
svocc.fit <-
function(Y, X, Z, link.sta = "cloglog", link.det = "logit", penalized = FALSE, auc = FALSE,
method = c("optim", "dc"), inits, ...)
    obs <- Y
    occ <- X
    det <- Z
    ## internal funs
    `singleocc.MLE` <-
#    function(parameters, observations, X, Z, link1, link2)
    function(parameters, observations, X, Z, link1, link2)
        par.occ <- parameters[1:NCOL(X)]
        par.det <- parameters[-(1:NCOL(X))]
#        linkinvfun.occ <- binomial(link1)$linkinv
#        linkinvfun.det <- binomial(link2)$linkinv
        phi <- linkinvfun.occ(X %*% par.occ)
        detec <- linkinvfun.det(Z %*% par.det)
        q <- detec * phi
        loglik.bin <- sum(observations * log(q)) + sum((1 - observations) * log(1 - q))
        if (is.na(loglik.bin))
            loglik.bin <- -1e+05
    #Name: LikelihoodPenalizedSingleSurvey.fn
    #Function: To calculate the penalized log likelihood for a single survey occupancy model
    #Input parameters:
    #   parameters: a vector with the value of the parameters for the occupancy and detection model.
    #   observations:vector of size n.sites that contains 1 if the specied was observed,0 otherwise
    #   X:matrix that contains the value of the covariates used in the occupancy model
    #   Z:matrix that contains the value of the covariates used in the detection model
    #   bmax:naive estimated parameters for the occupancy model
    #   dmax:naive estimated parameters for the detection model
    #   psi0:mean estimated occupancy obtained from the MLE
    #   d0:mean estimated detection obtained from the MLE
    #   link1:Link function for the occupancy model
    #   link2:Link function for the detection model
    #   v1:Square root of the sum of the estimated variance for the detection parameters obtained by the MLE
    #   v2:Square root of the sum of the estimated variance for the occupancy parameters obtained by the MLE
    #Output: Value of the penalized log likelihood function evaluated at the value of the parameters
    `singleocc.PMLE` <-
    function(parameters, observations, X, Z, bmax, dmax, psi0, d0, link1, link2, v1, v2)
        param.occup <- parameters[1:NCOL(X)]
        param.detec <- parameters[-(1:NCOL(X))]
        linkinvfun1 <- binomial(link1)$linkinv
        linkinvfun2 <- binomial(link2)$linkinv
#        occup <- linkinvfun1(X %*% param.occup)
#        occup.max <- linkinvfun1(X %*% bmax)
#        detec <- linkinvfun2(Z %*% param.detec)
#        detec.max <- linkinvfun2(Z %*% dmax)
        occup <- linkinvfun.occ(X %*% param.occup)
        occup.max <- linkinvfun.occ(X %*% bmax)
        detec <- linkinvfun.det(Z %*% param.detec)
        detec.max <- linkinvfun.det(Z %*% dmax)
        p <- occup * detec
        LogLikZIB <- (observations * log(p)) + ((1 - observations) * log(1 - p))

        penalty.occupancy <- (1 - mean(occup.max)) * d0 * v1 * sum(abs(param.occup - bmax))
        penalty.detection <- (1 - mean(detec.max)) * psi0 * v2 * sum(abs(param.detec - dmax))
        penalization <- penalty.occupancy + penalty.detection
        LogLik <- sum(LogLikZIB) - penalization
    ## BUGS model for 2^3 kinds of link pairs
    mcmcSS.all <- c("model {",
        "for (i in 1:N.sites) {",
            "Y[i] ~ dbin(p[i], k)",
            "logit(p.occ[i]) <- inprod(X[i, ], beta)",
            "logit(p.det[i]) <- inprod(Z[i, ], theta)",
            "probit(p.occ[i]) <- inprod(X[i, ], beta)",
            "probit(p.det[i]) <- inprod(Z[i, ], theta)",
            "cloglog(p.occ[i]) <- inprod(X[i, ], beta)",
            "cloglog(p.det[i]) <- inprod(Z[i, ], theta)",
            "p[i] <- p.occ[i] * p.det[i]",
        "for (j in 1:num.cov.occ) {",
            "beta[j] ~ dnorm(prior.occ[j,1], prior.occ[j,2])",
        "for (j in 1:num.cov.det) {",
            "theta[j] ~ dnorm(prior.det[j,1], prior.det[j,2])",

