
############################ plot #######################

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "AffLinUnivarLebDecDistribution", y = "missing"),
    function(x, width = 10, height = 5.5, withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"),
             xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ngrid = 1000,
             verticals = TRUE, do.points = TRUE,
             main = FALSE, inner = TRUE, sub = FALSE,
             bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3], ...,
             cex.main = par("cex.main"), cex.inner = 1.2,
             cex.sub = par("cex.sub"), col.points = par("col"),
             col.hor = par("col"), col.vert = par("col"),
             col.main = par("col.main"), col.inner = par("col.main"),
             col.sub = par("col.sub"),  cex.points = 2.0,
             pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16, mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL,
             withSubst = TRUE){

      mc <- as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
      dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
                        expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
      ret <- do.call(getMethod("plot",
              signature(x="UnivarLebDecDistribution",y="missing")), args = mc)
      ret$dots <- dots
      ret$call <- mc
      ret$args <- list(x = x, width = width, height = height,
             withSweave = withSweave, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ngrid = ngrid,
             verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
             main = main, inner = inner, sub = sub, bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar,
             cex.main = cex.main, cex.inner = cex.inner,
             cex.sub = cex.sub, col.points = col.points,
             col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert,
             col.main = col.main, col.inner = col.inner,
             col.sub = col.sub,  cex.points = cex.points,
             pch.u = pch.u, pch.a = pch.a, mfColRow = mfColRow, to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg,
             withSubst = withSubst)

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "UnivarLebDecDistribution", y = "missing"),
    function(x, width = 10, height = 14.5, withSweave = getdistrOption("withSweave"),
             xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ngrid = 1000,
             verticals = TRUE, do.points = TRUE,
             main = FALSE, inner = TRUE, sub = FALSE,
             bmar = par("mar")[1], tmar = par("mar")[3], ...,
             cex.main = par("cex.main"), cex.inner = 0.9,
             cex.sub = par("cex.sub"), col.points = par("col"),
             col.hor = par("col"), col.vert = par("col"),
             col.main = par("col.main"), col.inner = par("col.main"),
             col.sub = par("col.sub"),  cex.points = 2.0,
             pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16, mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL,
             withSubst = TRUE){

      mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = TRUE)
      mc1 <- mc[-1]
      xc <- mc$x
      args0 <- list(x = x, width = width, height = height,
             withSweave = withSweave, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ngrid = ngrid,
             verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
             main = main, inner = inner, sub = sub, bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar,
             cex.main = cex.main, cex.inner = cex.inner,
             cex.sub = cex.sub, col.points = col.points,
             col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert,
             col.main = col.main, col.inner = col.inner,
             col.sub = col.sub,  cex.points = cex.points,
             pch.u = pch.u, pch.a = pch.a, mfColRow = mfColRow, to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg,
             withSubst = withSubst)

      ### manipulating the ... - argument
      dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
                       expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."

      plotD <- getMethod("plot", signature(x = "DiscreteDistribution", 
                                           y = "missing"))
      plotC <- getMethod("plot", signature(x = "AbscontDistribution", 
                                           y = "missing"))

      to.draw <- 1:8
      names(to.draw) <- c("p","q","d.c","p.c","q.c","d.d","p.d","q.d")
      if(! is.null(to.draw.arg)){
            to.draw <- pmatch(to.draw.arg, names(to.draw))
         else if(is.numeric(to.draw.arg)) 
              to.draw <- to.draw.arg
      l.draw <- length(to.draw)

      xlab0.d <- xlab0.c <- list("d"="x", "p"="q", "q"="p")
      ylab0.d <- ylab0.c <- list("d"="d(x)", "p"="p(q)", "q"="q(p)")

      pF <- expression({})
          pF <- .panel.mingle(dots,"panel.first")
      pF <- .fillList(pF, l.draw)
      pL <- expression({})
          pL <- .panel.mingle(dots,"panel.last")
      pL <- .fillList(pL, l.draw)
      dots$panel.first <- dots$panel.last <- NULL

      plotCount <- 1
      if(!is(x, "UnivarLebDecDistribution"))
          x <- .ULC.cast(x)

