"score.coa" <- function (x, xax = 1, dotchart = FALSE, clab.r = 1, clab.c = 1,
csub = 1, cpoi = 1.5, cet = 1.5, ...)
if (!inherits(x, "coa"))
stop("Object of class 'coa' expected")
if (x$nf == 1)
xax <- 1
if ((xax < 1) || (xax > x$nf))
stop("non convenient axe number")
"dudi.coa.dotchart" <- function(dudi, numfac, clab) {
if (!inherits(dudi, "coa"))
stop("Object of class 'coa' expected")
sli <- dudi$li[, numfac]
sco <- dudi$co[, numfac]
oli <- order(sli)
oco <- order(sco)
a <- c(sli[oli], sco[oco])
gr <- as.factor(rep(c("Rows", "Columns"), c(length(sli),
lab <- c(row.names(dudi$li)[oli], row.names(dudi$co)[oco])
if (clab > 0)
labels <- lab
else labels <- NULL
dotchart(a, labels = labels, groups = gr, pch = 20)
if (dotchart) {
clab <- clab.r * clab.c
dudi.coa.dotchart(x, xax, clab)
def.par <- par(mar = par("mar"))
par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
sco.distri.class.2g <- function(score, fac1, fac2, weight,
labels1 = as.character(levels(fac1)), labels2 = as.character(levels(fac2)),
clab1, clab2, cpoi, cet) {
nvar1 <- nlevels(fac1)
nvar2 <- nlevels(fac2)
ymin <- scoreutil.base(y = score, xlim = NULL, grid = TRUE,
cgrid = 0.75, include.origin = TRUE, origin = 0,
sub = NULL, csub = 0)
ymax <- par("usr")[4]
ylabel <- strheight("A", cex = par("cex") * max(1, clab1,
clab2)) * 1.4
xmin <- par("usr")[1]
xmax <- par("usr")[2]
xaxp <- par("xaxp")
nline <- xaxp[3] + 1
v0 <- seq(xaxp[1], xaxp[2], le = nline)
segments(v0, rep(ymin, nline), v0, rep(ymax, nline),
col = gray(0.5), lty = 1)
rect(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
sum.col1 <- unlist(tapply(weight, fac1, sum))
sum.col2 <- unlist(tapply(weight, fac2, sum))
sum.col1[sum.col1 == 0] <- 1
sum.col2[sum.col2 == 0] <- 1
weight1 <- weight/sum.col1[fac1]
weight2 <- weight/sum.col2[fac2]
y.distri1 <- tapply(score * weight1, fac1, sum)
y.distri1 <- rank(y.distri1)
y.distri2 <- tapply(score * weight2, fac2, sum)
y.distri2 <- rank(y.distri2) + nvar1 + 2
y.distri <- c(y.distri1, y.distri2)
ylabel <- strheight("A", cex = par("cex") * max(1, clab1,
clab2)) * 1.4
y.distri1 <- (y.distri1 - min(y.distri))/(max(y.distri) -
y.distri1 <- ymin + ylabel + (ymax - ymin - 2 * ylabel) *
y.distri2 <- (y.distri2 - min(y.distri))/(max(y.distri) -
y.distri2 <- ymin + ylabel + (ymax - ymin - 2 * ylabel) *
for (i in 1:nvar1) {
w <- weight1[fac1 == levels(fac1)[i]]
y0 <- y.distri1[i]
score0 <- score[fac1 == levels(fac1)[i]]
x.moy <- sum(w * score0) <- sqrt(sum(w * (score0 - x.moy)^2))
x1 <- x.moy - cet *
x2 <- x.moy + cet *
etiagauche <- TRUE
if ((x1 - xmin) < (xmax - x2))
etiagauche <- FALSE
segments(x1, y0, x2, y0)
if (clab1 > 0) {
cha <- labels1[i]
cex0 <- par("cex") * clab1
