
MultiFit <- structure(function(
	## Multiple fits
	## Fits bivariate or multivariate regressions between a response variable and one or several predictor variables based on multiple fitting methods. 
	### predictor variables: a vector for bivariate fits, or a matrix or data.frame for multivariate fits
	### vector of a response variable
	fits = c("lm", "quantreg", "poly2", "poly3", "spline", "gam"),
	### One or several fitting methods that should be used, possible options are: lm, quantreg, poly2, poly3, spline, gam, rf, logistic
	xout = NULL,
	### vector or data.frame of predictor variables for which fits should be returned. If NULL, fits are returned along a sequence of x values. This allows the plotting of 2D surfaces in case of two predictor variables (see examples). In case of xout=x, fits are returned for the same x values that were used for fitting.
	excl.quantile = c(0, 1),
	### lower and upper quantiles for which x and y values should be excluded to compute fits. For example, if excl.quantile=c(0, 0.9) all x and y values above the quantile 0.9 will be excluded from fitting.
	fit.quantile = NULL,
	### Perform a fitting to a certain quantile of x? Setting this argument to an value between 0 and 1 allows quantile regression. Therfore \code{\link{SelectQuantiles}} is first used to select along a range of x only the values that are around the specified quantile.
	### further arguments (not used)

	## The following fitting methods are implemented:
	## \itemize{ 
	## \item{ "lm": (multiple) linear regression based on \code{\link{lm}}: lm(y ~ x) }
	## \item{ "quantreg": quantile regression to the median based on \code{\link{rq}}: rq(y ~ x, tau=0.5) }
	## \item{ "poly2": 2nd-order polynomial regression based on \code{\link{lm}}: lm(y ~ poly(x, degree=2)) }
	## \item{ "poly3": 3rd-order polynomial regression based on \code{\link{lm}}: lm(y ~ poly(x, degre=3)) }
	## \item{ "spline": smoothing spline based on \code{\link{smooth.spline}}: smooth.spline(x, y). This method only works for bivariate fits. }
	## \item{ "gam": generalized additive models using spline smoothing based on \code{\link{gam}}: gam(y ~ s(x)) }
	## \item{ "rf": random forest based on \code{\link{randomForest}}: randomForest(y ~ x). This method is not computed by default because it can be computationally expensive. }
	## \item{ "logistic": multiplicative logistic functions based on \code{\link{FitLogistic}}: FitLogistic(x, y). This method is not computed by default because it can be computationally expensive. }
	## } 
	## Furthermore, ensemble statistics like the mean, median, standard deviation and percentiles are computed from the results of the choosen fitting methods. 
	##references<< No reference.	
	## \code{\link{FitLogistic}}
) {  

