
SampleMat2 <-
function(ref, ratio, as.logi=FALSE)
    # set a new random seed to ensure that sampling is random (issue when CTA is involved and seed needs to be set to a fix number)
    set.seed(as.double(Sys.time()) + as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%OS6"))*1000000)
    ntot <- length(ref)
    npres<- sum(ref)    
    ncal <- ceiling(ntot*ratio)

    pres <- sample(which(ref==1), ceiling(npres*ratio))
    absc <- sample(which(ref==0), ncal-length(pres))
      calib <- rep(FALSE, ntot)
      calib[c(pres,absc)] <- TRUE
      eval <- !calib
    } else{
      calib <- c(pres,absc)
      eval <- (1:ntot)[-c(pres,absc)]
    return(list("calibration"=calib, "evaluation"=eval))

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biomod2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:08 p.m.