"multispati" <- function(dudi, listw, scannf=TRUE, nfposi=2, nfnega=0) {
if(!inherits(dudi,"dudi")) stop ("object of class 'dudi' expected")
if(!inherits(listw,"listw")) stop ("object of class 'listw' expected")
if(listw$style!="W") stop ("object of class 'listw' with style 'W' expected")
NEARZERO <- 1e-14
dudi$cw <- dudi$cw
fun <- function (x) spdep::lag.listw(listw,x,TRUE)
tablag <- apply(dudi$tab,2,fun)
covar <- t(tablag)%*%as.matrix((dudi$tab*dudi$lw))
covar <- (covar+t(covar))/2
covar <- covar * sqrt(dudi$cw)
covar <- t(t(covar) * sqrt(dudi$cw))
covar <- eigen(covar, symmetric = TRUE)
res <- list()
res$eig <- covar$values[abs(covar$values)>NEARZERO]
ndim <- length(res$eig)
covar$vectors <- covar$vectors[, abs(covar$values)>NEARZERO]
if (scannf) {
cat("Select the first number of axes (>=1): ")
nfposi <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
cat("Select the second number of axes (>=0): ")
nfnega <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
if (nfposi <= 0) nfposi <- 1
if (nfnega<=0) nfnega <- 0
if(nfposi > sum(res$eig > 0)){
nfposi <- sum(res$eig > 0)
warning(paste("There are only",sum(res$eig>0),"positive factors."))
if(nfnega > sum(res$eig < 0)){
nfnega <- sum(res$eig < 0)
warning(paste("There are only",sum(res$eig< 0),"negative factors."))
res$nfposi <- nfposi
res$nfnega <- nfnega
agarder <- c(1:nfposi,if (nfnega>0) (ndim-nfnega+1):ndim else NULL)
dudi$cw[which(dudi$cw == 0)] <- 1
auxi <- data.frame(covar$vectors[, agarder] /sqrt(dudi$cw))
names(auxi) <- paste("CS", agarder, sep = "")
row.names(auxi) <- names(dudi$tab)
res$c1 <- auxi
auxi <- as.matrix(auxi)*dudi$cw
auxi1 <- as.matrix(dudi$tab)%*%auxi
auxi1 <- data.frame(auxi1)
names(auxi1) <- names(res$c1)
row.names(auxi1) <- row.names(dudi$tab)
res$li <- auxi1
auxi1 <- as.matrix(tablag)%*%auxi
auxi1 <- data.frame(auxi1)
names(auxi1) <- names(res$c1)
row.names(auxi1) <- row.names(dudi$tab)
res$ls <- auxi1
auxi <- as.matrix(res$c1) * unlist(dudi$cw)
auxi <- data.frame(t(as.matrix(dudi$c1)) %*% auxi)
row.names(auxi) <- names(dudi$li)
names(auxi) <- names(res$li)
res$as <- auxi
res$call <-
class(res) <- "multispati"
"summary.multispati" <- function (object, ...) {
norm.w <- function(X, w) {
f2 <- function(v) sum(v * v * w)/sum(w)
norm <- apply(X, 2, f2)
if (!inherits(object, "multispati")) stop("to be used with 'multispati' object")
cat("\nMultivariate Spatial Analysis\n")
cat("Call: ")
appel <- as.list(object$call)
dudi <- eval.parent(appel$dudi)
listw <- eval.parent(appel$listw)
## les scores de l'analyse de base
nf <- dudi$nf
eig <- dudi$eig[1:nf]
cum <- cumsum (dudi$eig) [1:nf]
ratio <- cum/sum(dudi$eig)
w <- apply(dudi$l1,2,spdep::lag.listw,x=listw)
moran <- apply(w*as.matrix(dudi$l1)*dudi$lw,2,sum)
res <- data.frame(var=eig,cum=cum,ratio=ratio, moran=moran)
cat("\nScores from the initial duality diagramm:\n")
## les scores de l'analyse spatiale
## on recalcule l'objet en gardant tous les axes
eig <- object$eig
nfposi <- object$nfposi
nfnega <- object$nfnega
nfposimax <- sum(eig > 0)
nfnegamax <- sum(eig < 0)
ms <- multispati(dudi=dudi, listw=listw, scannf=FALSE,
nfposi=nfposimax, nfnega=nfnegamax)
ndim <- dudi$rank
nf <- nfposi + nfnega
agarder <- c(1:nfposi,if (nfnega>0) (ndim-nfnega+1):ndim else NULL)
varspa <- norm.w(ms$li,dudi$lw)
moran <- apply(as.matrix(ms$li)*as.matrix(ms$ls)*dudi$lw,2,sum)
res <- data.frame(eig=eig,var=varspa,moran=moran/varspa)
cat("\nMultispati eigenvalues decomposition:\n")
print.multispati <- function(x, ...)
