
Defines functions SIint LogitSImainsingle LogitSImain LogitSIsecpair LogitSIsec LogitSImainsample LogitSIfordersample LogitSIkintersample LogitSIkordersample IdenSImainsingle IdenSImain IdenSIsecpair IdenSIsec IdenSIkinter IdenSIkorder LogSImainsingle LogSImain LogSIsecpair LogSIsec LogSIkinter LogSIkorder SobolIndices SobolIndicesAll

Documented in IdenSIkinter IdenSIkorder IdenSImain IdenSImainsingle IdenSIsec IdenSIsecpair LogitSIfordersample LogitSIkintersample LogitSIkordersample LogitSImain LogitSImainsample LogitSImainsingle LogitSIsec LogitSIsecpair LogSIkinter LogSIkorder LogSImain LogSImainsingle LogSIsec LogSIsecpair SobolIndices SobolIndicesAll

# functions 


## use integral to compute E(Z^(s-integer.part)/(1+Z))
SIint <- function(s, sigma) {
      sint <- floor(s)
      sdec <- s - sint
      par <- c(sdec, sigma)

      integrand1 <- function(arg, para=par) {
      t <- arg[1]
      pow <- par[1]
      sig <- par[2]
      ff <- ( t^pow / (1 + t) ) * dnorm(log(t), mean=0, sd=sqrt(sig)) / t
      K <- 5
      upper1 <- exp(K * sqrt(sigma))
      lower1 <- exp(- K * sqrt(sigma))
      int <- adaptIntegrate(integrand1, lowerLimit=lower1, 



## logit link model to get sobol indices ##

# compute Sobol index for single variable's main effect by using integrals
LogitSImainsingle <- function(i, xdata, beta) {
    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
      beta0 <- beta[1]
      beta1 <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
      beta0 <- 0
      beta1 <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check whether length of beta and number of variables (columns) are matched')

    cond.sigma.i <- t(beta1[-i]) %*% (Sigma[-i, -i] - 1 / Sigma[i, i] * Sigma[-i, i] 
                     %*% t(Sigma[i, -i])) %*% beta1[-i]
    cond.mu.i.b0 <- beta0 + t(beta1[-i]) %*% (mu[-i] - mu[i] / Sigma[i,i] * Sigma[-i, i])
    cond.mu.i.b1 <- beta1[i] + t(beta1[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i,i] / Sigma[i, i]
    par <- c(mu[i], Sigma[i, i], cond.mu.i.b0, cond.mu.i.b1, cond.sigma.i)

    integrand1 <- function(arg, para=par) {
      s <- arg[1]
      t <- arg[2]
      xi <- arg[3]
      ff <- (exp(s) * exp(t) / ((1 + exp(s))*(1 + exp(t)))) * dnorm(s, mean=para[3] + 
            para[4] * xi, sd=sqrt(para[5])) * dnorm(t, mean=para[3] + para[4]*xi, sd=
            sqrt(para[5])) * dnorm(xi, mean=para[1], sd=sqrt(para[2]))

    integrand2 <- function(arg, para=par) {
      s <- arg[1]
      xi <- arg[2]
      ff <- (exp(s) / (1 + exp(s))) * dnorm(s, mean=para[3] + para[4] * xi,
            sd=sqrt(para[5])) * dnorm(xi, mean=para[1], sd=sqrt(para[2]))
    K <- 5
    upper1 <- par[1] + K * sqrt(par[2])
    lower1 <- par[1] - K * sqrt(par[2])
    upper2 <- max(par[3] + par[4] * upper1 + K * sqrt(par[5]), -2 * K)
    lower2 <- max(par[3] + par[4] * lower1 - K * sqrt(par[5]), -2 * K)
    int1 <- adaptIntegrate(integrand1, lowerLimit=c(lower2, lower2, lower1), 
            upperLimit=c(upper2, upper2, upper1))$integral
    int2 <- adaptIntegrate(integrand2, lowerLimit=c(lower2, lower1), upperLimit=
            c(upper2, upper1))$integral

