
Defines functions terms.F_constraint terms.Q_constraint terms.C_constraint terms.L_constraint rbind_C_constraint c2_C_constraints_named c2_C_constraints variable.names.C_constraint length.C_constraint is.C_constraint as.C_constraint.L_constraint as.C_constraint.NULL as.C_constraint.NO_constraint as.C_constraint.C_constraint as.C_constraint C_constraint calc_dims length.cone `[.cone` c.cone K_powd K_powp K_expd K_expp K_psd K_soc K_lin K_zero simple_cone as.F_constraint.constraint as.F_constraint.NO_constraint as.F_constraint.NULL as.F_constraint as_function_Q_constraint as_function_L_constraint as.function.constraint dim.constraint print.constraint is.constraint as.constraint.numeric as.constraint as.rhs.NULL as.rhs c.F_constraint rbind_F_constraint is.F_constraint as.J_term.list as.J_term.function as.J_term.NULL as.J_term as.F_term.list as.F_term.function length.F_constraint as.F_term variable.names.F_constraint F_constraint as.Q_term.NULL as.Q_term.simple_triplet_matrix as.Q_term.matrix as.Q_term.numeric as.Q_term.list as.Q_term length.Q_constraint c.Q_constraint rbind_Q_constraint is.Q_constraint as.Q_constraint.list as.Q_constraint.L_constraint as.Q_constraint.Q_constraint as.Q_constraint variable.names.Q_constraint Q_constraint as.L_term.NULL as.L_term.simple_triplet_matrix as.L_term.matrix as.L_term.numeric as.L_term str.cone str.constraint length.L_constraint c.L_constraint rbind_L_constraint c2_Q_constraints c2_L_constraints_named c2_L_constraints fill_stm rbind_stm_by_names is.L_constraint as.function.L_constraint as.L_constraint.NO_constraint as.L_constraint.list as.L_constraint.numeric as.L_constraint.L_constraint as.L_constraint variable.names.L_constraint L_constraint length.NO_constraint c.NO_constraint rbind_NO_constraint is.NO_constraint as.NO_constraint.L_constraint as.NO_constraint.NO_constraint as.NO_constraint NO_constraint c.constraint rbind.constraint .check_constraints.F_constraint .check_constraints.L_constraint .check_constraints.NO_constraint .check_constraints.NULL .check_constraints constraints.OP constraints valid_cone available_cone_types available_constraint_classes

Documented in as.C_constraint as.constraint as.F_constraint as.F_constraint.constraint as.F_constraint.NO_constraint as.F_constraint.NULL as.L_constraint as.L_term as.NO_constraint as.Q_constraint as.Q_term as.Q_term.list as.Q_term.matrix as.Q_term.NULL as.Q_term.numeric as.Q_term.simple_triplet_matrix c.constraint C_constraint constraints constraints.OP dim.constraint F_constraint is.C_constraint is.constraint is.F_constraint is.L_constraint is.NO_constraint is.Q_constraint K_expd K_expp K_lin K_powd K_powp K_psd K_soc K_zero L_constraint length.C_constraint length.L_constraint length.Q_constraint NO_constraint Q_constraint rbind.constraint terms.C_constraint terms.F_constraint terms.L_constraint terms.Q_constraint variable.names.C_constraint variable.names.F_constraint variable.names.L_constraint variable.names.Q_constraint

## Package: ROI
## File:    constraints.R
## Author:  Stefan Theussl
## Changed: 2016-05-20
## NOTE: probably support "range" constraints in order to improve efficiency
## (lhs ~ f(x) ~ rhs)

## ---------------------------------------------------------
##  Constraint
##  ==========
##' @title constraint
##' @description \pkg{ROI} distinguishes between 5 different 
##'   types of constraint: 
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item No Constraint \code{\link{NO_constraint}} (inherits from \code{"constraint"})
##'     \item Linear Constraint \code{\link{L_constraint}} (inherits from \code{"constraint"})
##'     \item Quadratic Constraint \code{\link{Q_constraint}} (inherits from \code{"constraint"})
##'     \item Conic Constraint \code{\link{C_constraint}} (inherits from \code{"constraint"})
##'     \item Function Constraint \code{\link{F_constraint}} (inherits from \code{"constraint"})
##'   }
##' @param x an object to be coerced or tested.
##' @param \ldots objects to be combined.
##' @param recursive a logical, giving if the arguments should be combined recursively.
##' @name constraint (Constructors)
##' @rdname ROI_constraint
## ---------------------------------------------------------

## 'constraints' helper functions

available_constraint_classes <- function() {
    c(L = "L_constraint", C = "C_constraint", Q = "Q_constraint", 
      F = "F_constraint", X = "NO_constraint")

available_cone_types <- function()
    c("zero", "nonneg", "soc", "psd", "expp", "expd", "powp", "powd")

valid_cone <- function(x) x %in% available_cone_types()

## 'constraints' extractor functions

##  Extract constraints from its argument (typically ROI objects) and
##  return them.
##  Currently, there is no default method. See \code{\link{constraints.OP}}
##  for extracting constraints from ROI objects of class \code{"OP"}.
##' @title Constraints - Accessor and Mutator Functions
##' @description The \link{constraints} of a given optimization problem (\link{OP}) 
##'     can be accessed or mutated via the method \code{'constraints'}.
##' @param x an object used to select the method.
##' @param value an R object.
##' @return the extracted constraints object.
##' @name constraints (Set/Get)
##' @rdname constraints
##' @author Stefan Theussl
##' @examples
##' ## minimize: x + 2 y
##' ## subject to: x + y >= 1
##' ## x, y >= 0
##' x <- OP(1:2)
##' constraints(x) <- L_constraint(c(1, 1), ">=", 1)
##' constraints(x)
##' @export
constraints <- function( x )

##  Extract constraints from ROI objects of class \code{"OP"} and
##  return them.
##  @title Extract constraints
##  @param x an object of class \code{"OP"}.
##  @return an object inheriting from class \code{"constraints"}.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname constraints
##' @export
constraints.OP <- function( x ){
    if( is.null(x$constraints) )
        NO_constraint( length(objective(x)) )

## 'constraints' replacement functions

##  Replaces the constraints in R objects (typically ROI
##  objects).
##  Currently, there is no default method. Constraints in ROI objects
##  of class \code{"OP"} given by the argument \code{x} are replaced
##  with \code{value}, either being an object of class
##  \code{"constraint"}, coercible to such, or \code{NULL}
##  (unconstrained). The updated \code{"OP"} object will be returned.
##  @title Replacement of constraints
##  @name constraints-replace
##  @aliases constraints<- constraints<-.OP
##  @usage constraints(x) <- value
##  @param x an R object.
##  @param value an R object.
##  @return the updated object.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname constraints
##' @export constraints<-
'constraints<-' <- function( x, value )

