# Purpose : Initial settings;
# Maintainer : Tomislav Hengl (
# Contributions : Dylan Beaudette (;
# Dev Status : Pre-Alpha
# Note : Aqp classes described here -> []; for more info see [];
################## STANDARD ENVIRONMENTS ##############
## setup the plotKML environment:
GSIF.opts <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
## Standard settings:
GSIF.env <- function(
wps.server = "",
ref_CRS = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84",
NAflag = -99999,
license_url = "",
project_url = "",
sldepths = c(0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, 200),
stdepths = c(-2.5, -10, -22.5, -45, -80, -150)/100,
stsize = c(5, 10, 15, 30, 40, 100)/100,
cellsize = rev(c(6/120, 3/120, 1/120, 1/240, 1/600, 1/1200, 1/3600)),
REST.server = '',
TimeSpan = list(begin=as.POSIXct("1950-01-01"), end=as.POSIXct("2005-12-30")),
show.env = TRUE
md.lst <- list(wps.server=wps.server, ref_CRS=ref_CRS, NAflag=NAflag, license_url=license_url, project_url=project_url, stdepths=stdepths, stsize=stsize, cellsize=cellsize, REST.server=REST.server, attributes=attributes, TimeSpan=TimeSpan)
x <- lapply(names(md.lst), function(x){ assign(x, md.lst[[x]], envir=GSIF.opts) })
# load GSIF.opts with some basic information
GSIF.env(show.env = FALSE)
################## NEW GSIF CLASSES ##############
## Copy of the 'SoilProfileCollection' class basically (see []):
idcol='character', # column name containing IDs
depthcols='character', # 2 element vector with column names for hz top, bottom
metadata='data.frame', # single-row dataframe with key-value mapping
horizons='data.frame', # all horizons sorted by ID, top
site='data.frame', # data about the sampling sites
sp='SpatialPoints', # (optional) spatial data stored here
diagnostic='data.frame' # (optional) diagnostic horizons are stored here
metadata=data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE), # default units are unkown
horizons=data.frame(SOURCEID=NA, UDICM=0, LHDICM=200, stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
site=data.frame(SOURCEID=NA, SPDFAO=1, SOURCEDB=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
validity=function(object) {
## check horizon logic:
h <- object@horizons
top <- object@depthcols[1]
bottom <- object@depthcols[2]
if(any(c([[top]]),[[bottom]])))) {
return("Horizon top and bottom values cannot contain NA values")
test.h <- !h[[top]] < h[[bottom]]
return("Invalid horizon bottom values found at row:", paste(which(test.h), collapse=", "))
## check column names:
if(any(!names(object@site) %in% soil.vars$varname)|any(!names(object@horizons) %in% soil.vars$varname)){
test.nm <- !(names(object@site) %in% soil.vars$varname)
return(paste("Invalid variable name used:", paste(names(object@site)[test.nm], collapse=", ", sep="")))
test.nm <- !(names(object@horizons) %in% soil.vars$varname)
return(paste("Invalid variable name used:", paste(names(object@horizons)[test.nm], collapse=", ", sep="")))
## check that all required columns are available:
required <- paste(soil.vars[soil.vars$priority=="required" & (soil.vars$spcslot=="sites"|soil.vars$spcslot=="horizons"),"varname"])
present <- c(names(object@site), names(object@horizons))
missing <- !required %in% present
return(paste("Missing variable names:", paste(required[missing], collapse=", ", sep="")))
message("Checking domains...")