    SIi <- int1 - (int2)^2

## compute Sobol indices for all single variables' main effects by using integrals
LogitSImain <- function(xdata, beta){
    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    SI <- sapply(1:nrow(Sigma), function(x) LogitSImainsingle(x, xdata, beta))


## compute Sobol index for paired variables' main effect by using integrals
LogitSIsecpair <- function(pair, xdata, beta) {
    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
      beta0 <- beta[1]
      beta1 <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
      beta0 <- 0
      beta1 <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')

    cond.sigma.pair <- t(beta1[-pair]) %*% (Sigma[-pair, -pair] - Sigma[-pair, pair] %*%
                     solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair]) %*% beta1[-pair]
    cond.mu.pair.b0 <- beta0 + t(beta1[-pair]) %*% (mu[-pair] - Sigma[-pair, pair] %*% 
                    solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% mu[pair])
    cond.mu.pair.b1 <- beta1[pair] + solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair] %*%
    par <- list(mu[pair], Sigma[pair, pair], cond.mu.pair.b0, cond.mu.pair.b1, 

    integrand1 <- function(arg, para=par) {
      s <- arg[1]
      t <- arg[2]
      xij <- arg[3:4]
      ff <- (exp(s) * exp(t) / ((1 + exp(s))*(1 + exp(t)))) * dnorm(s, mean=para[[3]] + 
            t(para[[4]]) %*% xij, sd=sqrt(para[[5]])) * dnorm(t, mean=para[[3]] + 
            t(para[[4]]) %*% xij, sd=sqrt(para[[5]])) * dmvnorm(xij, mean=para[[1]],

    integrand2 <- function(arg, para=par) {
      s <- arg[1]
      xij <- arg[2:3]
      ff <- (exp(s) / (1 + exp(s))) * dnorm(s, mean=para[[3]] + t(para[[4]]) %*% xij,
             sd=sqrt(para[[5]])) * dmvnorm(xij, mean=para[[1]], sigma=para[[2]])

    M <- qchisq(0.9999, df=2)
    decomp <- eigen(Sigma[pair,pair])
    K <- 5
    point1 <- par[[1]] + sqrt(M*decomp$values[1])*decomp$vectors[,1]
    point2 <- par[[1]] - sqrt(M*decomp$values[1])*decomp$vectors[,1]
    point3 <- par[[1]] + sqrt(M*decomp$values[2])*decomp$vectors[,2]
    point4 <- par[[1]] - sqrt(M*decomp$values[2])*decomp$vectors[,2]
    upper1 <- max(point1[1], point2[1], point3[1], point4[1])
    lower1 <- min(point1[1], point2[1], point3[1], point4[1])
    upper2 <- max(point1[2], point2[2], point3[2], point4[2])
    lower2 <- min(point1[2], point2[2], point3[2], point4[2])
    max1 <- max(abs(c(upper1, lower1)))
    max2 <- max(abs(c(upper2, lower2)))
    upper3 <- max(par[[3]] + t(abs(par[[4]])) %*% c(max1, max2) + 
            K * sqrt(par[[5]]), -2 * K)
    lower3 <- max(par[[3]] - t(abs(par[[4]])) %*% c(max1, max2) - 
            K * sqrt(par[[5]]), -2 * K)
    int1 <- adaptIntegrate(integrand1, lowerLimit=c(lower3, lower3, lower2, lower1), 
            upperLimit=c(upper3, upper3, upper2, upper1))$integral
    int2 <- adaptIntegrate(integrand2, lowerLimit=c(lower3, lower2, lower1), 
            upperLimit=c(upper3, upper2, upper1))$integral

    SIpair <- int1 - (int2)^2

## compute Sobol indices for all paired variables' main effects by using integrals
LogitSIsec <- function(xdata, beta){
    SI <- matrix(NA, ncol(xdata), ncol(xdata))
    SIpairs <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), 2), 2, function(x) 
                     LogitSIsecpair(x, xdata, beta))
    SI[lower.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs
    SI[upper.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs

### build the function for computing Sobol Indices with logit link (sampling)

## compute Sobol index for single variable i's main effect by using sampling method
LogitSImainsample <- function(i, xdata, beta) {

    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
      beta0 <- beta[1]
      beta1 <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
      beta0 <- 0
      beta1 <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')

    cond.sigma.i <- t(beta1[-i]) %*% (Sigma[-i, -i] - 1 / Sigma[i, i] * Sigma[-i, i] 
                     %*% t(Sigma[i, -i])) %*% beta1[-i]
    cond.mu.i.b0 <- beta0 + t(beta1[-i]) %*% (mu[-i] - mu[i] / Sigma[i,i] * Sigma[-i, i])
    cond.mu.i.b1 <- beta1[i] + t(beta1[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i,i] / Sigma[i, i]

    samplei <- xdata[,i]
    condexp <- rep(0, length(samplei))
    for (k in 1:length(samplei)) {
        mu.i <- cond.mu.i.b0 + cond.mu.i.b1 * samplei[k]

        if (mu.i / cond.sigma.i > 0) {
          s.i <- 1 + mu.i / cond.sigma.i
          sumlist <- sapply(1:floor(s.i), function(x) (-1)^(x-1)*exp(1/2*(s.i-x)^2*cond.sigma.i) )
          condexp[k] <- sum(sumlist) + (-1)^(floor(s.i))*SIint(s.i, cond.sigma.i)
        } else if (mu.i / cond.sigma.i < -1) {
          s.i <- - mu.i / cond.sigma.i
          sumlist <- sapply(1:floor(s.i), function(x) (-1)^(x-1)*exp(1/2*(s.i-x)^2*cond.sigma.i) )
          condexp[k] <- sum(sumlist) + (-1)^(floor(s.i))*SIint(s.i, cond.sigma.i)          
        } else {
          s.i <- mu.i / cond.sigma.i
          condexp[k] <- SIint(1+s.i, cond.sigma.i)
    condexp[k] <- exp( - mu.i^2 / (2 * cond.sigma.i) ) * condexp[k]
    SIi <- var(condexp)

## compute Sobol indices for all single variables' main effects by using sampling method
LogitSIfordersample <- function(xdata, beta){
    SI <- sapply(1:ncol(xdata), function(x) LogitSImainsample(x, xdata, beta))


## compute Sobol index for k variables' interaction main effect by using sampling method
LogitSIkintersample <- function(interaction, xdata, beta) {
    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    interaction <- sort(interaction)
    if (length(interaction)==1) {
      SIkinter <- LogitSImainsample(interaction, xdata, beta)
    if (length(unique(interaction)) < length(interaction)) {
      stop('There should not be duplicated indices in the interaction')
    if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
      beta0 <- beta[1]
      beta1 <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
      beta0 <- 0
      beta1 <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
    cond.sigma.i <- t(beta1[-interaction]) %*% (Sigma[-interaction, -interaction] - 
          Sigma[-interaction, interaction] %*% solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction])
          %*% Sigma[interaction, -interaction]) %*% beta1[-interaction]
    cond.mu.i.b0 <- beta0 + t(beta1[-interaction]) %*% (mu[-interaction] -  
          Sigma[-interaction, interaction] %*% solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction])
          %*% mu[interaction])
    cond.mu.i.b1 <- beta1[interaction] + solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% 
          Sigma[interaction,-interaction] %*% beta1[-interaction]

    samplei <- xdata[,interaction]
    condexp <- rep(0, nrow(samplei))
    for (k in 1:nrow(samplei)) {
        mu.i <- cond.mu.i.b0 + t(cond.mu.i.b1) %*% samplei[k,]