         mcl <- as.list(mc1)
         mcl$to.draw.arg <- (1:3)[( (6:8) %in%to.draw )] 
         mcl$ngrid <- NULL
         whichPFL <- mcl$to.draw.arg   
         mcl$panel.first <- pF[whichPFL]
         mcl$panel.last  <- pL[whichPFL]
         if(is.null(mcl$xlab)) mcl$xlab <- xlab0.d
         if(is.null(mcl$ylab)) mcl$ylab <- ylab0.d
                   {inner <- .fillList(inner, 8)
                     mcl$inner <- inner[6:8]}
         ret <- do.call(plotD, mcl)
         ret$dots <- dots
         ret$call <- mc
         ret$args <- args0
         mcl <- as.list(mc1)
         mcl$col.hor <- NULL
         if(is.null(mcl$xlab)) mcl$xlab <- xlab0.c
         if(is.null(mcl$ylab)) mcl$ylab <- ylab0.c
         mcl$to.draw.arg <- (1:3)[( (3:5) %in%to.draw )]
         whichPFL <- mcl$to.draw.arg   
         mcl$panel.first <- pF[whichPFL]
         mcl$panel.last  <- pL[whichPFL]
                   {inner <- .fillList(inner, 8)
                     mcl$inner <- inner[6:8]}
         ret <- do.call(plotC, as.list(mcl))
         ret$dots <- dots
         ret$call <- mc
         ret$args <- args0
         x <- x@mixDistr[[2]]
         mcl <- as.list(mc1)
         if(is.null(mcl$xlab)) mcl$xlab <- xlab0.d
         if(is.null(mcl$ylab)) mcl$ylab <- ylab0.d
         mcl$x <- x
         mcl$to.draw.arg <- (1:3)[( (6:8) %in%to.draw )] 
         mcl$ngrid <- NULL
         whichPFL <- if(l.draw<8) mcl$to.draw.arg else 5+mcl$to.draw.arg  
         mcl$panel.first <- pF[whichPFL]
         mcl$panel.last  <- pL[whichPFL]
                   {inner <- .fillList(inner, 8)
                     mcl$inner <- inner[6:8]}
         ret <- do.call(plotD, as.list(mcl))
         ret$dots <- dots
         ret$call <- mc
         ret$args <- args0

         x <- x@mixDistr[[1]]
         mcl <- as.list(mc1)
         if(is.null(mcl$xlab)) mcl$xlab <- xlab0.c
         if(is.null(mcl$ylab)) mcl$ylab <- ylab0.c
         mcl$x <- x
         mcl$to.draw.arg <- (1:3)[( (3:5) %in%to.draw )] 
         mcl$col.hor <- NULL
         whichPFL <- if(l.draw<8) mcl$to.draw.arg else 2+mcl$to.draw.arg  
         mcl$panel.first <- pF[whichPFL]
         mcl$panel.last  <- pL[whichPFL]
                   {inner <- .fillList(inner, 8)
                     mcl$inner <- inner[6:8]}
         ret <- do.call(plotC, as.list(mcl))
         ret$dots <- dots
         ret$call <- mc
         ret$args <- args0

      plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)

      dots.for.points <- .makedotsPt(dots)

      dots.lowlevel <- .makedotsLowLevel(dots)
      dots.without.pch <- dots.lowlevel[! (names(dots.lowlevel) %in% c("pch", "col"))]
      dots.for.lines <- .makedotsL(dots)
      dots.v <- dots.for.lines
      dots.v$col <- NULL
              inner <- as.list(inner)
            #stop("Argument 'inner' must either be 'logical' or a 'list'")
          inner <- .fillList(inner,l.draw)          
     cex <- if (hasArg("cex")) dots$cex else 1

     if (hasArg("cex") && missing(cex.points))
         cex.points <- 2.0 * cex

     if (hasArg("pch") && missing(pch.u))
          pch.u <- dots$pch
     if (hasArg("pch") && missing(pch.a))
          pch.a <- dots$pch

     if (hasArg("col") && missing(col.points))
         col.points <- dots$col
     if (hasArg("col") && missing(col.vert))
         col.vert <- dots$col
     if (hasArg("col") && missing(col.main))
        col.main <- dots$col
     if (hasArg("col") && missing(col.inner))
        col.inner <- dots$col
     if (hasArg("col") && missing(col.sub))
        col.sub <- dots$col

