
### Rphree library: interface R/PHREEQC (Parkhurst & Appelo)
### Marco De Lucia, delucia@gfz-potsdam.de, 2009-2014
### Time-stamp: "Last modified 2015-01-24 22:14:43 delucia"

##' Rphree: R interface to the PHREEQC geochemical modeling program
##' The Rphree package comprises an interface and utility functions
##' for the geochemical simulator PHREEQC. PHREEQC (version 2.17)
##' itself is shipped in this package and compiled as shared library
##' to achieve online calculations. Some functions for visualization
##' and database manipulations are included.
##' PHREEQC is a geochemical modeling program developed by the US
##' Geological Survey designed to perform a wide variety of aqueous
##' geochemical calculations, including speciation, batch-reaction,
##' one-dimensional reactive-transport, and inverse geochemical
##' calculations.
##' This package is distinct from the official "phreeqc" package on
##' CRAN, and which is the mere R interface to IPhreeqc module
##' (version 3.15 at the moment of this writing). However, Rphree can
##' be used in combination with it.
##' @name Rphree-package
##' @aliases Rphree-package Rphreeqc
##' @docType package
##' @author Marco De Lucia \email{delucia@@gfz-potsdam.de} 
##' @references \url{http://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2013.08.053} \cr
##' \url{http://rphree.r-forge.r-project.org/}
##' @keywords package
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## start R and load Rphree
##' library(Rphree)
##' ## Load a database
##' llndb <- RPhreeFile(system.file("extdata", "llnl_rphree.dat", package="Rphree"), is.db=TRUE)
##' ## Load an example phreeqc script
##' ex1 <- RPhreeFile(system.file("extdata", "ex1.phrq", package="Rphree"), is.db=FALSE)
##' ## First of all understand how the "selection" for the outputs is coded
##' ## One needs to define a named logical vector exactly like this:
##' mysel <- c(kin=FALSE, tot=TRUE, desc=TRUE, species = TRUE, pphases = TRUE, SI=TRUE, punch =FALSE)
##' ## NB: EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES is coded as "pphases" in Rphree
##' ## Your first Rphree simulation:
##' equilln <- Rphree(ex1, db=llndb, sel=mysel, write=TRUE, out="ex1")
##' ## Distribute: assign specific values to a property in input
##' ## The argument "values" in function "Distribute" must be of length 1
##' ## OR the same length as the solutions already in the input!
##' ext_range <- Distribute(ex1,"Cl",seq(1,4,0.1))
##' ext_range <- Distribute(ext_range,"Na",seq(1,4,0.1))
##' ## ext_range now is an input containing 31 solutions. This can be run at once:
##' equi_extrange_llnl <- Rphree(ext_range, db=llndb,sel=mysel)
##' ## The same but interfacing to "phreeqc" package, IPhreeqc version 3.15
##' library(phreeqc)
##' ## load the same llnl database
##' phrLoadDatabaseString(llndb)
##' phrSetOutputStringsOn(TRUE)
##' phrRunString(ext_range)
##' phrOut <- phrGetOutputStrings()
##' ## Use Rphree's functions to parse the output buffer in a suitable
##' ## structure for further R manipulation or visualization
##' res <- RReadOut(out=phrOut)
##' }