        if (mu.i / cond.sigma.i > 0) {
          s.i <- 1 + mu.i / cond.sigma.i
          sumlist <- sapply(1:floor(s.i), function(x) (-1)^(x-1)*exp(1/2*(s.i-x)^2*cond.sigma.i) )
          condexp[k] <- sum(sumlist) + (-1)^(floor(s.i))*SIint(s.i, cond.sigma.i)
        } else if (mu.i / cond.sigma.i < -1) {
          s.i <- - mu.i / cond.sigma.i
          sumlist <- sapply(1:floor(s.i), function(x) (-1)^(x-1)*exp(1/2*(s.i-x)^2*cond.sigma.i) )
          condexp[k] <- sum(sumlist) + (-1)^(floor(s.i))*SIint(s.i, cond.sigma.i)          
        } else {
          s.i <- mu.i / cond.sigma.i
          condexp[k] <- SIint(1+s.i, cond.sigma.i)
    condexp[k] <- exp( - mu.i^2 / (2 * cond.sigma.i) ) * condexp[k]
    SIkinter <- var(condexp)

## compute Sobol indices for  all possible k variables' interactions main effects 
## by using sampling method
LogitSIkordersample <- function(k, xdata, beta){
    if (k <= 0) {
      stop("k should be a positive integer")
    if (k >= 3) {
    SI <- list()
    SI <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), k), 2, function(x) list(inter_term=x, SIkinter=
          LogitSIkintersample(x, xdata, beta)))
    } else if (k == 2){
        SI <- matrix(NA, ncol(xdata), ncol(xdata))
        SIpairs <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), 2), 2, function(x) 
                   LogitSIkintersample(x, xdata, beta))
        SI[lower.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs
        SI[upper.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs 
    } else {
        SI <- LogitSIfordersample(xdata, beta)

### identity link model for get Sobol Indices ###

## compute Sobol index for single variable's main effect
IdenSImainsingle <- function(i, xdata, beta){
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma) + 1) {
      beta <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma)) {
      beta <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check dimensions of beta and Sigma')
    SIi <- (beta[i] + t(beta[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i, i] / Sigma[i,i])^2 * Sigma[i, i]

## compute Sobol indices for all single variables' main effects 
IdenSImain <- function(xdata, beta){
    SI <- sapply(1:ncol(xdata), function(x) IdenSImainsingle(x, xdata, beta))


## compute Sobol index for paired variables' main effect
IdenSIsecpair <- function(pair, xdata, beta){
    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(pair) != 2) {
      stop('Input index pair is not of length two')
    if (pair[1] == pair[2]) {
      stop('Two input variable indices should not be identical')
    if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma) + 1) {
      beta <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma)) {
      beta <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check dimensions of beta and Sigma')
    coefcond <- beta[pair] + solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair] %*% 
    covcond <- Sigma[pair, pair]
    SIpair <- t(coefcond) %*% covcond %*% coefcond

## compute Sobol indices for all possible paired variables' main effects
IdenSIsec <- function(xdata, beta){
    SI <- matrix(NA, ncol(xdata), ncol(xdata))
    SIpairs <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), 2), 2, function(x) 
                         IdenSIsecpair(x, xdata, beta))
    SI[lower.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs
    SI[upper.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs


## compute Sobol index for k variables' interaction main effect
IdenSIkinter <- function(interaction, xdata, beta) {
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(interaction) == 1) {
      SIkinter <- IdenSImainsingle(interaction, xdata, beta)
    if (length(interaction) == 2) {
      SIkinter <- IdenSIsecpair(interaction, xdata, beta)
    if (length(unique(interaction)) < length(interaction)) {
      stop('There should not be duplicated indices in the interaction')
    if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma) + 1) {
      beta <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma)) {
      beta <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check dimensions of beta and Sigma')
    coefcond <- beta[interaction] + solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% 
                Sigma[interaction, -interaction] %*% beta[-interaction]
    covcond <- Sigma[interaction, interaction]
    SIkinter <- t(coefcond) %*% covcond %*% coefcond

