
#+++ R script with functions to convert and check data +++
#+++ Dependencies: <none>

#+++ Time format conversion to POSIX

fConvertTimeToPosix <- function(
  ## Convert different time formats to POSIX
  ## The different time formats are converted to POSIX (GMT) and a 'TimeDate' column is prefixed to the data frame
  Data.F                ##<< Data frame with time columns to be converted
  ,TFormat.s            ##<< Abbreviation for implemented time formats
  ,Year.s='none'        ##<< Column name of year
  ,Month.s='none'       ##<< Column name of month
  ,Day.s='none'         ##<< Column name of day
  ,Hour.s='none'        ##<< Column name of hour
  ,Min.s='none'         ##<< Column name of min
  ,TName.s='DateTime'   ##<< Column name of new column
  ## AMM
  # TEST: see unit tests in test_fConvertTimeToPosix
  # TEST: Year.s = 'none'; Month.s = 'none'; Day.s = 'none'; Hour.s = 'none'; Min.s = 'none'
  # TEST: Data.F <- Date.F.x; TFormat.s <- 'YDH'; Year.s='FluxnetYear.n'; Day.s='FluxnetDoY.n'; Hour.s='FluxnetHourDec.n'
  #!Attention with MDS pwwave output file: Do not use YDH since julday (day of year) is 366 but year is already the next year, use YMDHM instead!
  #Check if specified columns exist and are in data frame, with 'none' as dummy
  NoneCols.b <- c(Year.s, Month.s, Day.s, Hour.s, Min.s) %in% 'none'
  fCheckColNames(Data.F, c(Year.s, Month.s, Day.s, Hour.s, Min.s)[!NoneCols.b], 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
  fCheckColNum(Data.F, c(Year.s, Month.s, Day.s, Hour.s, Min.s)[!NoneCols.b], 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
  ## Implemented time formats:
  if (TFormat.s == 'YDH' ){
    if( any(c(Year.s, Day.s, Hour.s) == 'none') ) 
      stop('With time format \'YDH\' year, day of year (DoY), and hour need to be specified!')
    ## YDH - year, day of year, hour in decimal (e.g. 1998, 1, 10.5)
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Year.s, c('<', 1000, '|', '>', 3000), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## The day format is day of year (DoY, 1-365 or 1-366 in leap years).
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Day.s, c('<', 1, '|', '>', 366), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## The hour format is decimal time (0.0-23.5).
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Hour.s, c('<', 0.0, '|', '>', 24.0), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## 366d-correction and 24h-correction to the first day in next year,
    ## see unit test in test_fConvertTimeToPosix.R for details.
    lYear.V.n <- Data.F[,Year.s]
    lDoY.V.n <- Data.F[,Day.s]
    lHour.V.n <- Data.F[,Hour.s] %/% 1
    lMin.V.n <- 60 * Data.F[,Hour.s] %% 1
    #Check time format
    #Important to set time zone to GMT to avoid problems with daylight savings timeshifts
    lTime.V.p <- strptime(paste(lYear.V.n, lDoY.V.n, lHour.V.n, lMin.V.n, sep='-'), format='%Y-%j-%H-%M', tz='GMT')
    #24h-correction: strptime will be NA for hour 24.0 (needs to be before 366d-correction since DoY changes!)
    Hour24.b <- is.na(lTime.V.p) & (lHour.V.n == 24.0)
    lDoY.V.n[Hour24.b] <- 1 + lDoY.V.n[Hour24.b] #succeding day
    lHour.V.n[Hour24.b] <- 0.0
    #Recheck time format
    lTime.V.p <- strptime(paste(lYear.V.n, lDoY.V.n, lHour.V.n, lMin.V.n, sep='-'), format='%Y-%j-%H-%M', tz='GMT')
    #366d-correction: strptime will be NA for day 366 (or 367 in leap years)
    DoY366.b <- is.na(lTime.V.p) & (lDoY.V.n==366 | lDoY.V.n==367) & (lHour.V.n == 0.0)
    lYear.V.n[DoY366.b] <- 1 + lYear.V.n[DoY366.b] #succeding year
    lDoY.V.n[DoY366.b] <- 1 #first day
    #Set time format
    lTime.V.p <- strptime(paste(lYear.V.n, lDoY.V.n, lHour.V.n, lMin.V.n, sep='-'), format='%Y-%j-%H-%M', tz='GMT')
    if(sum(is.na(lTime.V.p)) > 0)