   # 1-d or n-d fit?
   nd <- !is.vector(x)
   if (nd) nd <- ncol(x) > 1
   nobs <- length(y)
   nun <- length(unique(y))

   # dont't fit spline in n-dimensional case
   if (nd) fits[grep("spline", fits)] <- NA
   fits <- na.omit(fits)
   # prepare data
   df <- data.frame(y, x)
   df <- as.data.frame(apply(df, 2, function(x) {
      x[is.infinite(x)] <- NA
      q <- quantile(x, excl.quantile, na.rm=TRUE)
      x[x < q[1]] <- NA
      x[x > q[2]] <- NA
   df <- na.omit(df)
   # names of predictor variables
   xvar <- colnames(df)[-1]
   # fit to a certain quantile?
   if (!is.null(fit.quantile) & !nd) {
      df <- SelectQuantiles(df$x, df$y, fit.quantile)
      df <- data.frame(y=df$y, x=df$x)
   # new data for fit
   if (is.null(xout)) {
      if (nd) {
         xout <- apply(df[,-1], 2, function(x) {
            seq(min(x), max(x), length=50)
         xout <- expand.grid(as.data.frame(xout)) 
         colnames(xout) <- xvar
      } else {
         xout <- data.frame(x=seq(min(df$x), max(df$x), length=50))
   } else {
      if (is.vector(xout)) {
         xout <- data.frame(x=xout)
   # smoothing spline
   if ("spline" %in% fits & nobs > 5) {
      message("MultiFit: smoothing spline")
      mspl <- try(smooth.spline(df$x, df$y), silent=TRUE)
		if (class(mspl) == "try-error") mspl <- try(smooth.spline(df$x, df$y, cv=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
		if (class(mspl) == "try-error") {
         fits[fits == "spline"] <- "gam"
         fits <- unique(fits)
         message("Could not compute smoothing spline. Try to compute GAM instead.")
		} else {
         xout$spline <- predict(mspl, xout$x)$y
   # GAM
   if ("gam" %in% fits & nobs > 5) {
      message("MultiFit: GAM")
      f <- formula(paste("y ~ s(", paste(xvar, collapse=", "), ")"))
      mgam <- try(mgcv::gam(f, data=df), silent=TRUE)
      if (class(mgam) == "try-error") {
         k <- nrow(unique(df[xvar]))
         mgam <- try(mgcv::gam(f, data=df, k=k), silent=TRUE)
		if (class(mgam) == "try-error") {
         fits[fits == "gam"] <- "poly2"
         fits <- unique(fits)
         warnings("Could not compute GAM. Try to compute poly2 instead.")
		} else {
         xout$gam <- predict(mgam, xout)
#   # local polynomical regression 
#   if ("loess" %in% fits) {
#      message("MultiFit: local polynomical regression")
#      f <- formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(xvar, collapse=" * ")))
#      mloess <- loess(f, data=df, control=loess.control(surface = "direct"))
#      xout$loess <- predict(mloess, xout)
#   }
   # 2nd-order polynomial
   if ("poly2" %in% fits & nobs > 5 & nun > 5) {
      message("MultiFit: 2nd-order polynomial")
      f <- formula(paste("y ~ poly(", paste(xvar, collapse=", "), ", degree=2)"))
      mpoly2 <- try(lm(f, data=df), silent=TRUE)
      if (class(mpoly2) == "try-error") {
         fits[fits == "gam"] <- "lm"
      } else {
         xout$poly2 <- predict(mpoly2, xout)
   # 3rd-order polynomial
   if ("poly3" %in% fits & nobs > 5 & nun > 5) {
      message("MultiFit: 3rd-order polynomial")
      f <- formula(paste("y ~ poly(", paste(xvar, collapse=", "), ", degree=3)"))
      mpoly3 <- try(lm(f, data=df), silent=TRUE)
      if (class(mpoly3) == "try-error") {
         fits[fits == "gam"] <- "lm"
      } else {
         xout$poly3 <- predict(mpoly3, xout)
   # linear model 
   if ("lm" %in% fits) {
      message("MultiFit: fit linear regression")
      f <- formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(xvar, collapse=" + ")))
      mlm <- lm(f, data=df)
      xout$lm <- predict(mlm, xout)
   # quantile regression
   if ("quantreg" %in% fits & nobs > 3) {
      message("MultiFit: quantile regression")
   	f <- formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(xvar, collapse=" + ")))
		mqr <- quantreg::rq(f, tau=0.5, data=df)
		xout$quantreg <- predict(mqr, xout)
	# logistic functions
	if ("logistic" %in% fits & nobs > 5) {
	   message("MultiFit: logistic function")
	   mfl <- FitLogistic(x=df[,-1], y=df[,1], method=c("genoud", "BFGS"), pop.size=500, max.generations=30, print.level=0)
	   xout$logistic <- predict(mfl, xout)
   # random forest
   if ("rf" %in% fits & nobs > 5) {
      message("MultiFit: random forest")
      mrf <- randomForest::randomForest(y ~ ., data=df)
      xout$rf <- predict(mrf, xout)
   # ensemble statistics
   m <- na.omit(match(fits, colnames(xout)))
   if (length(fits) > 1) {
      xout$ensMean <- apply(xout[, m], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE) 
      xout$ensMedian <- apply(xout[, m], 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
      xout$ensSd <- apply(xout[, m], 1, sd) 
      xout$ensP01 <- apply(xout[, m], 1, quantile, prob=0.01, na.rm=TRUE) 
      xout$ensP05 <- apply(xout[, m], 1, quantile, prob=0.05, na.rm=TRUE) 
      xout$ensP25 <- apply(xout[, m], 1, quantile, prob=0.25, na.rm=TRUE) 
      xout$ensP75 <- apply(xout[, m], 1, quantile, prob=0.75, na.rm=TRUE) 
      xout$ensP95 <- apply(xout[, m], 1, quantile, prob=0.95, na.rm=TRUE) 
      xout$ensP99 <- apply(xout[, m], 1, quantile, prob=0.99, na.rm=TRUE) 
   } else {
      xout$ensMean <- xout[, m]

