
kdest <- function(X,Y,H,N=256,lims=c(range(X),range(Y)),COND=0,PLOT=T,XNAME="X",YNAME="Y")
    # Compute from a bivariate sample of values of (X,Y) on a regular NxN grid
    # the values of the joint density of (X,Y) if COND=0, a joint estimate of the
    # conditional density of Y given X if COND=1 or
    # a joint estimate of the conditional density of X given Y if COND=2
    # Use a 2D-Gaussian kernel and condition by division by the marginal obtained by integration

    LX <- length(X)
    if(length(Y) != LX)
        stop("Vectors must have same lengths"
    GRIDX <- seq((5 * lims[1] - lims[2])/4, (5 * lims[2] - lims[1])/4, length = N)
    DELTAX <- (3 * (lims[2] - lims[1]))/(2 * 256)
    GRIDY <- seq((5 * lims[3] - lims[4])/4, (5 * lims[4] - lims[3])/4, length = N)
    DELTAY <- (3 * (lims[4] - lims[3]))/(2 * 256)
        H <- c(bandwidth.nrd(X),bandwidth.nrd(Y))
    H <- H/4
    DX <- outer(GRIDX, X, "-")/H[1]
    DY <- outer(GRIDY, Y, "-")/H[2]
    Z <- matrix(dnorm(DX), N, LX) %*% t(matrix(dnorm(DY), N, LX))/(LX * H[1] * H[2])
    cat("Bandwidths values used: ", H,"\n")
    MARGX <- outer(DELTAX * DELTAY * apply(Z,1,sum),rep(1,N),"*")
    if(COND == 1)
        Z[MARGX > 1e-005] <- Z[MARGX>1e-005]/MARGX[MARGX>1e-005]
    MARGY <- outer(rep(1, N), DELTAX*DELTAY*apply(Z, 2, sum),"*")
    if(COND == 2)
        Z[MARGY > 1e-005] <- Z[MARGY >1e-005]/MARGY[MARGY >1e-005]
    if(PLOT == T) {
        persp3d(GRIDX, GRIDY, Z, aspect=c(1, 1, 0.5), col = "lightblue",xlab = XNAME, ylab = YNAME, zlab = "Density")

rmvnorm <- function(n,mean=rep(0, d),cov=diag(d),sd,rho,d=2,sigma=cov,method=c("svd", "chol"))
    # Generate multivariate random normal samples
    # n is the number of observations
    # mean may be a d-dimensional vector
    # cov should be a [d,d]-matrix, if supplied
    # sd and rho are considered only if cov is missing
    # sd should be a d-dimensional vector
    # rho should be scalar, if supplied
    # d is the number of columns; may be inferred from other arguments
    # method is a string giving the method SVD or Choleski used
    if(!missing(mean)) {
            stop("mean must be a vector")
        d.mean <- length(mean)
    if((!missing(cov)||!missing(sigma)) && (!missing(sd)||!missing(rho)))
        warning("Either (cov or sigma) or (sd and rho) should be given, NOT BOTH. cov will be used")
        warning("Either cov or sigma should be given, NOT BOTH. cov will be used")
        cov <- sigma
        if(!is.matrix(cov) || diff(dim(cov)) || any(abs(cov - t(cov)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
            stop("cov must be a square symmetric matrix")
        d.cov <- nrow(cov)
            stop("Both parameters sd and rho must be present if cov is missing")
            if(length(rho) != 1)
                stop("rho must be a number (i.e. have length 1)")
            if(any(rho < -1 | rho > 1))
                stop("rho must be between -1 and +1")
            if(any(sd <= 0))
                stop("Negative or zero sd found")
                stop("sd must be a vector")
            d.sd <- length(sd)
    # check that dimensions match
    if(!missing(cov) && (d.cov!=d.mean))
        stop("The dimensions of cov and mean do not match")
        sigma <- cov
        sigma <- (1-rho)*diag(sd*sd) + rho*outer(sd,sd,"*")
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (method == "svd") {
        ev <- eigen(sigma, sym = TRUE)$values
        if (!all(ev >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(ev[1]))) {
            warning("sigma is numerically not positive definite")
        sigsvd <- svd(sigma)
        retval <- t(sigsvd$v %*% (t(sigsvd$u) * sqrt(sigsvd$d)))
    if (method == "chol") {
        retval <- chol(sigma, pivot = T)
        o <- order(attr(retval, "pivot"))
        retval <- retval[, o]
    retval <- matrix(rnorm(n * ncol(sigma)), nrow = n) %*% retval
    retval <- sweep(retval, 2, mean, "+")

dmvnorm <- function(x,mean=rep(0, d),cov=diag(d),sd,rho,d=2,sigma=cov,log = FALSE)
    # Compute multivariate normal density at x
    # mean may be a d-dimensional vector
    # cov should be a [d,d]-matrix, if supplied
    # sd and rho are considered only if cov is missing
    # sd should be a d-dimensional vector
    # rho should be scalar, if supplied
    # d is the number of columns; may be inferred from other arguments
    # method is a string giving the method SVD or Choleski used
    if(!missing(mean)) {
            stop("mean must be a vector")
        d.mean <- length(mean)
        if (is.vector(x))
            x <- matrix(x, ncol = length(x))
    if((!missing(cov)||!missing(sigma)) && (!missing(sd)||!missing(rho)))
        warning("Either (cov or sigma) or (sd and rho) should be given, NOT BOTH. cov will be used")
        warning("Either cov or sigma should be given, NOT BOTH. cov will be used")
        cov <- sigma
        if(!is.matrix(cov) || diff(dim(cov)) || any(abs(cov - t(cov)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
            stop("cov must be a square symmetric matrix")
        d.cov <- nrow(cov)
            stop("Both parameters sd and rho must be present if cov is missing")
            if(length(rho) != 1)
                stop("rho must be a number (i.e. have length 1)")
            if(any(rho < -1 | rho > 1))
                stop("rho must be between -1 and +1")
            if(any(sd <= 0))
                stop("Negative or zero sd found")
                stop("sd must be a vector")
            d.sd <- length(sd)
    # check that dimensions match
    if(!missing(cov) && (d.cov!=d.mean))
        stop("The dimensions of cov and mean do not match")
        sigma <- cov
        sigma <- (1-rho)*diag(sd*sd) + rho*outer(sd,sd,"*")
    distval <- mahalanobis(x, center = mean, cov = sigma)
        logdet <- sum(log(eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values))
        logretval <- -(ncol(x) * log(2 * pi) + logdet + distval)/2
        if (log)

l1fit <- function(x,y, intercept = TRUE)
    warning("l1fit() in R is just a wrapper to rq(). Use that instead!")
    if(intercept) rq(y ~ x, tau = 0.5)
    else rq(y ~ x - 1, tau = 0.5)

eda.shape <- function(x)
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
    iqd <- summary(x)[5] - summary(x)[2]
    plot(density(x, width = 2 * iqd), xlab = "x", ylab = "", type = "l")
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

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