#' Graphical User Interface for Choosing HCL Color Palettes
#' A graphical user interface (GUI) for viewing, manipulating, and choosing HCL
#' color palettes.
#' Computes palettes based on the HCL (hue-chroma-luminance) color model (as
#' implemented by \code{\link{polarLUV}}). The GUIs interface the palette
#' functions \code{\link{qualitative_hcl}} for qualitative palettes,
#' \code{\link{sequential_hcl}} for sequential palettes with a single or
#' multiple hues, and \code{\link{diverging_hcl}} for diverging palettes (composed
#' from two single-hue sequential palettes).
#' Two different GUIs are implemented and can be selected using the function
#' input argument \code{gui} (\code{"tcltk"} or \code{"shiny"}). Both GUIs
#' allows for interactive modification of the arguments of the respective
#' palette-generating functions, i.e., starting/ending hue (wavelength, type of
#' color), minimal/maximal chroma (colorfulness), minimal maximal luminance
#' (brightness, amount of gray), and a power transformations that control how
#' quickly/slowly chroma and/or luminance are changed through the palette.
#' Subsets of the parameters may not be applicable depending on the type of
#' palette chosen. See \code{\link{qualitative_hcl}} and Zeileis et al. (2009, 2019) for
#' a more detailed explanation of the different arguments. Stauffer et al.
#' (2015) provide more examples and guidance.
#' Optionally, active palette can be illustrated by using a range of examples
#' such as a map, heatmap, scatter plot, perspective 3D surface etc.
#' To demonstrate different types of deficiencies, the active palette may be
#' desaturated (emulating printing on a grayscale printer) and collapsed to
#' emulate different types of color-blindness (without red-green or green-blue
#' contrasts) using the \code{\link{simulate_cvd}} functions.
#' \code{choose_palette} by default starts the Tcl/Tk version of the GUI while
#' \code{hclwizard} by default starts the shiny version. \code{hcl_wizard} is
#' an alias for \code{hclwizard}.
#' @param pal function; the initial palette, see \sQuote{Value} below. Only
#' used if \code{gui = "tcltk"}.
#' @param n integer; the initial number of colors in the palette.
#' @param parent tkwin; the GUI parent window. Only used if \code{gui =
#' "tcltk"}.
#' @param gui character; GUI to use. Available options are \code{tcltk} and
#' \code{shiny}, see \sQuote{Details} below.
#' @param ... used for development purposes only.
#' @return Returns a palette-generating function with the selected arguments.
#' Thus, the returned function takes an integer argument and returns the
#' corresponding number of HCL colors by traversing HCL space through
#' interpolation of the specified hue/chroma/luminance/power values.
#' @author Jason C. Fisher, Reto Stauffer, Achim Zeileis
#' @seealso \code{\link{simulate_cvd}}, \code{\link{desaturate}}, \code{\link{qualitative_hcl}}.
#' @references Zeileis A, Hornik K, Murrell P (2009). Escaping RGBland:
#' Selecting Colors for Statistical Graphics. \emph{Computational Statistics &
#' Data Analysis}, \bold{53}, 3259--3270.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.csda.2008.11.033}
#' Preprint available from
#' \url{}.
#' Stauffer R, Mayr GJ, Dabernig M, Zeileis A (2015). Somewhere over the
#' Rainbow: How to Make Effective Use of Colors in Meteorological
#' Visualizations. \emph{Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society},
#' \bold{96}(2), 203--216.
#' \doi{10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00155.1}
#' Zeileis A, Fisher JC, Hornik K, Ihaka R, McWhite CD, Murrell P, Stauffer R, Wilke CO (2020).
#' \dQuote{colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes.}
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{96}(1), 1--49. \doi{10.18637/jss.v096.i01}
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#' ## Using tcltk GUI
#' pal <- choose_palette()
#' ## or equivalently: hclwizard(gui = "tcltk")
#' ## Using shiny GUI
#' pal <- hclwizard()
#' ## or equivalently: choose_palette(gui = "shiny")
#' ## use resulting palette function
#' filled.contour(volcano, color.palette = pal, asp = 1)
#' }
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.cur dev.list dev.set
#' @export
choose_palette <- function(pal = diverging_hcl, n = 7L, parent = NULL, gui = "tcltk", ...) {
args <- list("pal" = pal, "n" = n, "parent" = parent, ...)
gui <- match.arg(gui, c("tcltk", "shiny"))"choose_palette_%s", gui), args)
#' @rdname choose_palette
#' @export
hclwizard <- function(n = 7L, gui = "shiny", ...) {
args <- list("n" = n, ...)
gui <- match.arg(gui, c("tcltk", "shiny"))"choose_palette_%s", gui), args)
#' @rdname choose_palette
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
hcl_wizard <- function(n = 7L, gui = "shiny", ...)
hclwizard(n = n, gui = gui, ...)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Environment for passing around internal information
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
.colorspace_env <- new.env()
.colorspace_get_info <- function(x = NULL) {
if(is.null(x)) return(as.list(.colorspace_env))
x <- as.character(x)[1L]
.colorspace_set_info <- function(...) {
dots <- list(...)
if(is.null(names(dots))) {
stop("arguments must be named")
} else if(any(names(dots) == "")) {
warning("ignoring unnamed arguments")
dots <- dots[names != ""]
if(length(dots) > 0L) {
for(i in names(dots)) {
.colorspace_env[[i]] <- dots[[i]]
hclwizard_autohclplot = FALSE,
hclwizard_ninit = 7,
hclwizard_verbose = FALSE,
hclwizard_shiny.trace = FALSE
# Setting global variables to avoid notes during R CMD check
"frame2.cvs.palwidth", "type",
"dev.example", "",
"frame3.scl.1.2", "frame3.scl.2.2", "frame3.scl.3.2", "frame3.scl.4.2",
"frame3.scl.5.2", "frame3.scl.6.2", "frame3.scl.7.2", "frame3.scl.8.2",
"frame3.scl.9.2", "frame3.ent.1.3", "frame3.ent.2.3", "frame3.ent.3.3",
"frame3.ent.4.3", "frame3.ent.5.3", "frame3.ent.6.3", "frame3.ent.7.3",
"frame3.ent.8.3", "frame3.ent.9.3", "h1.ent.var", "h1.scl.var", "h2.ent.var",
"h2.scl.var", "c1.ent.var", "c1.scl.var", "cmax.ent.var", "cmax.scl.var",
"c2.ent.var", "c2.scl.var", "l1.ent.var", "l1.scl.var", "l2.ent.var",
"l2.scl.var", "p1.ent.var", "p1.scl.var", "p2.ent.var", "p2.scl.var"))
# hclwizard shiny GUI for selecting color palette
choose_palette_shiny <- function(pal, n = 7L, ...) {
# Requirements for shiny application
stopifnot(requireNamespace("shiny"), requireNamespace("shinyjs"))
appDir <- system.file("hclwizard", package = "colorspace")
if (appDir == "")
stop("Could not find hclwizard app directory. Try re-installing `colorspace`.", call. = FALSE)
# Start shiny
dots <- list(...)
