pkgname <- "WRS"
source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))
options(warn = 1)
base::assign(".oldSearch", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
### * corb
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: corb
### Title: Compute a .95 confidence interval for a correlation
### Aliases: corb
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (x, y, corfun = pbcor, nboot = 599, SEED = T, ...)
est <- corfun(x, y, ...)$cor
if (SEED)
data <- matrix(sample(length(y), size = length(y) * nboot,
replace = T), nrow = nboot)
bvec <- apply(data, 1, corbsub, x, y, corfun, ...)
ihi <- floor(0.975 * nboot + 0.5)
ilow <- floor(0.025 * nboot + 0.5)
bsort <- sort(bvec)
corci <- 1
corci[1] <- bsort[ilow]
corci[2] <- bsort[ihi]
phat <- sum(bvec < 0)/nboot
sig <- 2 * min(phat, 1 - phat)
list( = corci, p.value = sig, cor.est = est)
### * outpro
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: outpro
### Title: Detect outliers using a modification of the Stahel-Donoho
### projection method
### Aliases: outpro
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (m, gval = NA, center = NA, plotit = T, op = T, MM = F,
cop = 3, xlab = "VAR 1", ylab = "VAR 2")
m <- as.matrix(m)
if (ncol(m) == 1) {
dis <- (m - median(m))^2/mad(m)^2
dis <- sqrt(dis)
crit <- sqrt(qchisq(0.975, 1))
chk <- ifelse(dis > crit, 1, 0)
vec <- c(1:nrow(m))
outid <- vec[chk == 1]
keep <- vec[chk == 0]
if (ncol(m) > 1) {
if ( && cop == 1)
gval <- sqrt(qchisq(0.95, ncol(m)))
if ( && cop != 1)
gval <- sqrt(qchisq(0.975, ncol(m)))
m <- elimna(m)
if (cop == 1 &&[1])) {
if (ncol(m) > 2)
center <- dmean(m, tr = 0.5, cop = 1)
if (ncol(m) == 2) {
tempd <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(m)) tempd[i] <- depth(m[i, 1],
m[i, 2], m)
mdep <- max(tempd)
flag <- (tempd == mdep)
if (sum(flag) == 1)
center <- m[flag, ]
if (sum(flag) > 1)
center <- apply(m[flag, ], 2, mean)
if (cop == 2 &&[1])) {
center <-$center
if (cop == 4 &&[1])) {
center <- cov.mve(m)$center
if (cop == 3 &&[1])) {
center <- apply(m, 2, median)
if (cop == 5 &&[1])) {
center <- tbs(m)$center
if (cop == 6 &&[1])) {
center <- rmba(m)$center
if (cop == 7 &&[1])) {
center <- spat(m)
flag <- rep(0, nrow(m))
outid <- NA
vec <- c(1:nrow(m))
for (i in 1:nrow(m)) {
B <- m[i, ] - center
dis <- NA
BB <- B^2
bot <- sum(BB)
if (bot != 0) {
for (j in 1:nrow(m)) {
A <- m[j, ] - center
temp <- sum(A * B) * B/bot
dis[j] <- sqrt(sum(temp^2))
temp <- idealf(dis)
if (!MM)
cu <- median(dis) + gval * (temp$qu - temp$ql)
if (MM)
cu <- median(dis) + gval * mad(dis)
outid <- NA
temp2 <- (dis > cu)
flag[temp2] <- 1
if (sum(flag) == 0)
outid <- NA
if (sum(flag) > 0)
flag <- (flag == 1)
outid <- vec[flag]
idv <- c(1:nrow(m))
keep <- idv[!flag]
if (ncol(m) == 2) {
if (plotit) {
plot(m[, 1], m[, 2], type = "n", xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab)
points(m[keep, 1], m[keep, 2], pch = "*")
if (length(outid) > 0)
points(m[outid, 1], m[outid, 2], pch = "o")
if (op) {
tempd <- NA
keep <- keep[!]
mm <- m[keep, ]
for (i in 1:nrow(mm)) tempd[i] <- depth(mm[i,
1], mm[i, 2], mm)
mdep <- max(tempd)
flag <- (tempd == mdep)
if (sum(flag) == 1)
center <- mm[flag, ]
if (sum(flag) > 1)
center <- apply(mm[flag, ], 2, mean)
m <- mm
points(center[1], center[2], pch = "+")
x <- m
temp <- fdepth(m, plotit = F)
flag <- (temp >= median(temp))
xx <- x[flag, ]
xord <- order(xx[, 1])
xx <- xx[xord, ]
temp <- chull(xx)
xord <- order(xx[, 1])
xx <- xx[xord, ]
temp <- chull(xx)
lines(xx[temp, ])
lines(xx[c(temp[1], temp[length(temp)]), ])
list( = outid, keep = keep)
### * pb2gen
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: pb2gen
### Title: Compute a bootstrap confidence interval for the difference
### between any two parameters corresponding to independent groups
### Aliases: pb2gen
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (x, y, alpha = 0.05, nboot = 2000, est = onestep, SEED = TRUE,
pr = TRUE, ...)