     if (!withSweave){
           devNew(width = width, height = height)
     omar <- par("mar", no.readonly = TRUE)
 #    omar$cin <- omar$cra <- omar$csi <- omar$cxy <-  omar$din <- NULL
     if(mfColRow) (on.exit(par(omar, no.readonly = TRUE)))
     mainL <- FALSE
     subL <- FALSE
     lineT <- NA
     logpd <- logq <- ""

     slots <-  slotNames(param(x))
     slots <-  slots[slots != "name"]
     nrvalues <-  length(slots)
     if(nrvalues > 0){
           values <-  numeric(nrvalues)
       for(i in 1:nrvalues)
         values[i] <-  attributes(attributes(x)$param)[[slots[i]]]
       paramstring <-  paste(values, collapse = ", ")
       nparamstring <-  paste(slots, "=", values, collapse = ", ")
       qparamstring <- paste("(",paramstring,")",sep="")
     else paramstring <- qparamstring <- nparamstring <- ""

     .mpresubs <- if(withSubst){ 
                    .presubs(inx, c("%C", "%D", "%N", "%P", "%Q", "%A"),
                  }else function(inx)inx
     .mp2 <- function(dlb = dots$xlab, lb0 = list(list("p"="q", "q"="p"),
                          list("d"="x", "p"="q", "q"="p"),
                          list("d"="x", "p"="q", "q"="p"))){
              if (!is.null(dlb)){
              if(is.call(dlb)) dlb <- dlb[-1]
              .mp <- if(is.list(dlb)) function(x,i){
                                if(is.call(x)) x <- eval(x)
                                if(length(i)==0) return(NULL)
                                i <- min(i)
                                res <- .mpresubs(x[[i]])
                                if(length(res)==0) return(NULL)
                                if(is.call(res)) res <- res[-1]
                                }else function(x,i){
                                  if(length(x)==1) return(x[1])
                                  res <- x[i]
                                  if(length(res)==0) return(NULL)
                                  if(is.na(res)) return(NULL)
              iL <- 1:length(to.draw)
              .mp3 <- .mp(dlb,iL[to.draw==1])
              if(1%in%to.draw & !is.null(.mp3)) lb0[[1]][["p"]] <- .mp3
              .mp3 <- .mp(dlb,iL[to.draw==2])
              if(2%in%to.draw & !is.null(.mp3)) lb0[[1]][["q"]] <- .mp3
              .mp3 <- .mp(dlb,iL[to.draw==3])
              if(3%in%to.draw & !is.null(.mp3)) lb0[[2]][["d"]] <- .mp3
              .mp3 <- .mp(dlb,iL[to.draw==4])
              if(4%in%to.draw & !is.null(.mp3)) lb0[[2]][["p"]] <- .mp3
              .mp3 <- .mp(dlb,iL[to.draw==5])
              if(5%in%to.draw & !is.null(.mp3)) lb0[[2]][["q"]] <- .mp3
              .mp3 <- .mp(dlb,iL[to.draw==6])
              if(6%in%to.draw & !is.null(.mp3)) lb0[[3]][["d"]] <- .mp3
              .mp3 <- .mp(dlb,iL[to.draw==7])
              if(7%in%to.draw & !is.null(.mp3)) lb0[[3]][["p"]] <- .mp3
              .mp3 <- .mp(dlb,iL[to.draw==8])
              if(8%in%to.draw & !is.null(.mp3)) lb0[[3]][["q"]] <- .mp3

      xlab0 <- .mp2()
      xlab0.c <- xlab0[[2]]
      xlab0.d <- xlab0[[3]]
      dots$xlab <- NULL
      ylab0 <- .mp2(dlb = dots$ylab, lb0 = list(list("p"="p(q)", "q"="q(p)"),
                          list("d"="d(x)", "p"="p(q)", "q"="q(p)"),
                          list("d"="d(x)", "p"="p(q)", "q"="q(p)")))
      ylab0.c <- xlab0[[2]]
      ylab0.d <- ylab0[[3]]
      dots$ylab <- NULL

