
Defines functions .sharpeTesting .sharpe.ratio.diff .sharpeTestAsymptotic .se.sharpe.asymptotic .sharpeTestBootstrap .se.sharpe.bootstrap

## Set of R functions for Sharpe ratio testing

## Test Sharpe ratio difference 

.sharpeTesting = function(x, y, control = list()){
  x = as.matrix(x)
  y = as.matrix(y)
  # process control parameters
  ctr = processControl(control)
  # check if enough data are available for testing
  dxy = x - y
  idx = (!is.nan(dxy)&!is.na(dxy))
  rets = cbind(x[idx], y[idx])
  T = sum(idx)
  if (T < ctr$minObs){
    stop("intersection of 'x' and 'y' is shorter than 'minObs'")
  # sharpe testing
  if (ctr$type == 1){
    # ==> asymptotic approach
    tmp = sharpeTestAsymptotic(rets, ctr$hac, ctr$ttype)
    # ==> bootstrap approach (iid and circular block bootstrap)
    if (ctr$bBoot == 0){
      ctr$bBoot = sharpeBlockSize(x, y, ctr)
    bsids = bootIndices(T, ctr$nBoot, ctr$bBoot)
    tmp = sharpeTestBootstrap(rets, bsids, ctr$bBoot, ctr$ttype, ctr$pBoot)
  # info on the funds  
  info = infoFund(rets)
  ## form output
  out = list(n = T, 
             sharpe  = info$sharpe, 
             dsharpe = as.vector(tmp$dsharpe), 
             tstat   = as.vector(tmp$tstat), 
             pval    = as.vector(tmp$pval))  
sharpeTesting = compiler::cmpfun(.sharpeTesting)

## Test Sharpe difference using asymptotic approach

# difference of sharpe ratios
.sharpe.ratio.diff = function(X, Y, ttype){
  if (is.null(Y)){
    Y = X[,2,drop=FALSE]
    X = X[,1,drop=FALSE]
  n = nrow(X)
  mu1.hat = colMeans(X)
  mu2.hat = colMeans(Y)
  X_ = sweep(x = X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu1.hat, FUN = "-")
  Y_ = sweep(x = Y, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu2.hat, FUN = "-")
  sig1.hat = sqrt(colSums(X_^2) / (n - 1))
  sig2.hat = sqrt(colSums(Y_^2) / (n - 1))
  if (ttype == 1){
    SR1.hat = mu1.hat / sig1.hat
    SR2.hat = mu2.hat / sig2.hat
    SR1.hat = mu1.hat * sig2.hat
    SR2.hat = mu2.hat * sig1.hat
  diff = SR1.hat - SR2.hat
sharpe.ratio.diff = compiler::cmpfun(.sharpe.ratio.diff)

.sharpeTestAsymptotic = function(rets, hac, ttype){
  dsharpe = sharpe.ratio.diff(rets, Y = NULL, ttype)
  se      = se.sharpe.asymptotic(rets, hac, ttype)
  tstat   = dsharpe / se
  pval    = 2 * pnorm(-abs(tstat)) # asymptotic normal p-value
  out     = list(dsharpe = dsharpe, tstat = tstat, se = se, pval = pval)
sharpeTestAsymptotic = compiler::cmpfun(.sharpeTestAsymptotic)