    ## evaluation starts here
    method <- match.arg(method)
    X <- occ
    Z <- det
    Y <- obs
    observations <- Y
    N.sites <- length(Y)
    num.cov.occ <- NCOL(X)
    num.cov.det <- NCOL(Z)
    linkinvfun.occ <- binomial(link=make.link(link.sta))$linkinv
    linkinvfun.det <- binomial(link=make.link(link.det))$linkinv
    ## GLM estimates
    glm.occ <- glm.fit(X, Y, family = binomial(link.sta))
    glm.det <- glm.fit(Z, Y, family = binomial(link.det))
    coef.occ <- coef(glm.occ)
    coef.occ[is.na(coef.occ)] <- 0
    coef.det <- coef(glm.det)
    coef.det[is.na(coef.det)] <- 0

    control.optim <- getOption("detect.optim.control")
    ## logLik fun must be maximized
    control.optim$fnscale <- -1
    opmeth <- getOption("detect.optim.method")
    if (is.null(opmeth))
        opmeth <- "BFGS"
    control.dc <- if (method=="dc")
        getOption("detect.dc.control") else NULL
    control.mcmc <- if (method=="dc")
        getOption("detect.mcmc.control") else NULL
    Control <- list(optim.control=control.optim,

    pmle.problem <- FALSE
    converged <- c(mle=NA, pmle=NA)

    if (missing(inits)) {
#        inits <- if (method=="dc")
#            NULL else c(coef.occ, coef.det)
        inits <- c(coef.occ, coef.det)
#    if (inherits(inits, "svisit"))
#        inits <- coef(inits)
    inits <- rep(inits, length(c(coef.occ, coef.det)))[1:length(c(coef.occ, coef.det))]

    ## MLE from MCMC
    if (method=="dc") {
        prec <- control.dc$prec
        n.clones <- control.dc$n.clones
        ## prior specifications
        prior.occ <- cbind(coef.occ, rep(prec, length(coef.occ)))
        prior.det <- cbind(coef.det, rep(prec, length(coef.det)))
        excl.occ <- switch(link.sta,
        excl.det <- switch(link.det,
        model <- dclone::custommodel(mcmcSS.all, c(excl.occ, excl.det))
        dat <- list(Y=obs, X=occ, Z=det, k=1,
            N.sites=N.sites, num.cov.occ=num.cov.occ, num.cov.det=num.cov.det,
            prior.occ=prior.occ, prior.det=prior.det)
#        dat <- dclone(dat, n.clones, multiply=c("Y","k"), unchanged=names(dat)[-c(1,4)])
        ## old specification, depending on options
        ## new specification
#        mle.res <- jags.engine(dat, c("beta", "theta"), model, inits=NULL, cl=cl, ...)
#        mle.res <- jags.fit(dat, c("beta", "theta"), model, inits, ...)
        ## latest preference is that it depends on dcmle
        dcd <- makeDcFit(model=model, data=dat, params=c("beta", "theta"),
            multiply=c("Y","k"), unchanged=names(dat)[-c(1,4)])
        mle.res <- dcmle(dcd, n.clones=n.clones, ...)
    ## MLE from optim
    if (method=="optim") {
        mle.res <- optim(inits, singleocc.MLE, gr = NULL, method = opmeth, hessian = TRUE,
            control = control.optim,
            observations = observations, X = X, Z = Z, link1 = link.sta, link2 = link.det)
        if (rcond(mle.res$hessian) < 1e-06 && penalized) {
            warning("cannot calculate PMLE, condition number too small")
            penalized <- FALSE
    ## PMLE
    if (penalized) {
        if (method=="dc") {
            mle.parameters <- coef(mle.res)
            vv <- dcsd(mle.res)^2
        if (method=="optim") {
            mle.parameters <- mle.res$par
            vv <- -diag(solve(mle.res$hessian))
        mle.par.occ <- mle.parameters[1:num.cov.occ]
        mle.par.det <- mle.parameters[-(1:num.cov.occ)]
        mle.phi <- linkinvfun.occ(X %*% mle.par.occ)
        mle.delta <- linkinvfun.det(Z %*% mle.par.det)
        ## sometimes negative variance values occurr (strange but true)
        ## in this case MLE is returned, not PMLE, but attr is there to remember this unintended change
        if (any(vv < 0)) {
            pmle.res <- NULL
            result <- mle.res
            penalized <- FALSE
            pmle.problem <- TRUE
            warning("negative variance values in optim, penalization not used")
        } else {
            vv.occ <- sqrt(sum(vv[1:num.cov.occ]))
            vv.det <- sqrt(sum(vv[-(1:num.cov.occ)]))
            # parameters, observations, X, Z, bmax, dmax, psi0, d0, link1, link2, v1, v2
            # v1:Square root of the sum of the estimated variance for the detection parameters obtained by the MLE
            # v2:Square root of the sum of the estimated variance for the occupancy parameters obtained by the MLE
            pmle.inits <- mle.parameters
            pmle.res <- optim(pmle.inits, singleocc.PMLE, gr = NULL, method = opmeth, hessian = TRUE,
                    control = control.optim, 
                    observations = observations, X = X, Z = Z, 
                    bmax = coef.occ, dmax = coef.det,
                    psi0 = mean(mle.phi), d0 = mean(mle.delta),
                    link1=link.sta, link2=link.det,
                    v1 = vv.occ, v2 = vv.det)
            result <- pmle.res
    } else {
        pmle.res <- NULL
        result <- mle.res