## compute Sobol indices for all possible k variables' interaction main effects
IdenSIkorder <- function(k, xdata, beta){
    if (k <= 0) {
      stop("k should be a positive integer")
    if (k >= 3) {
      SI <- list()
      SI <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), k), 2, function(x) list(inter_term=x, SIkinter=
            IdenSIkinter(x, xdata, beta)))
    } else if (k == 2) {
        SI <- IdenSIsec(xdata, beta)
    } else {
        SI <- IdenSImain(xdata, beta) 

### log link model to get Sobol Indices ###

## compute Sobol index for single variable i's main effect
LogSImainsingle <- function(i, xdata, beta) {
    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
      beta0 <- beta[1]
      beta1 <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
      beta0 <- 0
      beta1 <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
    mustar <- (beta1[i] + t(beta1[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i, i] / Sigma[i,i]) * mu[i]
    sigmastar <- (beta1[i] + t(beta1[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i, i] / Sigma[i,i])^2 * 
         Sigma[i, i]
    K <- t(beta1[-i]) %*% (mu[-i] - mu[i] * Sigma[-i, i] / Sigma[i,i]) + 1/2 *
         t(beta1[-i]) %*% (Sigma[-i, -i] - 1 / Sigma[i, i] * Sigma[-i, i] %*% 
         t(Sigma[i, -i]) ) %*% beta1[-i]
   SIi <- (exp(sigmastar) - 1) * exp(2 * beta0 + 2 * K + 2 * mustar + sigmastar)

## compute Sobol indices for all single variables' main effects
LogSImain <- function(xdata, beta){
    SI <- sapply(1:ncol(xdata), function(x) LogSImainsingle(x, xdata, beta))


## compute Sobol index for paired variables' main effect
LogSIsecpair <- function(pair, xdata, beta) {
    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
      beta0 <- beta[1]
      beta1 <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
      beta0 <- 0
      beta1 <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
    mustar <- t(mu[pair]) %*% (beta1[pair] + solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% 
         Sigma[pair, -pair] %*% beta1[-pair])
    sigmastar <- t(beta1[pair] + solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair]
          %*% beta1[-pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, pair] %*% (beta1[pair] + 
          solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair] %*% beta1[-pair])
    K <- t(beta1[-pair]) %*% (mu[-pair] - Sigma[-pair, pair] %*% solve(Sigma[pair,
         pair]) %*% mu[pair]) + 1/2 * t(beta1[-pair]) %*% (Sigma[-pair, -pair] - 
         Sigma[-pair, pair] %*% solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair]) %*% 
   SIpair <- (exp(sigmastar) - 1) * exp(2 * beta0 + 2 * K + 2 * mustar + sigmastar)

## compute Sobol indices for all possible paired variables' main effects
LogSIsec <- function(xdata, beta){
    SI <- matrix(NA, ncol(xdata), ncol(xdata))
    SIpairs <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), 2), 2, function(x) 
                         LogSIsecpair(x, xdata, beta))
    SI[lower.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs
    SI[upper.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs


## compute Sobol index for k variables' interaction main effect
LogSIkinter <- function(interaction, xdata, beta) {
    mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
    Sigma <- cov(xdata)
    if (length(interaction)==1) {
      SIkinter <- LogSImainsingle(interaction, xdata, beta)
    if (length(interaction)==2) {
      SIkinter <- LogSIsecpair(interaction, xdata, beta)
    if (length(unique(interaction)) < length(interaction)) {
      stop('There should not be duplicated indices in the interaction')
    if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
      beta0 <- beta[1]
      beta1 <- beta[-1]
    } else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
      beta0 <- 0
      beta1 <- beta
    } else {
      stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
    mustar <- t(mu[interaction]) %*% (beta1[interaction] + solve(
         Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% Sigma[interaction, -interaction] %*% 
    sigmastar <- t(beta1[interaction] + solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% 
         Sigma[interaction, -interaction] %*% beta1[-interaction]) %*% Sigma[interaction,
         interaction] %*% (beta1[interaction] + solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% 
         Sigma[interaction, -interaction] %*% beta1[-interaction])
    K <- t(beta1[-interaction]) %*% (mu[-interaction] - Sigma[-interaction, interaction] %*%
         solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% mu[interaction]) + 1/2 * 
         t(beta1[-interaction]) %*% (Sigma[-interaction, -interaction] - Sigma[-interaction,
         interaction] %*% solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% Sigma[interaction,
         -interaction]) %*% beta1[-interaction]
    SIkinter <- (exp(sigmastar) - 1) * exp(2 * beta0 + 2 * K + 2 * mustar + sigmastar)

