
#                      R2STATS: A Graphical User Interface for GLM and GLMM in R
#                       Yvonnick Noel, University of Brittany, Rennes 2, France
#                                            2006-2011
#                                        GLM PROTOTYPE

r2sGLM = proto(

  ###------------------------------------- Model constructor --------------------------------------------

  new = function(.,name,class,func,dvField,dv,ivField,iv,data,family,link,weights,constrFactor,subset) {

  ###---------------------------------- Model estimation method -----------------------------------------
  estimate = function(.) {
   .$estimated = FALSE

    family = .$getFamily()
    link   = .$getLink()

    # Is the dependent variable a matrix?
    dv = .$dvField
    if(length(.$dv) > 1) dv = paste("cbind(",.$dvField,")",sep="")
    # Estimate
    res = try(eval(parse(text=paste(".$Rmodel <-",.$func,"(",dv,"~",.$ivField,",family=",family,"(link=",link,"),data=",.$data,",subset=",.$subset,",weights=",.$weights,")",sep=""))))
    if(inherits(res,"try-error")) return(res)
    # Store initial factor names
    indicList = .$getIndicList()
    modelVars = .$getModelVars()
    # This allows to get design factors in model definition order
   .$designFactors  = modelVars[ modelVars %in% union(.$getFactorList(),indicList) ]
    # Get explicit labels for factor or indic categories (e.g. Sex0/Sex1 instead of 0/1, -1/1 etc.)
    if(length(.$designFactors)) {
      # 'subset' seems to be the only way to get a data.frame when selection retains a single factor
      modelFactors = subset(.$getModelData(),select=.$designFactors)
      for(i in 1:ncol(modelFactors)) modelFactors[,i] = paste(.$designFactors[i],modelFactors[,i],sep="")
     .$groupLabels = factor(do.call("paste",modelFactors))

      # Set colors for plots
     .$groupFullColors   = r2stats$getColors(nlevels(.$groupLabels),"Set1")
      names(.$groupFullColors) = levels(.$groupLabels)
     .$groupPastelColors = r2stats$getColors(nlevels(.$groupLabels),"Pastel1")
      names(.$groupPastelColors) = levels(.$groupLabels)
    else {
     .$groupFullColors   = r2stats$getColors(1,"Set1")
     .$groupPastelColors = r2stats$getColors(1,"Pastel1")
	  # If a contrast factor is defined, refit with this constraint
	  if(.$constrFactor != .$translate("No factor")) {
      res = try(eval(parse(text=paste(".$Rmodel <-update(.$Rmodel,.~",.$getConstrainedFormula(),")"))))
      if(inherits(res,"try-error")) return(res)

   .$estimated = TRUE
  ###------------------------------------------------ Model summary and print method ------------------------------------------------
  Summary = function(.) {
    if(! .$estimated) {
      r2stats$setStatus(.$translate("Status: Ready."))
    model.data   = .$getModelData()  
    familyIndex  = .$getFamilyAsIndex()
    family       =  names(r2stats$linkLists)[familyIndex]
    linkIndex    = .$getLinkAsIndex()
    link         =  r2stats$linkLists[[familyIndex]][linkIndex]
    residuals    = .$Residuals()

    # Subset command
    nobs = length(residuals)
    subset = rep(TRUE,nobs)
    if(.$subset != "NULL") subset = .$getSubset()

    r2stats$setStatus("Status: Goodness of fit statistics...")
    s = summary.glm(.$Rmodel)

    if(nrow(s$coefficients)) {
      s$coefficients = round(s$coefficients,3)
      colnames(s$coefficients) = .$translate(colnames(s$coefficients))
      if(.$hasIntercept()) rownames(s$coefficients)[1] = .$translate("Intercept")

    res = data.frame(Statistic=.$translate(c("Loglikelihood","No. of parameters","AIC","BIC","Deviance")), 
    names(res) = .$translate(names(res))
    # Group structure (if any) for additional tests
    if(length(.$designFactors))                        groups = .$groupLabels
    if( !(.$constrFactor %in% .$translate(c("No factor","Constant"))) ) groups = model.data[,.$constrFactor]
    r2stats$setStatus(.$translate("Status: Tests of model assumptions..."))