      stop(sum(is.na(lTime.V.p)), ' errors in convert YDH to timestamp in rows: ', which(is.na(lTime.V.p)))
  } else if (TFormat.s == 'YMDH') {
    if( any(c(Year.s, Month.s, Day.s, Hour.s) == 'none') ) 
      stop('With time format \'YMDH\' year, month, day, and hour need to be specified!')
    ## YMDH - year, month, day of month, hour in decimal (e.g. 1998, 1, 1, 10.5)
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Year.s, c('<', 1000, '|', '>', 3000), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## The month format is (1-12)
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Month.s, c('<', 1, '|', '>', 12), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## The day format is day of month (1-31).
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Day.s, c('<', 1, '|', '>', 31), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## The hour format is decimal time (0.0-23.5)
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Hour.s, c('<', 0.0, '|', '>=', 24.0), 'fConvertTimeToPosix (For format \'YMDH\' no 24h correction in old R versions (2.13 and below))')
    ## No extra corrections.
    lYear.V.n <- Data.F[,Year.s]
    lMonth.V.n <- Data.F[,Month.s]
    lDay.V.n <- Data.F[,Day.s]
    lHour.V.n <- Data.F[,Hour.s] %/% 1
    lMin.V.n <- 60 * Data.F[,Hour.s] %% 1
    #Set time format, important to set time zone to GMT to avoid problems with daylight savings timeshifts
    lTime.V.p <- strptime(paste(lYear.V.n, lMonth.V.n, lDay.V.n, lHour.V.n, lMin.V.n, sep='-'), format='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', tz='GMT')
    if(sum(is.na(lTime.V.p)) > 0)
      stop(sum(is.na(lTime.V.p)), ' errors in convert YDH to timestamp in rows: ', which(is.na(lTime.V.p)))
  } else if (TFormat.s == 'YMDHM') {
    if( any(c(Year.s, Month.s, Day.s, Hour.s, Min.s) == 'none') )
      stop('With time format \'YMDHM\' year, month, day, hour and min need to be specified!')
    ## YMDHM - year, month, day of month, integer hour, minute (e.g. 1998, 1, 1, 10, 30)
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Year.s, c('<', 1000, '|', '>', 3000), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## The month format is (1-12)
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Month.s, c('<', 1, '|', '>', 12), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## The day format is day of month (1-31).
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Day.s, c('<', 1, '|', '>', 31), 'fConvertTimeToPosix')
    ## The hour format is (0-23)
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Hour.s, c('<', 0, '|', '>', 23), 'fConvertTimeToPosix(YMDH no 24h correction)')
    ## The minute format is (0-59)
    fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, Min.s, c('<', 0, '|', '>', 59), 'fConvertTimeToPosix(YMDH no 24h correction)')
    ## No extra corrections.
    lYear.V.n <- Data.F[,Year.s]
    lMonth.V.n <- Data.F[,Month.s]
    lDay.V.n <- Data.F[,Day.s]
    lHour.V.n <- Data.F[,Hour.s]
    lMin.V.n <- Data.F[,Min.s]
    #Set time format, important to set time zone to GMT to avoid problems with daylight savings timeshifts
    lTime.V.p <- strptime(paste(lYear.V.n, lMonth.V.n, lDay.V.n, lHour.V.n, lMin.V.n, sep='-'), format='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', tz='GMT')  
    if(sum(is.na(lTime.V.p)) > 0)
       stop(sum(is.na(lTime.V.p)), ' errors in convert YDH to timestamp in rows: ', which(is.na(lTime.V.p)))
  } else {
    stop('Unknown time format ', TFormat.s,'!')
  #POSIXlt converted to POSIXct in data.frame... !
  Data.F <- cbind(lTime.V.p, Data.F)
  names(Data.F)[1] <- TName.s
  attr(Data.F[,TName.s], 'units') <- 'POSIXDate Time'
  attr(Data.F[,TName.s], 'varnames') <- TName.s
  message('Converted time format \'', TFormat.s, '\' to POSIX with column name \'', TName.s, '\'.')
  ## Data frame with prefixed POSIX time column.

