
### R code from vignette source 'FMEmcmc.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: preliminaries
options(prompt = "> ")

### code chunk number 2: FMEmcmc.Rnw:193-198
mu  <- 10
std <- 1

Nfun <- function(p)
  -2*log(dnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = std))

### code chunk number 3: FMEmcmc.Rnw:206-207
MCMC <- modMCMC (f = Nfun, p = 9.5, niter = 2000, jump = 5)

### code chunk number 4: FMEmcmc.Rnw:211-213
MCMC <- modMCMC (f = Nfun, p = 9.5, niter = 2000, jump = 5, updatecov = 10)

### code chunk number 5: FMEmcmc.Rnw:219-222
MCMC2 <- modMCMC (f = Nfun, p = 9.5, lower = 9, niter = 2000, jump = 5,
  updatecov = 10)

### code chunk number 6: FMEmcmc.Rnw:231-235
pri <- function(p) -2*log(dnorm(p, 8, 1))
MCMC3 <- modMCMC (f = Nfun, p = 9.5, niter = 2000, jump = 5,
  updatecov = 10, prior = pri)

### code chunk number 7: FMEmcmc.Rnw:240-244
summary(MCMC4 <- modMCMC(f = Nfun, p = 1, niter = 2000, jump = 5,
  updatecov = 10, prior = pri, ntrydr = 2))


### code chunk number 8: hist1
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
hist(MCMC$pars, xlab="x", freq = FALSE, main = "unconstrained", xlim = c(6, 14))
hist(MCMC2$pars, xlab="x", freq = FALSE, main = "x>9", xlim = c(6, 14))
hist(MCMC3$pars, xlab="x", freq = FALSE, main = "pri(x)~N(8,1)", xlim = c(6, 14))
plot(MCMC3, mfrow = NULL, main = "AM")
mtext(outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, "N(10,1)", cex = 1.25)

### code chunk number 9: hist1
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
hist(MCMC$pars, xlab="x", freq = FALSE, main = "unconstrained", xlim = c(6, 14))
hist(MCMC2$pars, xlab="x", freq = FALSE, main = "x>9", xlim = c(6, 14))
hist(MCMC3$pars, xlab="x", freq = FALSE, main = "pri(x)~N(8,1)", xlim = c(6, 14))
plot(MCMC3, mfrow = NULL, main = "AM")
mtext(outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, "N(10,1)", cex = 1.25)

### code chunk number 10: FMEmcmc.Rnw:277-283
mu  <- 1:4
std <- 1

NL <- function(p)  {
  -2*sum(log(dlnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = std)))

### code chunk number 11: FMEmcmc.Rnw:289-291
MCMCl <- modMCMC (f = NL, p = rep(1, 4), niter = 10000,
  outputlength = 1000, jump = 5)

### code chunk number 12: logp1

### code chunk number 13: logp1

### code chunk number 14: FMEmcmc.Rnw:313-315
MCMCl <- modMCMC (f = NL, p = rep(1, 4), niter = 5000, 
   outputlength = 1000, jump = 5, updatecov = 100, ntrydr = 2)

### code chunk number 15: logp

### code chunk number 16: logp

### code chunk number 17: hist

### code chunk number 18: hist

### code chunk number 19: FMEmcmc.Rnw:345-347
MCMCl$pars <- log(MCMCl$pars)

### code chunk number 20: FMEmcmc.Rnw:375-378
Banana <- function (x1, x2) {
  return(x2 - (x1^2+1))

### code chunk number 21: FMEmcmc.Rnw:383-390
pmultinorm <- function(vec, mean, Cov) {
  diff <- vec - mean
  ex   <- -0.5*t(diff) %*% solve(Cov) %*% diff
  rdet   <- sqrt(det(Cov))
  power  <- -length(diff)*0.5
  return((2.*pi)^power / rdet * exp(ex))