# Asymptotic standard error

.se.sharpe.asymptotic = function(X, hac, ttype){
  # estimation of (robust) Psi function; see Ledoit Wolf paper
  compute.Psi.hat = function(V.hat, hac){
    if (hac){
      T = length(V.hat[, 1])
      alpha.hat = compute.alpha.hat(V.hat)
      S.star = 2.6614 * (alpha.hat * T)^0.2
      Psi.hat = compute.Gamma.hat(V.hat, 0)
      j = 1
      while (j < S.star){
        Gamma.hat = compute.Gamma.hat(V.hat, j)
        Psi.hat = Psi.hat + kernel.Parzen(j/S.star) * (Gamma.hat + t(Gamma.hat))
        j = j + 1
      Psi.hat = (T/(T - 4)) * Psi.hat
      Psi.hat = cov(V.hat)
  # Parzen kernel
  kernel.Parzen = function(x){
    if (abs(x) <= 0.5) 
      result = 1 - 6 * x^2 + 6 * abs(x)^3
    else if (abs(x) <= 1) 
      result = 2 * (1 - abs(x))^3
    else result = 0
  compute.alpha.hat = function(V.hat){
    p = ncol(V.hat)
    num = den = 0
    for (i in 1:p){
      fit = ar(V.hat[, i], 0, 1, method = "ols")
      rho.hat = as.numeric(fit[2])
      sig.hat = sqrt(as.numeric(fit[3]))
      num = num + 4 * rho.hat^2 * sig.hat^4/(1 - rho.hat)^8
      den = den + sig.hat^4/(1 - rho.hat)^4
  compute.Gamma.hat = function (V.hat, j){
    T = nrow(V.hat)
    p = ncol(V.hat)
    Gamma.hat = matrix(0, p, p)
    if (j >= T) 
      stop("j must be smaller than the row dimension!")
    for (i in ((j + 1):T)){
      Gamma.hat = Gamma.hat + tcrossprod(V.hat[i, ], V.hat[i - j, ])
    Gamma.hat = Gamma.hat/T
  T = nrow(X)
  if (ttype == 1){
    mu.hat      = colMeans(X)
    gamma.hat   = colMeans(X^2)
    gradient    = vector('double', 4)
    gradient[1] = gamma.hat[1] / (gamma.hat[1] - mu.hat[1]^2)^1.5
    gradient[2] = -gamma.hat[2] / (gamma.hat[2] - mu.hat[2]^2)^1.5
    gradient[3] = -0.5 * mu.hat[1] / (gamma.hat[1] - mu.hat[1]^2)^1.5
    gradient[4] = 0.5 * mu.hat[2] / (gamma.hat[2] - mu.hat[2]^2)^1.5
    V.hat = matrix(NA, T, 4)
    V.hat[,1:2] = sweep(x = X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu.hat, FUN = "-")
    V.hat[,3:4] = sweep(x = X^2, MARGIN = 2, STATS = gamma.hat, FUN = "-")
    m1    = colMeans(X)
    X_    = sweep(x = X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = m1, FUN = "-")
    m2    = colMeans(X_^2)
    g2    = m2 + m1^2
    dm1i  = c(1, 0, 0, 0)
    dm1j  = c(0, 0, 1, 0)
    dsigi = 1 / (2 * sqrt(m2[1])) * c(-2 * m1[1], 1, 0, 0)
    dsigj = 1 / (2 * sqrt(m2[2])) * c(0, 0, -2 * m1[2], 1)
    tmp1  = dm1i * sqrt(m2[2]) + dsigj * m1[1]
    tmp2  = dm1j * sqrt(m2[1]) + dsigi * m1[2]
    gradient = tmp1 - tmp2   
    V.hat = matrix(NA, T, 4)
    V.hat[,c(1,3)] = sweep(x = X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = m1, FUN = "-")
    V.hat[,c(2,4)] = sweep(x = X^2, MARGIN = 2, STATS = g2, FUN = "-")
  Psi.hat = compute.Psi.hat(V.hat, hac)
  se = as.numeric( sqrt(crossprod(gradient, Psi.hat %*% gradient) / T) )
se.sharpe.asymptotic = compiler::cmpfun(.se.sharpe.asymptotic)

## Test Sharpe difference using circular studentized boostrap of Ledoit and Wolf

.sharpeTestBootstrap = function(rets, bsids, b, ttype, pBoot, d = 0){
  T = nrow(rets)
  x = rets[,1,drop=FALSE]
  y = rets[,2,drop=FALSE]
  dsharpe = as.numeric( sharpe.ratio.diff(x, y, ttype) - d )
  se = se.sharpe.bootstrap(x, y, b, ttype)
  #se = se.sharpe.asymptotic(X = cbind(x, y), hac = TRUE, ttype = ttype)
  # bootstrap indices
  nBoot = ncol(bsids)
  bsidx = 1 + bsids %% T # ensure that the bootstrap indices match the length of the time series
  bsX   = matrix(x[bsidx], T, nBoot)
  bsY   = matrix(y[bsidx], T, nBoot)
  bsdsharpe = sharpe.ratio.diff(bsX, bsY, ttype)
  bsse      = se.sharpe.bootstrap(bsX, bsY, b, ttype)
  tstat     = dsharpe / se
  if (pBoot == 1){
    # first type p-value calculation
    bststat = abs(bsdsharpe - dsharpe) / bsse
    pval    = (sum(bststat > abs(tstat)) + 1) / (nBoot + 1)
    #pval = sum(bststat > abs(tstat)) / nBoot 
    # second type p-value calculation (as in Barras)
    bststat = (bsdsharpe - dsharpe) / bsse
    pval    = 2 * min(sum(bststat > tstat) + 1, sum(bststat < tstat) + 1) / (nBoot + 1)
    #pval = 2 * min(sum(bststat > tstat), sum(bststat < tstat)) / nBoot
  out = list(dsharpe = dsharpe, tstat = tstat, se = se, bststat = bststat, pval = pval)
sharpeTestBootstrap = compiler::cmpfun(.sharpeTestBootstrap)

