
hugeRR <-
function(y, X, Z.name, Z.index, weight = NULL, family = gaussian(link = identity), 
		 lambda = NULL, only.estimates = FALSE, tol.err = 1e-6, tol.conv = 1e-8, save.cache = FALSE, ...) {
	Call <- match.call()
	if (!(is.matrix(X))) 
		stop("X should be a matrix.")
	if (!(is.vector(y))) 
		stop("y should be a vector.")
	N <- n <- nrow(X)
	p <- ncol(X)
	k <- 0
	if (length(Z.name)==1) {
	if (!file.exists(paste('G_stuff_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))) {
		cat('Creating kinship matrix ...\n')
		for (i in Z.index) {
			subZ <- databel(paste(Z.name, i, sep = ''))
			subZ <- databel2matrix(subZ, 1:nrow(subZ), 1:ncol(subZ))
			if (i == Z.index[1]) G <- matrix(0, nrow(subZ), nrow(subZ))
			if (!is.null(weight)) subZ <- t(sqrt(weight[(k + 1):(k + ncol(subZ))])*t(subZ))
			G <- G + tcrossprod(subZ)
			k <- k + ncol(subZ)
			cat(i, '\t')
		if (N != nrow(G) | N != length(y)) 
			stop("Sizes of y, X, and Z are not all equal.")
		cat('Cholesky-decomposition & inversion ...\n')
		svdG <- svd(G)
		L <- svdG$u %*% diag(sqrt(svdG$d))
		invG <- tcrossprod(svdG$v %*% diag(1/svdG$d), svdG$u)
		if (save.cache) save(G, L, invG, file = paste('G_stuff_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
	} else {
		load(paste('G_stuff_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
	cat('Fitting HGLM ...\n')
	if (is.null(lambda)) {
		hm <- hglm(y = y, X = X, Z = L, family = family, conv = tol.conv) 
	else {
		start.beta = c(rep(0, p))
		start.v = c(rep(0.01, n))
		start.lambda = lambda
		start.sigma2e = 1
		cat("Only 1 iteration applied for fixed lambda")
		hm <- hglm(y = y, X = X, Z = L, family = family, startval = c(start.beta, 
						start.v, start.lambda, start.sigma2e), maxit = 1)
	phi <- as.numeric(hm$varFix)
	sa <- as.numeric(hm$varRanef)
	a <- L%*%hm$ranef
	#tZinvG <- crossprod(Z, invG)
	k2 <- 0
	u <- GCV <- qu <- NULL
	cat('Calculating effects and leverages ...\n')
	for (i in Z.index) {
		if (!file.exists(paste('tZinvG', i, '_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))) {
			subZ <- databel(paste(Z.name, i, sep = ''))
			subZ <- databel2matrix(subZ, 1:nrow(subZ), 1:ncol(subZ))
			tZinvG <- crossprod(subZ, invG)
			if (!is.null(weight)) tZinvG <- weight[(k2 + 1):(k2 + ncol(subZ))]*tZinvG
			if (save.cache) save(tZinvG, file = paste('tZinvG', i, '_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
		} else {
			load(paste('tZinvG', i, '_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
		u <- c(u, tZinvG %*% a)
		if (!only.estimates) {
			C <- rbind(cbind(crossprod(X, X), crossprod(X, L)), cbind(crossprod(L, X), G + diag(N)*phi/sa))
			C22 <- solve(C)[(p + 1):(p + N), (p + 1):(p + N)]*phi
			transf <- tZinvG %*% L			
			#qu <- hat.transf(C22, transf, vc = sa, w, k, N, tol.err = tol.err, GPU = GPU)
			middle <- diag(N) - C22/sa
			svdmid <- svd(middle)
			M <- t(svdmid$u %*% diag(sqrt(svdmid$d)))
			if (!is.null(weight)) {
				qu <- c(qu, 1 - colSums(tcrossprod(M, transf)**2)/weight[(k2 + 1):(k2 + nrow(tZinvG))])
			} else {
				qu <- c(qu, 1 - colSums(tcrossprod(M, transf)**2))
		k2 <- k2 + nrow(tZinvG)
		cat(i, '\t')
	qu[qu < tol.err] <- tol.err
	qu[qu > (1 - tol.err)] <- 1 - tol.err
	if (!only.estimates & family$family == "gaussian") GCV <- sum(hm$resid^2)/((n - sum(hm$hv[1:n]))^2)
	if (length(Z.name)>1) {
	  L.all <- RandC <- invG.all <- NULL
	  for (i.name in 1:length(Z.name)) {
	    Z.name_i <- Z.name[[i.name]]
	    if (!file.exists(paste('G_stuff_', Z.name[[i.name]], sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))) {
	      cat('Creating kinship matrix ...\n')
	      for (i in Z.index[[i.name]]) {
	        subZ <- databel(paste(Z.name_i, i, sep = ''))
	        subZ <- databel2matrix(subZ, 1:nrow(subZ), 1:ncol(subZ))
	        if (i == Z.index[[i.name]][1]) G <- matrix(0, nrow(subZ), nrow(subZ))
	        if (!is.null(weight)) subZ <- t(sqrt(weight[(k + 1):(k + ncol(subZ))])*t(subZ))
	        G <- G + tcrossprod(subZ)
	        k <- k + ncol(subZ)
	        cat(i, '\t')
	      if (N != nrow(G) | N != length(y)) 
	        stop("Sizes of y, X, and Z are not all equal.")