x <- x[!]
y <- y[!]
if (SEED)
if (pr)
print("Taking bootstrap samples. Please wait.")
datax <- matrix(sample(x, size = length(x) * nboot, replace = T),
nrow = nboot)
datay <- matrix(sample(y, size = length(y) * nboot, replace = T),
nrow = nboot)
bvecx <- apply(datax, 1, est, ...)
bvecy <- apply(datay, 1, est, ...)
bvec <- sort(bvecx - bvecy)
low <- round((alpha/2) * nboot) + 1
up <- nboot - low
temp <- sum(bvec < 0)/nboot + sum(bvec == 0)/(2 * nboot)
sig.level <- 2 * (min(temp, 1 - temp))
se <- var(bvec)
list(ci = c(bvec[low], bvec[up]), p.value = sig.level, = se)
### * pball
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: pball
### Title: Percentage Bend Correlation (matrix)
### Aliases: pball
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (m, beta = 0.2)
if (!is.matrix(m))
stop("Data must be stored in an n by p matrix")
pbcorm <- matrix(0, ncol(m), ncol(m))
temp <- matrix(1, ncol(m), ncol(m))
siglevel <- matrix(NA, ncol(m), ncol(m))
cmat <- matrix(0, ncol(m), ncol(m))
for (i in 1:ncol(m)) {
ip1 <- i
for (j in ip1:ncol(m)) {
if (i < j) {
pbc <- pbcor(m[, i], m[, j], beta)
pbcorm[i, j] <- pbc$cor
temp[i, j] <- pbcorm[i, j]
temp[j, i] <- pbcorm[i, j]
siglevel[i, j] <- pbc$siglevel
siglevel[j, i] <- siglevel[i, j]
tstat <- pbcorm * sqrt((nrow(m) - 2)/(1 - pbcorm^2))
cmat <- sqrt((nrow(m) - 2.5) * log(1 + tstat^2/(nrow(m) -
bv <- 48 * (nrow(m) - 2.5)^2
cmat <- cmat + (cmat^3 + 3 * cmat)/bv - (4 * cmat^7 + 33 *
cmat^5 + 240^cmat^3 + 855 * cmat)/(10 * bv^2 + 8 * bv *
cmat^4 + 1000 * bv)
H <- sum(cmat^2)
df <- ncol(m) * (ncol(m) - 1)/2
h.siglevel <- 1 - pchisq(H, df)
list(pbcorm = temp, siglevel = siglevel, H = H, H.siglevel = h.siglevel)
### * pbcor
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: pbcor
### Title: Percentage Bend Correlation (bivariate)
### Aliases: pbcor
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (x, y, beta = 0.2)
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("The vectors do not have equal lengths")
if (sum(, y))) != 0) {
m1 <- matrix(c(x, y), length(x), 2)
m1 <- elimna(m1)
x <- m1[, 1]
y <- m1[, 2]
temp <- sort(abs(x - median(x)))
omhatx <- temp[floor((1 - beta) * length(x))]
temp <- sort(abs(y - median(y)))
omhaty <- temp[floor((1 - beta) * length(y))]
a <- (x - pbos(x, beta))/omhatx
b <- (y - pbos(y, beta))/omhaty
a <- ifelse(a <= -1, -1, a)
a <- ifelse(a >= 1, 1, a)
b <- ifelse(b <= -1, -1, b)
b <- ifelse(b >= 1, 1, b)
pbcor <- sum(a * b)/sqrt(sum(a^2) * sum(b^2))
test <- pbcor * sqrt((length(x) - 2)/(1 - pbcor^2))
sig <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(test), length(x) - 2))
list(cor = pbcor, test = test, siglevel = sig)
### * trimpb
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: trimpb
### Title: Compute a 1-alpha confidence interval for a trimmed mean.
### Aliases: trimpb
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (x, tr = 0.2, alpha = 0.05, nboot = 2000, WIN = F, win = 0.1,
plotit = F, pop = 1, null.value = 0, pr = T, xlab = "X",
fr = NA)
if (pr) {
print("The p-value returned by the this function is based on the")
print("null value specified by the argument null.value, which defaults to 0")
x <- x[!]
if (WIN) {
if (win > tr)
stop("The amount of Winsorizing must be <= to the amount of trimming")
x <- winval(x, win)
crit <- alpha/2
icl <- round(crit * nboot) + 1
icu <- nboot - icl
bvec <- NA
print("Taking bootstrap samples. Please wait.")