}, ex=function() {

# bivariate example
x <- runif(1000, -3, 3) # predictor variable
y <- 0.5 * x + 1 / exp(-0.4 * x) * rnorm(1000, 1, 1) # response variable
ScatterPlot(x, y)
fit <- MultiFit(x, y, fits=c("lm", "quantreg", "poly2", "poly3", 
   "spline", "gam", "rf", "logistic"))
cols <- piratepal("basel")
matplot(fit$x, fit[,2:11], type="l", add=TRUE, lty=1, col=cols, lwd=2)
legend("topleft", colnames(fit)[2:11], lty=1, col=cols, lwd=2)

# same example but exclude very high values (> quantile 0.9) from fitting
fit1 <- MultiFit(x, y, excl.quantile=c(0, 0.9))
lines(fit1$x, fit1$ensMean, type="l",lty=1, col="purple", lwd=3)

# to compare fitted with original values compute 
# fits at original predictor variables (xout=x)
fit <- MultiFit(x, y, fits=c("poly3", "gam"), xout=x) 
df <- data.frame(sim=c(fit$poly3, fit$gam), obs=rep(y, 2), groups=rep(c("poly3", "gam"), each=length(y)))
of <- ObjFct(df$sim, df$obs, df$groups)
plot(of, which="RMSE")
ScatterPlot(df$sim, df$obs, df$groups, objfct=TRUE)
TaylorPlot(df$sim, df$obs, df$groups)

# bivariate example with fit to a certain quantile
ScatterPlot(x, y)
fit <- MultiFit(x, y, fit.quantile=0.9, fits=c("spline", "gam", "poly3", "rf"))
matplot(fit$x, fit[,2:5], type="l", add=TRUE, lty=1, col=cols, lwd=2)
legend("topleft", colnames(fit)[2:5], lty=1, col=cols, lwd=2)

# example with two predictor variables
a <- runif(1000, -3, 3) # 1st predictor variable
b <- runif(1000, 0, 2) # 2nd predictor variable
y <- 1.2 * b + 1 / exp(-0.4 * a) * rnorm(1000, 1, 0.2) # response variable
plot(a, y)
plot(b, y)
fit <- MultiFit(x=data.frame(a, b), y, xout=NULL) 
image(x=unique(fit$a), y=unique(fit$b), 
   z=matrix(fit$lm, sqrt(nrow(fit))), main="ensMean")

## as 3D plot:
#with(data.frame(a, b), plot3d(a, b, y))
#with(fit, surface3d(unique(a), unique(b), ensMean, alpha=0.2, col="red"))

# example with three predictor variables
a <- runif(1000, -3, 3) # 1st predictor variable
b <- runif(1000, 0, 2) # 2nd predictor variable
c <- rnorm(1000, 1, 1) # 3rd predictor variable
y <- 1.2 * b + 1 / exp(-0.4 * a) * c # response variable
x <- data.frame(a, b, c)
fit <- MultiFit(x, y, fits=c("poly2", "rf"), xout=x)
ObjFct(fit$rf, y)
ObjFct(fit$poly2, y)



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