	      cat('Cholesky-decomposition & inversion ...\n')
	      svdG <- svd(G)
	      L <- svdG$u %*% diag(sqrt(svdG$d))
	      invG <- tcrossprod(svdG$v %*% diag(1/svdG$d), svdG$u)
	      if (save.cache) save(G, L, invG, file = paste('G_stuff_', Z.name[[i.name]], sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
	    } else {
	      load(paste('G_stuff_', Z.name[[i.name]], sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
	    invG.all <- c(invG.all, list(invG))
	    L.all <- cbind(L.all, L)
	    RandC <- c(RandC, ncol(L))
	  cat('Fitting HGLM ...\n')
	  if (is.null(lambda)) {
	    hm <- hglm(y = y, X = X, Z = L.all, RandC = RandC, family = family, conv = tol.conv) 
	  else {
	    stop("Fixed lambda option for multiple variance components not implemented")
	  phi <- as.numeric(hm$varFix)
	  sa <- as.numeric(hm$varRanef)
	  a <- L.all%*%hm$ranef
	  #tZinvG <- crossprod(Z, invG)
	  k2 <- 0
	  u <- GCV <- qu <- NULL
	  cat('Calculating effects and leverages ...\n')
	  for (i.name in 1:length(Z.name)) {
	    for (i in Z.index[[i.name]]) {
	      if (!file.exists(paste('tZinvG', Z.name[[i.name]], i, '_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))) {
	        subZ <- databel(paste(Z.name[[i.name]], i, sep = ''))
	        subZ <- databel2matrix(subZ, 1:nrow(subZ), 1:ncol(subZ))
	        tZinvG <- crossprod(subZ, invG.all[[i.name]])
	        if (!is.null(weight)) tZinvG <- weight[(k2 + 1):(k2 + ncol(subZ))]*tZinvG
	        if (save.cache) save(tZinvG, file = paste('tZinvG', Z.name[[i.name]], i, '_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
	      } else {
	        load(paste('tZinvG', Z.name[[i.name]], i, '_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
	      u <- c(u, tZinvG %*% a)
	      k2 <- k2 + nrow(tZinvG)
	      cat(i, '\t')
	    cat('\n', Z.name[[i.name]],' Done.\n')
	  if (!only.estimates) {
	    #C <- rbind(cbind(crossprod(X, X), crossprod(X, L)), cbind(crossprod(L, X), G + diag(N)*phi/sa))
	    #C22 <- solve(C)[(p + 1):(p + N), (p + 1):(p + N)]*phi
	    n.vc = length(Z.name)
	    C <- rbind(cbind(crossprod(X, X), crossprod(X, L.all)), cbind(crossprod(L.all, X), crossprod(L.all) + diag(rep(1/sa, each = N))*phi))
	    C22 <- solve(C)[(p + 1):(p + N*n.vc), (p + 1):(p + N*n.vc)]*phi
	    for (i.name in 1:length(Z.name)) {
	      for (i in Z.index[[i.name]]) {
          load(paste('tZinvG', Z.name[[i.name]], i, '_', sum(weight), '.RData', sep = ''))
          indx <- ((i.name-1)*N+1):(i.name*N)
          transf <- tZinvG %*% L.all[,indx]  
        middle <- diag(N) - C22[indx, indx]/sa[i.name]
        svdmid <- svd(middle)
        M <- t(svdmid$u %*% diag(sqrt(svdmid$d)))
        if (!is.null(weight)) {
          qu <- c(qu, 1 - colSums(tcrossprod(M, transf)**2)/weight[(k2 + 1):(k2 + nrow(tZinvG))])
        } else {
          qu <- c(qu, 1 - colSums(tcrossprod(M, transf)**2))
      qu[qu < tol.err] <- tol.err
      qu[qu > (1 - tol.err)] <- 1 - tol.err
      #if (!only.estimates & family$family == "gaussian") GCV <- sum(hm$resid^2)/((n - sum(hm$hv[1:n]))^2)
      GCV = NULL
	result <- list(phi = phi, lambda = hm$varRanef, beta = hm$fixef, hglm = hm,
			u = u, leverage = qu, GCV = GCV, Call = Call, y = y, X = X)
	class(result) <- "bigRR"

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bigRR documentation built on July 25, 2020, 3 a.m.