##' This function performs the actual PHREEQC calculations. 
##' TODO
##' @title Run online PHREEQC with the shipped 2.17 version 
##' @param input The prepared input buffer, in form of a character
##' vector, one line per element
##' @param sel Selection of output blocks to be included in the
##' formatted list. If missing, everything is included in the output.
##' See also \code{RPhreeCheckSel} for more details.
##' @param write Logical. If TRUE, PHREEQC will write its usual output
##' on file on disk
##' @param out If \code{write=TRUE}, this indicates the name of the
##' output file to write to. The suffix ".Rout" will be added
##' automatically
##' @param db Character vector: the database. If \code{length(db)==1},
##' "db" is interpreted as filename on disk (relative path from the
##' working directory); or else, it is a buffer (character vector) as
##' returned by \code{db <- RPhreeFile(dbfile, is.db=TRUE)}
##' @param n Integer, optional parameter (deprecated, will be
##' suppressed in future versions) containing the number of
##' simulations included in the input buffer. If unspecified, some
##' heuristics will be performed to know how many \code{SOLUTIONS} are
##' present in the input buffer
##' @param punch number of parameters included in the PUNCH block. Not
##' used if no PUNCH statement is present in the input buffer
##' @param format Logical. If TRUE (which is default), the output
##' blocks are formatted as \code{data.frame}
##' @param verbose Logical. If TRUE, some additional checkpoint
##' message is outputted to the R console
##' @return A list (or a list of lists) containing the output(s) of
##' the calculation
##' @author MDL
##' @useDynLib Rphree
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{ ## Load the database
##' pqcdb <- RPhreeFile(system.file("extdata", "phreeqc.dat", package="Rphree"), is.db=TRUE)
##' ## Load a phreeqc script
##' ex1 <- RPhreeFile(system.file("extdata", "ex1.phrq", package="Rphree"), is.db=FALSE)
##' ## Define a selection
##' mysel <- c(kin=FALSE, tot=TRUE, desc=TRUE, species = TRUE, pphases = TRUE, SI=TRUE, punch =FALSE)
##' ## Run PHREEQC!
##' equipqc <- Rphree(ex1, db=pqcdb, sel=mysel, write=FALSE)
##' }

##' @export
Rphree <- function(input = stop("No input specified.\n"), sel,
                   write = FALSE, out = "Rphree", db = "phreeqc.dat",
                   n, punch = 0, format = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
    if (length(db)==1) {
        if (!file.exists(db))
            stop(paste("Cannot find the database \"",dbfile,"\""))
        db_inp <- RPhreeFile(db, is.db=TRUE)
        lendb  <- length(db_inp)
    } else {
        db_inp <- db
        lendb  <- length(db_inp)

  ## check the number of simulations if n is missing
    if (missing(n))
            n <- length(grep("^SOLUTION",input))
    files <- c("Rphree", "RBuffInput", paste(out,".Rout",sep=""),
               "db_inp", ifelse(write,"T","F"), ifelse(verbose,"T","F") )
    ## check and format the output selection
    if (missing(sel))
        ## everything is selected
        selok <- !RPhreeCheckSel()
        ## actual check
        selok <- RPhreeCheckSel(sel)
    ## additional check on selection based on input
    if (length(grep("KINETICS",input) ) == 0 ) 
        selok["kin"] <- FALSE
    if (length(grep("PURE|EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES|EQUILIBRIUM",input))==0)
        selok["pphases"] <- FALSE
    ## Form ListInfo
    ListInfo <- list(n=n, format=format)
    ## check on USER_PUNCH
    if (selok["punch"])
            if (length(grep("PUNCH",input))==0)
                selok["punch"] <- FALSE
                    punch_lines <- grep('SELECTED|PUNCH',input)
                    rem_punch <- input[min(punch_lines):max(punch_lines)]
                    head <- grep("head", rem_punch, value=TRUE)
                    head <- gsub("^.*head", "", head)
                    head <- gsub("^\ +","", head)
                    head <- gsub("\ +"," ", head)
                    names <- unlist(strsplit(head," ",fixed=TRUE))
                    if (length(names)!=punch)
                        stop("Wrong USER_PUNCH specification!\n")
                    ListInfo$punch <- list(npunch=punch, names=names, lines=rem_punch)
    ## call the RPhreemain
    out_list <- .Call("RPhreemain",
                      inp_length=as.integer(c(length(input), n, punch, lendb)),
                      buff = as.character(input),
                      db_buff = as.character(db_inp),
                      sel = as.integer(c(sum(selok),selok)) )
    if (format)
            if (n==1)
                newlist <- RPhreeFormatOut(out_list, sel=selok)
                    if (length(out_list)!=n) 
                        stop("Rphree:: length(list)!=n\n")
                    newlist <- lapply(out_list, RPhreeFormatOut, sel=selok)
        newlist <- out_list
    newlist$ListInfo <- ListInfo