##' @noRd
##' @export
'constraints<-.OP' <- function( x, value ) {
    if ( is.null(value) ) {
        if ( !is.na(x[["n_of_variables"]]) ) {
            x[["constraints"]] <- NO_constraint(x[["n_of_variables"]])
        x[["n_of_constraints"]] <- 0L
    } else {
        constr <- as.constraint(value)
        if ( !is.F_constraint(constr) ) {
            if ( is.na(x[["n_of_variables"]]) ) 
                x[["n_of_variables"]] <- ncol(constr)
            .check_constraints(constr, x) ## We can only check if we know the number of variables
        x$constraints <- constr
        x[["n_of_constraints"]] <- nrow(constr)

.check_constraints <- function(constr, x) UseMethod(".check_constraints")

.check_constraints.NULL <- function(constr, x) NULL

.check_constraints.NO_constraint <- function(constr, x) NULL

.check_constraints.L_constraint <- function(constr, x) {
    if ( !isTRUE(x[["n_of_variables"]] == ncol(constr)) ) {
        msg <- sprintf("dimension missmatch! OP has %i variables the constraints have %i", 
                       x[["n_of_variables"]], ncol(constr))
        stop( msg )

.check_constraints.C_constraint <- .check_constraints.L_constraint
.check_constraints.Q_constraint <- .check_constraints.L_constraint

.check_constraints.F_constraint <- function(constr, x) {
    ## check nrow (number constraints is equal to number of rhs variables)
    x0 <- rep.int(1, x[["n_of_variables"]])
    F_len <- sum(unlist(lapply(constr$F, function(f) length(f(x0))), FALSE, FALSE)) 
    if ( F_len != length(constr$rhs) ) {
        stop( "dimensions of 'rhs' and 'constraints' not conformable." )

## combining matrices (see 'rbind' in matrix.R, package relation)

##' Take a sequence of constraints (ROI objects) arguments and combine
##' by rows, i.e., putting several constraints together.
##' The output type is determined from the highest type of the
##' components in the hierarchy \cr \code{"L_constraint"} <
##' \code{"Q_constraint"} < \code{"F_constraint"} and \cr
##' \code{"L_constraint"} < \code{"C_constraint"}.
##' @title Combine Constraints
##' @param ... constraints objects to be concatenated.
##' @param use.names a logical if \code{FALSE} the names of the constraints
##'   are ignored when combining them, if \code{TRUE} the constraints are
##'   combined based on their \code{variable.names}.
##' @param recursive a logical, if TRUE, rbind .
##' @return an object of a class depending on the input which also
##' inherits from \code{"constraint"}. See \bold{Details}.
##' @author Stefan Theussl
##' @export
rbind.constraint <- function(..., use.names=FALSE, recursive=FALSE) {
    constraints <- list(...)
    if (recursive) {
        constraints <- flatten_constraints(constraints, "", "rbind.constraint")

    is_constraint <- sapply(constraints, inherits, what="constraint")
    if ( !all(is_constraint) ) {
        sc <- as.character(sys.call())[which(!is_constraint) + 1L]
        msg <- sprintf("object %s doesn't inherit from constraint!",
                       paste(sc, collapse=", "))
        error("TYPE_MISMATCH", msg, domain = "rbind.constraint", call=sys.call())

    constraint_type <- function(x) {
        class(x)[class(x) %in% available_constraint_classes()][1]
    constraint_types <- sapply(constraints, constraint_type)

    if ( length( constraints ) == 1L ) return( constraints[[1L]] )
    if ( "F_constraint" %in% constraint_types ) {
        return( rbind_F_constraint(constraints) )
    } else if ( "C_constraint" %in% constraint_types ) {
        return( rbind_C_constraint(constraints) )
    } else if ( "Q_constraint" %in% constraint_types ) {
        return( rbind_Q_constraint(constraints, use.names=use.names) )
    } else if ( "L_constraint" %in% constraint_types ) {
        return( rbind_L_constraint(constraints, use.names=use.names) )


##' @rdname ROI_constraint
##' @export
c.constraint <- function( ..., recursive = FALSE )
    rbind( ..., recursive = recursive )

## No constraints (class 'NO_constraint')
## 0xn simple_triplet_zero_matrix

##' In case the \code{constraints} slot in the problem object is
##' \code{NULL} the return value of a call of \code{constraints()}
##' will return an object of class \code{"NO_constraint"} which
##' inherits from \code{"L_constraint"}.
##' @title Class: \code{"NO_constraint"}
##' @param n_obj a numeric vector of length \code{1} representing the number
##' of objective variables.
##' @param x an R object.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
##' (currently ignored).
##' @return an object of class \code{"NO_constraint"} which inherits
##' from \code{"L_constraint"} and \code{"constraint"}.
##' @author Stefan Theussl
##' @export
NO_constraint <- function( n_obj ) {
    n_obj <- as.integer( n_obj )
    stopifnot( length(n_obj) == 1L )

    L <- simple_triplet_zero_matrix(0, n_obj)
    structure( list(L = L, dir = character(), rhs = numeric(), names = NULL),
               n_constraints = 0,
               n_obj = n_obj,
               class = c("NO_constraint", "constraint") )

##  Coerces objects of type \code{"NO_constraint"}.
##  (Almost) all objects inheriting from class \code{"constraint"} can be
##  coerced to \code{"NO_constraint"}. It extracts the number of
##  (objective) variables from the original constraints objects and
##  returns the \code{"NO_constraint"} object.
##  @title Coercing Constraints
##  @param x an R object.
##  @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
##  (currently ignored).
##  @return an object of class \code{"NO_constraint"} which inherits
##  from \code{"constraint"}.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname NO_constraint
##' @export
as.NO_constraint <- function(x, ...)
    UseMethod( "as.NO_constraint" )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.NO_constraint.NO_constraint <- function( x, ... )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.NO_constraint.L_constraint <- function( x, ... )
    NO_constraint( ncol(x$L) )

##  Tests if an object is interpretable as being of class \code{"L_constraint"}.
##  @title Class: \code{"NO_constraint"}
##  @param x object to be tested.
##  @return returns \code{TRUE} if its argument is of class
##  \code{"NO_constraint"} and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname NO_constraint
##' @export
is.NO_constraint <- function( x ) {
    inherits( x, "NO_constraint" )

rbind_NO_constraint <- function(constraints) {
    nc <- unlist(lapply(constraints, is.NO_constraint))
    dims <- unlist(lapply(constraints, function(x) dim(x)[2]))
    stopifnot( all(dims == dims[1]) )
    if( !all(nc) )
        stop( "constraints of type 'NO_constraint' can not be combined with other constraints." )
    return( constraints[[1]] )

##' @noRd
##' @export
c.NO_constraint <- function( ..., recursive = FALSE )
    rbind( ..., recursive = recursive )