data <- matrix(sample(x, size = length(x) * nboot, replace = T),
nrow = nboot)
bvec <- apply(data, 1, mean, tr)
bvec <- sort(bvec)
p.value <- mean(bvec < null.value) + 0.5 * mean(bvec == null.value)
p.value <- 2 * min(p.value, 1 - p.value)
ci <- NA
ci[1] <- bvec[icl]
ci[2] <- bvec[icu]
if (plotit) {
if (pop == 1)
rdplot(as.vector(bvec), fr = fr, xlab = xlab)
if (pop == 2)
kdplot(as.vector(bvec), rval = rval)
if (pop == 3)
if (pop == 4)
if (pop == 5)
if (pop == 6)
akerd(as.vector(bvec), xlab = xlab)
list(ci = ci, p.value = p.value)
### * twocor
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: twocor
### Title: Compute a .95 confidence interval for the difference between two
### correlation coefficients corresponding to two independent groups
### Aliases: twocor
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (x1, y1, x2, y2, corfun = pbcor, nboot = 599, alpha = 0.05,
SEED = T, ...)
if (SEED)
print("Taking bootstrap samples. Please wait.")
data1 <- matrix(sample(length(y1), size = length(y1) * nboot,
replace = T), nrow = nboot)
bvec1 <- apply(data1, 1, corbsub, x1, y1, corfun, ...)
data2 <- matrix(sample(length(y2), size = length(y2) * nboot,
replace = T), nrow = nboot)
bvec2 <- apply(data2, 1, corbsub, x2, y2, corfun, ...)
bvec <- bvec1 - bvec2
bsort <- sort(bvec)
term <- alpha/2
ihi <- floor((1 - term) * nboot + 0.5)
ilow <- floor(term * nboot + 0.5)
corci <- 1
corci[1] <- bsort[ilow]
corci[2] <- bsort[ihi]
r1 <- corfun(x1, y1)$cor
r2 <- corfun(x2, y2)$cor
reject <- "NO"
if (corci[1] > 0 || corci[2] < 0)
reject = "YES"
list(r1 = r1, r2 = r2, ci.dif = corci, reject = reject)
### * twopcor
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: twopcor
### Title: Compute a .95 confidence interval for the difference between two
### Pearson correlations corresponding to two independent groups
### Aliases: twopcor
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (x1, y1, x2, y2, SEED = T)
nboot <- 599
if (SEED)
X <- elimna(cbind(x1, y1))
x1 <- X[, 1]
y1 <- X[, 2]
X <- elimna(cbind(x2, y2))
x2 <- X[, 1]
y2 <- X[, 2]
print("Taking bootstrap samples; please wait")
data1 <- matrix(sample(length(y1), size = length(y1) * nboot,
replace = T), nrow = nboot)
bvec1 <- apply(data1, 1, pcorbsub, x1, y1)
data2 <- matrix(sample(length(y2), size = length(y2) * nboot,
replace = T), nrow = nboot)
bvec2 <- apply(data2, 1, pcorbsub, x2, y2)
bvec <- bvec1 - bvec2
ilow <- 15
ihi <- 584
if (length(y1) + length(y2) < 250) {
ilow <- 14
ihi <- 585
if (length(y1) + length(y2) < 180) {
ilow <- 11
ihi <- 588
if (length(y1) + length(y2) < 80) {
ilow <- 8
ihi <- 592
if (length(y1) + length(y2) < 40) {
ilow <- 7
ihi <- 593
bsort <- sort(bvec)
r1 <- cor(x1, y1)
r2 <- cor(x2, y2)
ci <- c(bsort[ilow], bsort[ihi])
list(r1 = r1, r2 = r2, ci = ci)
### * yuen
flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
### Name: yuen
### Title: Yuen's test for trimmed means
### Aliases: yuen
### ** Examples
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==> Define data, use random,
##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.
## The function is currently defined as
function (x, y, tr = 0.2, alpha = 0.05)
if (tr == 0.5)
stop("Using tr=.5 is not allowed; use a method designed for medians")
if (tr > 0.25)
print("Warning: with tr>.25 type I error control might be poor")
x <- x[!]
y <- y[!]
h1 <- length(x) - 2 * floor(tr * length(x))
h2 <- length(y) - 2 * floor(tr * length(y))
q1 <- (length(x) - 1) * winvar(x, tr)/(h1 * (h1 - 1))
q2 <- (length(y) - 1) * winvar(y, tr)/(h2 * (h2 - 1))
df <- (q1 + q2)^2/((q1^2/(h1 - 1)) + (q2^2/(h2 - 1)))
crit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
dif <- mean(x, tr) - mean(y, tr)
low <- dif - crit * sqrt(q1 + q2)
up <- dif + crit * sqrt(q1 + q2)
test <- abs(dif/sqrt(q1 + q2))
yuen <- 2 * (1 - pt(test, df))
list(ci = c(low, up), p.value = yuen, dif = dif, se = sqrt(q1 +
q2), teststat = test, crit = crit, df = df)
### * <FOOTER>
options(digits = 7L)
base::cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - base::get("ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv'),"\n")
### Local variables: ***
### mode: outline-minor ***
### outline-regexp: "\\(> \\)?### [*]+" ***
### End: ***
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