
#+++ Developers' R script +++
#+++ Generation of code documentation with 'inlinedocs' (by parsing R5 methods to functions)
#+++ Generation of example data, original scripts, package archive
#+++ --> run from package directory
# Author: AMM

Develop.b <- F #True if in development mode

# Source settings for R environment

#Source file and data handling scripts


# Parse R5 methods to generate documentation with inlinedocs
CodeIn.V.s <- fInitFilesDir('R','Eddy.*\\.R$', fixed=FALSE)		# omit dir name REddyProc
CodeOut.V.s <- gsub('Eddy','Dummy', CodeIn.V.s)
# File.i <- 1
for (File.i in 1:length(CodeIn.V.s)) {
  #Read in script
  ScriptIn.s <- fSetFile(CodeIn.V.s[File.i], 'R', IO.b=T, 'genRpackage')
  #Parse reference class methods to normal function code
  Code.s <- readLines(ScriptIn.s)
  Code.s <- gsub('sEddyProc\\$methods\\(','', Code.s)
  Code.s <- gsub('initialize =',' =', Code.s)
  Code.s <- gsub('\\}\\)','}',Code.s)
  Code.s <- gsub('<<-','<-',Code.s)
  # Delete definition of R5 class - need to complete setRefClass with a line starting with '))' and not use it before
  while( length(lineStart <- grep('\\ssetRefClass', Code.s)) ){
	  lineEnd <- grep('^\\)\\)', Code.s[-(1:lineStart)])
	  Code.s <- Code.s[-(lineStart:(lineStart+lineEnd))]
  # Add new header
  Code.s <- c('#+++ !!! Auxiliary file only, generated for documentating methods of R5 class sEddyProc with inlinedocs !!!+++ \n', Code.s)
  # Write to file
  ScriptOut.s <- fSetFile(CodeOut.V.s[File.i], 'R', IO.b=F, 'genRpackage')
  writeLines(Code.s, con=ScriptOut.s)
  # For testing during development, sEddyProc methods can be loaded as standard functions
  if( Develop.b==T && File.i != 1) eval(parse(text=Code.s)) 

#+++ Generate new inlinedocs documentation

system('rm -f man/*')		# Comment TW: depends on rm, maybe base on R unlink instead

# temporarily move R5 classes to avoid generation of nun-useful Docu
dir.create('tmp', showWarnings = FALSE)
#if( !all(file.rename(paste('R',CodeIn.V.s,sep='/'), rep('tmp',length(CodeIn.V.s)) )) )
if( !all(file.rename(paste('R',CodeIn.V.s,sep='/'), paste('tmp',CodeIn.V.s,sep='/') )) )
		stop('could not move Eddy files to tmp')

package.skeleton.dx('.') 	# produces *.Rd files in ./man directory

# Remove files generated only for the code documentation, and move original files back
system('rm -f R/Dummy*')
file.rename(paste('tmp',CodeIn.V.s,sep='/'), paste('R',CodeIn.V.s,sep='/') )

# Overwrite automatically generated documentation with (self-written) versions
# from inst/develop/genDocu
DocuIn.V.s <- fInitFilesDir('inst/develop/genDocu/','.Rd')
file.copy(paste('inst/develop/genDocu',DocuIn.V.s,sep='/'),'man', overwrite=T)
# If package twDev from TW is used for documenation generation
if ( length(grep( "twutz", Sys.getenv('HOME'))) != 0 ) { 
  genRd(execInlinedocs = FALSE)
#dos2unix man/*.Rd


# Update example file
if (T==F) { #Only needs to be executed if example files changed...
  # Provide (update) example data for package from txt file
  EddyData.F <- fLoadTXTIntoDataframe('Example_DETha98.txt','inst/examples')
  save('EddyData.F', file='data/Example_DETha98.Rdata')


# Provide source code as R script files in inst/scripts with package
RFiles.V.s <- fInitFilesDir('R','.R')
system('rm -f inst/scripts/*')
file.copy(paste('R', RFiles.V.s, sep='/'), paste('inst/scripts', RFiles.V.s, sep='/'), overwrite=T)


# Install, build and reload package
if( Sys.getenv('HOME') == '/Users/amoffat' ) { #AMM's local setup for generating the package
  Dir.s <- getwd()
  # Reinstall package, set for local libraries of AMM with built binary in gzp-file
  # Without library path, it gets installed to library ‘/Applications/’!
  # Check library paths with .libPaths()
  # For RStudio specific information see here
  system('R CMD INSTALL --build --html --library=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/current/Resources/library ../REddyProc')
  # Windows compatible zip-archive (use Rtools for building packages for R under Windows)
  system('zip -rq REddyProc')
  system(paste('mv ', Dir.s, '/.', sep=''))
  #Reset working directory
  # To update to newest version on cluster:
  #   1. Update repository
  #   2. On pc026: R CMD INSTALL --build --html REddyProc
  #   3. Email TW since REddyProcWeb is based on this
  if( Develop.b ) {
    #Check package
    system('R CMD CHECK ../REddyProc')

  # Restart of R console required to load new version of package

Try the REddyProc package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

REddyProc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:19 p.m.