attr(fConvertTimeToPosix, 'ex') <- function() {
  # See unit test in test_fConvertTimeToPosix for example


fCheckHHTimeSeries <- function(
  ## Check half-hourly time series data
  Time.V.p              ##<< Time vector in POSIX format
  ,DTS.n                ##<< Number of daily time steps (24 or 48)
  ,CallFunction.s=''    ##<< Name of function called from
  ## AMM
  # TEST: Time.V.p <- Data.F[,'DateTime']
  # Check time series properties
  ## The number of steps per day can be 24 (hourly) or 48 (half-hourly).
  if( DTS.n!=24 && DTS.n!=48 )
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Daily time step need to be hourly (24) or half-hourly (48). The following value is not valid: ', DTS.n, '!')
  ## The time stamp needs to be provided in POSIX time format,
  if( !inherits(Time.V.p, 'POSIXt') )
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Provided time stamp data not in POSIX time format!')
  ## equidistant half-hours,
  NotDistHH.b <- as.numeric(Time.V.p[2:length(Time.V.p)])-as.numeric(Time.V.p[1:(length(Time.V.p)-1)]) != (24/DTS.n * 60 * 60)
  NotDistHH.i <- sum(NotDistHH.b)
  if( NotDistHH.i > 0 )
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Time stamp is not equidistant (half-)hours in rows: ', paste(which(NotDistHH.b),collapse=","))
  ## and stamped on the half hour.
  NotOnHH.i <- sum(as.numeric(Time.V.p) %% (24/DTS.n * 60 * 60) != 0)
  if( NotOnHH.i > 0 )
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Time step is not stamped at half-hours in rows: ', which(as.numeric(Time.V.p) %% (24/DTS.n * 60 * 60) != 0))
  ## The sEddyProc procedures require at least three months of data.
  if( length(Time.V.p) < (3 * 30 * DTS.n) )
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Time series is shorter than 90 days (three months) of data: ', 3 * 30 - length(Time.V.p) / DTS.n, ' days missing!' )
  ## Full days of data are preferred: the total amount of data rows should be a multiple of the daily time step, and
  Residual.i <- length(Time.V.p) %% DTS.n
  if( Residual.i != 0 )
    warning(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Data not provided in full days (multiple of daily time step). One day only has ', Residual.i , ' (half-)hours!')
  ## in accordance with FLUXNET standards, the dataset is spanning from the end of the first (half-)hour (0:30 or 1:00, respectively) and to midnight (0:00).
  if( DTS.n==48 && !(as.POSIXlt(Time.V.p[1])$hour == 0 && as.POSIXlt(Time.V.p)$min == 30) ) 
    warning(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Time stamp of first data row is not at the end of the first half-hour: ', format(Time.V.p[1], '%H:%M'), ' instead of 00:30!')
  if( DTS.n==24 && !(as.POSIXlt(Time.V.p[1])$hour == 1 && as.POSIXlt(Time.V.p)$min == 00) )
    warning(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: Time stamp of first data row is not at the end of the first hour: ', format(Time.V.p[1], '%H:%M'), ' instead of 01:00!')
  if( !(as.POSIXlt(Time.V.p[length(Time.V.p)])$hour == 0 && as.POSIXlt(Time.V.p[length(Time.V.p)])$min == 0) )
    warning(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckHHTimeSeries::: The last time stamp is not midnight: 0:00!')
  ## Function stops on errors.


