
syntheticData <- function(H0number, plot = FALSE, plot.name = NA) {
#  dat <- data(initialDataset, package = "HTSDiff")
#  dat <- get(dat)
  dat <- HTSDiff::initialDataset
  fix <- grep(".DE", dat[,1])
  modify <- dat[-fix, 1]
  synth <- dat[,1:5] ## BF/F data
  ## Choose H0number genes among those we can modify
  if(H0number < 1 & H0number >= 0) {
    subset <- sample(modify, H0number*length(modify))
  if(H0number >= 1) {
    subset <- sample(modify, H0number)
  tochange <- is.element(synth[,1], subset)
  ## Change from M-L M-M on 2015-01-08
  ## Reflects fact that leaf samples arise from two different tech
  ## In new fcn, one Hiseq and one GA are both included in a single condition
  synth[tochange, -1] <- dat[tochange, c(4,6,5,7)]
#  synth[tochange, -1] <- dat[tochange, 4:7]
  synth[,1] <- as.character(synth[,1])
  synth[tochange, 1] <- paste(synth[tochange, 1], ".Hnull", sep="")
  if(plot == TRUE) {
    if(is.na(plot.name) == FALSE) pdf(plot.name);
    plot(log2(x),log2(y),pch=46, xlab = expression(paste(log[2](x))), ylab = expression(paste(log[2](y))))   
    legend("topleft", bty="n", col=c("cyan", 2, "blue"), pch = c(20,20,20), c(expression(paste(H[0])), "DE", "NDE"),
           cex=1.5, pt.cex=c(0.75, 1, 1))
    if(is.na(plot.name) == FALSE) dev.off();
  rownames(synth) <- synth[,1]

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HTSDiff documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:47 p.m.