##' This is the workhorse function used for formatting the raw output
##' returned by PHREEQC at c-level. Not intended for direct use.
##' TODO
##' @title Format the output returned by PHREEQC
##' @param out_list The list formed by the \code{.Call} to PQCLIB
##' @param sel The selection of output blocks
##' @return A list (or a list of lists) in which all blocks are
##' formatted properly in data.frames or named matrices.
##' @author MDL
##' @export

RPhreeFormatOut <- function(out_list, sel)
    ## First of all, check the presence of errors
    if ( length(out_list)==2 && "error" %in% names(out_list)) {
        cat(paste("Error",out_list$error," in ",out_list$token,"\n"))
    routputdim <- sum(sel)
    ## "species" gives elements "master" and "species"
    if (sel["species"]) routputdim = routputdim +1
    ## 1: Kinetics (remove voids, format as data.frame)
    if (sel["kin"]) {
        ##     ind_kin <- ( out_list$kin$names != "" )
        ##     if (TRUE %in% ind_kin) 
        ##       {
        tmp1 <- data.frame (moles  = out_list$kin$moles,
                            delta  = out_list$kin$delta)
        rownames(tmp1)  = out_list$kin$name 
        new_list$kin <- tmp1
    ## 2: total composition
    if (sel["tot"]) {
        if (length(out_list$elements$elem) > 0) {
            tmp2 <- data.frame (molal = out_list$elements$molal,
                                ann   = out_list$elements$ann)
            rownames(tmp2)  = out_list$elements$elem
            new_list$tot <- tmp2
            new_list$tot <- FALSE
    ## 3: desc (no voids, just format as data.frame)
    if (sel["desc"]) {
        descdim <- out_list$desc$dim
        tmp3 <- data.frame (val   = out_list$desc$val[1:descdim],
                            ann   = out_list$desc$ann[1:descdim])
        rownames(tmp3)= out_list$desc$name[1:descdim]
        new_list$desc <- tmp3
    ## 4: species (remove duplicated, sort)
    if (sel["species"]) {
        ind41 <- duplicated(out_list$species$name)
        ind41 <- as.logical(1-ind41)
        tmp41 <- data.frame(molal = out_list$species$molal[ind41],
                            act = out_list$species$act[ind41])
        rownames(tmp41) <- out_list$species$name[ind41]
        ind42 <- ( out_list$species$Mname != "" )
        tmp42 <- data.frame( molal = out_list$species$Mmolal[ind42])
        rownames(tmp42) <- out_list$species$Mname[ind42]
        new_list$species <- tmp41
        new_list$master <- tmp42
    ## 5: pure phases (empty removed at c-level)
    if (sel["pphases"]) {
        if (length(out_list$pphases$moles) > 0) {
            tmp5 <- data.frame(moles = out_list$pphases$moles, delta = out_list$pphases$delta)
            rownames(tmp5)  = out_list$pphases$names
            new_list$pphases <- tmp5
            new_list$pphases <- FALSE
    ## 6: Saturation Indices of phases (empty values removed, format
    ## as data.frame)
    if (sel["SI"]) {
        if (length(out_list$SI$names) > 0) {
            tmp6 <- data.frame (SI     = out_list$SI$SI,
                                IAP    = out_list$SI$IAP,
                                logK   = out_list$SI$logK,
                                formula= out_list$SI$formula)
            rownames(tmp6)  = out_list$SI$names
            new_list$SI <- tmp6
            new_list$SI <- FALSE
    ## 7: punch: don't format
    if (sel["punch"]) {
        if (length(out_list$punch) > 0) {
            new_list$punch <- out_list$punch
        ##     else
        ##       new_list$punch <- FALSE

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Rphree documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:09 p.m.