.colorspace_set_info(hclwizard_aninit = n)
.colorspace_set_info(hclwizard_autohclplot = ifelse(is.null(dots$autohclplot), FALSE, as.logical(dots$autohclplot)))
.colorspace_set_info(hclwizard_shiny.trace = ifelse(is.null(dots$shiny.trace), FALSE, as.logical(dots$shiny.trace)))
options(shiny.trace = .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_shiny.trace"))
pal <- shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal", quiet = TRUE )
# tcltk GUI for selecting a color palette
choose_palette_tcltk <- function( pal = diverging_hcl, n=7L, parent = NULL, ... ) {
# Evaluate dots args
dots <- list(...)
hclwizard_verbose = ifelse(is.null(dots$verbose), FALSE, as.logical(dots$verbose)),
hclwizard_autohclplot = ifelse(is.null(dots$autohclplot), FALSE, as.logical(dots$autohclplot))
# Choose a file interactively
ChooseFile <- function(cmd, win.title, initialfile=NULL,
defaultextension=NULL) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling ChooseFile\n"))
filetypes <- "{{R Source Files} {.R}} {{All files} {*}}"
if (cmd == "Open") {
args <- list("tk_getOpenFile")
} else {
args <- list("tk_getSaveFile")
if (defaultextension == ".txt")
filetypes <- "{{Text Files} {.txt}} {{All files} {*}}"
args[["title"]] <- win.title
args[["parent"]] <- tt
args[["initialdir"]] <- initialdir
args[["filetypes"]] <- filetypes
if (!is.null(initialfile))
args[["initialfile"]] <- initialfile
if (!is.null(defaultextension))
args[["defaultextension"]] <- defaultextension
f <- tcltk::tclvalue(, args))
if (!nzchar(f)) return()
initialdir <<- dirname(f)
# Open palette from file
OpenPaletteFromFile <- function() {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling OpenPaletteFromFile\n"))
f <- ChooseFile(cmd = "Open", win.title = "Open Palette File")
if (is.null(f)) return()
pal <- dget(file = f)
pal_args <- ConvertPaletteToAttributes(pal)
# Save palette to file
SavePaletteToFile <- function() {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling SavePaletteToFile\n"))
f <- ChooseFile(cmd = "Save As", win.title = "Save Palette As",
initialfile = "color_palette", defaultextension = ".R")
if (is.null(f)) return()
args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
args[[arg]] <- eval(parse(text=arg))
# Adding reverse and fixup arguments
args$reverse <- reverse
args$fixup <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
pal <-, args)
dput(pal, file=f)
# Save colors to file
SaveColorsToFile <- function(type) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling SaveColorsToFile\n"))
args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
# Adding reverse and fixup arguments
args$reverse <- reverse
args$fixup <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
pal <-, args)
cols <- try(hex2RGB(pal(n)), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(cols, "try-error")) {
msg <- "Palette results in invaild hexadecimal colors."
tcltk::tkmessageBox(icon="error", message=msg, title="Color Error",
f <- ChooseFile(cmd="Save As", win.title="Save Colors As",
initialfile=paste("colors_", type, sep=""),
if (is.null(f)) return()
if (type == "HEX") {
writehex(cols, file=f)
} else {
if (type == "sRGB") {
cols <- as(cols, "sRGB")@coords
} else if (type == "HSV") {
cols <- as(cols, "HSV")@coords
} else if (type == "HCL") {
cols <- as(cols, "polarLUV")@coords
} else if (type == "CMYK") {
cols <- as(cols, "RGB")@coords
red <- cols[, "R"]
green <- cols[, "G"]
blue <- cols[, "B"]
black <- sapply(1:n, function(i) min(c(1 - red[i],
1 - green[i],
1 - blue[i])))
cyan <- (1 - red - black) / (1 - black)
magenta <- (1 - green - black) / (1 - black)
yellow <- (1 - blue - black) / (1 - black)
cols <- as.matrix(, M=black,
Y=yellow, K=black)))
utils::write.table(cols, file=f, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
# Save palette and quit
SavePalette <- function() {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling SavePalette\n"))
args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
args[[arg]] <- eval(parse(text=arg))
# Adding reverse and fixup arguments
args$reverse <- reverse
args$fixup <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
pal.rtn <<-, args)
tcltk::tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1
# Scale change
ScaleChange <- function(x, v, x.ent.var) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling ScaleChange\n"))
if (x == get(v)) return()
assign(v, x, inherits=TRUE)
fmt <- ifelse(v %in% c("p1", "p2"), "%.1f", "%.0f")
tcltk::tclvalue(x.ent.var) <- sprintf(fmt, x)
DrawPalette(v == "n")
# Entry change
EntryChange <- function(v, x.lim, x.ent.var, x.scl.var) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling EntryChange\n"))
x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(x.ent.var)))
if (
if (x < x.lim[1]) {
tcltk::tclvalue(x.ent.var) <- x.lim[1]
x <- x.lim[1]
} else if (x > x.lim[2]) {
tcltk::tclvalue(x.ent.var) <- x.lim[2]
x <- x.lim[2]
assign(v, x, inherits=TRUE)
tcltk::tclvalue(x.scl.var) <- x
DrawPalette(v == "n")
# Helper function to create the hex palettes.
# Generates "n" colors from palette "pal" and manipulates them
# if desaturation or CVD simulation is required.
get_hex_colors <- function(pal,n) {
fixup <- as.logical(as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
pal.cols <- pal(n, fixup = fixup)
if (as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(desaturation.var))))
pal.cols <- desaturate(pal.cols)
if (as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(colorblind.var)))) {
type <- as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(colorblind.type.var))
pal.cols <-,list("col"=pal.cols))