fFullYearTimeSteps <- function(
  ## Generate vector with (half-)hourly time steps of full year, stamped in the middle of time unit
  Year.i                ##<< Data frame to be converted
  ,DTS.n                ##<< Daily time steps
  ,CallFunction.s=''    ##<< Name of function called from
  #TEST: Year.i <- 2008; DTS.n <- 48
  ## AMM
  if( DTS.n==48) {  
    TimeStart.n <- strptime(paste(Year.i, 1, 1, 0, 15, sep='-'), format='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', tz='GMT')
    TimeEnd.n <- strptime(paste(Year.i, 12, 31, 23, 45, sep='-'), format='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', tz='GMT')
  } else if( DTS.n==24) { 
    TimeStart.n <- strptime(paste(Year.i, 1, 1, 0, 30, sep='-'), format='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', tz='GMT')
    TimeEnd.n <- strptime(paste(Year.i, 12, 31, 23, 30, sep='-'), format='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', tz='GMT')
  } else { 
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fFullYearTimeSteps::: Only implemented for 24 or 48 daily time steps, not ', DTS.n , '!') 
  #DateTime vector with (half-)hourly time stamps
  #Time.F.p <- data.frame(sDateTime=seq(TimeStart.n, TimeEnd.n, (24/DTS.n * 60 * 60)))
  FullTime.V.p <- seq(TimeStart.n, TimeEnd.n, (24/DTS.n * 60 * 60))
  ## Vector with time steps of full year in POSIX format


fExpandToFullYear <- function(
  ## Generate vector with (half-)hourly time steps of full year, stamped in the middle of time unit
  Time.V.p                    ##<< Time stamp in POSIX time format
  ,Data.V.n                   ##<< Data vector to be expanded
  ,Year.i                     ##<< Year (e.g. to plot)
  ,DTS.n                      ##<< Daily time steps
  ,CallFunction.s=''         ##<< Name of function called from
  #TEST: Time.V.p <- sDATA$sDateTime; DTS.n <- 48
  ## AMM
  # Check if year within time span of data set
  if( sum(Year.i == as.numeric(format(Time.V.p, '%Y'))) == 0 )
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fExpandToFullYear::: Year ', Year.i, ' not within time span of this dataset!')
  ## Function to expand vectors to full year, e.g. to plot in correct time format
  SubCallFunc.s <- paste(CallFunction.s,'fExpandToFullYear', sep=':::')
  FullYear.V.p <- fFullYearTimeSteps(Year.i, DTS.n, SubCallFunc.s)
  TimeYear.V.p <- Time.V.p[(Year.i == as.numeric(format(Time.V.p, '%Y')))]
  DataYear.V.n <- Data.V.n[(Year.i == as.numeric(format(Time.V.p, '%Y')))]
  if( sum(!is.na(DataYear.V.n)) == 0 )
    ExpData.F.n <- data.frame(cbind(DateTime=FullYear.V.p, Data=rep(NA_real_, length(FullYear.V.p))))
    warning(CallFunction.s, ':::fExpandToFullYear::: Variable \'', attr(Data.V.n,'varnames'), '\' contains no data for year ', Year.i, '!')
  } else if (length(TimeYear.V.p != length(FullYear.V.p))) {
    ExpData.F.n <- merge(cbind(DateTime=FullYear.V.p), cbind(DateTime=TimeYear.V.p, Data=DataYear.V.n), by='DateTime', all=T, sort=T)
  } else {
    ExpData.F.n <- data.frame(cbind(DataTime=TimeYear.V.p, Data=Data.V.n))
  ExpData.F.n$DateTime <- .POSIXct(ExpData.F.n$DateTime, tz='GMT')
  attr(ExpData.F.n$Data, 'varnames') <- attr(Data.V.n, 'varnames')
  attr(ExpData.F.n$Data, 'units') <- attr(Data.V.n, 'units')
  ## Expanded time and data vector as data frame


fGetBeginOfEddyPeriod <- function(
		## Get the begin time of a half-hour period, that is denoted by its end time.
		Time.V.p                    ##<< Time stamp in POSIXct time format
		,DTS.n=48L           ##<< Daily time steps
#TEST: fGetBeginOfEddyPeriod(as.POSIXct(strptime(c("2015-01-01 00:00:00","2015-01-01 00:30:00"), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) )
## TW
	## The timestamp of an Eddy record denotes the end of a half-hour period.
	## This function gets the time, half an hour before
	# substract halv hour, i.e. 1800seconds, to get start of period
	Time.V.p-as.integer(24L/DTS.n * 60L * 60L)
	## integer vector of length(Time.V.p): of times shifted by half an hour.