### code chunk number 22: FMEmcmc.Rnw:394-400
BananaSS <- function (p)
  P <- c(p[1], Banana(p[1], p[2]))
  Cov <- matrix(nr = 2, data = c(1, 0.9, 0.9, 1))
 -2*sum(log(pmultinorm(P, mean = 0, Cov = Cov)))

### code chunk number 23: FMEmcmc.Rnw:412-415
MCMC <- modMCMC(f = BananaSS, p = c(0, 0.5), jump = diag(nrow = 2, x = 5),
                niter = 2000)

### code chunk number 24: FMEmcmc.Rnw:422-425
MCMC2 <- modMCMC(f = BananaSS, p = c(0, 0.5), jump = diag(nrow = 2, x = 5),
                 updatecov = 100, niter = 2000)

### code chunk number 25: FMEmcmc.Rnw:432-435
MCMC3 <- modMCMC(f = BananaSS, p = c(0, 0.5), jump = diag(nrow = 2, x = 5),
                 ntrydr = 2, niter = 2000)

### code chunk number 26: FMEmcmc.Rnw:444-449
MCMC4 <- modMCMC(f = BananaSS, p = c(0, 0.5), jump = diag(nrow = 2, x = 5),
                 updatecov = 100, ntrydr = 2, niter = 2000)

### code chunk number 27: banana
par(mfrow = c(4, 2))
par(mar = c(2, 2, 4, 2))
plot(MCMC , mfrow = NULL, main = "MH")
plot(MCMC2, mfrow = NULL, main = "AM")
plot(MCMC3, mfrow = NULL, main = "DR")
plot(MCMC4, mfrow = NULL, main = "DRAM")
mtext(outer = TRUE, side = 3, line = -2, at = c(0.05, 0.95),
    c("y1", "y2"), cex = 1.25)
par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))

### code chunk number 28: banana2
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
xl <- c(-3, 3)
yl <- c(-1, 8)
plot(MCMC$pars,  main = "MH", xlim = xl, ylim = yl)
plot(MCMC2$pars, main = "AM", xlim = xl, ylim = yl)
plot(MCMC3$pars, main = "DR", xlim = xl, ylim = yl)
plot(MCMC4$pars, main = "DRAM", xlim = xl, ylim = yl)

### code chunk number 29: banana2
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
xl <- c(-3, 3)
yl <- c(-1, 8)
plot(MCMC$pars,  main = "MH", xlim = xl, ylim = yl)
plot(MCMC2$pars, main = "AM", xlim = xl, ylim = yl)
plot(MCMC3$pars, main = "DR", xlim = xl, ylim = yl)
plot(MCMC4$pars, main = "DRAM", xlim = xl, ylim = yl)

### code chunk number 30: FMEmcmc.Rnw:489-493
trans <- cbind(MCMC4$pars[ ,1], Banana(MCMC4$pars[ ,1], MCMC4$pars[ ,2]))
colMeans(trans)     # was:c(0,0)
apply(trans, 2, sd) # was:1
cov(trans)          # 0.9 off-diagonal

### code chunk number 31: FMEmcmc.Rnw:522-528
Reaction <- function (k, times)
  fac <- k[1]/(k[1]+k[2])
  A   <- fac + (1-fac)*exp(-(k[1]+k[2])*times)

### code chunk number 32: FMEmcmc.Rnw:532-536
Data     <- data.frame(
  times = c(2,     4,     6,     8,     10   ),
  A     = c(0.661, 0.668, 0.663, 0.682, 0.650))

### code chunk number 33: FMEmcmc.Rnw:544-546
Prior <- function(p)
    return( sum(((p - c(2, 4))/200)^2 ))

### code chunk number 34: FMEmcmc.Rnw:551-556
residual <- function(k) return(Data$A - Reaction(k,Data$times)$A)

Fit <- modFit(p = c(k1 = 0.5, k2 = 0.5), f = residual, 
              lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1))
(sF <- summary(Fit))

### code chunk number 35: FMEmcmc.Rnw:573-580
mse <- sF$modVariance
Cov <- sF$cov.scaled * 2.4^2/2

MCMC <- modMCMC(f = residual, p = Fit$par, jump = Cov, lower = c(0, 0),
                var0 = mse, wvar0 = 1, prior = Prior, niter = 2000)