    # Test normality and homogeneity of variances if family is gaussian and model not constant
    normtest = NULL
    vartest = NULL
    # Gaussian family
    if(familyIndex == 1) {

      # Shapiro-Wilk test for normality
      normtest = .$normalityTest(.$Residuals())
      # Levene test for homogeneity of variances
      if(exists("groups") && (.$constrFactor!=.$translate("Constant"))) vartest = .$varTest(.$Residuals(),groups)

    r2stats$setStatus(.$translate("Status: Output of numerical results..."))
    # Display model name and specifications
    modelProps = cbind(.$translate(c("Table","Formula","Constraint","Link","Distribution")),

    # Display fit statistics
    add(r2stats$results,.$translate("Goodness of fit"), font.attr=c(style="normal",weights="bold",col="black"))

    # Display test of normality
    if(!is.null(normtest)) { 
      add(r2stats$results,.$translate("Test of normality"),font.attr=c(style="normal",weights="bold",col="black"))
    # Display test of homogeneity of variance
    if(!is.null(vartest)) {
      add(r2stats$results,.$translate("Test of homogeneity of variances"), font.attr=c(style="normal",weights="bold",col="black"))
    # Display fitted values averaged by group, and group frequencies
    if(length(.$designFactors)) {
      add(r2stats$results,.$translate("Fitted values (by group)"),font.attr=c(style="normal",weights="bold",col="black"))
      add(r2stats$results,.$translate("Group sizes"),font.attr=c(style="normal",weights="bold",col="black"))

    # Display coefficients
    if(nrow(s$coefficients) > 0) {

  ###------------------------------------------------ Model plot methods ------------------------------------------------
  Plot = function(.,h) {
    # Model specs
    distr    = .$getFamily()
    liens    = .$getLink()
    varNames = .$getModelVars()
    is.vect  = .$getNumVarList()

    # Get R2STATS plotting options
    plotType    = r2stats$getPlotTypeAsIndex()
    selGroup    = r2stats$getSelectedGroup()
    subsetVar   = r2stats$getSubset()
    legend.loc  = r2stats$getLegendLocation()
    legend.cols = r2stats$getLegendCols()
    xlim        = r2stats$getXLim()
    ylim        = r2stats$getYLim()
    addData     = svalue(r2stats$addData)
    addModel    = svalue(r2stats$addModel)
    addGrid     = svalue(r2stats$addGrid)
    addRefLine  = svalue(r2stats$addRefLine)
    addNoise    = svalue(r2stats$addNoise)
    addCondMeans= svalue(r2stats$addCondMeans)
    addSmooth   = svalue(r2stats$addSmooth)

    # Get data
    current.data = .$getModelData()
    y <- yaxis <- .$getY()

    # Fitted values
    fit = .$getPrediction()

    # TODO: Data subset as defined on the graph tab

    # Set lattice colors options
    if(length(.$designFactors)) r2stats$setPlotParams(nlevels(.$groupLabels))
    else                        r2stats$setPlotParams(1)    

    # Set the graphic device (except when we want to copy to clipboard or save to a file)
    if(h$action != "save") visible(r2stats$plotArea) = TRUE
    # 1 - Quantile-quantile plot
    if(plotType==4) {
      if(distr=="gaussian") {
        if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {
          r2stats$currentPlot = qqmath(~.$Residuals(type="standard"),aspect = "fill",main = paste(.$translate("Quantile-quantile"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                        xlab = .$translate("Expected quantiles"),ylab=.$translate("Standardized observed residuals"),
                                        panel = function(x, ...) {
                                           panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
                                           panel.qqmath(x, ...)
        else {