fGetEndOfEddyPeriod <- function(
		## Get the end time of a half-hour period, that is denoted by its beginning time
		Time.V.p                    ##<< Time stamp in POSIXct time format
		,DTS.n=48L           ##<< Daily time steps
#TEST: fGetEndOfEddyPeriod(as.POSIXct(strptime(c("2014-12-31 23:00:00","2014-12-31 23:30:00"), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) )
## TW
	# add halv hour, i.e. period in seconds, to get start of period
	Time.V.p+as.integer(24L/DTS.n * 60L * 60L)	
	## integer vector of length(Time.V.p): of times shifted by half an hour.

fGetYearOfEddyPeriod <- function(
		## get the Year from a POSIXct, with new Year (1.1. 00:00) belongs to the old year.
		Time.V.p                    ##<< Time stamp in POSIXct time format
		,DTS.n=48L           ##<< Daily time steps
#TEST: fGetYearOfEddyPeriod(as.POSIXct(strptime(c("2015-01-01 00:00:00","2015-01-01 00:30:00"), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) )
## TW
	## The timestamp of an Eddy record denotes the end of a half-hour period.
	## If the end is NewYear,e.g. 1.1.2015 00:00) the half hour period is still in the old year.
	year <- 1900L + as.POSIXlt(fGetBeginOfEddyPeriod(Time.V.p, DTS.n))$year	
	## integer vector of length(Time.V.p): of calendar years

#+++ Gap/NA conversion

fConvertGapsToNA <- function(
  ## Converts all gap flags to NA
  Data.F                ##<< Data frame to be converted
  ,GapFlag.n=-9999.0    ##<< Flag value used for gaps, defaults to -9999.0 
  #TEST: Data.F <- ResultData.D
  ## AMM
  Gaps.i <- sum(Data.F==GapFlag.n, na.rm=T)
  Data.F[Data.F==GapFlag.n] <- NA_real_
  message('Number of \'', GapFlag.n, '\' convertered to NA: ', Gaps.i)
  ## Data frame with NAs instead of gaps.


fConvertNAsToGap <- function(
  ## Converts all NAs to gap flag
  Data.F ##<< Data frame to be converted
  ,GapFlag.n=-9999.0 ##<< Flag value used for gaps, defaults to -9999.0 
  #TEST: Data.F <- ResultData.D
  ## AMM
  Gaps.i <- sum(is.na(Data.F))
  Data.F[is.na(Data.F)] <- GapFlag.n
  message('Number of NA convertered to \'', GapFlag.n, '\': ', Gaps.i)
  ## Data frame with gap value instead of NAs.


fCalcLengthOfGaps <- function(
  ## Calculate length of gaps (with flag NA) in specified vector
  Data.V.n              ##<< Numeric vector with gaps (missing values, NAs)
  ## AMM
  # TEST: Data.V.n <- sDATA$NEE
  Data.V.b <- is.na(Data.V.n)
  #Determine cumulative sums of gaps
  CumSum.V.n <- cumsum(Data.V.b)
  #Calculate sum from start of gap
  LenGaps.V.n <- CumSum.V.n-cummax((!Data.V.b)*CumSum.V.n)
  ## An integer vector with length of gap since start of gap.

fInterpolateGaps <- function(
  ## Interpolate linearly between gaps, with constant values at beginning/end
  Data.V.n              ##<< Numeric vector with gaps (missing values, NAs)
  ## AMM
  # TEST: Data.V.n <- sDATA$NEE
  # Fill in both ends to have constant interpolation with first/last value
  Data.V.n[1] <- Data.V.n[which(!is.na(Data.V.n))[1]] 
  Data.V.n[length(Data.V.n)] <- Data.V.n[rev(which(!is.na(Data.V.n)))[1]]
  # Linear interpolation between all points
  Filled.V.n <- approx(seq_along(Data.V.n)[!is.na(Data.V.n)], Data.V.n[!is.na(Data.V.n)], xout=seq_along(Data.V.n))$y
  if( FALSE ) {
    # Nice plot to see interpolation
    plot(seq_along(Data.V.n), Data.V.n)
    points(Filled.V.n, col = 2, pch = "*")
  ## Numeric with NAs linearly interpolated.