### code chunk number 36: ABMCMC
plot(MCMC, Full = TRUE)

### code chunk number 37: ABMCMC
plot(MCMC, Full = TRUE)

### code chunk number 38: FMEmcmc.Rnw:602-604
MCMC2<- modMCMC(f = residual, p = Fit$par, jump = Cov, updatecov = 100, 
         lower = c(0, 0), var0 = mse, wvar0 = 1, prior = Prior, niter = 2000) 

### code chunk number 39: ABMCMC2
plot(MCMC2, Full = TRUE)

### code chunk number 40: ABMCMC2
plot(MCMC2, Full = TRUE)

### code chunk number 41: ABMCMC3

### code chunk number 42: ABMCMC3

### code chunk number 43: FMEmcmc.Rnw:640-641
sR <- sensRange(f=Reaction,times=seq(0,10,0.1),parInput=MCMC2$pars)

### code chunk number 44: sr
plot(summary(sR), xlab = "time", ylab = "Conc")

### code chunk number 45: sr
plot(summary(sR), xlab = "time", ylab = "Conc")

### code chunk number 46: FMEmcmc.Rnw:677-683
Obs <- data.frame(x=c(   28,  55,   83,  110,  138,  225,  375),   # mg COD/l
                  y=c(0.053,0.06,0.112,0.105,0.099,0.122,0.125))   # 1/hour

Obs2<- data.frame(x=c(   20,  55,   83,  110,  138,  240,  325),   # mg COD/l
                   y=c(0.05,0.07,0.09,0.10,0.11,0.122,0.125))   # 1/hour

### code chunk number 47: FMEmcmc.Rnw:688-689
Model <- function(p,x) return(data.frame(x = x, y = p[1]*x/(x+p[2])))

### code chunk number 48: FMEmcmc.Rnw:697-701
Residuals  <- function(p) {
   cost <- modCost(model = Model(p, Obs$x), obs = Obs, x = "x")
   modCost(model = Model(p, Obs2$x), obs = Obs2, cost = cost, x = "x")

### code chunk number 49: FMEmcmc.Rnw:705-708
P      <- modFit(f = Residuals, p = c(0.1, 1))

### code chunk number 50: obs
plot(Obs, xlab = "mg COD/l", ylab = "1/hour", pch = 16, cex = 1.5)
points(Obs2, pch = 18, cex = 1.5, col = "red")
lines(Model(p = P$par, x = 0:375))

### code chunk number 51: obs
plot(Obs, xlab = "mg COD/l", ylab = "1/hour", pch = 16, cex = 1.5)
points(Obs2, pch = 18, cex = 1.5, col = "red")
lines(Model(p = P$par, x = 0:375))

### code chunk number 52: FMEmcmc.Rnw:732-733
Covar   <- summary(P)$cov.scaled * 2.4^2/2

### code chunk number 53: FMEmcmc.Rnw:748-754
s2prior <- P$ms

MCMC <- modMCMC(f = Residuals, p = P$par, jump = Covar, niter = 1000,
           var0 = s2prior, wvar0 = 0.1, lower = c(0, 0))

### code chunk number 54: Monmcmc
plot(MCMC, Full = TRUE)

### code chunk number 55: Monmcmc
plot(MCMC, Full = TRUE)

### code chunk number 56: FMEmcmc.Rnw:777-783
varprior <- P$var_ms_unweighted

MCMC2 <- modMCMC(f = Residuals, p = P$par, jump = Covar, niter = 1000,
                var0 = varprior, wvar0 = 0.1, lower = c(0, 0))

### code chunk number 57: Monmcmc2
plot(MCMC2, Full = TRUE, which = NULL)

### code chunk number 58: Monmcmc2
plot(MCMC2, Full = TRUE, which = NULL)

### code chunk number 59: FMEmcmc.Rnw:802-804

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