## munsell colour codes:
if(any(names(object@horizons) %in% "DCOMNS")){
if(any(!levels(as.factor(object@horizons$DCOMNS)) %in% levels(munsell$Munsell))){
message("Removing Munsell colour codes not available in the domain table")
x <- merge(object@horizons["DCOMNS"], munsell, by.x="DCOMNS", by.y="Munsell", all.x=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
object@horizons$DCOMNS <- ifelse($R), NA, x$DCOMNS)
if(any(names(object@horizons) %in% "MCOMNS")){
if(any(!levels(as.factor(object@horizons$MCOMNS)) %in% levels(munsell$Munsell))){
message("Removing Munsell colour codes not available in the domain table")
x <- merge(object@horizons["MCOMNS"], munsell, by.x="MCOMNS", by.y="Munsell", all.x=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
object@horizons$MCOMNS <- ifelse($R), NA, x$MCOMNS)
## check domains in the site table:
for(j in 1:ncol(object@site)){
vtype <- soil.vars[soil.vars$varname==names(object@site)[j],"type"]
DomainId <- soil.vars[soil.vars$varname==names(object@site)[j],"DomainId"]
levs <- paste(unlist(soil.dom[soil.dom$DomainId == DomainId,"Value"]))
if(any(!levels(object@site[,j]) %in% levs)){
return(paste("Invalid domain used for variable:", names(object@site)[j]))
} else {
## remove all values outside the natural range:
minval <- soil.vars[soil.vars$varname==names(object@site)[j],"minval"]
maxval <- soil.vars[soil.vars$varname==names(object@site)[j],"maxval"]
object@site[,j] <- ifelse(object@site[,j] < minval, NA, ifelse(object@site[,j] > maxval, NA, object@site[,j]))
## check metadata slot
## A new class for models fitted in gstat:
setClass("gstatModel", slots = c(regModel = "ANY", vgmModel = "data.frame", svgmModel = "data.frame", sp = "SpatialPointsDataFrame"), validity = function(object) {
ml = c("lm", "glm", "rpart", "randomForest", "lme", "gls", "zeroinfl", "train", "ranger")
if(!any(class(object@regModel) %in% ml))
return(paste("Only models of type", paste(ml, collapse=", "), "are accepted"))
cn = c("model", "psill", "range", "kappa", "ang1", "ang2", "ang3", "anis1", "anis2")
if(any(!(names(object@vgmModel) %in% cn)))
return(paste("Expecting only column names:", paste(cn, collapse=", ")))
if(!all(cn %in% names(object@vgmModel))){
x <- cn[!(cn %in% names(object@vgmModel))]
return(paste("Missing column names:", paste(x, collapse=", ")))
### GSIF soil property maps class:
setClass("SoilGrids", representation(varname = 'character', TimeSpan = 'list', sd1 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd2 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd3 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd4 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd5 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd6 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame'),
prototype = list(varname = "NA", TimeSpan = list(begin=Sys.time(), end=Sys.time()), sd1 = NULL, sd2 = NULL, sd3 = NULL, sd4 = NULL, sd5 = NULL, sd6 = NULL), ## will not pass the validity check!
validity = function(object){
if(!(object@varname %in% soil.vars$varname)){
return(paste("Property", object@varname, "not specified in the Soil Reference Library. See 'data(soil.vars)' for more details."))
if(!all(sapply(object@TimeSpan, function(x){class(x)[1]})=="POSIXct") & object@TimeSpan[["begin"]] > object@TimeSpan[["end"]]){
return("'TimeSpan' must indicate 'begin' and 'end' times to which the predictions refer to.")
return("Object in slot 'sd' with at least two realizations (or predictions and variances) required")
## check the projection system:
ref_CRS = get("ref_CRS", envir = GSIF.opts)
return(paste("Grids projected in the \"", ref_CRS, "\" projection required.", sep=""))
## check the target resolution:
grd.lst <- get("cellsize", envir = GSIF.opts)
if(!any(object@sd1@grid@cellsize %in% grd.lst)|!any(object@sd2@grid@cellsize %in% grd.lst)|!any(object@sd3@grid@cellsize %in% grd.lst)|!any(object@sd4@grid@cellsize %in% grd.lst)|!any(object@sd5@grid@cellsize %in% grd.lst)|!any(object@sd6@grid@cellsize %in% grd.lst)){
return(paste("Grid cell size does not correspond to one of the following:", paste(signif(grd.lst, 4), collapse=", ")))
## check the bounding boxes:
if(!(any(object@sd1@bbox %in% as.list(object@sd2@bbox, object@sd3@bbox, object@sd4@bbox, object@sd5@bbox, object@sd6@bbox)))){
return("The bounding box of all 'sd' slots is not standard")
### GlobalSoilMap class (must be 100 m):
setClass("GlobalSoilMap", representation (varname = 'character', TimeSpan = 'list', sd1 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd2 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd3 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd4 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd5 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', sd6 = 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame'),
prototype = list(varname = "NA", TimeSpan = list(begin=Sys.time(), end=Sys.time()), sd1 = NULL, sd2 = NULL, sd3 = NULL, sd4 = NULL, sd5 = NULL, sd6 = NULL), validity = function(object){
if(!all(sapply(object@TimeSpan, function(x){class(x)[1]})=="POSIXct") & object@TimeSpan[["begin"]] > object@TimeSpan[["end"]]){
return("'TimeSpan' must indicate 'begin' and 'end' times to which the predictions refer to.")