##  Get the number of constraints from a corresponding ROI object.
##  @title Class: \code{"NO_constraint"}
##  @param x constraints object.
##  @return an integer.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##  @rdname NO_constraint
##' @export
length.NO_constraint <- function( x )
    attr(x, "n_constraints")

## Linear constraints (class 'L_constraint')
## Ax ~ b

##' Linear constraints are typically of the form \deqn{Lx \leq rhs}
##' where \eqn{L} is a \eqn{m \times n} (sparse) matrix of coefficients 
##' to the objective variables \eqn{x} and the right hand side \eqn{rhs} 
##' is a vector of length \eqn{m}.
##' @title Linear Constraints
##' @param L a numeric vector of length \eqn{n} (a single constraint)
##' or a matrix of dimension \eqn{m \times n}, where \eqn{n} is the
##' number of objective variables and \eqn{m} is the number of
##' constraints. Matrices can be of class
##' \code{"simple_triplet_matrix"} to allow a sparse representation of
##' constraints.
##' @param dir a character vector with the directions of the
##' constraints. Each element must be one of \code{"<="}, \code{">="} or \code{"=="}.
##' @param rhs a numeric vector with the right hand side of the constraints.
##' @param names an optional character vector giving the names of \eqn{x} 
##'        (column names of \eqn{A}).
##' @param x an R object.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
##' (currently ignored).
##' @return an object of class \code{"L_constraint"} which inherits
##' from \code{"constraint"}.
##' @author Stefan Theussl
##' @export
L_constraint <- function( L, dir, rhs, names = NULL ) {
    L     <- as.L_term(L)
    stopifnot( row_sense_is_feasible(dir) )
    rhs   <- as.rhs( rhs )
    dim_L <- dim( L )
    n_dir <- length( dir )
    n_L_constraints <- length( rhs )
    if ( (!is.null(names)) & (length(names) != ncol(L)) ) {
        stop("number of columns of 'L' and length 'names' must be equal.")
    stopifnot( all(c(dim_L[ 1 ], n_dir) == n_L_constraints) )
    structure( list(L   = L,
                    dir = dir,
                    rhs = rhs,
                    names = names),
              n_L_constraints = n_L_constraints,
              class = c("L_constraint", "Q_constraint", "constraint") )

##' @rdname L_constraint
##' @param object an R object.
##' @export
variable.names.L_constraint <- function(object, ...) {

## Coerces objects of type \code{"L_constraint"}.
## Objects from the following classes can be coerced to
## \code{"L_constraint"}: \code{"numeric"} and \code{"list"}. The
## elements of a \code{"numeric"} vector \eqn{a} are treated as
## objective variable coefficients of a single constraint in standard
## form (\eqn{ax \geq 0}). A \code{"list"} must contain three
## elements, the matrix \eqn{A}, the direction of constraints, and
## the right hand side defining a linear constraint \eqn{Ax \leq b}.
## @title Linear Constraints
## @param x an R object.
## @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
## (currently ignored).
## @return an object of class \code{"L_constraint"} which inherits
## from \code{"constraint"}.
## @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname L_constraint
##' @export
as.L_constraint <- function(x, ...)

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.L_constraint.L_constraint <- function( x, ... )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.L_constraint.numeric <- function( x, ... )
    L_constraint( L = x, dir = ">=", rhs = 0 )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.L_constraint.list <- function( x, ... ){
    names(x) <- c("L", "dir", "rhs")
    L_constraint( L = x$L, dir = x$dir, rhs = x$rhs )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.L_constraint.NO_constraint<- function( x, ... )
    L_constraint( L = simple_triplet_zero_matrix(nrow = length(x), ncol = dim(x)[2]),
                  dir = NULL, rhs = NULL )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.function.L_constraint <- function( x, ... ) {
    fun <- function(i) {
        g <- as.matrix(x$L[i,])
        function(x) as.numeric(g %*% x)
    lapply(seq_len(NROW(x$L)), fun)

## Tests if an object is interpretable as being of class \code{"L_constraint"}.
## @title Linear Constraints
## @param x object to be tested.
## @return returns \code{TRUE} if its argument is of class
## \code{"L_constraint"} and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
## @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname L_constraint
##' @export
is.L_constraint <- function( x ) {
    inherits( x, "L_constraint" )

## rbind_stm_by_names is a utility function to 'rbind' two 'simple_tiplet_matrices'
## into one based on provided columns names. Thereby it has to be ensured
## that the column names of b are a subset from the columns names of a.
rbind_stm_by_names <- function(a, b, a_names, b_names) {
    m <- match(b_names, a_names)
    a$dimnames <- NULL
    b$dimnames <- NULL
    b$ncol <- ncol(a)
    b$j <- m[match(b$j, seq_len(ncol(b)))]
    rbind(a, b)

## fill_stm is a utility function to fill the the Q matrix ( t(x) %*% Q %*% x )
## with zeros based on the 'new_names' provided. Thereby is assumed that 'old_names'
## is a subset of new_names.
fill_stm <- function(stm, old_names, new_names) {
    m <- match(old_names, new_names)
    stm$nrow <- length(new_names)
    stm$ncol <- length(new_names)
    for (i in seq_along(m)) {
        stm$i[stm$i == i] <- m[i]
        stm$j[stm$j == i] <- m[i]

## combine 2 L_constraints (ignore names)
c2_L_constraints <- function(x, y) {
    L_constraint( L=rbind(x$L, y$L), dir=c(x$dir, y$dir), rhs=c(x$rhs, y$rhs),
                  names=x$names )

## combine 2 L_constraints (use names, using the names allows to 'rbind' 2 L_constraints
## where the number of columns to not match by matching the names)
c2_L_constraints_named <- function(x, y) {
    L_constraint( L=rbind_stm_by_names(x$L, y$L, variable.names(x), variable.names(y)),
                  dir=c(x$dir, y$dir), rhs=c(x$rhs, y$rhs), names=variable.names(x) )

## combine 2 Q_constraints (ignore names)
c2_Q_constraints <- function(x, y) {
    Q_constraint(Q=c(x$Q, y$Q), L=rbind(x$L, y$L), dir=c(x$dir, y$dir),
                 rhs=c(x$rhs, y$rhs), names=x$names)

rbind_L_constraint <- function( constraints, use.names = FALSE) {
    constraints <- lapply(constraints, as.L_constraint)
    if ( length(constraints) == 1L ) return( constraints[[1L]] )
    if ( use.names ) {
        var.names <- lapply(constraints, function(x) variable.names(x))
        if ( any(sapply(var.names, is.null)) ) {
            stop("all constraints need to be named if 'use.names' is TRUE!")
        is_equal <- function(x, y) isTRUE(all.equal(x, y))
        if ( all(mapply(is_equal, var.names[-1L], var.names[-length(var.names)])) ) {
            return( Reduce(c2_L_constraints, constraints) )
        } else {
            var.names <- unique(unlist(var.names))
            lc <- L_constraint(simple_triplet_zero_matrix(0L, length(var.names)),
                               NULL, NULL, names=var.names)
            return( Reduce(c2_L_constraints_named, c(list(lc), constraints)) )
    } else {
        return( Reduce(c2_L_constraints, constraints) )