xh <- strwidth(cha, cex = cex0)
xh <- xh + strwidth("x", cex = cex0)
yh <- strheight(cha, cex = cex0) * 5/6
if (etiagauche)
x0 <- x1 - xh/2
else x0 <- x2 + xh/2
rect(x0 - xh/2, y0 - yh, x0 + xh/2, y0 + yh,
col = "white", border = 1)
text(x0, y0, cha, cex = cex0)
points(x.moy, y0, pch = 20, cex = par("cex") * cpoi)
for (i in 1:nvar2) {
w <- weight2[fac2 == levels(fac2)[i]]
y0 <- y.distri2[i]
score0 <- score[fac2 == levels(fac2)[i]]
x.moy <- sum(w * score0) <- sqrt(sum(w * (score0 - x.moy)^2))
x1 <- x.moy - cet *
x2 <- x.moy + cet *
etiagauche <- TRUE
if ((x1 - xmin) < (xmax - x2))
etiagauche <- FALSE
segments(x1, y0, x2, y0)
if (clab2 > 0) {
cha <- labels2[i]
cex0 <- par("cex") * clab2
xh <- strwidth(cha, cex = cex0)
xh <- xh + strwidth("x", cex = cex0)
yh <- strheight(cha, cex = cex0) * 5/6
if (etiagauche)
x0 <- x1 - xh/2
else x0 <- x2 + xh/2
rect(x0 - xh/2, y0 - yh, x0 + xh/2, y0 + yh,
col = "white", border = 1)
text(x0, y0, cha, cex = cex0)
points(x.moy, y0, pch = 20, cex = par("cex") * cpoi)
if (inherits(x, "witwit")) {
y <- eval.parent(as.list(x$call)[[2]])
oritab <- eval.parent(as.list(y$call)[[2]])
else oritab <- eval.parent(as.list(x$call)[[2]])
l.names <- row.names(oritab)
c.names <- names(oritab)
oritab <- as.matrix(oritab)
a <- x$co[col(oritab), xax]
a <- a + x$li[row(oritab), xax]
a <- a/sqrt(2 * x$eig[xax] * (1 + sqrt(x$eig[xax])))
a <- a[oritab > 0]
aco <- col(oritab)[oritab > 0]
aco <- factor(aco)
levels(aco) <- c.names
ali <- row(oritab)[oritab > 0]
ali <- factor(ali)
levels(ali) <- l.names
aw <- oritab[oritab > 0]/sum(oritab)
sco.distri.class.2g(a, aco, ali, aw, clab1 = clab.c, clab2 = clab.r,
cpoi = cpoi, cet = cet)
scatterutil.sub("Rows", csub = csub, possub = "topleft")
scatterutil.sub("Columns", csub = csub, possub = "bottomright")
"reciprocal.coa" <- function (x) {
if (!inherits(x, "coa"))
stop("Object of class 'coa' expected")
if (inherits(x, "witwit")) {
y <- eval.parent(as.list(x$call)[[2]])
oritab <- eval.parent(as.list(y$call)[[2]])
else oritab <- eval.parent(as.list(x$call)[[2]])
l.names <- row.names(oritab)
c.names <- names(oritab)
oritab <- as.matrix(oritab)
f1 <- function(x,oritab,xax){
a <- x$co[col(oritab), xax]
a <- a + x$li[row(oritab), xax]
a <- a/sqrt(2 * x$eig[xax] * (1 + sqrt(x$eig[xax])))
a <- a[oritab > 0]
res <- sapply(1:x$nf,f1,x=x,oritab=oritab)
aco <- col(oritab)[oritab > 0]
aco <- factor(aco)
levels(aco) <- c.names
ali <- row(oritab)[oritab > 0]
ali <- factor(ali)
levels(ali) <- l.names
aw <- oritab[oritab > 0]/sum(oritab)
res <-,Row=ali,Col=aco,Weight=aw)
names(res)[1:x$nf] <- paste("Scor",1:x$nf,sep="")
rownames(res) <- paste(ali,aco,sep="")
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