## check the target resolution:
grd.lst <- get("cellsize", envir = GSIF.opts)
if(!all(object@sd1@grid@cellsize == grd.lst[2])|!all(object@sd2@grid@cellsize == grd.lst[2])|!all(object@sd3@grid@cellsize == grd.lst[2])|!all(object@sd4@grid@cellsize == grd.lst[2])|!all(object@sd5@grid@cellsize == grd.lst[2])|!all(object@sd6@grid@cellsize == grd.lst[2])){
return(paste("Grid cell size does not correspond the prescribed resolution:", paste(signif(grd.lst[2], 4), collapse=", ")))
## check the bounding boxes:
if(!(any(object@sd1@bbox %in% as.list(object@sd2@bbox, object@sd3@bbox, object@sd4@bbox, object@sd5@bbox, object@sd6@bbox)))){
return("The bounding box of all 'sd' slots is not standard")
## geosamples class:
setClass("geosamples", representation (registry = 'character', methods = 'data.frame', data = 'data.frame'), validity = function(object) {
cnames <- c("observationid", "sampleid", "longitude", "latitude", "locationError", "TimeSpan.begin", "TimeSpan.end", "altitude", "altitudeMode", "sampleArea", "sampleThickness", "observedValue", "methodid", "measurementError")
if(any(!(names(object@data) %in% cnames)))
return(paste("Expecting only column names:", paste(cnames, collapse=", ")))
mnames <- c("methodid", "description", "units", "detectionLimit")
if(any(!(names(object@methods) %in% mnames)))
return(paste("Expecting only column names:", paste(mnames, collapse=", ")))
if(any(!(levels(as.factor(paste(object@methods$methodid))) %in% levels(as.factor(paste(object@data$methodid))))))
return("'methodid' levels in the methods table and data table do not match")
if(!any(class(object@data$TimeSpan.begin) %in% "POSIXct") | !any(class(object@data$TimeSpan.end) %in% "POSIXct")) {
return("'TimeSpan.begin' and 'TimeSpan.end' of class 'POSIXct' required")
else {
sel <- !$TimeSpan.begin)&!$TimeSpan.end)
if(any(object@data$TimeSpan.begin[sel] > object@data$TimeSpan.end[sel]))
return("'TimeSpan.begin' must indicate time before or equal to 'TimeSpan.end'")
if(any(object@data$measurementError[!$measurementError)] < 0))
return("'measurementError' must be positive numbers")
if(any(object@data$sampleArea[!$sampleArea)] < 0))
return("'sampleArea' must be positive numbers")
if(any(object@data$sampleThickness[!$sampleThickness)] < 0))
return("'sampleThickness' must be positive numbers")
# test if it is a longlat object:
if(any(object@data$longitude>180|object@data$longitude< -180|object@data$latitude< -90|object@data$latitude> 90))
return("longitude and latitude values in the range -180 to 180 and -90 to 90 required")
## WPS class
setClass("WPS", representation (server = 'list', inRastername = 'character'), validity = function(object) {
cnames <- c("URI", "", "version", "request", "identifier")
if(any(!(names(object@server) %in% cnames)))
return(paste("Expecting only column names:", paste(cnames, collapse=", ")))
## check if URI exists:
uri = paste(paste(object@server$URI, "?", sep=""), object@server$version, object@server$service, "request=GetCapabilities", sep="&")
if(requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)){
try(z <- RCurl::getURI(uri, .opts=RCurl::curlOptions(header=TRUE, nobody=TRUE, transfertext=TRUE, failonerror=FALSE)))
} else {
z <- NA
if(!length(x <- grep(z, pattern="404 Not Found"))==0)
return("Server error: 404 Not Found")
## REST class
setClass("REST.SoilGrids", representation (server = 'character', query = 'list', stream = 'list'),
prototype = list(server=get("REST.server", envir = GSIF.opts), query=list(attributes=get("attributes", envir = GSIF.opts), confidence=c("U","M","L"), depths=c("sd1","sd2","sd3","sd4","sd5","sd6")), stream=list(clipList=NA, param=NA)), ## TH: Might change in future!