     if (hasArg("main")){
         mainL <- TRUE
         if (is.logical(main)){
             if (!main) mainL <-  FALSE
                  main <- gettextf("Distribution Plot for %%A") ###
                          ### double  %% as % is special for gettextf
         main <- .mpresubs(main)
         if (mainL) {
                tmar <- 5
                cex.inner <- .9
             lineT <- 0.6
     if (hasArg("sub")){
         subL <- TRUE
         if (is.logical(sub)){
             if (!sub) subL <-  FALSE
             else       sub <- gettextf("generated %%D")
                          ### double  %% as % is special for gettextf
         sub <- .mpresubs(sub)
         if (subL)
             if (missing(bmar)) bmar <- 6

        opar <- par("mfrow", mar = c(bmar,omar[2],tmar,omar[4]), no.readonly = TRUE)
        ## common:
        com.drw <- (1:2)[( (1:2) %in%to.draw )]
        disc.drw <-(1:3)[( (3:5) %in%to.draw )]
        cont.drw <-(1:3)[( (6:8) %in%to.draw )]
        lcom.drw <- length(com.drw)
        ldisc.drw <- length(disc.drw)
        lcont.drw <- length(cont.drw) 
        nrw.drw <- (lcom.drw>0)+(ldisc.drw>0)+(lcont.drw>0)
        le.drw <- c(lcom.drw,ldisc.drw,lcont.drw)
        tw.drw <- any(le.drw==2); th.drw <- any(le.drw==3);
        cmm.drw <- (1+tw.drw)*(1+th.drw*2)
        ma.drw <- NULL; man.drw <- 0
           ma.drw <- rep( 1:lcom.drw, 
                          each = cmm.drw/length(com.drw))
           man.drw <- length(com.drw)
           ma.drw <- c(ma.drw, rep(1:ldisc.drw + man.drw, 
                       each = cmm.drw/length(disc.drw)))
           man.drw <- man.drw + length(disc.drw)
           ma.drw <- c(ma.drw, rep(1:lcont.drw + man.drw, 
                       each = cmm.drw/length(cont.drw)))
        if(nrw.drw >0 ) layout(matrix(ma.drw, byrow=TRUE,  nrow=nrw.drw))
        opar <- par(mar = c(bmar,omar[2],tmar,omar[4]), no.readonly = TRUE)

        inner.p <- if (inner)
                   .mpresubs(gettextf("CDF of %%C%%Q")) else ""
        inner.q <- if (inner)
                   .mpresubs(gettextf("Quantile function of %%C%%Q")) else ""
                          ### double  %% as % is special for gettextf
        iL <- 1:length(to.draw[to.draw<=2])

        inner.p <- if(1%in%to.draw) .mpresubs(inner[[min(iL[to.draw==1])]]) else NULL
        inner.q <- if(2%in%to.draw) .mpresubs(inner[[min(iL[to.draw==2])]]) else NULL

     lower0 <- min(getLow(x@mixDistr[[1]],
                      eps = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")*2),
     upper0 <- max(getUp(x@mixDistr[[1]],
                      eps = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")*2),
     me <- q.l(x)(1/2); s <- q.l(x)(3/4)-q.l(x)(1/4)
     lower1 <- me - 6 * s
     upper1 <- me + 6 * s
     lower <- max(lower0, lower1)
     upper <- min(upper0, upper1)

     ## ngrid  nr of gridpoints
     ## exactq two p-values are considered equal if difference is
     ## is less than 10^-exactq in abs. value

     dist <- upper - lower
     del <- getdistrOption("DistrResolution")
     supp <- support(x)

     {  if(length(xlim)!=2) stop("Wrong length of Argument xlim");
           grid <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = ngrid)
           supp <- supp[(supp >= xlim[1]) & (supp <= xlim[2])]
     }else{grid <- seq(from = lower - 0.1 * dist, to = upper + 0.1 * dist,
                       length = ngrid)
           supp <- support(x)

     grid <- unique(sort( c(supp, supp-del , grid )))
     pxg <- p(x)(grid)

         { if (any(c(2,5,8) %in% to.draw) && any( c(1,3,4,6,7) %in% to.draw)){
                 if(! length(ylim) %in% c(2,4)) 
                     stop("Wrong length of Argument ylim")
                 if(! length(ylim) == 2) 
                     stop("Wrong length of Argument ylim")
           ylim <- matrix(ylim, 2,2)
           ylim2 <- ylim[,2]
     else ylim2 <- c(-0.05,1.05)