# Draw current palette given the slider settings. Fills the
# canvas object placed horizontally in the lower part of the GUI.
# is.n is TRUE if the slider for "n" is moved. Else FALSE. IF
# FALSE the "selected default color palette" polygon ("browse")
# will be removed.
DrawPalette <- function(is.n = FALSE) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling DrawPalette\n"))
args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
args[[arg]] <- eval(parse(text=arg))
# Adding reverse and fixup arguments
args$reverse <- reverse
args$fixup <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
if ( ! is.n ) tcltk::tcl(frame2.cvs, "delete", "browse")
pal <-, args)
tcltk::tcl(frame7.cvs, "delete", "pal")
pal.cols <- get_hex_colors(pal, n)
dx <- (cvs.width - 1) / n
x2 <- 1
y1 <- 1
y2 <- cvs.height
# NA color (white or black, depending on darkmode.var)
NAcolor <- ifelse(tcltk::tclvalue(darkmode.var) != "1", "#FFFFFF", "#000000")
for (color in pal.cols) {
color <- ifelse(, NAcolor, color)
x1 <- x2
x2 <- x1 + dx
pts <- tcltk::.Tcl.args(c(x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2))
tcltk::tkcreate(frame7.cvs, "polygon", pts, fill = color, tag = "pal")
# Update data type
# @param ... used when called via callback.
# @param init logical. Default is FALSE, if set to TRUE the first default
# palette of the current palette config is used. Only used when initializing
# the GUI.
frame2.cvs.paloffset <- frame2.cvs.palwidth <- NULL
UpdateDataType <- function(..., init = FALSE) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling UpdateDataType\n"))
tcltk::tcl(frame2.cvs, "delete", "browse")
# Default palettes to data.frame
pals_to_dataframe <- function(x) {
x <-, function(x) x), ncol = length(x))))
names(x) <- vars.pal
x$reverse <- FALSE
type <- as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var))
# Loading default palettes via GetPaletteConfig
palettes <- GetPaletteConfig(gui = TRUE)
names(palettes) <- tolower(names(palettes))
palettes$fixup <- TRUE
palettes$reverse <- FALSE
if (type == "Basic: Qualitative") {
default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "qual")
} else if ( type == "Basic: Sequential (single-hue)" ) {
default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "seqs")
} else if ( type == "Advanced: Sequential (single-hue)" ) {
default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "seqs_advanced")
} else if (type == "Basic: Sequential (multi-hue)") {
default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "seqm")
} else if (type == "Advanced: Sequential (multi-hue)") {
default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "seqm_advanced")
} else if (type == "Basic: Diverging") {
default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "dive")
} else if (type == "Advanced: Diverging") {
default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "dive_advanced")
# Default palettes. Draws the canvas placed vertically side by side
# in the upper part of the GUI.
tcltk::tcl(frame2.cvs, "delete", "default")
# Offset and width of the default palettes.
frame2.cvs.paloffset <<- 3
frame2.cvs.palwidth <<- 380 / (nrow(default.pals)) - 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset
frame2.cvs.palwidth <<- max(10, min(30 + 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset, frame2.cvs.palwidth))
x1 <- frame2.cvs.paloffset # Start with one offset
for (i in 1:nrow(default.pals)) {
# Create numeric palette parameter list, drop name
args <- as.list(default.pals[i,])
args <- args[which(! names(args) %in% c("name", "gui"))]
args$type <- as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var))
args$reverse <- FALSE
args$fixup <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
args$register <- ""
pal <-, args=args)
pal.cols <- pal(5)
pal.cols[] <- "#FFFFFF" # Use white for NA colors (if fixup = FALSE)
y2 <- frame2.cvs.paloffset
for (j in pal.cols) {
x2 <- x1 + frame2.cvs.palwidth
y1 <- y2
y2 <- y1 + (70 - 2*frame2.cvs.paloffset) / length(pal.cols)
# Plading the tk element
pts <- tcltk::.Tcl.args(c(x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2))
tcltk::tkcreate(frame2.cvs, "polygon", pts, fill=j, tag="default")
if ( i == 1 ) {
y1 <- frame2.cvs.paloffset
y2 <- y1 + 70 - 2*frame2.cvs.paloffset
pts <- tcltk::.Tcl.args(c(x1 - 2, y1 - 2, x2 + 1, y1 - 2, x2 + 1, y2 + 1, x1 - 2, y2 + 1))
tcltk::tkcreate(frame2.cvs, "polygon", pts, fill = "", outline = "black", tag = "browse")
# Increase x1
x1 <- x1 + frame2.cvs.palwidth + 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset
# Use first default palette as default
if ( init ) AssignAttributesToWidgets(as.list(default.pals[1,]))
# Select default palette
# Triggered when the user clicks one of our default palettes.
SelectDefaultPalette <- function(x, y) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling SelectDefaultPalette\n"))
# Position within tcltk object
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
if ( | return()
y1 <- frame2.cvs.paloffset; y2 <- 70 - frame2.cvs.paloffset
if (y < y1 | y > y2) return()
# max.x: width of the whole selectable area
max.x <- nrow(default.pals) * (frame2.cvs.palwidth + 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset)
if (x < 0 | x > max.x) return()
x.seq <- seq(0, max.x, by = frame2.cvs.palwidth + 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset)
# Getting palette arguments
i <- findInterval(x, x.seq, rightmost.closed=TRUE)
pal_args <- as.list(default.pals[i,])
# Draw black frame around the selected palette
x1 <- x.seq[i]
x2 <- x.seq[i + 1]
for ( key in vars[!vars %in% c("name", "type", "gui")] ) {
val <- as.numeric(pal_args[[key]])
if ( ) val <- 0
#cat(sprintf("- Assign %-10s", key)); print(val)
assign(key, val, inherits=TRUE)
# Assign new palette attributes/settings to the slider elements
tcltk::tcl(frame2.cvs, "delete", "browse")
pts <- tcltk::.Tcl.args(c(x1 + 1, y1 - 2, x2 - 2, y1 - 2, x2 - 2, y2 + 1, x1 + 1, y2 + 1))
tcltk::tkcreate(frame2.cvs, "polygon", pts, fill = "", outline = "black", tag = "browse")
# Convert palette to attributes
ConvertPaletteToAttributes <- function(pal) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling ConvertPaletteToAttributes\n"))
# If input was missing or NULL, take a default sequential
# multi hue palette (the first in the GetPaletteConfig data.frame)
if ( missing(pal) | is.null(pal) ) {
tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var) <- "Basic: Sequential (multi-hue)"
pal_args <- GetPaletteConfig(gui = TRUE)
pal_args <- as.list(subset(pal_args, type == "seqm")[1,])
names(pal_args) <- tolower(names(pal_args))
# Take arguments from function input, if set
} else if (inherits(pal, "function")) {
arg <- sapply(formals(pal), function(i) {if ( eval(i) else i})
# List to take up the palette parameters
pal_args <- list("n" = 7)
# De-parsing h, c, l, power to (h1, h2), (c1, c2), (l1, l2), (p1, p2)
# Overwrite the NA defaults (if set)
if ( length(arg$h) > 0 ) {
for ( i in seq_along(arg$h) )
eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal_args$h%1$d <- arg$h[%1$dL]", i)))
