gbm.simplify <- function(
gbm.object, # a gbm object describing sample intensity
n.folds = 10, # number of times to repeat the analysis
n.drops = "auto", # can be automatic or an integer specifying the number of drops to check
alpha = 1, # controls stopping when n.drops = "auto"
prev.stratify = TRUE, # use prevalence stratification in selecting evaluation data = NULL, # an independent evaluation data set - leave here for now
plot = TRUE ) # plot results
# function to simplify a brt model fitted using gbm.step
# version 2.9 - J. Leathwick/J. Elith - June 2007
# starts with an inital cross-validated model as produced by gbm.step
# and then assesses the potential to remove predictors using k-fold cv
# does this for each fold, removing the lowest contributing predictor,
# and repeating this process for a set number of steps
# after the removal of each predictor, the change in predictive deviance
# is computed relative to that obtained when using all predictors
# it returns a list containing the mean change in deviance and its se
# as a function of the number of variables removed
# having completed the cross validation, it then identifies the sequence
# of variable to remove when using the full data set, testing this
# up to the number of steps used in the cross-validation phase of the analysis
# with results reported to the screen - it then returns
# a table containing the order in which variables are to be removed
# and a list of vectors, each of which specifies the predictor col numbers
# in the original dataframe - the latter can be used as an argument to gbm.step
# e.g., gbm.step(data = data, gbm.x = simplify.object$pred.list[[4]]...
# would implement a new analysis with the original predictor set, minus its
# four lowest contributing predictors
if (! requireNamespace('gbm') ) { stop ('you need to install the gbm package to run this function') }
# first get the original analysis details.. <- gbm.object$
data <-$dataframe
# eval(parse($dataframe))
n.cases <- nrow(data)
gbm.x <-$gbm.x
gbm.y <-$gbm.y
family <-$family
lr <-$learning.rate
tc <-$tree.complexity
start.preds <- length(gbm.x)
max.drops <- start.preds - 2 <-$
predictor.names <-$predictor.names
n.trees <-$best.trees
pred.list <- list(initial = gbm.x)
weights <- gbm.object$weights
if (n.drops == "auto") {
auto.stop <- TRUE
} else {
auto.stop <- FALSE
# take a copy of the original data and starting predictors <- data
orig.gbm.x <- gbm.x
# if (!is.null( independent.test <- TRUE
# else independent.test <- FALSE
# extract original performance statistics...
original.deviance <- round(gbm.object$cv.statistics$deviance.mean,4) <- round(gbm.object$cv.statistics$,4)
message("gbm.simplify - version 2.9 \nsimplifying gbm.step model for ",, " with ", start.preds, " predictors and ", n.cases, " observations \noriginal deviance = ", original.deviance, "(",,")")
# check that n.drops is less than n.preds - 2 and update if required
if (auto.stop) {
message("variable removal will proceed until average change exceeds the original se")
n.drops <- 1
} else {
if (n.drops > start.preds - 2) {
message("value of n.drops (",n.drops,") is greater than permitted\nresetting value to ",start.preds - 2)
n.drops <- start.preds - 2
} else {
message("a fixed number of ", n.drops, " drops will be tested")
# set up storage for results
dev.results <- matrix(0, nrow = n.drops, ncol = n.folds)
dimnames(dev.results) <- list(paste("drop.",1:n.drops,sep=""), paste("rep.",1:n.folds,sep=""))
drop.count <- matrix(NA, nrow = start.preds, ncol = n.folds)
dimnames(drop.count) <- list(predictor.names,paste("rep.",1:n.folds,sep=""))
original.deviances <- rep(0,n.folds)
model.list <- list(paste("model",c(1:n.folds),sep="")) # dummy list for the tree models
# create gbm.fixed function call <- paste("try(gbm.fixed(,,gbm.y=gbm.y,",sep="") <- paste(,"family=family,learning.rate=lr,tree.complexity=tc,",sep="") <- paste(,"n.trees = ",n.trees,", site.weights = weights.subset,verbose=FALSE))",sep="")
# now set up the fold structure
if (prev.stratify & family == "bernoulli") {
presence.mask <- data[,gbm.y] == 1
absence.mask <- data[,gbm.y] == 0
n.pres <- sum(presence.mask)
n.abs <- sum(absence.mask)
# create a vector of randomised numbers and feed into presences
selector <- rep(0,n.cases)
temp <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.pres)
temp <- temp[order(runif(n.pres, 1, 100))]
selector[presence.mask] <- temp
# and then do the same for absences
temp <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.abs)
temp <- temp[order(runif(n.abs, 1, 100))]
selector[absence.mask] <- temp
} else {
#otherwise make them random with respect to presence/absence
selector <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.cases)
selector <- selector[order(runif(n.cases, 1, 100))]
# now start by creating the intial models for each fold
message("creating initial models...") <- orig.gbm.x