          r2stats$currentPlot = qqmath(~.$Residuals(type="standard"),groups=.$groupLabels,
                                        key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                        panel = "panel.superpose",main = paste(.$translate("Quantile-quantile"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                        xlab = .$translate("Expected quantiles"),ylab=.$translate("Standardized observed residuals"),
                                        panel.groups = function(x, ...) {
                                           panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
                                           panel.qqmath(x, ...)
      else if(distr=="Gamma") {
        shape = gamma.shape(.$Rmodel)$alpha
        fit = unique(fit)

        if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {
          r2stats$currentPlot = qqmath(~y,distribution = function(x) qgamma(x,shape=shape,rate=shape/fit),
                                        main = paste(.$translate("Quantile-quantile"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                        xlab = .$translate("Expected quantiles"),ylab=.$translate("Observed quantiles"),
                                        panel = function(x, ...) {
                                           panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
                                           panel.qqmath(x, ...)
        else {
          rate = shape/fit
          r2stats$currentPlot = qqmath(~y,groups=.$groupLabels,
                                        key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                        main = "Quantile-quantile - M1bis",
                                        xlab = .$translate("Expected quantiles"),ylab=.$translate("Observed quantiles"),
                                        distribution = function(x) qgamma(x,shape,rate),
                                        panel = function(x,groups,...) {

      # No QQ plot for other distributions
      else r2stats$emptyPlot()

    # 2 - Regression plot
    else if(plotType==1) {
      # No numeric IV
      if(length(is.vect)==0) {
        xaxis = .$getLinearTerm()      

        # No factors neither: A constant model
        if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {

          xlabel = .$translate("Estimated intercept")
          r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(yaxis~xaxis,xlab=xlabel,ylab=.$dv[1],main=paste(.$translate("Regression"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                       panel = function(x,y,...) {
                                         if(addData) panel.xyplot(x,y,type="p",cex=.8)
                                         if(addModel) panel.xyplot(x,fit,type="p",pch="+",cex=1.3)
        # Purely categorical model
        else {

          xlabel = .$translate("Fitted values (by group)")
          r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(yaxis~xaxis,groups=.$groupLabels,xlab=xlabel,ylab=.$dv[1],main=paste(.$translate("Regression"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                       key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                       panel = function(x,y,groups,subscripts,...) {
                                         if(addGrid)    panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)
                                         if(addRefLine) panel.abline(a=0,b=1,col="lightgrey",lty=2)
                                         if(addData)    panel.superpose(x,y,groups,subscripts,type="p",cex=.8)
                                         if(addModel)   panel.superpose(x,fit,groups,subscripts,type="p",pch="+",cex=1.3)
      # A single numeric variable: Take it as the x-axis
      else if(length(is.vect)==1) {
        xAxisType = svalue(r2stats$graphAxisX)
        if(xAxisType==.$translate("Default")) {
          xaxis = current.data[,is.vect]
          xlabel = is.vect
        else {
          xaxis = .$getFullData()[,xAxisType]
          xlabel = xAxisType

        # No groups: A simple linear model
        if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {

          r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(y~xaxis,xlab=xlabel,ylab=.$dv[1],main=paste(.$translate("Regression"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                       panel = function(x,y,...) { 
                                         if(addGrid)      panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)
                                         if(addRefLine)   panel.abline(a=0,b=1,col="lightgrey",lty=2)
                                         if(addCondMeans) panel.average(x,y,fun=mean,horizontal=FALSE,col="darkgrey",lty=2)
                                         if(addData)      panel.xyplot(x,y,type="p",jitter.x=addNoise,jitter.y=addNoise)
                                         if(addModel)     panel.xyplot(x,fit,type="a",col="black")
                                         if(addSmooth)    panel.xyplot(x,y,type="smooth",lty=2)
        # With a group structure
        else {

