
Defines functions seqtrate

Documented in seqtrate

## =========================
## Computes transition rates
## =========================

seqtrate <- function(seqdata, sel.states = NULL, time.varying = FALSE,
  weighted = TRUE, lag = 1, with.missing = FALSE, count = FALSE, statl) {

  TraMineR.check.depr.args(alist(sel.states = statl))

	if (!inherits(seqdata,"stslist")) {
		stop(" [!] seqdata is NOT a sequence object, see seqdef function to create one")

  if (count) outcome <- "counts" else outcome <- "probabilities"

	## State list if not specified
	if (is.null(sel.states)){
		sel.states <- attr(seqdata,"alphabet")
		sel.states <- c(sel.states, attr(seqdata,"nr"))
	nr <- attr(seqdata,"nr")
	void <- attr(seqdata,"void")

	## Weights
	weights <- attr(seqdata, "weights")

	if (!weighted || is.null(weights)) {
		weights <- rep(1, nrow(seqdata))
	nbetat <- length(sel.states)

	sdur <- ncol(seqdata)

	if (lag<0) {
		alltransition <- (abs(lag)+1):sdur
	} else {
		alltransition <- 1:(sdur-lag)
	numtransition <- length(alltransition)

	## =================================
	## time varying transition rates
	## =================================
	if (time.varying) {
		message(" [>] computing time varying transition ", outcome, " for states ",paste(sel.states,collapse="/")," ...",sep="")
		## Dimension names
		dnames <- list()
		dnames[[1]] <- paste("[",sel.states," ->]",sep="")
		dnames[[2]] <- paste("[-> ",sel.states,"]",sep="")
		dnames[[3]] <- colnames(seqdata)[alltransition]

		tmat <- array(0, dim=c(nbetat, nbetat, numtransition))
		dimnames(tmat) <- dnames
		for (sl in alltransition) {
			missingcond <- seqdata[,sl+lag]!=void
				missingcond <- missingcond & seqdata[,sl+lag]!=nr
			for (x in 1:nbetat) {
				colxcond <- seqdata[,sl]==sel.states[x]
				PA <- sum(weights[colxcond & missingcond])

				if (PA == 0) {
					tmat[x,,sl] <- 0
				else {
					for (y in 1:nbetat) {
						PAB <- sum(weights[colxcond & seqdata[,sl+lag]==sel.states[y]])
  					##tmat[x,y,sl] <- PAB/PA
  					if (count) {
              tmat[x,y,sl] <- PAB
            else {
              tmat[x,y,sl] <- PAB/PA
	## =================================
	## Non time varying transition rates
	## =================================
	else {
		message(" [>] computing transition ", outcome, " for states ",paste(sel.states,collapse="/")," ...",sep="")
		tmat <- matrix(0, nrow=nbetat, ncol=nbetat)
		row.names(tmat) <- paste("[",sel.states," ->]",sep="")
		colnames(tmat) <- paste("[-> ",sel.states,"]",sep="")
		missingcond <- seqdata[,alltransition+lag]!=void
			missingcond <- missingcond & seqdata[,alltransition+lag]!=nr
		for (x in 1:nbetat) {
			## Count
			PA <- 0
			colxcond <- seqdata[, alltransition]== sel.states[x]
				PA <- sum(weights * rowSums(colxcond & missingcond))
				PA <- sum(weights * (colxcond & missingcond))
			if (PA==0){
				 tmat[x, ] <- 0
			else {
				for (y in 1:nbetat) {
						PAB <- sum(weights * rowSums(colxcond & seqdata[,alltransition+lag]==sel.states[y]))
					} else{
						PAB <- sum(weights * (colxcond & seqdata[,alltransition+lag]==sel.states[y]))
					if (count) {
            tmat[x,y] <- PAB
          else {
            tmat[x,y] <- PAB/PA

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TraMineR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2024, 3:01 p.m.