# For c1/cmax/c2 we need a bit of custom code. For different palette types
# the "c" handling is different.
# - Qualitative: they only have a single-element "c" (easy)
# - Sequential single hue: c can be a c(c1) or c(c1, cmax)
# - Sequential multi hue: c can be a c(c1, c2) or c(c1, c2, cmax)
# - Diverging: c can be a c(c1) or c(c1, cmax)
# Thus, diverging_hcl "advanced" and sequential multi hue "not advanced"
# can look very similar given there default arguments, e.g.,:
# - diverging_hcl(n = 7, h = c(0, 100), c = c(50, 70), l = c(40, 90))
# - sequential_hcl(n = 7, h = c(0, 100), c = c(50, 70), l = c(40, 90))
# When loading a palette we do not get the function name, only the function
# arguments (via formals). Do be able to distinguish between these two
# types the diverging_hcl "advanced" stores a "cmax" in addition. Thus,
# if we have a chroma vector of length 2 PLUS a cmax which maches c[2L]
# we assume we have a diverging "advanced" palette and have to split
# the arguments in a different way.
# Sequential multi hue advanced with c(c1, c2, cmax)
if ( length(arg$c) >= 3 ) {
pal_args$c1 <- arg$c[1L]
pal_args$cmax <- arg$c[2L]
pal_args$c2 <- arg$c[3L]
# Diverging advanced with c(c1, cmax) and c[2L] == cmax
} else if ( length(arg$c == 2 & arg$c[2L] == arg$cmax) ) {
pal_args$c1 <- arg$c[1L]
pal_args$cmax <- arg$c[2L]
# Else sequential multi hue (not advanced)
} else if ( length(arg$c) > 0 ) {
for ( i in seq(1, length(arg$c)) )
eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal_args$c%1$d <- arg$c[%1$dL]", i)))
if ( length(arg$l) > 0 ) {
for ( i in seq_along(arg$l) )
eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal_args$l%1$d <- arg$l[%1$dL]", i)))
if ( length(arg$power) > 0 ) {
for ( i in seq_along(arg$power) )
eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal_args$p%1$d <- arg$power[%1$dL]", i)))
if ( is.logical(arg$rev) )
pal_args[["rev"]] <- arg$rev
# Fixup
if (! is.null(arg$fixup) && is.logical(arg$fixup))
pal_args[["fixup"]] <- as.integer(arg$fixup)
pal_args[["fixup"]] <- 1
# Overrule settings with special arguments
for ( key in names(arg) ) {
if ( grepl("^([clh][12]|cmax)$", key) & ! is.null(arg[[key]]) )
if ( ! inherits(arg[[key]], "name") ) pal_args[[key]] <- arg[[key]]
# If input is rainbow_hcl
rb.args <- c("c", "l", "start", "end") # args for qualitative palettes
if ( all(sapply(rb.args, function(i) inherits(arg[[i]], c("integer", "numeric")))) ) {
tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var) <- "Basic: Qualitative"
pal_args$h1 <- arg$start
pal_args$h2 <- arg$end
# If has no c2, l2, p1, p2, cmax -> qualitative
arg_names <- names(pal_args)[!]
# Qualitative palettes:
# - Always NA: cmax, c2, l2, p1, p2
if ( all( ! c("cmax", "c2", "l2", "p1", "p2") %in% arg_names) ) {
pal_type <- "Basic: Qualitative"
# Sequential single hue
# - Always NA: h2, cmax, c2, p2
} else if ( all( ! c("h2", "cmax", "c2", "p2") %in% arg_names) ) {
pal_type <- "Basic: Sequential (single-hue)"
# Diverging
# - Always NA: cmax, c2
} else if ( all( ! c("cmax", "c2") %in% arg_names) ) {
pal_type <- "Basic: Diverging"
# Diverging, advanced
# - Always NA: c2, but have h1 and h2
} else if ( all(! c("c2") %in% arg_names) & all(c("h1", "h2") %in% arg_names )) {
pal_type <- "Advanced: Diverging"
# Sequential single hue, advanced
# - Always NA: h2
} else if ( all(! c("h2") %in% arg_names) ) {
pal_type <- "Advanced: Sequential (single-hue)"
# Sequential multi hue, advanced
# - Always NA: cmax
} else if ( ! "cmax" %in% arg_names ) {
pal_type <- "Basic: Sequential (multi-hue)"
# Else we expect it to be a sequential hulti hue, advanced
} else {
pal_type <- "Advanced: Sequential (multi-hue)"
tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var) <- pal_type
# Extending the palette args with NA's
for ( key in slider_elements )
if ( ! key %in% names(pal_args) ) pal_args[[key]] <- NA
for ( key in names(pal_args) )
if ( ! key %in% c("rev", slider_elements) ) pal_args[[key]] <- NULL # Remove
} else {
stop("Cannot interpret input palette in choose_palette")