##' @noRd
##' @export
c.L_constraint <- function( ..., recursive = FALSE )
    rbind( ..., recursive = recursive )

##  Get the number of constraints from a corresponding ROI object.
##  @title Linear Constraints
##  @param x constraints object.
##  @return an integer.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname L_constraint
##' @export
length.L_constraint <- function( x )
    attr(x, "n_L_constraints")

##' @noRd
##' @export
##  c("n_constraints", "n_L_constraints", "n_Q_constraints", "n_F_constraints")
##  The Problem is we overwrite length therefore str will fail since it iterates over the length.
##  I seems easiest to just change the class information, so it get's printed correctly and
##  length is not dispached to it's ROI implementations.
str.constraint <- function(object, ...) {
    cat(sprintf(' - attr(*, "class")='))

##' @noRd
##' @export
str.cone <- function(object, ...) {
    str(unclass(object), nest.lev = 1)
    cat(sprintf(' - attr(*, "class")='))

##  the linear term of the left hand side
##  ----------------------------------------------------------
##  as.L_term
##  =========
##  @title Coerce an object to type \code{"L_term"}.
##' @title Canonicalize the Linear Term
##' @description
##    The \code{"L_term"} object represents the linear term of the \code{"L_constraint"}.
##    Objects from the following classes can be coerced to \code{"L_term"}:
##'   Canonicalize the linear term of a linear constraint.
##'   Objects from the following classes can be canonicalized:
##'   \code{"NULL"}, \code{"numeric"}, \code{"matrix"}, \code{"simple_triplet_matrix"}
##'   and \code{"list"}.
##' @details
##'   In the case of \code{lists} \code{"as.Q_term"} is applied to every element
##'   of the list, for \code{NULL} one can supply the optional arguments \code{"nrow"}
##'   and \code{"ncol"} which will create a \code{"simple_triplet_zero_matrix"}
##'   with the specified dimension.
##' @param x an R object.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return an object of class \code{"simple_triplet_matrix"}
##' @export
as.L_term <- function( x, ... )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.L_term.numeric <- function( x, ... )
    as.simple_triplet_matrix( matrix(x, nrow = 1L) )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.L_term.matrix <- function( x, ... )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.L_term.simple_triplet_matrix <- function( x, ... )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.L_term.NULL <- function( x, ... ) {
    dims <- list(...)
    if ( all(c("nrow", "ncol") %in% names(dims)) ) {
        return( simple_triplet_zero_matrix(dims$nrow, dims$ncol) )

## Quadratic constraints (class 'Q_constraint')
## list of constraints of the form a'x + x'Qx ~ b

##' Quadratic constraints are typically of the form
##' \deqn{\frac{1}{2}x^{\top}Q_ix + L_i x \leq rhs_i}
##' where \eqn{Q_i} is the \eqn{i}th of \eqn{m} (sparse) matrices 
##' (all of dimension \eqn{n \times n}) giving the coefficients of the quadratic
##' part of the equation. The \eqn{m \times n} (sparse) matrix \eqn{L}
##' holds the coefficients of the linear part of the equation and \eqn{L_i} 
##' refers to the \eqn{i}th row. The right hand side of the constraints 
##' is represented by the vector \eqn{rhs}.
##' @title Quadratic Constraints
##' @param Q a list of (sparse) matrices representing the quadratic
##' part of each constraint.
##' @param L a numeric vector of length \eqn{n} (a single constraint)
##' or a matrix of dimension \eqn{m \times n}, where \eqn{n} is the
##' number of objective variables and \eqn{m} is the number of
##' constraints. Matrices can be of class
##' \code{"simple_triplet_matrix"} to allow a sparse representation of
##' constraints.
##' @param dir a character vector with the directions of the
##' constraints. Each element must be one of \code{"<="}, \code{">="} or \code{"=="}.
##' @param rhs a numeric vector with the right hand side of the
##' constraints.
##' @param names an optional character vector giving the names of \eqn{x}
##'        (row/column names of \eqn{Q}, column names of \eqn{A}).
##' @param x an R object.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
##'        (currently ignored).
##' @return an object of class \code{"Q_constraint"} which inherits
##' from \code{"constraint"}.
##' @author Stefan Theussl
##' @export
Q_constraint <- function(Q, L, dir, rhs, names=NULL) {
    L_is_vec <- is.vector(L)
    Q <- as.Q_term( Q, nrow=NROW(L), ncol=NCOL(L) )
    L <- as.L_term( L, nrow=length(Q), ncol=NROW(Q[[1L]]) )
    stopifnot( row_sense_is_feasible(dir) )
    rhs   <- as.rhs( rhs )
    dim_L <- dim( L )
    n_Q   <- length( Q )
    dim_Q <- lapply( Q, dim )
    n_dir <- length( dir )
    n_Q_constraints <- length( rhs )
    ## all Q need to be nxn and L kxn
    if( any(unlist(dim_Q) != dim_L[ 2 ]) ) {
        hint <- if (L_is_vec) "If 'L' is a vector it is converted to a column matrix." else NULL
        error("DIMENSION_MISMATCH", "The dimensions of 'Q' and 'L' don't match!",
              domain = "Q_constraint", hint = hint,
              note = c("The length of the list 'Q' is required to be equal to",
                       "the number of rows of the matrix 'L'!"))
    ## length of dir and rhs, as well as rows of L need to be equal
    stopifnot( all(c(dim_L[ 1 ], n_dir) == n_Q_constraints) )
    if ( (!is.null(names)) & (length(names) != NCOL(L)) ) {
        stop("number of columns of 'Q' and length 'names' must be equal.")
    structure( list(Q   = Q,
                    L   = L,
                    dir = dir,
                    rhs = rhs,
                    names = names),
               n_Q_constraints = n_Q_constraints,
               class = c("Q_constraint", "constraint") )

##' @rdname Q_constraint
##' @param object an R object.
##' @export
variable.names.Q_constraint <- function(object, ...) {

##  Coerces objects of type \code{"Q_constraint"}.
##  Objects from the following classes can be coerced to
##  \code{"Q_constraint"}: \code{"list"}. The \code{"list"} must
##  contain four elements, a list of matrices \eqn{Q_m} representing
##  the quadratic part of \eqn{m} constraints, the matrix \eqn{A}
##  describing the linear part, the direction of the constraints, and
##  the right hand side.
##  @title Quadratic Constraints
##  @param x an R object.
##  @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
##  (currently ignored).
##  @return an object of class \code{"Q_constraint"} which inherits
##  from \code{"constraint"}.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname Q_constraint
##' @export
as.Q_constraint <- function( x )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.Q_constraint.Q_constraint <- function(x) {
    if ( is.L_constraint(x) ) return(as.Q_constraint.L_constraint(x))