          r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(y~xaxis,groups=.$groupLabels,xlab=xlabel,ylab=.$dv[1],main=paste(.$translate("Regression"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                       key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                       panel = function(x,y,groups,subscripts,group.number,...) { 
                                         if(addGrid)      panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)
                                         if(addRefLine)   panel.abline(a=0,b=1,col="lightgrey",lty=2)
                                         if(addData)      panel.superpose(x,y,groups,subscripts,type="p",col=.$groupFullColors[group.number],jitter.x=addNoise,jitter.y=addNoise)
                                         if(addCondMeans) panel.superpose(x,y,panel.groups=panel.average,fun=mean,horizontal=FALSE,groups=.$groupLabels,subscripts,col.lines=.$groupPastelColors[.$groupLabels],lty=2)
                                         if(addSmooth)    panel.superpose(x,y,panel.groups=panel.xyplot,type="smooth",groups=.$groupLabels,subscripts,col.lines=.$groupPastelColors[.$groupLabels],lty=2)
                                         if(addModel)     panel.superpose(x,fit,groups,subscripts,type="a",col=.$groupFullColors[group.number])
      # Several numeric predictors: Combine them
      else {
        # Prepare plot area
        xAxisType = svalue(r2stats$graphAxisX)
        if(xAxisType==.$translate("Default")) {
          xaxis = as.matrix(current.data[,is.vect]) %*% coef(.$Rmodel)[is.vect]
          xlabel = .$translate("Predictor combination")        
        else {
          xaxis = .$getFullData()[,xAxisType]
          xlabel = xAxisType

        # No groups: A simple linear model
        if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {

          r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(y~xaxis,xlab=xlabel,ylab=.$dv[1],main=paste(.$translate("Regression"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                       panel = function(x,y,...) { 
                                         if(addGrid)      panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)
                                         if(addRefLine)   panel.abline(a=0,b=1,col="lightgrey",lty=2)
                                         if(addCondMeans) panel.average(x,y,fun=mean,horizontal=FALSE,col="darkgrey",lty=2)
                                         if(addData)      panel.xyplot(x,y,type="p",jitter.x=addNoise,jitter.y=addNoise)
                                         if(addSmooth)    panel.xyplot(x,y,type="smooth",lty=2)
                                         if(addModel)     panel.xyplot(x,fit,type="a",col="black")
        # With a group structure
        else {

          r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(y~xaxis,groups=.$groupLabels,xlab=xlabel,ylab=.$dv[1],main=paste(.$translate("Regression"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                       key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                       panel = function(x,y,groups,subscripts,group.number,...) { 
                                         if(addGrid)    panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)
                                         if(addRefLine) panel.abline(a=0,b=1,col="lightgrey",lty=2)
                                         if(addData)    panel.superpose(x,y,groups,subscripts,type="p",col=.$groupFullColors[group.number],jitter.x=addNoise,jitter.y=addNoise)
                                         if(addCondMeans) panel.superpose(x,y,panel.groups=panel.average,fun=mean,horizontal=FALSE,groups=.$groupLabels,subscripts,col.lines=.$groupPastelColors[.$groupLabels],lty=2)
                                         if(addSmooth)    panel.superpose(x,y,panel.groups=panel.xyplot,type="smooth",groups=.$groupLabels,subscripts,col.lines=.$groupPastelColors[.$groupLabels],lty=2)
                                         if(addModel)   panel.superpose(x,fit,groups,subscripts,type="a",col=.$groupFullColors[group.number])

    # 3 - Prediction plot
    else if(plotType==3) {
      # No groups
      if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {
        r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(y~fit,xlab=.$translate("Fitted values"),ylab=.$dv[1],main=paste(.$translate("Prediction"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                     panel = function(x,y,...) { 
                                       if(addGrid)    panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)
      # With a group structure
      else {
        r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(y~fit,groups=.$groupLabels,xlab=.$translate("Fitted values"),ylab=.$dv[1],main=paste(.$translate("Prediction"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                     key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                     panel = function(x,y,groups,subscripts,...) { 
                                       if(addGrid)    panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)