# Return palette settings
# Assign attributes to widgets
# pal_args can be a named list with the settings of the
# current palette (e.g,. when the user selects a new default
# palette). If an element contains NA the corresponding
# slider will be disabled.
AssignAttributesToWidgets <- function(pal_args) {
if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling AssignAttributesToWidgets\n"))
# Setting rev (reverse colors) if specified
if ( is.logical(pal_args$rev) ) {
tcltk::tclvalue(reverse.var) <- pal_args$rev
reverse <<- pal_args$rev
# Looping trouch slider elements
for ( i in seq_along(slider_elements) ) {
# Name of the slider element
key <- slider_elements[i]
# Format to set the current value
if ( key %in% c("name", "gui", "n") ) {
} else if ( grepl("^[hcl]", key) ) {
fmt <- "%.0f"
} else {
fmt <- "%.1f"
# If pal_args is given: check if value If NA:
# disable label, slider, and the text output element.
# Else enable.
if ( !missing(pal_args) ) {
state <- ifelse([[key]]), FALSE, TRUE)
#cat(sprintf(" - Setting sliders t/f: %s %s", state, key))
#cat(sprintf(" %s .... %.1f\n", key, pal_args[[key]]))
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tkconfigure(frame3.lab.%d.1, state = \"%s\")",
i, ifelse(state, "normal", "disabled"))
eval(parse(text = cmd))
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tkconfigure(frame3.ent.%d.3, state = \"%s\")",
i, ifelse(state, "normal", "disabled"))
eval(parse(text = cmd))
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tcl(frame3.scl.%d.2, \"state\", \"%s\")",
i, ifelse(state, "!disabled", "disabled"))
eval(parse(text = cmd))
# Update slider range (c1/c2) if a palette with
# additional cmax has been selected by the user.
# In these cases we are setting:
# - c1 range of 0 - 180
# - c2 range of 0 - 180
if ($cmax) ) {
for ( i in grep("^(c1|c2)$", slider_elements) ) {
# Reducing upper limit from 180 to 100: make
# sure the values are not above 100. If they are,
# set them to 100.
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%s.ent.var)", slider_elements[i])
val <- eval(parse(text = cmd))
val <- ifelse(val == "NA", NA, as.numeric(val))
if ( ! && val > 100 ) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%s.ent.var) <- 100", slider_elements[i])))
eval(parse(text = sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%s.scl.var) <- 100", slider_elements[i])))
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tkconfigure(frame3.scl.%d.2, to = %d)", i, 100)
eval(parse(text = cmd))
} else {
for ( i in grep("^(c1|c2)$", slider_elements) ) {
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tkconfigure(frame3.scl.%d.2, to = %d)", i, 180)
eval(parse(text = cmd))
# If attribute is NA: set to 0
#val <- ifelse([[key]]), 0, pal_args[[key]])
val <- pal_args[[key]]
# Set current value (slider and text output)
if ( ) {
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%1$s.ent.var) <- \"NA\"", key)
} else {
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%1$s.ent.var) <- sprintf(\"%2$s\", %3$.1f)", key, fmt, val)
eval(parse(text = cmd))
cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%1$s.scl.var) <- %2$.1f", key, val)
eval(parse(text = cmd))
assign(key, val, inherits=TRUE)
# Open window to register a palette
RegisterPalette <- function(x) {
# New tcltk window (tktoplevel)
ttreg <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
# Loading geometry (sidze and position) of the main window
geo <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(tcltk::tkwm.geometry(tt)), "\\+"))
dim <- unlist(strsplit(geo[1L], "x"))
pos_x <- as.integer(geo[2L]) + (as.integer(dim[1L]) - 300) / 2
pos_y <- as.integer(geo[3L]) + 50
tcltk::tkwm.geometry(ttreg, sprintf("300x100+%.0f+%.0f", pos_x, pos_y))
tcltk::tkwm.resizable(ttreg, 0, 0)
tcltk::tktitle(ttreg) <- "Register Custom Palette"
# Function registering the palette
reg_pal <- function() {
name <- tcltk::tclvalue(
if ( nchar(name) > 0 ) {
args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
args[[arg]] <- eval(parse(text=arg))
args$reverse <- reverse
args$register <- name
args$fixup <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
# Loading palette with register = NAME
pal <-, args)
# Evaluate/execute the function to register the new palette.
# Close Register-window
tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.done.var) <- 1
# Adding text, text input, and register button. <- tcltk::tclVar("")
reg_text <- tcltk::tklabel( ttreg, text = "Enter palette name:")
reg_name <- tcltk::ttkentry( ttreg, textvariable =, width = 12)
reg_btn <- tcltk::ttkbutton(ttreg, width=12, state = "disabled",
text="Register", command = reg_pal)
# Allow to close with Escape, register palette when pressing return, and
# the destroy functionality when pressing the "X" button.
tcltk::tkbind(ttreg, "<Escape>", function() tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.done.var) <- 1)
tcltk::tkbind(ttreg, "<Return>", reg_pal)
tcltk::tkbind(ttreg, "<Destroy>", function() tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.done.var) <- 1);