#+++ Variable check functions

fCheckValString <- function(
  ## Check if variable is a non-empty character string
  Value.s               ##<< Value to be checked if string
  ## AMM
  ## See test_CheckValue.R for more details.
  if(  length(Value.s) == 0 ) {
  } else if( !is.na(Value.s) && (!is.character(Value.s) || !nzchar(Value.s)) ) {
  } else {
  ## Boolean value if true of false.


fCheckValNum <- function(
  ## Check if variable is a numeric
  Value.n               ##<< Value to be checked if numeric (but can also be NA of any type)
  ## AMM
  ## See test_CheckValue.R for more details.
  if(  length(Value.n) == 0 ) {
  } else if( !is.na(Value.n) && !is.numeric(Value.n) ) {
  } else {
  ## Boolean value if true of false.


fCheckColNames <- function(
  ## Check if specified columns exists in data frame
  Data.F                ##<< Data frame
  ,ColNames.V.s         ##<< Vector of variables to be checked
  ,CallFunction.s=''    ##<< Name of function called from
  ## AMM
  # TEST: Data.F <- Date.F.x; ColNames.V.s <- c('Year.n', 'none', 'Month.n', 'test'); CallFunction.s <- 'Dummy'
  #Exclude dummy 'none'
  NoneCols.b <- ColNames.V.s %in% 'none'
  #Check if specified columns exist in data frame
  NameCols.b <- ColNames.V.s[!NoneCols.b] %in% colnames(Data.F)
  if( !all(NameCols.b) ){
    ColNames.s <- paste( ColNames.V.s[!NoneCols.b][!NameCols.b], collapse=', ', sep='' )
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckColNames::: Missing specified columns in dataset: ', ColNames.s, '!')
  ## Function stops on errors.


fCheckColNum <- function(
  ## Check if specified columns are numeric
  Data.F                ##<< Data frame
  ,ColNames.V.s         ##<< Vector of variables to be checked, with 'none' as dummy
  ,CallFunction.s=''    ##<< Name of function called from
  ## AMM
  # TEST: Data.F <- Date.F.x; ColNames.V.s <- c('FluxnetYear.n', 'none', 'FluxnetDoY.n','Description.s'); CallFunction.s <- 'Dummy'
  #Exclude dummy 'none'
  NoneCols.b <- ColNames.V.s %in% 'none'
  #Check if specified columns are numeric
  NumCols.b <- sapply(Data.F[,ColNames.V.s[!NoneCols.b]], is.numeric)
  if( !all(NumCols.b) ){
    ColNames.s <- paste( ColNames.V.s[!NoneCols.b][!NumCols.b], collapse=',' )
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckColNum::: Detected following columns in dataset to be non numeric: ', ColNames.s, '!')
  ## Function stops on errors.