# Bootstrap standard error

.se.sharpe.bootstrap = function(X, Y, b, ttype){
  ## Compute Psi with two approaches: 1) iid bootstrap, 2) circular block bootstrap
  compute.Psi.hat = function(V.hat, b){
    T = length(V.hat[, 1])
    if (b == 1){
      # ==> standard estimation
      Psi.hat = cov(V.hat)
    else {
      # ==> block estimation
      l = floor(T/b)
      Psi.hat = matrix(0, 4, 4)
      for (j in (1:l)) {
        zeta = b^0.5 * colMeans(V.hat[((j - 1) * b + 1):(j * b),,drop=FALSE])
        Psi.hat = Psi.hat + tcrossprod(zeta) 
      Psi.hat = Psi.hat / l
  T = nrow(X)
  N = ncol(Y)
  if (ttype == 1){
    mu1.hat = colMeans(X)
    mu2.hat = colMeans(Y)
    gamma1.hat = colMeans(X^2)
    gamma2.hat = colMeans(Y^2)
    gradient = array(NA, c(4, 1, N))
    gradient[1,1,] = gamma1.hat / (gamma1.hat - mu1.hat^2)^1.5
    gradient[2,1,] = -gamma2.hat / (gamma2.hat - mu2.hat^2)^1.5
    gradient[3,1,] = -0.5 * mu1.hat / (gamma1.hat - mu1.hat^2)^1.5
    gradient[4,1,] = 0.5 * mu2.hat / (gamma2.hat - mu2.hat^2)^1.5
    V.hat = array(NA, c(T, 4, N))
    V.hat[,1,] = sweep(x = X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu1.hat, FUN = "-")
    V.hat[,2,] = sweep(x = Y, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu2.hat, FUN = "-")
    V.hat[,3,] = sweep(x = X^2, MARGIN = 2, STATS = gamma1.hat, FUN = "-")
    V.hat[,4,] = sweep(x = Y^2, MARGIN = 2, STATS = gamma2.hat, FUN = "-")
    m1X   = colMeans(X)
    m1Y   = colMeans(Y)
    X_    = sweep(x = X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = m1X, FUN = "-")
    Y_    = sweep(x = Y, MARGIN = 2, STATS = m1Y, FUN = "-")
    m2X   = colMeans(X_^2)
    m2Y   = colMeans(Y_^2)
    g2X   = m2X + m1X^2
    g2Y   = m2Y + m1Y^2
    cst1X = 1 / (2 * sqrt(m2X))
    cst1Y = 1 / (2 * sqrt(m2Y))
    dm1X  = matrix(rep(c(1, 0, 0, 0), N), 4, N, FALSE)
    dm1Y  = matrix(rep(c(0, 0, 1, 0), N), 4, N, FALSE)
    dsigX = rbind(-2 * cst1X * m1X, cst1X, 0, 0)
    dsigY = rbind(0, 0, -2 * cst1Y * m1Y, cst1Y)
    # matrix form
    m1X_  = matrix(m1X, nrow = 4, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
    m1Y_  = matrix(m1Y, nrow = 4, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
    m2X_  = matrix(m2X, nrow = 4, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
    m2Y_  = matrix(m2Y, nrow = 4, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
    dm1X_  = matrix(dm1X, nrow = 4, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE)
    dm1Y_  = matrix(dm1Y, nrow = 4, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE)
    dsigX_ = matrix(dsigX, nrow = 4, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE) 
    dsigY_ = matrix(dsigY, nrow = 4, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE) 
    cst2X_ = sqrt(m2X_)
    cst2Y_ = sqrt(m2Y_)
    # gradient
    tmp1 = dm1X_ * cst2Y_ + dsigY_ * m1X_
    tmp2 = dm1Y_ * cst2X_ + dsigX_ * m1Y_
    # =======
    gradient = array(NA, c(4, 1, N))
    gradient[1:4,1,] = tmp1 - tmp2
    V.hat = array(NA, c(T, 4, N))
    V.hat[,1,] = sweep(x = X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = m1X, FUN = "-")
    V.hat[,3,] = sweep(x = Y, MARGIN = 2, STATS = m1Y, FUN = "-")
    V.hat[,2,] = sweep(x = X^2, MARGIN = 2, STATS = g2X, FUN = "-")
    V.hat[,4,] = sweep(x = Y^2, MARGIN = 2, STATS = g2Y, FUN = "-")
  Psi.hat = array(apply(X = V.hat, MARGIN = 3, FUN = compute.Psi.hat, b = b), c(4, 4, N))
  se = vector('double', N)
  for (i in 1 : N) {
    se[i] = sqrt(crossprod(gradient[,,i], Psi.hat[,,i] %*% gradient[,,i]) / T)
se.sharpe.bootstrap = compiler::cmpfun(.se.sharpe.bootstrap)

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