# Checking user name for the palette. Only allows alpha numeric values,
# blanks, dashes, and underscores.
check_name <- function() {
name <- unlist(strsplit(tcltk::tclvalue(, ""))
name <- paste(regmatches(name, regexpr("[A-Za-z\\_\\-\\s0-9]",
name, perl = T)), collapse = "")
tcltk::tclvalue( <- name
if ( nchar(name) > 0 ) {
tcltk::tkconfigure(reg_btn, state = "normal")
} else {
tcltk::tkconfigure(reg_btn, state = "disabled")
tcltk::tkbind(reg_name, "<KeyRelease>", check_name)
# Add to window
#tcltk::tkgrid(reg_text, sticky = "w", padx = c(10,10), pady = c(10,10))
#tcltk::tkgrid(reg_name, reg_btn, padx = c(10,10))
tcltk::tkgrid(reg_text, sticky = "w", padx = c(10, 10), pady = c(10, 10))
tcltk::tkgrid(reg_name, reg_btn)
# GUI control
# Show example plot
ShowExample <- function() {
if ( ! dev.example %in% dev.list() ) { = 7L, height = 7L)
dev.example <<- dev.cur()
DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE)
ExampleSetPar <- function() {
if ( ! as.logical(as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(darkmode.var))) ) {
par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
par(bg = "white", fg = "black", col.axis = "black")
} else {
par(mar = rep(1, 4))
par(bg = "black", fg = "white", col.axis = "white")
ActivateDarkmode <- function() {
if (dev.example %in% dev.list()) dev.set(which = dev.example)
else return()
# If dark mode has been set off
# Draw palette, also regenerates example if open
# Regenerate example plot
RegenExample <- function(pal,n) {
if (dev.example %in% dev.list()) dev.set(which=dev.example)
else return()
plot_example <- eval(parse(text=sprintf("plot_%s",
gsub(" ", "", tolower(tcltk::tclvalue(example.var))))))
# Spectrum plot: take 100 values (hardcoded)
if ( tcltk::tclvalue(example.var) == "Spectrum" ) n <- 100
pal.cols <- get_hex_colors(pal,n)
if ( grepl("^HCL\\sPlot$", as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(example.var))) & !.colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_autohclplot") ) {
type <- as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var))
if ( grepl("[Dd]iverging", type) ) { type <- "diverging" }
else if ( grepl("[Ss]equential", type) ) { type <- "sequential" }
else if ( grepl("[Qq]ualitative", type) ) { type <- "qualitative" }
else { type <- NULL }
plot_example(pal.cols, type = type)
} else {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Main program
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize directory
initialdir <- getwd()
# Default
reverse <- FALSE
# Initialize return palette
pal.rtn <- NULL
# Initialize default palettes
default.pals <- NULL
# Initialize data for scatter plot example
xyhclust <- NULL
# Initialize data for mosaic plot example
msc.matrix <- NULL
# Flag graphics device
dev.example <- 1
# Set default and initial palettes
for ( key in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s <- 0", key)))
fixup <- 1
# Load/Define palettes
vars <- vars.pal
qual.pals <- qual.pals
seqs.pals <- seqs.pals
seqm.pals <- seqm.pals
dive.pals <- dive.pals
# Set limits for palette attributes
h1.lim <- c(-360, 360)
h2.lim <- c(-360, 360)
c1.lim <- c( 0, 100)
cmax.lim <- c( 0, 180)
c2.lim <- c( 0, 100)
l1.lim <- c( 0, 100)
l2.lim <- c( 0, 100)
p1.lim <- c( 0, 3)
p2.lim <- c( 0, 3)
n.lim <- c( 1, 50)
# Set dimensions on palette canvas
cvs.width <- 328 # 30 * 10 + 10 + 18
cvs.height <- 25
# Assign additional variables linked to Tk widgets
example.var <- tcltk::tclVar()
nature.var <- tcltk::tclVar()
n.scl.var <- tcltk::tclVar(n)
n.ent.var <- tcltk::tclVar(n)
# Setting up tcltk variables and scale elements.
for ( key in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] ) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s.scl.var <- tcltk::tclVar()", key)))
eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s.ent.var <- tcltk::tclVar()", key)))
# Adding tcltk variables for the color control elements
# (checkboxes, radio buttons) with defaults.
fixup.var <- tcltk::tclVar(fixup)
reverse.var <- tcltk::tclVar(FALSE)
desaturation.var <- tcltk::tclVar(FALSE)
darkmode.var <- tcltk::tclVar(FALSE)
colorblind.var <- tcltk::tclVar(FALSE)
colorblind.type.var <- tcltk::tclVar("deutan")
tt.done.var <- tcltk::tclVar(0)
ttreg.done.var <- tcltk::tclVar(0)
# Open GUI
tt <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
if (!is.null(parent)) {
tcltk::tkwm.transient(tt, parent)
geo <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(tcltk::tkwm.geometry(parent)), "\\+"))
tcltk::tkwm.geometry(tt, paste("+", as.integer(geo[2]) + 25,
"+", as.integer(geo[3]) + 25, sep=""))
tcltk::tkwm.resizable(tt, 0, 0)
tcltk::tkwm.geometry(tt, "425x745+0+10")
tcltk::tktitle(tt) <- "Choose Color Palette"
# Top file menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(tt, tearoff = 0)
menu.file <- tcltk::tkmenu(tt, tearoff = 0)
tcltk::tkadd(, "cascade", label = "File", menu = menu.file, underline = 0)
tcltk::tkadd(, "command", label = "Register",
command = RegisterPalette, underline = 0)
tcltk::tkadd(menu.file, "command", label = "Open palette", accelerator = "Ctrl+O",
command = OpenPaletteFromFile)
tcltk::tkadd(menu.file, "command", label = "Save palette as",
accelerator = "Shift+Ctrl+S", command = SavePaletteToFile)
menu.file.colors <- tcltk::tkmenu(tt, tearoff=0)
tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="HEX",
command=function() SaveColorsToFile("HEX"))
tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="sRGB",
command=function() SaveColorsToFile("sRGB"))
tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="HSV",
command=function() SaveColorsToFile("HSV"))
tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="HCL",
command=function() SaveColorsToFile("HCL"))
tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="CMYK",
command=function() SaveColorsToFile("CMYK"))
tcltk::tkadd(menu.file, "cascade", label="Save colors as", menu=menu.file.colors)
# Frame 0, ok and cancel buttons
frame0 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
frame0.but.3 <- tcltk::ttkbutton(frame0, width=12, text="OK", command=SavePalette)
frame0.but.4 <- tcltk::ttkbutton(frame0, width=12, text="Cancel",
command=function() {
pal.rtn <<- NULL
tcltk::tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1
tcltk::tkgrid("x", frame0.but.3, frame0.but.4, pady=c(10, 10))
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame0.but.3, sticky="e")
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame0.but.4, sticky="w", padx=c(4, 10))
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame0, 0, weight=1)
tcltk::tkpack(frame0, fill="x", side="bottom", anchor="e")
# Frame 1, choose nature of data
frame1 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief = "flat")
frame1.lab.1 <- tcltk::ttklabel(frame1, text = "Type of palette: ") <- tcltk::ttkcombobox(frame1, state = "readonly", textvariable = nature.var,
values=c("Basic: Qualitative",
"Basic: Sequential (single-hue)",
"Basic: Sequential (multi-hue)",
"Basic: Diverging",
"Advanced: Sequential (single-hue)",
"Advanced: Sequential (multi-hue)",
"Advanced: Diverging"))
tcltk::tkgrid(frame1.lab.1,, pady=c(10, 0))
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame1.lab.1, padx=c(10, 2))
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(, padx=c(0, 10), sticky="we")
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame1, 1, weight=1)
tcltk::tkpack(frame1, fill="x")
# Frame 2, default color schemes
frame2 <- tcltk::ttklabelframe(tt, relief = "flat", borderwidth = 5, padding = 5,
text = "Default color schemes")
frame2.cvs <- tcltk::tkcanvas(frame2, relief="flat", width = 310, height = 70,
background = "white", confine = TRUE, closeenough = 0,
borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0)
tcltk::tkgrid(frame2.cvs, sticky="we")
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame2, 0, weight=1)
tcltk::tkpack(frame2, fill="x", padx=10, pady=10)
# Frame 3, color description
txt <- "Palette description: Hue, Chroma, Luminance, Power"
frame3 <- tcltk::ttklabelframe(tt, relief="flat", borderwidth=5, padding=5, text=txt)