for (i in 1:n.folds) {
# create the training and prediction folds <-[selector!=i,]
weights.subset <- weights[selector != i] <-[selector==i,]
model.list[[i]] <- eval(parse( # create a fixed size object
# now make predictions to the withheld fold
u_i <-[,gbm.y]
y_i <- gbm::predict.gbm(model.list[[i]],, n.trees, "response")
original.deviances[i] <- round(calc.deviance(u_i,y_i, family = family, calc.mean = TRUE),4)
} # end of creating initial models
n.steps <- 1
message("dropping predictor:", appendLF = FALSE)
while (n.steps <= n.drops & n.steps <= max.drops) {
message(" ", n.steps, appendLF = FALSE)
for (i in 1:n.folds) {
# get the right data <-[selector!=i,] <-[selector==i,]
weights.subset <- weights[selector != i]
# get the current model details
gbm.x <- model.list[[i]]$$gbm.x
n.preds <- length(gbm.x)
these.pred.names <- model.list[[i]]$$predictor.names
contributions <- model.list[[i]]$contributions
# get the index number in pred.names of the last variable in the contribution table
last.variable <- match(as.character(contributions[n.preds,1]),these.pred.names) <- gbm.x[-last.variable]
# and keep a record of what has been dropped
last.variable <- match(as.character(contributions[n.preds,1]),predictor.names)
drop.count[last.variable,i] <- n.steps
model.list[[i]] <- eval(parse( # create a fixed size object
u_i <-[,gbm.y]
y_i <- gbm::predict.gbm(model.list[[i]],,n.trees,"response")
deviance <- round(calc.deviance(u_i,y_i, family = family, calc.mean = TRUE),4)
# calculate difference between intial and new model by subtracting new from old because we want to minimise deviance
dev.results[n.steps,i] <- round(deviance - original.deviances[i] ,4)
if (auto.stop){ # check to see if delta mean is less than original deviance error estimate
delta.mean <- mean(dev.results[n.steps,])
if (delta.mean < (alpha * {
n.drops <- n.drops + 1
dev.results <- rbind(dev.results, rep(0,n.folds))
n.steps <- n.steps + 1
# now label the deviance matrix
dimnames(dev.results) <- list(paste("drop.",1:n.drops,sep=""), paste("rep.", 1:n.folds, sep=""))
# calculate mean changes in deviance and their se <- apply(dev.results,1,mean) <- sqrt(apply(dev.results,1,var))/sqrt(n.folds)
if (plot) {
y.max <- 1.5 * max( +
y.min <- 1.5 * min( -
plot(seq(0,n.drops),c(0,,xlab="variables removed", ylab = "change in predictive deviance",type='l',ylim=c(y.min,y.max))
lines(seq(0,n.drops),c(0, + c(0,,lty = 2)
lines(seq(0,n.drops),c(0, - c(0,,lty = 2)
abline(h = 0 , lty = 2, col = 3)
min.y <- min(c(0,
min.pos <- match(min.y,c(0, - 1 # subtract one because now zero base
abline(v = min.pos, lty = 3, col = 2)
abline(h =, lty = 2, col = 2)
title(paste("RFE deviance - ",," - folds = ",n.folds,sep=""))
# and do a final backwards drop sequence from the original model
message("processing final dropping of variables with full data") <- paste("try(gbm.fixed(,,gbm.y=gbm.y,",sep="") <- paste(,"family=family,learning.rate=lr,tree.complexity=tc,",sep="") <- paste(,"n.trees = ",n.trees,", site.weights = weights,verbose=FALSE))",sep="")
n.steps <- n.steps - 1 #decrement by one to reverse last increment in prev loop
final.model <- gbm.object # restore the original model and data <-
# and set up storage
final.drops <- matrix(NA, nrow = start.preds, ncol = 1)
dimnames(final.drops) <- list(predictor.names,"step")
for (i in 1:n.steps) {
# get the current model details
gbm.x <- final.model$$gbm.x
n.preds <- length(gbm.x)
these.pred.names <- final.model$$predictor.names
contributions <- final.model$contributions
message(i, "-", as.character(contributions[n.preds,1]))
# get the index number in pred.names of the last variable in the contribution table
last.variable <- match(as.character(contributions[n.preds,1]),these.pred.names) <- gbm.x[-last.variable]
# and keep a record of what has been dropped
last.variable <- match(as.character(contributions[n.preds,1]),predictor.names)
final.drops[last.variable] <- i
final.model <- eval(parse( # create a fixed size object
#and then the corresponding numbers
removal.list <- dimnames(final.drops)[[1]]
removal.list <- removal.list[order(final.drops)]
removal.list <- removal.list[1:n.drops]
removal.numbers <- rep(0,n.steps)
# construct predictor lists to faciliate final model fitting
for (i in 1:n.steps) {
removal.numbers[i] <- match(removal.list[i],predictor.names)
pred.list[[i]] <- orig.gbm.x[0-removal.numbers[1:i]]
names(pred.list)[i] <- paste("preds.",i,sep="")
deviance.summary <- data.frame(mean = round(,4), se = round(,4))
final.drops <- data.frame("preds" = dimnames(final.drops)[[1]][order(final.drops)], "order" = final.drops[order(final.drops)])
return(list(deviance.summary = deviance.summary, deviance.matrix = dev.results, drop.count = drop.count, final.drops = final.drops, pred.list = pred.list, =
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