cat("Multispati object \n")
cat("class: ")
cat("\n$call: ")
cat("\n$nfposi:", x$nfposi, "axis-components saved")
cat("\n$nfnega:", x$nfnega, "axis-components saved")
#cat("\n$rank: ")
cat("\nPositive eigenvalues: ")
l0 <- sum(x$eig >= 0)
cat(signif(x$eig, 4)[1:(min(5, l0))])
if (l0 > 5)
cat(" ...\n")
else cat("\n")
cat("Negative eigenvalues: ")
l0 <- sum(x$eig <= 0)
cat(sort(signif(x$eig, 4))[1:(min(5, l0))])
if (l0 > 5)
cat(" ...\n")
else cat("\n")
sumry <- array("", c(1, 4), list(1, c("vector", "length",
"mode", "content")))
sumry[1, ] <- c('$eig', length(x$eig), mode(x$eig), 'eigen values')
print(sumry, quote = FALSE)
sumry <- array("", c(4, 4), list(1:4, c("data.frame", "nrow", "ncol", "content")))
sumry[1, ] <- c("$c1", nrow(x$c1), ncol(x$c1), "column normed scores")
sumry[2, ] <- c("$li", nrow(x$li), ncol(x$li), "row coordinates")
sumry[3, ] <- c("$ls", nrow(x$ls), ncol(x$ls), 'lag vector coordinates')
sumry[4, ] <- c("$as", nrow(x$as), ncol(x$as), 'inertia axes onto multispati axes')
print(sumry, quote = FALSE)
cat("other elements: ")
if (length(names(x)) > 8)
cat(names(x)[9:(length(names(x)))], "\n")
else cat("NULL\n")
"plot.multispati" <- function (x, xax = 1, yax = 2, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "multispati"))
stop("Use only with 'multispati' objects")
appel <- as.list(x$call)
dudi <- eval.parent(appel$dudi)
nf <- x$nfposi + x$nfnega
if ((nf == 1) || (xax == yax)) {
sco.quant(x$li[, 1], dudi$tab)
if (xax > nf)
stop("Non convenient xax")
if (yax > nf)
stop("Non convenient yax")
f1 <- function ()
opar <- par(mar = par("mar"))
m <- length(x$eig)
par(mar = c(0.8, 2.8, 0.8, 0.8))
col.w <- rep(grey(1), m) # elles sont toutes blanches
col.w[1:x$nfposi] <- grey(0.8)
if (x$nfnega>0) col.w[m:(m-x$nfnega+1)] = grey(0.8)
j1 <- xax
if (j1>x$nfposi) j1 = j1-x$nfposi +m -x$nfnega
j2 <- yax
if (j2>x$nfposi) j2 = j2-x$nfposi +m -x$nfnega
col.w[c(j1,j2)] = grey(0)
barplot(x$eig, col = col.w)
scatterutil.sub(cha ="Eigen values", csub = 2, possub = "topright")
def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
layout(matrix(c(3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2), 3, 2))
par(mar = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
s.arrow(x$c1, xax = xax, yax = yax, sub = "Canonical weights",
csub = 2, clabel = 1.25)
s.match(x$li, x$ls, xax = xax, yax = yax, sub = "Scores and lag scores", csub = 2, clabel = 0.75)
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