# Appending labels, tcltk grid and add variables.
# This vector will be used in several places to set values
# and/or enable/disable the elements.
slider_elements <- c("h1", "h2", "c1", "cmax", "c2", "l1", "l2", "p1", "p2", "n")
# Setting up the GUI elements (combination of label, slider, and text output)
for ( i in seq_along(slider_elements) ) {
# Name of the current slider element
key = slider_elements[i]
# Command to create the slider label
cmd_label <- sprintf("frame3.lab.%1$d.1 <- tcltk::ttklabel(frame3, text=\"%2$s\", width=5)",
i, toupper(key))
# Command to create the slider
# For p1/p2: numeric(...), for all others: round(numeric(...))
if ( grepl("^p", key) ) {
scl_fun <- "as.numeric(...)"
} else {
scl_fun <- "round(as.numeric(...))"
cmd_slider <- sprintf(paste("frame3.scl.%1$d.2 <- tcltk::tkwidget(frame3,",
"\"ttk::scale\", from = %3$s.lim[1L], to = %3$s.lim[2L],",
"orient = \"horizontal\", value = %3$s, variable = %3$s.scl.var,",
"command = function(...) {",
" ScaleChange(x = %2$s, v=\"%3$s\", x.ent.var = %3$s.ent.var)",
"})"), i, scl_fun, key)
# Command to create the text output
cmd_text <- sprintf(paste("frame3.ent.%1$d.3 <- tcltk::ttkentry(frame3,",
"textvariable=%2$s.ent.var, width = 4)"), i, key)
# Execute the commands
eval(parse(text = cmd_label))
eval(parse(text = cmd_slider))
eval(parse(text = cmd_text))
# Place all sliders (except n) on frame3
if ( ! key == "n" ) {
cmd <- sprintf(paste("tcltk::tkgrid(frame3.lab.%1$d.1, frame3.scl.%1$d.2,",
"frame3.ent.%1$d.3, pady=c(0, 5))"), i)
eval(parse(text = cmd))
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame3.scl.1.2, frame3.scl.2.2, frame3.scl.3.2,
frame3.scl.4.2, frame3.scl.5.2, frame3.scl.6.2,
frame3.scl.7.2, frame3.scl.8.2, frame3.scl.9.2,
sticky="we", padx=c(4, 10))
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame3, 1, weight=1)
tcltk::tkpack(frame3, fill="x", padx=10, pady=0)
# Frame 4, color palette fixup
frame4 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
txt <- "Correct all colors to valid RGB color model values"
frame4.chk.1 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame4, text=txt, variable=fixup.var,
command=function() {
fixup <<- as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var))
DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE)
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame4.chk.1, padx=c(12, 0), pady=c(2, 0))
tcltk::tkpack(frame4, fill="x")
# Frame 5, number of colors in palette
txt <- "Number of colors in palette"
frame5 <- tcltk::ttklabelframe(tt, relief="flat", borderwidth=5, padding=5, text=txt)
frame5.lab.1 <- tcltk::ttklabel(frame5, text="n", width=2)
frame5.ent.3 <- tcltk::ttkentry(frame5, textvariable=n.ent.var, width=4)
frame5.scl.2 <- tcltk::tkwidget(frame5, "ttk::scale", from=n.lim[1], to=n.lim[2],
orient="horizontal", value=n, variable=n.scl.var,
command=function(...) {
ScaleChange(x=round(as.numeric(...)), v="n",
tcltk::tkgrid(frame5.lab.1, frame5.scl.2, frame5.ent.3)
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame5.scl.2, sticky = "we", padx = c(4, 10))
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame5, 1, weight = 1)
tcltk::tkpack(frame5, fill = "x", padx = 10, pady = 10)
# Frame 6, example plots and reverse colors
frame6 <- tcltk::ttklabelframe(tt, relief = "flat", borderwidth = 5, padding = 5,
text = "Show example")
frame6.lab.1 <- tcltk::ttklabel(frame6, text="Plot type") <- tcltk::ttkcombobox(frame6, state="readonly",
textvariable = example.var,
values = example.plots)
frame6.chk.3 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame6, text = "Reverse colors",
variable = reverse.var,
command = function() {
reverse <<- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(reverse.var)))
DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE)
tcltk::tkgrid(frame6.lab.1,, frame6.chk.3)
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(, padx = c(2, 10), sticky = "we")
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame6, 1, weight = 1)
tcltk::tkpack(frame6, fill = "x", padx = 10, pady = 0)
# Frame 7, color palette and robustness checks
frame7 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
frame7.cvs <- tcltk::tkcanvas(frame7, relief="flat",
width=cvs.width + 1, height=cvs.height + 1,
background = "black", confine = TRUE, closeenough = 0,
borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0)
tcltk::tkgrid(frame7.cvs, padx=10, pady=c(12,10))
frame7.chk.1 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame7, text="Desaturation",
command=function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
frame7.chk.2 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame7, text="Dark mode",
command=function() ActivateDarkmode())
tcltk::tkgrid(frame7.chk.1, frame7.chk.2, "x",
pady = c(2, 0), sticky = "w")
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame7.chk.2, padx = c(7, 0))
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame7.cvs, columnspan=5)
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame7, 4, weight = 1)
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame7.chk.1, padx=c(10, 0))
tcltk::tkpack(frame7, fill="x")
# Frame 8, cvd options
frame8 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
frame8.chk.1 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame8, text = "Color blindness:",
variable = colorblind.var,
command = function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
frame8.rb.2 <- tcltk::ttkradiobutton(frame8, variable = colorblind.type.var,
value = "deutan", text = "deutan",
command = function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
frame8.rb.3 <- tcltk::ttkradiobutton(frame8, variable = colorblind.type.var,