    # 4 - Response distribution plot
    else if(plotType==2) {
      # No groups
      if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {
        r2stats$currentPlot = densityplot(~y,xlab=.$dv[1],ylab=.$translate("Density"),main=paste(.$translate("Response density"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                     panel = function(x,...) {
                                       if(distr == "gaussian")   panel.mathdensity(dnorm,args = list(mean=mean(x),sd=sqrt(.$getDispersion())))
                                       else if(distr == "Gamma") {
                                         shape = gamma.shape(.$Rmodel)$alpha
                                         panel.mathdensity(dgamma,args = list(shape=shape,rate=shape/unique(fit)),col="black")
      # With a group structure
      else {
        fit = tapply(fit,.$groupLabels,mean)
        r2stats$currentPlot = densityplot(~y,groups=.$groupLabels,xlab=.$dv[1],ylab=.$translate("Density"),main=paste(.$translate("Response density"),.$name,sep=" - "),lwd=2,
                                     panel = "panel.superpose",col=.$groupFullColors,
                                     key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                     panel.groups = function(x,group.number,...) {
                                       if(distr == "gaussian")   panel.mathdensity(dnorm,args = list(mean=fit[group.number],sd=sqrt(.$getDispersion())),...)
                                       else if(distr == "Gamma") {
                                         shape = gamma.shape(.$Rmodel)$alpha
                                         panel.mathdensity(dgamma,args = list(shape=shape,rate=shape/fit[group.number]),...)
    # 5 - Residuals distribution
    else if(plotType==5) {
      # Only relevant for gaussian family
      if(distr=="gaussian") {
        resids = .$Residuals()
        h = hist(resids,plot=FALSE,freq=FALSE)
        r2stats$currentPlot = histogram(~resids,type="density",main=.$translate("Histogram"),xlab=.$translate("Residuals"),ylab=.$translate("Density"),
                                        panel = function(x,...) {
                                          panel.mathdensity(dnorm,args = list(mean=mean(x),sd=sqrt(.$getDispersion())),col="black")
      else r2stats$currentPlot = r2stats$emptyPlot()
    # 6 - Prediction and residuals
    else if(plotType==6) {

      # No groups
      if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {
        r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(.$Residuals(type="standard")~fit,xlab=.$translate("Fitted values"),ylab=.$translate("Standardized residuals"),main=paste(.$translate("Fitted values and residuals"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                     panel = function(x,y,...) { 
                                       if(addGrid)    panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)
      # With a group structure
      else {
        r2stats$currentPlot = xyplot(.$Residuals(type="standard")~fit,groups=.$groupLabels,xlab=.$translate("Fitted values"),ylab=.$translate("Standardized residuals"),
                                     main=paste(.$translate("Fitted values and residuals"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                     key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                     panel = function(x,y,groups,subscripts,...) { 
                                       if(addGrid)    panel.grid(h=-1,v=-1)

    # 7 - Quantile residuals
    else if(plotType==7) {

      # No groups
        if(is.null(.$groupLabels)) {
          r2stats$currentPlot = qqmath(~.$Residuals(type="quantile"),aspect = "fill",main = paste(.$translate("Quantile residuals"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                        xlab = .$translate("Expected quantiles"),ylab=.$translate("Quantile residuals"),
                                        panel = function(x, ...) {
                                           panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
                                           panel.qqmath(x, ...)
        else {

          r2stats$currentPlot = qqmath(~.$Residuals(type="quantile"),groups=.$groupLabels,
                                        key = list(space=legend.loc,text=list(levels(.$groupLabels)),col=.$groupFullColors,columns=legend.cols),
                                        panel = "panel.superpose",main = paste(.$translate("Quantile residuals"),.$name,sep=" - "),
                                        xlab = .$translate("Expected quantiles"),ylab=.$translate("Quantile residuals"),
                                        panel.groups = function(x, ...) {
                                           panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
                                           panel.qqmath(x, ...)