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.Q_constraint.L_constraint <- function( x ) {
    Q_constraint( Q = NULL, L = x$L, dir = x$dir, rhs = x$rhs, names = x$names )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.Q_constraint.list <- function( x ){
    names(x) <- c("Q", "L", "dir", "rhs")
    Q_constraint( Q = x$Q, L = x$L, dir = x$dir, rhs = x$rhs )

##  Tests if an object is interpretable as being of class \code{"Q_constraint"}.
##  @title Quadratic Constraints
##  @param x object to be tested.
##  @return returns \code{TRUE} if its argument is of class
##  \code{"Q_constraint"} and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname Q_constraint
##' @export
is.Q_constraint <- function( x ) {
    inherits( x, "Q_constraint" )

rbind_Q_constraint <- function( constraints, use.names=FALSE) {
    constraints <- lapply(constraints, as.Q_constraint)
    if ( use.names ) {
        var.names <- lapply(constraints, function(x) variable.names(x))
        if ( any(sapply(var.names, is.null)) ) {
            stop("all constraints need to be named if 'use.names' is TRUE!")
        is_equal <- function(x, y) isTRUE(all.equal(x, y))
        if ( all(mapply(is_equal, var.names[-1L], var.names[-length(var.names)])) ) {
            return( Reduce(c2_Q_constraints, constraints) )
        } else {
            var.names <- unique(unlist(var.names))
            do_fill <- function(x) lapply(x$Q, fill_stm, old_names=variable.names(x), new_names=var.names)
            Q <- unlist(lapply(constraints, do_fill), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
            lc <- L_constraint(simple_triplet_zero_matrix(0L, length(var.names)),
                               NULL, NULL, names=var.names)
            x <- Reduce(c2_L_constraints_named, c(list(lc), constraints))
            return( Q_constraint( Q = Q, L = x$L, dir = x$dir, rhs = x$rhs, names = x$names ) )
    } else {
        return( Reduce(c2_Q_constraints, constraints) )

c.Q_constraint <- function( ..., recursive = FALSE )
    rbind( ..., recursive = recursive )

##' @rdname Q_constraint
length.Q_constraint <- function(x)
    attr(x, "n_Q_constraints")

##  ----------------------------------------------------------
##  as.Q_term
##  =========
##  @title Coerce an object to type \code{"Q_term"}.
##' @title Canonicalize the Quadraric Term
##' @description
##    The \code{"Q_term"} object represents the quadratic term of the \code{"Q_constraint"}.
##    Objects from the following classes can be coerced to \code{"Q_term"}:
##'   Canonicalize the quadraric term of a quadratic constraint.
##'   Objects from the following classes can be canonicalized:
##'   \code{"NULL"}, \code{"numeric"}, \code{"matrix"}, \code{"simple_triplet_matrix"}
##'   and \code{"list"}.
##' @details
##'   In the case of \code{lists} \code{"as.Q_term"} is applied to every element
##'   of the list, for \code{NULL} one can supply the optional arguments \code{"nrow"}
##'   and \code{"ncol"} which will create a \code{"simple_triplet_zero_matrix"}
##'   with the specified dimension.
##' @param x an R object.
##' @param ... further arguments
##' @return an object of class \code{"simple_triplet_matrix"}
##' @export
as.Q_term <- function(x, ...)
    UseMethod( "as.Q_term" )

##' @rdname as.Q_term
##' @export
as.Q_term.list <- function( x, ... ) {
    dims <- list(...)
    if ( all(c("nrow", "ncol") %in% names(dims)) ) {
        as_Q_term_list <- function(x, nrow, ncol) {
            if ( is.null(x) ) return( simple_triplet_zero_matrix(dims[['ncol']]) )
            return( as.simple_triplet_matrix(x) )
        return(lapply(x, as_Q_term_list, nrow=dims$nrow, ncol=dims$ncol))
    return(lapply( x, function(x) if( !is.null(x) ) as.simple_triplet_matrix(x) ))

##' @rdname as.Q_term
##' @export
as.Q_term.numeric <- function( x, ... )
    list( as.simple_triplet_matrix( matrix(x)) )

##' @rdname as.Q_term
##' @export
as.Q_term.matrix <- function( x, ... )
    list( as.simple_triplet_matrix(x) )

##' @rdname as.Q_term
##' @export
as.Q_term.simple_triplet_matrix <- function( x, ... )
    list( x )

##' @rdname as.Q_term
##' @export
as.Q_term.NULL <- function( x, ... ) {
    dims <- list(...)
    if ( all(c("nrow", "ncol") %in% names(dims)) ) {
        return( rep(list(simple_triplet_zero_matrix(dims[['ncol']])), dims[['nrow']]) )
    return( NULL )

## Function constraints (class 'F_constraint')
## list of constraints of the form f(x) ~ b

##' Function (or generally speaking nonlinear) constraints are
##' typically of the form \deqn{f(x) \leq b} where \eqn{f()} is a
##' well-defined R function taking the objective variables \eqn{x}
##' (typically a numeric vector) as arguments. \eqn{b} is called the
##' right hand side of the constraints.
##' @title Function Constraints
##' @param F a \code{function} or a list of \code{function}s of length
##' \eqn{m}. Each \code{function} takes \eqn{n} parameters as input
##' and must return a scalar. Thus, \eqn{n} is the number of objective
##' variables and \eqn{m} is the number of constraints.
##' @param dir a character vector with the directions of the
##' constraints. Each element must be one of \code{"<="}, \code{">="} or \code{"=="}.
##' @param rhs a numeric vector with the right hand side of the constraints.
##' @param J an optional \code{function} holding the Jacobian of F.
##' @param names an optional character vector giving the names of x.
##' @param x object to be tested.
##' @param \ldots further arguments passed to or from other methods (currently ignored).
##' @return an object of class \code{"F_constraint"} which inherits
##' from \code{"constraint"}.
##' @author Stefan Theussl
##' @export
## NOTE: checking the length of F_Constraints is a little more challenging since
##       we allow a single F_Constraint to have a length greater than 1. Therefore
##       to obtain the length we have to evaluate the constraints and get the length
##       on the unlisted results.
F_constraint <- function(F, dir, rhs, J=NULL, names=NULL) {
    stopifnot( row_sense_is_feasible(dir) )
    stopifnot( (length(F) == length(J)) | is.null(J) )
    F     <- as.F_term( F )
    J     <- as.J_term( J )
    rhs   <- as.rhs( rhs )
    n_F   <- length( F )
    n_dir <- length( dir )
    n_F_constraints <- length( rhs )
    stopifnot( n_dir == n_F_constraints )
    structure( list(F   = F,
                    dir = dir,
                    rhs = rhs,
                    J   = J,
                    names = names),
              n_F_constraints = n_F_constraints,
              class = c("F_constraint", "constraint"))