validity = function(object) {
## check if URI exists:
if(requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)){
try(z <- RCurl::getURI(object@server, .opts=RCurl::curlOptions(header=TRUE, nobody=TRUE, transfertext=TRUE, failonerror=FALSE)))
} else {
z <- NA
if(!length(x <- grep(z, pattern="404 Not Found"))==0){
return("Server error: 404 Not Found")
## SpatialComponents class
setClass("SpatialComponents", representation (predicted = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", pca = "list"), validity = function(object) {
cnames <- attr(object@pca$rotation, "dimnames")[[1]]
pnames <- attr(object@pca$rotation, "dimnames")[[2]]
return("Number of components of the 'sdev' and 'rotation' objects do not match")
# check if column names match:
if(!all(pnames %in% names(object@predicted)))
return("Column names in the 'predicted' slot and 'pca' slots do not match")
## SpatialMemberships class
setClass("SpatialMemberships", representation (predicted = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", model = "list", mu = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", class.c = "matrix", = "matrix", confusion = "ANY"), validity = function(object) {
## check if column names match:
#if(!any(names(object@mu) %in% levels(object@predicted@data[,1])))
# return("Class names in the 'predicted' and 'mu' slots do not match")
## check if the row names in the, class.c match:
if(!all(row.names(object@class.c) %in% levels(object@predicted@data[,1])))
return("Row names in the 'class.c' slot and 'predicted' slots do not match")
if(!all(row.names( %in% levels(object@predicted@data[,1])))
return("Row names in the '' slot and 'predicted' slots do not match")
return("A minimum of two membership maps required")
# check if all mu's sum to 1 (plus minus 1%):
if(!all(rowSums(object@mu@data, na.rm=TRUE)>.99&rowSums(object@mu@data, na.rm=TRUE)<1.01))
return("Some rows in the 'mu' slot do not sum up to 1")
## check if the confusion matrix has kappa > 0
# if(length(object@confusion)==0|attr(object@confusion, "error")==0)
# return("Not possible to derive confusion table or no significant match detected")
################## generic functions ##############
setGeneric("getID", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("getID")})
setGeneric("", function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...){standardGeneric("")})
setGeneric("predict", function(object, ...){standardGeneric("predict")})
setGeneric("over", function(x, y, ...){standardGeneric("over")})
setGeneric("mpspline", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("mpspline")})
setGeneric("as.geosamples", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("as.geosamples")})
setGeneric("getProcess", function(x, ...){standardGeneric("getProcess")})
setGeneric("getSpatialTiles", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("getSpatialTiles")})
setGeneric("tile", function(x, ...){standardGeneric("tile")})
setGeneric("describe", function(x, ...){standardGeneric("describe")})
setGeneric("summary", function(object, ...){standardGeneric("summary")})
setGeneric("merge", function(x, y, ...){standardGeneric("merge")})
setGeneric("subset", function(x, ...){standardGeneric("subset")})
setGeneric("spc", function(obj, formulaString, ...){standardGeneric("spc")})
setGeneric("spsample.prob", function(observations, covariates, ...){standardGeneric("spsample.prob")})
setGeneric("make.3Dgrid", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("make.3Dgrid")})
if (!isGeneric("fit.gstatModel")){
setGeneric("fit.gstatModel", function(observations, formulaString, covariates, ...){standardGeneric("fit.gstatModel")})
if (!isGeneric("autopredict")){
setGeneric("autopredict", function(target, covariates, ...){standardGeneric("autopredict")})
if (!isGeneric("test.gstatModel")){
setGeneric("test.gstatModel", function(observations, formulaString, covariates, ...){standardGeneric("test.gstatModel")})
if (!isGeneric("fit.regModel")){
setGeneric("fit.regModel", function(formulaString, rmatrix, predictionDomain, method, ...){standardGeneric("fit.regModel")})
if (!isGeneric("fit.vgmModel")){
setGeneric("fit.vgmModel", function(formulaString, rmatrix, predictionDomain, ...){standardGeneric("fit.vgmModel")})
if (!isGeneric("spmultinom")){
setGeneric("spmultinom", function(formulaString, observations, covariates, ...){standardGeneric("spmultinom")})
if (!isGeneric("validate")){
setGeneric("validate", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("validate")})
if (!isGeneric("spfkm")){
setGeneric("spfkm", function(formulaString, observations, covariates, ...){standardGeneric("spfkm")})
if (!isGeneric("sp3D")){
setGeneric("sp3D", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("sp3D")})
if (!isGeneric("")){
setGeneric("", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("")})
if (!isGeneric("warp")){
setGeneric("warp", function(obj, ...){standardGeneric("warp")})
if (!isGeneric("sample.grid")){
setGeneric("sample.grid", function(obj, cell.size, n, ...){standardGeneric("sample.grid")})
setGeneric("buffer.dist", function(observations, predictionDomain, ...){standardGeneric("buffer.dist")})
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