value = "protan", text = "protan",
command = function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
frame8.rb.4 <- tcltk::ttkradiobutton(frame8, variable = colorblind.type.var,
value = "tritan", text = "tritan",
command = function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
tcltk::tkgrid(frame8.chk.1, frame8.rb.2, frame8.rb.3, frame8.rb.4,
pady = c(2, 0), sticky = "w")
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame8.rb.2, padx = c(7, 0))
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame8, 4, weight = 1)
tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame8.chk.1, padx=c(10, 0))
tcltk::tkpack(frame8, fill="x")
# Initial commands
pal_args <- ConvertPaletteToAttributes(pal)
# Assign attributes to widget, also enables/disables the sliders
UpdateDataType(init = TRUE)
# Bind events
tcltk::tkbind(tt, "<Control-o>", OpenPaletteFromFile)
tcltk::tkbind(tt, "<Shift-Control-S>", SavePaletteToFile)
tcltk::tkbind(tt, "<Control-r>", RegisterPalette)
UpdateDataTypeInit <- function() UpdateDataType(init = TRUE)
tcltk::tkbind(, "<<ComboboxSelected>>", UpdateDataTypeInit)
tcltk::tkbind(, "<<ComboboxSelected>>", ShowExample)
tcltk::tkbind(frame2.cvs, "<ButtonPress>", function(x, y) SelectDefaultPalette(x, y))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.1.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("h1", h1.lim, h1.ent.var, h1.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.2.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("h2", h2.lim, h2.ent.var, h2.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.3.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("c1", c1.lim, c1.ent.var, c1.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.4.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("cmax", cmax.lim, cmax.ent.var, cmax.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.5.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("c2", c2.lim, c2.ent.var, c2.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.6.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("l1", l1.lim, l1.ent.var, l1.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.7.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("l2", l2.lim, l2.ent.var, l2.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.8.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("p1", p1.lim, p1.ent.var, p1.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.9.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("p2", p2.lim, p2.ent.var, p2.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(frame5.ent.3, "<KeyRelease>",
function() EntryChange("n", n.lim, n.ent.var, n.scl.var))
tcltk::tkbind(tt, "<Destroy>", function() {
tcltk::tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1;
tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.done.var) <- 1 });
# GUI control
if (dev.example %in% dev.list()) = dev.example)
# Setting global variables to avoid notes during R CMD check
utils::globalVariables(c("type" , "h1" , "h2" , "c1" , "l1" , "reverse" , "cmax" ,
"c2" , "l2" , "p1", "p2"))
# Get color palette as function of n
# For testing:
# args <- list(type = "sequential (single hue)",
# h1 = 0, h2 = 120,
# c1 = 10, c2 = 80,
# l1 = 90, l2 = 10,
# fixup = TRUE, p1 = 1, p2 = 1,
# reverse = FALSE, cmax = 50, register = "")
# pal <-, args)
# colorspace::swatchplot(pal(10))
GetPalette <- function(...) { #type, h1, h2, c1, c2, l1, l2, p1, p2, fixup, reverse, cmax, register) {
# Input arguments to list and make fixup logical
arg <- list(...)
arg$fixup <- as.logical(arg$fixup)
# Qualitative color palettes
if (grepl("^(qual|.*[Qq]ualitative)", arg$type)) {
f <- qualitative_hcl
formals(f) <- eval(substitute(alist(n =, h = hh, c = d1, l = d2,
fixup = d3, gamma = NULL, alpha = 1,
palette = NULL, rev = d4,
register = d5, ... =,
h1=, h2=, c1=, l1=, cmax=),
list(hh = c(arg$h1, arg$h2),
d1 = arg$c1,
d2 = arg$l1,
d3 = arg$fixup,
d4 = arg$reverse,
d5 = arg$register)))
# Sequential single-hue palettes
} else if (grepl("^(seqs|.*[Ss]equential.*single)", arg$type)) {
f <- sequential_hcl
formals(f) <- eval(substitute(alist(n =, h = d1, c = d2, l = d3, power = d4,
gamma = NULL, fixup = d5, alpha = 1,
palette = NULL, rev = d6, register = d7, ... =,
h1 =, h2 =, c1 =, c2 =, l1 =, l2 =, p1 =, p2 =, cmax =, c. =),
list(d1 = arg$h1,
d2 = c(arg$c1, arg$cmax, arg$c2),
d3 = c(arg$l1, arg$l2),
d4 = arg$p1,
d5 = arg$fixup,
d6 = arg$reverse,
d7 = arg$register)))
# Sequential multi-hue palettes
} else if (grepl("^(seqm|.*[Ss]equential.*multi)", arg$type)) {
f <- sequential_hcl
formals(f) <- eval(substitute(alist(n =, h = d1, c = d2, l = d3, power = d4,
gamma = NULL, fixup = d5, alpha = 1,
palette = NULL, rev = d6, register = d7, ... =,
h1 =, h2 =, c1 =, c2 =, l1 =, l2 =, p1 =, p2 =, cmax =, c. =),
list(d1 = c(arg$h1, arg$h2),
d2 = c(arg$c1, arg$cmax, arg$c2),
d3 = c(arg$l1, arg$l2),
d4 = c(arg$p1, arg$p2),
d5 = arg$fixup,
d6 = arg$reverse,
d7 = arg$register)))
# Diverging color palettes
} else if (grepl("^(dive|.*[Dd]iverging)", arg$type)) {
f <- diverging_hcl
arg_names <- names(arg[!])
if ( all(c("p1", "p2") %in% arg_names) ) power <- c(arg$p1, arg$p2) else power <- arg$p1
if ( all(c("c1", "cmax") %in% arg_names) ) chroma <- c(arg$c1, arg$cmax) else chroma <- arg$c1
formals(f) <- eval(substitute(alist(n =, h=d1, c = d2, l = d3, power = d4,
gamma = NULL, fixup = d5, alpha = 1,
palette = NULL, rev = d6, register = d7, ... =,
h1 =, h2 =, c1 =, l1 =, l2 =, p1 =, p2 =, cmax = d8),
list(d1 = c(arg$h1, arg$h2),
d2 = chroma,
d3 = c(arg$l1, arg$l2),
d4 = power,
d5 = arg$fixup,
d6 = arg$reverse,
d7 = arg$register,
d8 = arg$cmas)))
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