##' @rdname F_constraint
##' @param object an R object.
##' @export
variable.names.F_constraint <- function(object, ...) {

as.F_term <- function(x, ...)
    UseMethod( "as.F_term" )

##' @noRd
##' @export
length.F_constraint <- function(x)
    attr( x, "n_F_constraints" )

as.F_term.function <- function(x, ...)
    list( x )

as.F_term.list <- function(x, ...) {
    if ( inherits(x, "constraint") ) {
        return (x)
    lapply( x, as.function )

## Jacobian
as.J_term          <- function(x, ...) UseMethod( "as.J_term" )
as.J_term.NULL     <- function(x, ...) NULL
as.J_term.function <- function(x, ...) list( x )
as.J_term.list     <- function(x, ...) {
    if ( inherits(x, "jacobian") )
    if ( !all(sapply(x, is.function)) )
        stop("TYPE_MISMATCH J has to be a function or a list of functions")
    class(x) <- c(class(x), "jacobian")

##  Tests if an object is interpretable as being of class \code{"F_constraint"}.
##  @title Function Constraints
##  @param x object to be tested.
##  @return returns \code{TRUE} if its argument is of class
##  \code{"F_constraint"} and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
##' @rdname F_constraint
##' @export
is.F_constraint <- function( x ) {
    inherits( x, "F_constraint" )

rbind_F_constraint <- function( constr ) {
    ## check if all inherit from constraint
    constr <- lapply(constr, as.F_constraint)
    cfun <- unlist(lapply(constr, "[[", "F"), use.names=FALSE)
    cdir <- unlist(lapply(constr, "[[", "dir"), use.names=FALSE)
    crhs <- unlist(lapply(constr, "[[", "rhs"), use.names=FALSE)
    ## NOTE: We can just unlist it and if one constraint is missing 
    ##       we just set them all NULL.
    cjac <- unlist(lapply(constr, "[[", "J"), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
    if ( length(cjac) != length(cfun) ) cjac <- NULL
    cnames <- lapply(constr, "[[", "names")
    b <- !sapply(cnames, is.null)
    cnames <- if (any(b)) cnames[b][[1]] else NULL
    F_constraint(F=cfun, dir=cdir, rhs=crhs, J=cjac, names=cnames)

##' @noRd
##' @export
c.F_constraint <- function( ..., recursive = FALSE )
    rbind( ..., recursive = recursive )

## constraint helper functions

as.rhs <- function( x )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.rhs.numeric <- identity

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.rhs.NULL <- function( x )

##  Coerces objects of type \code{"constraint"}.
##  @title Constraint Utilities
##  @param x an R object.
##  @return an object inheriting from \code{"constraint"}.
##  @author Stefan Theussl
##' @rdname ROI_constraint
##' @export
as.constraint <- function( x )

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.constraint.NULL <- identity

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.constraint.NO_constraint <- identity

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.constraint.L_constraint <- identity

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.constraint.C_constraint <- identity

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.constraint.Q_constraint <- identity

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.constraint.F_constraint <- identity

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.constraint.numeric <- function( x )
    as.L_constraint( x )

##' @rdname ROI_constraint
##' @export
is.constraint <- function(x) inherits(x, "constraint")

##' @noRd
##' @export
print.constraint <- function( x, ... ) {
    len <- length(x)
    constr <- c("constraint", "constraints")
    if ( is.NO_constraint(x) ) {
        writeLines( "An object of type 'NO_constraint'." )
    } else if ( is.L_constraint(x) ) {
        i <- 1L + as.integer(len != 1L)
        txt <- sprintf("An object containing %d linear %s.", 
                       len, constr[i])
        writeLines( txt )
    } else {
        if( is.Q_constraint(x) ) {
            b <- sapply(x$Q, is_zero_matrix)
            n_L_constraints <- sum(b)
            n_Q_constraints <- length(b) - n_L_constraints
            fmt <- paste("An object containing %d linear %s",
                         "                     %d quadratic %s.", sep = "\n")
            i <- 1L + as.integer(n_L_constraints != 1L)
            j <- 1L + as.integer(n_Q_constraints != 1L)
            txt <- sprintf(fmt, n_L_constraints, constr[i],
                           n_Q_constraints, constr[j])
            writeLines( txt )
        } else if ( is.C_constraint(x) ) {
            i <- 1L + as.integer(len != 1L)
            txt <- sprintf("An object containing %d conic %s.", 
                           len, constr[i])
            writeLines( txt )
        } else {
            i <- 1L + as.integer(len != 1L)
            txt <- sprintf("An object containing %d nonlinear %s.", 
                           len, constr[i])
            writeLines( txt )

##' @rdname ROI_constraint
##' @export
dim.constraint <- function( x ) {
    out <- if( inherits(x, "NO_constraint") )
        c( length(x), attributes(x)$n_obj )
    else if( inherits(x, "L_constraint") )
        c( length(x), ncol(x$L))
    else if( inherits(x, "C_constraint") )
        c( length(x), ncol(x$L))
    else if( inherits(x, "Q_constraint") )
        c( length(x), ncol(x$L) )
    else if( inherits(x, "F_constraint") ){
        c( length(x), 1 )

## ---------------------------
## as.function.constraint
## ---------------------------
##' @noRd
##' @export
## FIXME as function C_constraint
as.function.constraint <- function(x, ...) {
    if ( inherits(x, "L_constraint") ) return(as_function_L_constraint(x, ...))
    if ( inherits(x, "Q_constraint") ) return(as_function_Q_constraint(x, ...))
    if ( inherits(x, "F_constraint") ) return(terms(x)[['F']])
    stop("'x' must be of type L_constraint, Q_constraint or F_constraint, was ", shQuote(typeof(x)))

as_function_L_constraint <- function( x, ... ) {
    fun <- function(L_row_i) {        
        f <- function(x) c(tcrossprod(L_row_i, t(x)))
        ##class(f) <- c(class(f), class(x))
    ## NOTE: rowapply_simple_triplet_matrix doesn't save L_row_i
    ## return(rowapply_simple_triplet_matrix(terms(x)[['L']], fun))
    out <- apply(terms(x)[['L']], 1, fun)
    structure(out, class=c("list", "constraint"))

as_function_Q_constraint <- function(x, ...) {
    fun <- function(i) {
        L <- terms(x)[['L']][i,]
        Q <- terms(x)[['Q']][[i]]
        f <- function (x) {    
            c(tcrossprod_simple_triplet_matrix(L, t(x)) + 0.5 * .xtQx(Q, x))
        ## class(f) <- c(class(f), class(x))
    out <- lapply(seq_len(NROW(x)), fun)
    structure(out, class=c("list", "constraint"))