    # No legend?
    if(legend.loc == "none") r2stats$currentPlot = update(r2stats$currentPlot,legend=NULL)
    # Are there restriction or dilation on the axis limits?
    if(!is.null(xlim)) r2stats$currentPlot = update(r2stats$currentPlot,xlim=xlim)
    if(!is.null(ylim)) r2stats$currentPlot = update(r2stats$currentPlot,ylim=ylim)
    # Want noise?
    if(addNoise) r2stats$currentPlot = update(r2stats$currentPlot,jitter.x=TRUE,jitter.y=TRUE)
  #                                             VARIABLE EDITION TOOLS
  ### Get response function (inverse of link function
  invLink = function(.,x) {
    link = .$getLink()
         if(link == "identity") return(x)
    else if(link == "log")      return(exp(x))
    else if(link == "inverse")  return(1/x)
    else if(link == "logit")    return(plogis(x))
    else if(link == "probit")   return(pnorm(x))
    else if(link == "cauchit")  return(0.5 + atan(x)/pi)
    else if(link == "cloglog")  return(1-exp(-exp(x)))
    else if(link == "sqrt")     return(x**2)
    else if(link == "1/mu^2")   return(sqrt(1/x))
  #                                                 ACCESSOR METHODS
  ### Get model name
  getName = function(.) {
  ### Get model class ("glm","mer",...)
  getClass = function(.) {
  ### Get dataframe name
  getDataName = function(.) {
  ### Get dependent variable name
  getDV = function(.) {
  ### Get dependent variable
  getY = function(.) {
  ### Get independent variable names
  getIV = function(.) {
  getModelVars = function(.) {
  ### Get the names of factor/indicator predictors
  getFactorList = function(.) {
  ### Get the names of numeric predictors
  getNumVarList = function(.) {
  ### Get the names of indicator (numeric binary) variables
  getIndicList = function(.) {

    if(!length(.$iv)) return(NULL)
    .$iv[sapply(.$getModelData()[,.$iv], function(var) length(unique(var))==2)]
  ### Get model formula
  getFormula = function(.) {
  ### Get constrained formula
  getConstrainedFormula = function(.) {
    Formula = .$ivField
    factor.list = .$getFactorList()
    constrF = .$getConstrFactor()
    if(constrF == .$translate("Constant")) return("1")
    # This replaces all factor occurences by the constraint factor
    for(v in factor.list) Formula = gsub(v,constrF,Formula)
  ### Get distribution family in R
  getFamily = function(.) {
  getFamilyAsIndex = function(.) {
  ### Get link function in R
  getLink = function(.) {
    family = .$getFamily()
  getLinkAsIndex = function(.) {
  ### Get the list of available plots for this model
  getAvailablePlots = function(.) {
  ### Get the name of the constraint factor
  getConstrFactor = function(.) {
  ### Get the data subtable used in model estimation
  getModelData = function(.) {

    formula = paste(c(.$dv,.$iv),collapse="+")
    # If a (non constant) constraint factor is defined, it must be added to the model frame
    if( !(.$constrFactor %in% .$translate(c("No factor","Constant")))) formula = paste(c(formula,.$getConstrFactor()),collapse="+")

    # With model frames, subsetting one variable as a data.frame is possible
  ### Get the full data table
  getFullData = function(.) {
  ### Get fitted values
  getPrediction = function(.) {
  ### Get the eta term
  getLinearTerm = function(.) {
  ### Get the prior weights
  getPriorWeights = function(.) {
  ### Boolean: Has the model an intercept?
  hasIntercept = function(.) {
  ### Evaluate the subset command
  getSubset = function(.) {
  #                                                 EDITION TOOLS
  ### Remove cbind() from a string
  strip.cbind = function(l) {
    l = sapply(l,function(x) sub("cbind","",x))
    l = sapply(l,function(x) sub("\\(","",x))
    sapply(l,function(x) sub("\\)","",x))
  ### Gettext utility for translating messages
  translate = function(.,...) {
    gettext(..., domain="R-R2STATS")
  #                                              ADDTIONAL TESTS AND STATISTICS
  ### Homoskedasticity test
  varTest = function(.,y,group) {
    nl = nlevels(group)
    if(nl < 2) return()
    # Two groups
    if(nl == 2) {
      vt = var.test(y~group)
      table = c(vt$statistic,round(vt$parameter),p=vt$p.value)
      names(table) = .$translate(c("F","Num.Df","Den.Df","Prob."))
    # More than two groups
    else {
      meds = tapply(y, group, median, na.rm = TRUE)
      resp = abs(y - meds[group])
      table = anova(lm(resp ~ group))[, c(1, 4, 5)]
      colnames(table) = .$translate(c("Df","Levene's F","Pr(>F)"))
      rownames(table) = .$translate(c("Groups","Error"))
  ### Test of normality
  normalityTest = function(.,y) {
    # Shapiro.test accepts 5000 obs. max.
    if(length(y) > 5000) normtest = shapiro.test(sample(y,5000))
    else                 normtest = shapiro.test(y)