    ## final evaluation of results
    if (method=="dc" && !penalized) {
        std.error <- dcsd(mle.res)
        parameters <- coef(mle.res)
        loglik <- singleocc.MLE(parameters, observations, X, Z, link1 = link.sta, link2 = link.det)
    } else {
        if (rcond(result$hessian) <= 1e-06)
            std.error <- rep(NA, num.cov.occ + num.cov.det)
        if (rcond(result$hessian) > 1e-06) {
            opvar <- -diag(solve(result$hessian))
            if (any(opvar < 0)) {
                opvar[opvar < 0] <- NA
                ## if pmle.problem=TRUE, this warning would be repeated
                if (!pmle.problem)
                    warning("negative variance values in optim, NAs produced")
            std.error <- sqrt(opvar)
        parameters <- result$par
        loglik <- result$value

    converged[1] <- if (method=="dc")
        gelman.diag(mle.res)$mpsrf < 1.1 else mle.res$convergence == 0
    if (penalized)
        converged[2] <- pmle.res$convergence == 0
    if (any(converged[!is.na(converged)]==FALSE))
        warning("model did not converge\n")

    ## separating occ and det results
    par.occ <- parameters[1:num.cov.occ]
    par.det <- parameters[-(1:num.cov.occ)]
    phi <- linkinvfun.occ(X %*% par.occ)
    delta <- linkinvfun.det(Z %*% par.det)
    se.occ <- std.error[1:num.cov.occ]
    se.det <- std.error[-(1:num.cov.occ)]
    temp <- (phi * (1 - delta))/((1 - phi) + (phi * (1 - delta)))
    phi.obs <- ((observations == 1) * 1) + ((observations == 0) * temp)
    names(par.occ) <- names(se.occ) <- colnames(X)
    names(par.det) <- names(se.det) <- colnames(Z)

    ## AUC calculation
    if (auc) {
        zp <- (phi * delta)[observations == 0]
        op <- (phi * delta)[observations == 1]
        u <- sum(unlist(lapply(op, function(z) sum(zp < z))))
        auc.out <- u / (sum(observations) * (length(observations) - sum(observations)))

    ## SE is not correct when using PMLE
    if (penalized) {
        se.occ[] <- NA
        se.det[] <- NA
    ## assembling return object
    out <- list(coefficients = list(sta = par.occ, det = par.det),
        std.error = list(sta = se.occ, det = se.det), 
        estimated.probabilities = as.numeric(temp), 
        fitted.values = as.numeric(phi.obs), 
        method = method,
        link = list(sta=link.sta, det=link.det),
        nobs = N.sites, 
        df.null = N.sites - 2,
        df.residual = N.sites - num.cov.occ - num.cov.det, 
        inits = inits, 
#        phi = as.numeric(phi),
        occurrence.probabilities = as.numeric(phi),
#        delta = as.numeric(delta), 
        detection.probabilities = as.numeric(delta), 
        loglik = loglik, 
#        results = list(glm.sta = glm.occ, glm.det = glm.det, mle = mle.res, pmle = pmle.res),
        results = list(mle = mle.res, pmle = pmle.res),
        converged = converged, 
        penalized = penalized,
        control = Control)
#        y = observations)
    if (auc)
        out$auc <- auc.out

    Conv <- if (!out$penalized)
        out$converged[1] else out$converged[2]
    if (!Conv) 
        cat("Warning:\n  Model did not converge\n\n")


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