fCheckOutsideRange <- function(
  ## Check if specified variable is outside of provided boundaries
  Data.F                ##<< Data frame
  ,VarName.s            ##<< Variable (column) name
  ,Condition.V.s        ##<< Logical condition for outside values
  ,CallFunction.s=''   ##<< Name of function called from
  ## AMM
  ## Example of condition structure: c('<=', 0) or c('<=',0,'|','>',20)
  ## Allowed relational operators: < <= == >= > !=
  ## Allowed logical operators: & |
  # TEST: Data.F <- Date.F.x; VarName.s <- 'Rg';  CallFunction.s <- 'test'; Condition.V.s <- c('<=',0,'|','>',20); Condition.V.s <- c('<=',0)
  fCheckColNames(Data.F, VarName.s, paste(CallFunction.s, 'fCheckOutsideRange', sep=':::'))
  fCheckColNum(Data.F, VarName.s, paste(CallFunction.s, 'fCheckOutsideRange',  sep=':::'))
  Var.V.n <- Data.F[,VarName.s]
  # Check condition
  CondText.s <- if( length(Condition.V.s) == 2 && Condition.V.s[1]  %in% c('<','<=','==','>=','>','!=') && nzchar(Condition.V.s[2]) ) { 
    # One condition
    paste('Var.V.n ', Condition.V.s[1], ' ', Condition.V.s[2], ' & !is.na(Var.V.n)', sep='')
  } else if( length(Condition.V.s) == 5 && all(Condition.V.s[c(1,4)]  %in% c('<','<=','==','>=','>','!=')) 
             && all(nzchar(Condition.V.s[2]),nzchar(Condition.V.s[5])) && (Condition.V.s[3] %in% c('|','&')) ) {
    # Two conditions
    paste('(Var.V.n ', Condition.V.s[1], ' ', Condition.V.s[2],'  ', Condition.V.s[3], ' Var.V.n ', Condition.V.s[4], ' ', Condition.V.s[5], ') & !is.na(Var.V.n)', sep='')
  } else {
    stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckOutsideRange::: Incorrect condition definition: ', paste(Condition.V.s, collapse=' '), '!')

  # Warning message
  Outside.b <- eval(parse(text=CondText.s))
  Outside.n <- sum(Outside.b)
  if ( Outside.n > 0 )
    warning(CallFunction.s, ':::fCheckOutsideRange::: Variable outside (plausible) range in ', Outside.n, 
            ' cases! Invalid values with \'', VarName.s, ' ',
            paste(Condition.V.s, collapse=' '), '\': ', paste(format(Var.V.n[Outside.b][1:(min(Outside.n,50))], digits=2), collapse=','), ' ...')



fCheckColPlausibility <- function(
  ## Check plausibility of common (eddy) variables
  Data.F                ##<< Data frame
  ,VarName.V.s          ##<< Variable (column) names
  ,CallFunction.s=''   ##<< Name of function called from
  ## AMM
  # TEST: VarName.V.s <- c('Rg_s'); v.i <- 1
  # Check column names
  SubCallFunc.s <- paste(CallFunction.s,'fCheckColPlausibility', sep=':::')
  fCheckColNames(Data.F, VarName.V.s, SubCallFunc.s)
  # Strip variable name to before dot '.' (because quality flag setting after dot)
  VarName.V.s <- sub('[.].*','',VarName.V.s)
  ## Variables CONTAINing the following abbreviations are checked for plausibility
  # Separated checks for upper and lower limit to have separate warnings
  for (v.i in 1:length(VarName.V.s)) {
    ## 'Rg' - global radiation, W m-2
    if( grepl('Rg', VarName.V.s[v.i]) )
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', 0), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 1200), SubCallFunc.s)
	## 'PotRad' - potential global radiation, W m-2
	if( grepl('PotRad', VarName.V.s[v.i]) )
		fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', 0), SubCallFunc.s)
		fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 3000), SubCallFunc.s)	#TODO plausible upper bound
	## 'PPFD' or 'ppfd' - photosynthetic active radiation, umol m-2 s-1
    if( grepl('PPFD', VarName.V.s[v.i], ignore.case=TRUE) )
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', 0), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 2500), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## 'PAR' or 'par' - photosynthetic active radiation, umol m-2 s-1
    if( grepl('PAR', VarName.V.s[v.i], ignore.case=TRUE) )
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', 0), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 2500), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## 'Ta' - air temperature in °C
    if( grepl('Ta', VarName.V.s[v.i]) )
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', -70), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 60), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## 'Ts' - soil temperature in °C
    if( grepl('Ts', VarName.V.s[v.i]) )
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', -20), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 80), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## 'VPD' - vapour pressure deficit in hPa
    if( grepl('VPD', VarName.V.s[v.i]) ) 
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', 0), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 50), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## 'Rh' - relative humidity in %
    if( grepl('Rh', VarName.V.s[v.i]) ) 
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', -10), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 110), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## 'NEE' - in umol CO2 m-2 s-1 oder g C m-2 day-1
    if( grepl('NEE', VarName.V.s[v.i]) ) 
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', -50), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 100), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## 'ustar' - in m s-1
    if( grepl('ustar', VarName.V.s[v.i]) )
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', -1), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 50), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## 'E_0' - in degK
    if( grepl('E_0', VarName.V.s[v.i]) )
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', 0), SubCallFunc.s)
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('>', 600), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## FLUXNET _fqc, 0: data are original, 1: gapfilled high quality, 2: gapfilled medium quality, 3: gapfilled low quality
    if( grepl('_fqc', VarName.V.s[v.i]) && !grepl('_fqcOK', VarName.V.s[v.i], ignore.case=TRUE) ) # 0 is best
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', 0, '|', '>', 3), SubCallFunc.s)
    ## FLUXNET _fqcOK: 1 = if data are orginal or high quality gapfilled (_fqc was 0 or 1), O = otherwise
    if( grepl('_fqcOK', VarName.V.s[v.i], ignore.case=TRUE) ) # 1 (=100%) is best
      fCheckOutsideRange(Data.F, VarName.V.s[v.i], c('<', 0, '|', '>', 1), SubCallFunc.s)
  ## Function produces warnings if variable outside range.