## ---------------------------
## as.F_constraint
## ---------------------------
##' @rdname F_constraint
##' @export
as.F_constraint <- function(x, ...) UseMethod( "as.F_constraint" )

##' @rdname F_constraint
##' @export
as.F_constraint.NULL <- function(x, ...) x

##' @rdname F_constraint
##' @export
as.F_constraint.NO_constraint <- function(x, ...) x

## <<< TODO: The typecasting from C_constraint to F_constraint is more
##           challenging and in some chases doesn't make much sense. >>>
##' @rdname F_constraint
##' @export
as.F_constraint.constraint <- function(x, ...) {
    if ( inherits(x, "Q_constraint") ) 
        return( F_constraint(as.function(x), x$dir, x$rhs, J(x)) )
    if ( inherits(x, "F_constraint") ) return( x )
    stop("'x' must be of type L_constraint, Q_constraint or F_constraint, was ", shQuote(typeof(x)))

## ---------------------------
## Cone Constraint
## ---------------------------
## params is a list of lists of parameters
simple_cone <- function(n, type, params = NULL) {
    id <- id_generator$get_ids(1L)
    if ( !is.null(params) ) {
        names(params) <- id
    structure(list(cone = rep.int(type, n), 
                   id = rep.int(id, n), 
                   params = params), 
              class = "cone")

##' @title Cone Constructors
##' @description Constructor functions for the different cone
##'     types. Currently \pkg{ROI} supports eight different types
##'     of cones.
##'     \itemize{
##'     \item \code{Zero cone} \deqn{ \mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{zero}} = \{0\} }
##'     \item \code{Nonnegative (linear) cone} \deqn{ \mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{lin}} = \{x|x \geq 0 \} }
##'     \item \code{Second-order cone} \deqn{ \mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{soc}} = \left\{(t, x) \ | \ ||x||_2 \leq t, x \in R^n, t \in R \right\} }
##'     \item \code{Positive semidefinite cone} \deqn{ \mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{psd}} = \left\{ X \ | \ min(eig(X)) \geq 0, \ X = X^T, \ X \in R^{n \times n} \right\} }
##'     \item \code{Exponential cone} \deqn{ \mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{expp}} = \left\{(x,y,z) \ | \ y e^{\frac{x}{y}} \leq z, \ y > 0 \right\} }
##'     \item \code{Dual exponential cone} \deqn{ \mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{expd}} = \left\{(u,v,w) \ | \ -u e^{\frac{v}{u}} \leq e w, u < 0 \right\} }
##'     \item \code{Power cone} \deqn{ \mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{powp}} = \left\{(x,y,z) \ | \ x^\alpha * y^{(1-\alpha)} \geq |z|, \ x \geq 0, \ y \geq 0 \right\} }
##'     \item \code{Dual power cone} \deqn{ \mathcal{K}_{\mathrm{powd}} = \left\{ (u,v,w) \ | \ \left(\frac{u}{\alpha}\right)^\alpha * \left(\frac{v}{(1-\alpha)}\right)^{(1-\alpha)} \geq |w|, \ u \geq 0, \ v \geq 0 \right\} }
##'     }
##' @param size a integer giving the size of the cone, 
##'        if the dimension of the cones is fixed 
##'        (i.e. \code{zero}, \code{lin}, \code{expp}, \code{expd})
##'        the number of cones is sufficient to define the dimension
##'        of the product cone.
##' @param sizes a integer giving the sizes of the cones,
##'        if the dimension of the cones is not fixed 
##'        (i.e. \code{soc}, \code{psd}) we
##'        have to define the sizes of each single cone.
##' @param alpha a numeric vector giving the \code{alphas}
##'        for the (dual) power cone.
##' @rdname cone
##' @examples 
##' K_zero(3) ## 3 equality constraints
##' K_lin(3)  ## 3 constraints where the slack variable s lies in the linear cone
##' @export
K_zero <- function(size) {
    simple_cone(size, 1L)

##' @rdname cone
##' @export
K_lin <- function(size) {
    simple_cone(size, 2L)

##' @rdname cone
##' @export
K_soc <- function(sizes) {
    do.call(c, lapply(sizes, simple_cone, type = 3L))

##' @rdname cone
##' @export
K_psd <- function(sizes) {
    do.call(c, lapply(sizes, simple_cone, type = 4L))

##' @rdname cone
##' @export
K_expp <- function(size) {
    do.call(c, lapply(rep.int(3L, size), simple_cone, type = 5L))

##' @rdname cone
##' @export
K_expd <- function(size) {
    do.call(c, lapply(rep.int(3L, size), simple_cone, type = 6L))

##' @rdname cone
##' @export
K_powp <- function(alpha) {
    fun <- function(x) simple_cone(3L, 7L, params = list(c(a = x)))
    do.call(c, lapply(alpha, fun))

##' @rdname cone
##' @export
K_powd <- function(alpha) {
    fun <- function(x) simple_cone(3L, 8L, params = list(c(a = x)))
    do.call(c, lapply(alpha, fun))

##' @noRd
##' @export
c.cone <- function(...) {
    x <- list(...)
    cone <- list()
    cone$cone <- do.call(c, lapply(x, "[[", "cone"))
    cone$id <- do.call(c, lapply(x, "[[", "id"))
    cone$params <- do.call(c, lapply(x, "[[", "params"))
    class(cone) <- "cone"

##' @noRd
##' @export
`[.cone` <- function(x, i) {
    x$cone <- x$cone[i]
    x$id <- x$id[i]
    if ( !is.null(x$params) ) {
        j <- which(x$id %in% as.integer(names(x$params)))
        x$params <- x$params[j]

##' @noRd
##' @export
length.cone <- function(x) {

calc_dims <- function(x, type) {
    i <- which(x$cone == type)
    ids <- x[,'id']
    if ( length(i) ) {
        if (type %in% 1:2) {
            dims <- length(ids[[i]])
        } else if (type %in% 3:4) {
            dims <- table(ids[[i]])
        } else if (type %in% 5:8) {
            dims <- length(unique(ids[[i]]))

##  C_constraint
##  ============
##' @title Conic Constraints
##' @description
##' Conic constraints are often written in the form \deqn{Lx + s = rhs}
##' where \eqn{L} is a \eqn{m \times n} (sparse) matrix and 
##' \eqn{s \in \mathcal{K}} are the slack variables restricted to
##' some cone \eqn{\mathcal{K}} which is typically the product of simpler cones 
##' \eqn{\mathcal{K} = \prod \mathcal{K}_i}. The right hand side \eqn{rhs} 
##' is a vector of length \eqn{m}.

