data <- FLQuants(index=index(x), fitted=fitted(x))
#    print(xyplot(index+fitted~year, data=model.frame(data), panel=pfun,
#      scales=list(relation='free'), xlab="", ylab="",
#      key=list(text=list(lab='index'),
#          points=list(pch=19),
#          text=list(lab='fitted'),
#          points=list(pch=1))
#       #   vp = viewport(x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.95, "npc")),
#      ),
#      split=c(1,2,1,2), more=FALSE)
#  }
#) # }}}

# assess  {{{
#setMethod("assess", signature(control="FLSP"),
#   function(control, ...)
#   fmle(control)
#) # }}}

# merge {{{
#setMethod("merge", signature(x="FLStock", y="FLSP"),
#  function(x, y, ...)
#  {
#    quant <- quant(stock(x))
#    dnx <- dimnames(stock(x))
#    dny <- dimnames(y@stock.n)
#    # check dimensions match
#    if(!all.equal(dnx[-2], dny[-2]))
#      stop("Mismatch in dimensions: only year can differ between stock and assess")
#    # same plusgroup
#    if(x@range['plusgroup'] != x@range['plusgroup'])
#      stop("Mismatch in plusgroup: x and y differ")
#    # year ranges match?
#    if(!all(dny[['year']] %in% dnx[['year']]))
#    {
#      years <- as.numeric(unique(c(dnx$year, dny$year)))
#      x <- window(x, start=min(years), end=max(years))
#      y <- window(y, start=min(years), end=max(years))
#    }
#    x <- transform(x, desc=paste(x@desc, "+ FLAssess:", y@name),
#      stock.n=y@stock.n, harvest=y@harvest)
#    x <- transform(x, range=c(unlist(dims(x)[c('min', 'max', 'plusgroup',
#      'minyear', 'maxyear')]), x@range[c('minfbar', 'maxfbar')]))
#    return(x)
#  }
#)   # }}}

## Overload fmle for FLSP.  Includes autoscaling routine.  Not sure it helps a lot
#  signature(object='FLSP', start='ANY'),
#  function(object, start, autosc = FALSE, method='L-BFGS-B', fixed=list(),
#    control=list(trace=1), lower=rep(-Inf, dim(params(object))[2]),
#    upper=rep(Inf, dim(params(object))[2]), ...)
#  {
#	# Scale parameters so that a unit change in param results in a unit change of objective function
#	# So get crude estimate of diffs at the inital values and use that for the scaling
#	# This means that the scaling is dependent on the inital values.
#    if (autosc == TRUE)
#    {
#	    #browser()
#	    LLpars <- start
#	    LLpars[["mpar"]] <- object@mpar
#	    LLpars[["delta"]] <- object@delta
#	    LLpars[["catch"]] <- object@catch
#	    LLpars[["index"]] <- object@index
#	    MyLogL <- logl(object)
#		LLinit <- do.call("MyLogL",LLpars)
#		LLs <- unlist(start)
#		tiny_number <- 1 + 1e-10
#		for (i in 1:length(start))
#		{
#			LLpars_temp <- LLpars
#			LLpars_temp[[i]] <- LLpars_temp[[i]] * tiny_number
#			LLs[i] <- do.call("MyLogL",LLpars_temp)
#		}
#		dLLs <- (LLs - LLinit) / (unlist(start) * (tiny_number-1))
#		scaling <- abs(1/dLLs)
#		#print(scaling)
#		# Pretty sure I don't need to sort the order as they are named
#		control[["parscale"]] <- scaling
#	}
#	# Call fmle for FLModel
#	callNextMethod(object, start, method, fixed, control, lower, upper, ...)
#	}

## "+"      {{{
##setMethod("+", signature(e1="FLStock", e2="FLAssess"),
##	function(e1, e2) {
##    if(validObject(e1) & validObject(e2))
##      return(merge(e1, e2))
##    else
##      stop("Input objects are not valid: validObject == FALSE")
##    }
##setMethod("+", signature(e1="FLAssess", e2="FLStock"),
##	function(e1, e2) {
##    if(validObject(e1) & validObject(e2))
##      return(merge(e2, e1))
##    else
##      stop("Input objects are not valid: validObject == FALSE")
##    }
##)   # }}}

# }}}

# Schaefer {{{
#Schaefer <- function(catch, r, K, q)
#  dm <- dimnames(catch)
#  catch <- as.vector(catch)
#  biomass <- rep(K, length(catch))
#  for(y in seq(2, length(catch)))
#    biomass[y] <- biomass[y-1] + r * biomass[y-1] * (1 - (1/K) * biomass[y-1] ) - catch[y]
#  biomass[biomass <= 0] <- 1e-9
#  print(q)
#  return(FLQuant(q*biomass, dimnames=dm))
#schaefer <- function()
#  logl <- function(r, K, q, sigma2, catch, index)
#  {
#   sum(dnorm(log(index), window(log(Schaefer(catch, r, K, q)),
#      start=dims(index)$minyear,end=dims(index)$maxyear), sqrt(sigma2), TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
#  }
#  return(list(model=index~Schaefer(catch, r, K, q), logl=logl))
#} # }}}

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FLAssess documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:12 p.m.