
Defines functions WriteXLS

Documented in WriteXLS

# WriteXLS.R
# Write R data frames to an Excel binary file using a Perl script
# Copyright 2010, Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz@me.com>
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 2, June 1991.  

WriteXLS <- function(x, ExcelFileName = "R.xls", SheetNames = NULL, perl = "perl", verbose = FALSE,
                     Encoding = c("UTF-8", "latin1"), row.names = FALSE,
                     AdjWidth = FALSE, AutoFilter = FALSE, BoldHeaderRow = FALSE,
                     FreezeRow = 0, FreezeCol = 0,
                     envir = parent.frame())

  # If 'x' is a single name, it is either a single data frame or a list of data frames
  # If 'x' is >1 names in a character vector, it is presumed to be a vector of data frame names.
  # If not a list name, create a list of data frames from the vector, for consistency in subsequent processing.
  if (length(x) == 1)
    TMP <- get(as.character(x), envir = envir)
    # is TMP a list and not single data frame    
    if ((is.list(TMP)) & (!is.data.frame(TMP)))
      DF.LIST <- TMP
    } else {
      DF.LIST <- list(TMP)
      names(DF.LIST) <- x
  } else {
    DF.LIST <- sapply(as.character(x), function(x) get(x, envir = envir), simplify = FALSE)
    names(DF.LIST) <- x

  # Check to be sure that each element of DF.LIST is a data frame
  if (!all(sapply(DF.LIST, is.data.frame)))
    stop("One or more of the objects named in 'x' is not a data frame or does not exist")

  # Additional checks for Excel 2003 limitations
  # 256 columns, including rownames, if included
  # 65,536 rows (including header row)
  if (!all(sapply(DF.LIST, function(x) (nrow(x) <= 65535) & (ncol(x) <= 256))))
    stop("One or more of the data frames named in 'x' exceeds 65535 rows or 256 columns")

  Encoding <- match.arg(Encoding)
  # Check to see if SheetNames is specified and if so:
  #  check for duplications
  #  they are same length as the number of dataframes
  #  check to see if any SheetNames are >31 chars, which is the Excel Limit
  #  check for invalid characters: []:*?/\
  # ELSE
  #  check to see if first 31 characters of data frame names are unique
  if (!is.null(SheetNames))
    if (any(duplicated(SheetNames)))
      message("At least one entry in 'SheetNames' is duplicated. Excel worksheets must have unique names.")
    if (length(DF.LIST) != length(SheetNames))
      message("The number of 'SheetNames' specified does not equal the number of data frames in 'x'")

    if (any(nchar(SheetNames) > 31))
      message("At least one of 'SheetNames' is > 31 characters, which is the Excel limit")

    if (any(grep("\\[|\\]|\\*|\\?|:|/|\\\\", SheetNames)))
      message("Invalid characters found in at least one entry in 'SheetNames'. Invalid characters are: []:*?/\\")

    names(DF.LIST) <- SheetNames
  } else {
    if (any(duplicated(substr(names(DF.LIST), 1, 31))))
      message("At least one data frame name in 'x' is duplicated up to the first 31 characters. Excel worksheets must have unique names.")

    if (any(grep("\\[|\\]|\\*|\\?|:|/|\\\\", names(DF.LIST))))
      message("Invalid characters found in at least one data frame name in 'x'. Invalid characters are: []:*?/\\")
  # Get path to WriteXLS.pl
  Perl.Path <- file.path(.path.package("WriteXLS"), "Perl")
  Fn.Path <- file.path(Perl.Path, "WriteXLS.pl")

  # Get path for Tmp.Dir for CSV files
  Tmp.Dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "WriteXLS")

  # Remove Tmp.Dir and Files
  clean.up <- function()
    if (verbose)
      cat("Cleaning Up Temporary Files and Directory\n\n")

    unlink(Tmp.Dir, recursive = TRUE)

  # Clean up on function exit

  # Cleanup now, in case Tmp.Dir still exists from a prior run
  if (file.exists(Tmp.Dir))
    if (verbose)
      cat("Cleaning Up Temporary Files and Directory From Prior Run\n\n")
    unlink(Tmp.Dir, recursive = TRUE)

  # Create Tmp.Dir for new run
  if (verbose)
    cat("Creating Temporary Directory for CSV Files: ", Tmp.Dir, "\n\n")
  dir.create(Tmp.Dir, recursive = TRUE)

  #  Write Comma Delimited CSV files
  for (i in seq(along = DF.LIST))
    if (verbose)
      cat("Creating CSV File: ", i, ".csv", "\n", sep = "")

    if (row.names)
      write.table(DF.LIST[[i]], file = paste(Tmp.Dir, "/", i, ".csv", sep = ""),
                  sep = ",", quote = TRUE, na = "", row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
    } else {
      write.table(DF.LIST[[i]], file = paste(Tmp.Dir, "/", i, ".csv", sep = ""),
                  sep = ",", quote = TRUE, na = "", row.names = FALSE)

  # Write 'x' (character vector of data frame names) to file
  # appending Tmp.Dir and ".csv" to each x
  x <- paste(Tmp.Dir, "/", seq(length(DF.LIST)), ".csv", sep = "")
  write(as.matrix(x), file = paste(Tmp.Dir, "/FileNames.txt", sep = ""))

  if (verbose)
    cat("Creating SheetNames.txt\n")
  write(as.matrix(names(DF.LIST)), file = paste(Tmp.Dir, "/SheetNames.txt", sep = ""))
  if (verbose)

  # Call Perl script
  cmd <- paste(perl,
               " -I", shQuote(Perl.Path),
               " ", shQuote(Fn.Path),
               " --CSVPath ", shQuote(Tmp.Dir),
               " --verbose ", verbose,
               " --AdjWidth ", AdjWidth,
               " --AutoFilter ", AutoFilter,
               " --BoldHeaderRow ", BoldHeaderRow,
               " --FreezeRow ", FreezeRow,
               " --FreezeCol ", FreezeCol,
               " --Encoding ", Encoding,
               " ", shQuote(ExcelFileName), sep = "")

  # Call the external Perl script and get the result of the call
  Result <- system(cmd)

  # Check to see if Result != 0 in the case of the failure of the Perl script
  # This should also raise an error for R CMD check for package testing on R-Forge and CRAN
  if (Result != 0)
    message("The Perl script 'WriteXLS.pl' failed to run successfully.")
  } else {

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WriteXLS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:41 p.m.