##' @param L a numeric vector of length \eqn{n} (a single constraint)
##' or a matrix of dimension \eqn{m \times n}, where \eqn{n} is the
##' number of objective variables and \eqn{m} is the number of
##' constraints. Matrices can be of class
##' \code{"simple_triplet_matrix"} to allow a sparse representation of
##' constraints.
##' @param cones an object of class \code{"cone"} created by the combination,
##'        of \code{\link{K_zero}}, \code{\link{K_lin}}, \code{\link{K_soc}}, 
##'        \code{\link{K_psd}}, \code{\link{K_expp}}, \code{\link{K_expd}}, 
##'        \code{\link{K_powp}} or \code{\link{K_powd}}.
##' @param rhs a numeric vector giving the right hand side of the constraints.
##' @param names an optional character vector giving the names of \eqn{x} 
##'        (column names of \eqn{L}).
##' @param x an R object.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
##' (currently ignored).
##' @return an object of class \code{"C_constraint"} which inherits
##'         from \code{"constraint"}.
##' @examples
##' ## minimize:  x1 + x2 + x3
##' ## subject to: 
##' ##   x1 == sqrt(2)
##' ##   ||(x2, x3)|| <= x1
##' x <- OP(objective = c(1, 1, 1), 
##'         constraints = C_constraint(L = rbind(rbind(c(1, 0, 0)), 
##'                                              diag(x=-1, 3)), 
##'                                    cones = c(K_zero(1), K_soc(3)), 
##'                                    rhs = c(sqrt(2), rep(0, 3))), 
##'         types = rep("C", 3),
##'         bounds =  V_bound(li = 1:3, lb = rep(-Inf, 3)), maximum = FALSE)
##' @export
C_constraint <- function(L, cones, rhs, names = NULL) {
    L     <- as.L_term(L)
    rhs   <- as.rhs( rhs )
    dim_L <- dim( L )
    n_L_constraints <- length( rhs )
    stopifnot(length(cones) == length(rhs), length(rhs) == nrow(L))
    if ( (!is.null(names)) & (length(names) != ncol(L)) ) {
        stop("number of columns of 'L' and length 'names' must be equal.")
    structure( list(L     = L,
                    cones = cones,
                    rhs   = rhs,
                    names = names),
              n_L_constraints = n_L_constraints,
              class = c("C_constraint", "constraint") )

##' @rdname C_constraint
##' @export
as.C_constraint <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.C_constraint")

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.C_constraint.C_constraint <- function(x, ...) identity(x)

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.C_constraint.NO_constraint <- function(x, ...) identity(x)

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.C_constraint.NULL <- function(x, ...) identity(x)

##' @noRd
##' @export
as.C_constraint.L_constraint <- function(x, ...) {
    if ( !nrow(x) ) {
        x$dir <- simple_cone(0, 2)
        names(x)[names(x) == "dir"] <- "cones"

    cdir <- aggregate(id ~ dir, 
                      data = list(id = seq_along(x$dir), dir = x$dir), 
                      FUN = c, simplify = FALSE)

    names(x)[names(x) == "dir"] <- "cones"
    ## <=
    ## canonical case: I don't need to do anything!

    ## >=
    i <- which(cdir$dir == ">=")
    if ( length(i) ) {
        i <- cdir[[i, "id"]]
        x$rhs[i] <- -x$rhs[i]
        j <- which(x$L$i %in% i)
        x$L$v[j] <- -x$L$v[j]

    x$cones <- K_lin(length(x$cones))
    ## == (zero cone)
    i <- which(cdir$dir == "==")
    if ( length(i) ) {
        i <- cdir[[i, "id"]]
        zero <- K_zero(length(i))
        x$cones$cone[i] <- zero$cone
        x$cones$id[i] <- zero$id
    class(x) <- c("C_constraint", "constraint")

##  Tests if an object is interpretable as being of class \code{"C_constraint"}.
##  @title Conic Constraints
##  @param x object to be tested.
##  @return returns \code{TRUE} if its argument is of class
##  \code{"C_constraint"} and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
##' @rdname C_constraint
##' @export
is.C_constraint <- function( x ) {
    inherits(x, "C_constraint")

##  Get the number of constraints from a corresponding ROI object.
##  @title Linear Constraints
##  @param x constraints object.
##  @return an integer.
##' @rdname C_constraint
##' @export
length.C_constraint <- function( x )
    attr(x, "n_L_constraints")

##' @rdname C_constraint
##' @param object an R object.
##' @export
variable.names.C_constraint <- function(object, ...) {

## combine 2 C_constraints (ignore names)
c2_C_constraints <- function(x, y) {
    C_constraint( L=rbind(x$L, y$L), cones=c(x$cones, y$cones),  
                  rhs=c(x$rhs, y$rhs), names=x$names )

## combine 2 C_constraints (use names, using the names allows to 'rbind' 
## 2 C_constraints where the number of columns to not match by matching the names)
c2_C_constraints_named <- function(x, y) {
    C_constraint( L=rbind_stm_by_names(x$L, y$L, variable.names(x), variable.names(y)),
                  cones=c(x$cones, y$cones), rhs=c(x$rhs, y$rhs), 
                  names=variable.names(x) )

rbind_C_constraint <- function( constraints, use.names = FALSE) {
    constraints <- lapply(constraints, as.C_constraint)
    if ( length(constraints) == 1L ) return( constraints[[1L]] )
    if ( use.names ) {
        var.names <- lapply(constraints, function(x) variable.names(x))
        if ( any(sapply(var.names, is.null)) ) {
            stop("all constraints need to be named if 'use.names' is TRUE!")
        is_equal <- function(x, y) isTRUE(all.equal(x, y))
        if ( all(mapply(is_equal, var.names[-1L], var.names[-length(var.names)])) ) {
            return( Reduce(c2_C_constraints, constraints) )
        } else {
            var.names <- unique(unlist(var.names))
            lc <- C_constraint(simple_triplet_zero_matrix(0L, length(var.names)),
                               NULL, NULL, names=var.names)
            return( Reduce(c2_C_constraints_named, c(list(lc), constraints)) )
    } else {
        return( Reduce(c2_C_constraints, constraints) )

## ---------------------------
## terms
## ---------------------------
##' @rdname L_constraint
##' @export
terms.L_constraint <- function( x, ... ) {
    list( L = x$L, dir=x$dir, rhs=x$rhs, names=x$names )

##' @rdname C_constraint
##' @export
terms.C_constraint <- function( x, ... ) {
    list( L = x$L, cones=x$cones, rhs=x$rhs, names=x$names )

##' @rdname Q_constraint
##' @export
terms.Q_constraint <- function( x, ... ) {
    list( Q = x$Q, L = x$L, dir=x$dir, rhs=x$rhs, names=x$names )
##' @rdname F_constraint
##' @export
terms.F_constraint <- function( x, ... ) {
    list( F = x$F, J = x$J, dir=x$dir, rhs=x$rhs, names=x$names )

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