    normtest = data.frame(W=round(normtest$statistic,3),Prob.=round(normtest$p.value,3))
    names(normtest) = .$translate(names(normtest))
  ### # Generic BIC function for GLMs
  Bic = function(.) {
    L = logLik(.$Rmodel)[1]
    npar = attr(logLik(.$Rmodel),"df")
    family = .$getFamily()
    if(family == "binomial")     N = sum(.$Rmodel$prior.weights)
    else if(family == "poisson") N = sum(.$Rmodel$y)
    else N = length(.$Rmodel$y)
  ### Loglikelihood
  LogLik = function(.) { 
  ### Degrees of freedom
  df = function(.) { 
  ### Deviance
  Deviance = function(.) { 
  ### Percentage of deviance explained
  devExplained = function(.) { 
    nullDeviance = deviance(update(.$Rmodel,.~1))
    1 - (deviance(.$Rmodel)/nullDeviance)
  ### AIC
  Aic = function(.) { 
  ### Get model residuals
  Residuals = function(.,type="raw") {
    if(type=="raw")           residuals(.$Rmodel)
    else if(type=="standard") rstandard(.$Rmodel)
    else if(type=="student")  rstudent(.$Rmodel)
    else if(type=="quantile") qresiduals(.$Rmodel)
  ### Get dispersion parameter
  getDispersion = function(.) {
  #                                                    SLOTS
  # SLOT                    INITIAL VALUE                                               DESCRIPTION
  Rmodel        = NULL,                                                              # R model object
  name          = "",                                                                # Model name
  class         = "glm",                                                             # Model type: GLM, GLMM, MANOVA, VGLM...
  func          = "glm",                                                             # Estimation function
  data          = NULL,                                                              # Data set name
  dvField       = "",                                                                # Content of the DV field as a string
  dv            = NULL,                                                              # Vector of dependent variables names
  ivField       = "",                                                                # Content of the IV field as a string
  iv            = NULL,                                                              # Vector of independent variables names
  family        = 1,                                                                 # Index of the family function (see list below)
  link          = 1,                                                                 # Index of the link function (see list below)
  RLinkList     = list(gaussian = c("identity","log","inverse"),                     # List of vectors of link function by family
                      binomial = c("logit","probit","cauchit","log","cloglog"),
                      poisson  = c("log","sqrt","identity"),
                      Gamma    = c("inverse","log","identity"),
                      inverse.gaussian = c("inverse","log","identity","1/mu^2")),
  weights       = "NULL",                                                            # Name of the weighting variable ("NULL" if none)
  constrFactor  = NULL,                                                              # Name of the constraint factor
  designFactors = NULL,                                                              # Names of the original factors (before constraints)
  subset        = "NULL",                                                            # Character vector containing the subsetting command ("NULL" if none)
  estimated     = FALSE,                                                             # Flag: Model is estimated (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
  groupFullColors   = 1,                                                             # Colors to be used in plots
  groupPastelColors = 1,                                                             # Pastel colors to be used in plots
  groupLabels   = NULL,
  graphTypes    = c("Regression plot","Response distribution",                       # Vector of possible plots for this type of model
                   "Fitted and observed values","Quantile-quantile plot",
                   "Residuals distribution","Fitted values and residuals","Quantile residuals")

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R2STATS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:48 p.m.