## compute Sobol indices for all possible k variables' interaction main effects
LogSIkorder <- function(k, xdata, beta){
    if (k<=0) {
      stop("k should be a positive integer")
    if (k >=3) {
      SI <- list()
      SI <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), k), 2, function(x) list(inter_term=x, SIkinter=
            LogSIkinter(x, xdata, beta)))
    } else if (k == 2) {
        SI <- LogSIsec(xdata, beta)
    } else {
        SI <- LogSImain(xdata, beta)

## S4 interface


SobolIndices <- function(xdata, 
                         link=c("identity","log","logit")) {
  if (length(beta) != ncol(xdata) && length(beta) != (ncol(xdata) + 1)) {
    stop("Check the xdata matrix to see whether the columns are variables!")
  mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
  Sigma <- cov(xdata)
  link <- match.arg(link)
  sobol.indices <- switch(link,
                          identity=IdenSIkinter(varinput, xdata, beta),
                          log=LogSIkinter(varinput, xdata, beta),
                          logit=LogitSIkintersample(varinput, xdata, beta))
       xdata=xdata, varinput=varinput, beta=beta,
       link=link, sobol.indices=sobol.indices)

setMethod("summary", "SobolIndices", function(object, ...) {
  cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) sobol indices of ",
      "variable(s) ", paste(object@varinput, collapse=" ")," to be ", 
       object@sobol.indices, ".\n", sep="")


SobolIndicesAll <- function(xdata, 
                         link=c("identity","log","logit")) {
  if (length(beta) != ncol(xdata) && length(beta) != (ncol(xdata) + 1)) {
    stop("Check the X data matrix to see whether the columns are variables!")
  mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
  Sigma <- cov(xdata)
  link <- match.arg(link)
  sobol.indices.all <- switch(link,
                          identity=IdenSIkorder(orderinput, xdata, beta),
                          log=LogSIkorder(orderinput, xdata, beta),
                          logit=LogitSIkordersample(orderinput, xdata, beta))
       xdata=xdata, orderinput=orderinput, beta=beta,
       link=link, sobol.indices.all=list(sobol.indices.all))

setMethod("summary", "SobolIndicesAll", function(object, ...) {
  if (object@orderinput >= 3) {
    cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) sobol indices for ",
      "all variable interactions of order", paste(object@orderinput)," to be :", "\n", sep="") 
    if (length(object@sobol.indices.all[[1]]) >= 200) {
      cat("(there are more than 200 interactions, and the first 50 are showed here)", "\n", 
    } else {
  } else if (object@orderinput == 2) {
      cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) sobol indices for ",
        "all variable interactions of order", paste(object@orderinput)," to be :", "\n", sep="")
      if (ncol(object@sobol.indices.all[[1]]) > 100) {
        cat("(the output for paired variable interactions are saved in a matrix, and the size of ",
         "the matrix is greater than 100, ", "\n", sep="")
        cat("only the first 20 rows and columns are showed as follows)", "\n", sep="")
        print(object@sobol.indices.all[[1]][1:20, 1:20]) 
      } else {
        cat("(the output for paired variable interactions are saved in a matrix)", "\n", sep="")
    } else {
       cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) sobol indices for ",
         "all variable interactions of order", paste(object@orderinput)," to be :", "\n", sep="") 

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SobolIndices documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.