
lpic <- function (base = base, sd = sd, wt = wt, pics = "pics", preface = "f") 
  if ("jpeg" %in% installed.packages()[, 1] == FALSE) 
    stop("must install package jpeg")
  if (ncol(base) - 3 != length(sd)) 
    stop("length of sd does not equal number of measurements")
  if (ncol(base) - 3 != length(wt)) 
    stop("length of wt does not equal number of measurements")
  if (any(base[4:ncol(base)] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) 
    print("You have negative numbers in your measurements")
  files <- dir(paste(getwd(), pics, sep = "/"))
  if (paste("Results_", as.character(Sys.Date()), "_", preface, 
            sep = "") %in% dir(getwd()) == TRUE) 
    stop("You already have a results file in your wd")
  if (any(is.na(base$id)) != TRUE) 
    stop("You do not have NAs in your id column")
  if (any(paste(base[, 2], ".JPG", sep = "") %in% files == 
    stop("Your are missing photos in your pics folder")
  if (any(duplicated(base[, 2]) == TRUE)) 
    stop("You have duplicated rows")
  if (max(nchar(as.character(base$info)) > 20)) 
    stop("Your have too many characters in your info column")
  sizes <- do.call(c, lapply(1:length(files), function(i) {
    temp <- file.info(paste(getwd(), pics, files[i], sep = "/"))
    sz <- temp[1, 1]
  if (any(sizes > 1e+06) == TRUE) 
    print("The file size of >=1 of your photos is > 1mb, this could slow the program")
  rm(files, sizes)
  print(paste("You have", length(colnames(base)) - 3, "measurements, and", 
              nrow(base), " total pictures. There are", nrow(base[is.na(base$id) == 
                                                                    TRUE, ]), "pictures to assign ids.", sep = " "))
  print("Here is the summary of each measurement:")
  print("Does everything look ok?  Type y to continue, otherwise click Escape")
  t <- readline(prompt = ":")
  if (t != "y") 
  d <- as.character(Sys.Date())
  dir.create(paste(getwd(), "/Results_", d, "_", preface, sep = ""))
  main <- base[is.na(base$id) == FALSE, ]
  base <- base[is.na(base$id) == TRUE, ]
  base <- base[2:ncol(base)]
  matches <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(base), function(i) {
    base.2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(main), function(e) {
      base[i, ]
    colnames(base.2) <- paste(colnames(base.2), "b", sep = "_")
    data <- cbind(main, base.2)
    data$photo_name <- as.character(data$photo_name)
    pair <- paste(data$photo_name, data$photo_name_b, sep = "_")
    data <- cbind(data, pair)
    leng <- ncol(main) - 1
    likelihood <- rowSums(do.call(cbind, lapply(4:ncol(main), 
                                                function(j) {
                                                  dnorm(data[, j], data[, j + leng], sd[j - 3]) * 
                                                    wt[j - 3]
                                                })), na.rm = TRUE)
    max.likel <- sum(do.call(c, lapply(4:ncol(main), function(j) {
      dnorm(data[1, j], data[1, j], sd[j - 3]) * wt[j - 
    })), na.rm = TRUE)
    data <- cbind(data, score = likelihood/max.likel, likelihood)
    data <- data[order(data$score, decreasing = T), ]
    data <- cbind(data, rank = 1:nrow(data))
    u <- if (length(unique(data$photo_name)) > 5) {
    else (as.character(unique(data$photo_name)))
    par(mfrow = c(2, 3), family = "serif", mai = c(0.2, 0.2, 
                                                   0.2, 0.2), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1), omi = c(0.1, 0.1, 
                                                                                           0.1, 0.1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    img1 <- readJPEG(paste(getwd(), "/", pics, "/", data$photo_name_b[1], 
                           ".JPG", sep = ""))
    dim1 <- ((dim(img1)[1]/dim(img1)[2]) * 800)
    dim1 <- ifelse(dim1 > 800, 800, dim1)
    plot(c(0, 1000), c(0, 800), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
         axes = FALSE, main = paste("New:", data$photo_name_b[1], 
                                    ", ", data$info_b[1], sep = " "))
    rasterImage(img1, 0, 0, 1000, dim1)
    for (a in 1:length(u)) {
      plot(c(0, 1000), c(0, 800), type = "n", xlab = "", 
           ylab = "", axes = FALSE, main = paste("#", a, 
                                                 ", ", preface, data$id[a], ", Scr=", signif(data$score[a], 
                                                                                             3), ", ", data$info[a], sep = ""))
      rasterImage(readJPEG(paste(getwd(), "/", pics, "/", 
                                 data$photo_name[a], ".JPG", sep = "")), 0, 0, 
                  1000, dim1)
    print(c(paste("Pic ", i, " of ", nrow(base), " : ", "Identify whether or not the new animal has a match.", 
                  sep = ""), "Specify by typing a string of 0s (for non-matches) and a 1 (for a match).", 
            "Do not specifiy more than one match. If there are less than 5 photo options,", 
            "your string should equal the number of photo options. For example:100 (for 3)"), 
          quote = FALSE)
    numbs <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(readline(prompt = ":"), 
                                        split = "", fixed = TRUE)))
    if (length(numbs) != length(u)) 
      print("You made an error, you have one more chance")
    if (length(numbs) != length(u)) {
      numbs <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(readline(prompt = ":"), 
                                          split = "", fixed = TRUE)))
    match <- c(numbs, rep(0, times = nrow(data) - length(u)))
    match[match == 1] <- "yes"
    match[match == 0] <- "no"
    data <- cbind(data, match)
    data$match <- as.character(data$match)
    id <- if (any(data$match == "yes")) {
      data$id[data$match == "yes"]
    else (max(main$id) + 1)
    temp <- cbind(id, base[i, ])
    main <<- rbind(main, temp)
    write.table(main, paste(getwd(), "/Results_", d, "_", preface, 
                            "/unique_ids.csv", sep = ""), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, 
                append = FALSE)
  id <- paste(preface, as.character(main$id), sep = "")
  main <- cbind(id, main[2:ncol(main)])
  write.table(main, paste(getwd(), "/Results_", d, "_", preface, 
                          "/unique_ids.csv", sep = ""), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, 
              append = FALSE)
  write.table(matches, paste(getwd(), "/Results_", d, "_", 
                             preface, "/score.matrix.csv", sep = ""), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, 
              append = FALSE)
  dir.create(paste(getwd(), "/Results_", d, "_", preface, "/population", 
                   sep = ""))
  u2 <- as.character(unique(main$id))
  for (x in 1:length(u2)) {
    dir.create(paste(getwd(), "/Results_", d, "_", preface, 
                     "/population/", u2[x], sep = ""))
  temp2 <- do.call(c, lapply(1:nrow(main), function(p) {
    t <- file.copy(paste(getwd(), "/", pics, "/", main$photo_name[p], 
                         ".JPG", sep = ""), paste(getwd(), "/Results_", d, 
                                                  "_", preface, "/population/", main$id[p], "/", main$photo_name[p], 
                                                  ".JPG", sep = ""))
  if (any(temp2 == FALSE)) 
    print("!Something went wrong with folder creation!")
  return(list(main, matches))

Try the MatchImage package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

MatchImage documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:51 p.m.