fSetQF <- function(
  ## Check and set quality flag
  ## Generate new vector from data and quality flag column.
  Data.F                ##<< Data frame
  ,Var.s                ##<< Variable to be filtered
  ,QFVar.s              ##<< Quality flag of variable to be filtered
  ,QFValue.n            ##<< Numeric value of quality flag for _good_ data, other data is set to missing
  ,CallFunction.s=''    ##<< Name of function called from
  ## AMM
  # TEST: Data.F <- EddyData.F; Var.s <- 'NEE'; QFVar.s <- 'QF'; QFValue.n <- 0; CallFunction.s='dummy'
  # Check if specified columns exist and are numeric
  SubCallFunc.s <- paste(CallFunction.s,'fSetQF', sep=':::')
  fCheckColNames(Data.F, c(Var.s, QFVar.s), SubCallFunc.s)
  fCheckColNum(Data.F, c(Var.s, QFVar.s), SubCallFunc.s)
  ## Quality flag will be applied to variable - unless quality flag variables is called 'none' (dummy).
  if (QFVar.s != 'none') {
    # Check quality flag value
    if( fCheckValNum(QFValue.n) != T )
      stop(CallFunction.s, ':::fSetQF::: Quality flag \'', QFVar.s, '\' has a non-numeric value: ', QFValue.n, '!')
    # Only use data values when good data (quality flag is equal to flag value)
    Var.V.n <- ifelse(Data.F[,QFVar.s]==QFValue.n, Data.F[,Var.s], NA_real_)
    if( sum(!is.na(Var.V.n)) == 0 )
      warning(CallFunction.s, ':::fSetQF::: Variable \'', Var.s, '\' contains no data after applying quality flag \'', QFVar.s, '\' with value ', QFValue.n, '!')
  } else {
    # Use all data
    Var.V.n <- Data.F[,Var.s]
    if( sum(!is.na(Var.V.n)) == 0 )
      warning(CallFunction.s, ':::fSetQF::: Variable \'', Var.s, '\' contains no data!')
  # Add units
  attr(Var.V.n, 'units') <- attr(Data.F[[Var.s]], 'units')
  attr(Var.V.n, 'varnames') <- if( QFVar.s == 'none' ) { paste(Var.s, sep='')
    } else { paste(Var.s, '.', QFVar.s, '_', round(QFValue.n, digits=3), sep='') }
  ## Numeric vector with _good_ data.

fFilterAttr <- function(
		### filter, i.e. subset rows, a data.frame with keeping attributes (e.g. units) of the columns
		x				##<< data frame to filter
		, isFiltered.v	##<< boolean vector specifying which rows to keep
	if( !is.data.frame(x)) stop("fFilterAttr error: expected first argument to be a data.frame, but was ",class(x))
	ans <- x[isFiltered.v,]
	for( i in 1:ncol(x) ){
		attributes(ans[[i]]) <- attributes(x[[i]])
	##value<< \code{x[,isFiltered.v]} with column attributes preserved

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REddyProc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:19 p.m.