         {logpd <- dots$log
          logq <- gsub("u","y",gsub("y","x",gsub("x", "u", logpd)))
             ylim2 <- c(max(min(pxg[pxg>0]), ylim2[1]),

         grid <- unique(sort( c(supp-del/2, grid )))
         grid[.isIn(grid,cbind(supp-del/2,supp-del/2))] <- NA
         pxg <- p(x)(grid)
         xv <- as.vector(t(cbind(supp-del,supp,NA)))
         pxv <- p(x)(xv)

     plotInfo$to.draw <- to.draw
     plotInfo$panelFirst <- pF
     plotInfo$panelLast <- pL

     o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
     if(1 %in% to.draw){
        dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
        dots.lowlevel$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
        dots.lowlevel$xlim <- xlim
        plotInfo$pplot$plot <- c(list(x = grid, pxg, type = "l",
             ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["p"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["p"]], log = logpd),
        do.call(plot, c(list(x = grid, pxg, type = "l",
             ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["p"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["p"]], log = logpd),
        plotInfo$pplot$usr <- par("usr")

        dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- dots.lowlevel$panel.last <- NULL
        dots.lowlevel$xlim <- NULL
        plotCount <- plotCount + 1
        options(warn = o.warn)
        pxg.d <- p(x)(supp)
        pxg.d0 <- p(x)(supp-del)
           do.call(points, c(list(x = supp, y = pxg.d, pch = pch.a,
                     cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
           do.call(points, c(list(x = supp-del, y = pxg.d0, pch = pch.u,
                     cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
           plotInfo$pplot$points.u <- c(list(x = supp, y = pxg.d, pch = pch.a,
                     cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
           plotInfo$pplot$points.a <- c(list(x = supp-del, y = pxg.d0, pch = pch.u,
                     cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
            do.call(lines, c(list(x = xv, y = pxv, col = col.vert),
            plotInfo$pplot$vlines <- c(list(x = xv, y = pxv, col = col.vert),
        title(main = inner.p, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
              col.main = col.inner)
        plotInfo$pplot$title <- list(main = inner.p, line = lineT,
                  cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
     ### quantiles

     ### fix finite support bounds
     ixg  <-  grid>=max(q.l(x)(0),lower) & grid <= min(q.l(x)(1),upper)
     pxg  <-   pxg[ixg]
     grid <-  grid[ixg]
     if(is.finite(q.l(x)(0))) {grid <- c(q.l(x)(0),grid); pxg <- c(0,pxg)}
     if(is.finite(q.l(x)(1))) {grid <- c(grid,q.l(x)(1)); pxg <- c(pxg,1)}

#     ### fix constancy regions of p(x)
#     if(isOldVersion(x)) x <- conv2NewVersion(x)
#     if(length(pxv))
#         do.call(lines, c(list(x = pxv, y = xv), dots.without.pch))
        i.not.gap    <- !.isIn(grid,gaps(x))
        ndots <- nrow(gaps(x))
        pu1 <- p(x)(gaps(x)[,1])
        if (verticals){
             xu <- c(gaps(x)[,1],gaps(x)[,2], grid[i.not.gap])
             pu <- c(rep(pu1,2), pxg[i.not.gap])
             xu <- c(gaps(x)[,1],rep(NA,ndots),gaps(x)[,2], grid[i.not.gap])
             pu <- c(rep(pu1,3), pxg[i.not.gap])
        o <- order(pu)
        po <- pu[o]
        xo <- xu[o]
        po <- pxg
        xo <- grid

     if(2 %in% to.draw){
        options(warn = -1)
        dots.without.pch$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
        dots.without.pch$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
        plotInfo$qplot$plot <- c(list(x = po, xo, type = "n",
             xlim = ylim2, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["q"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["q"]],
             log = logq), dots.without.pch)
        do.call(plot, c(list(x = po, xo, type = "n",
             xlim = ylim2, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["q"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["q"]],
             log = logq), dots.without.pch), envir = parent.frame(2))
        plotInfo$qplot$usr <- par("usr")
        plotCount <- plotCount + 1
        dots.without.pch$panel.first <- dots.without.pch$panel.last <- NULL
        options(warn = o.warn)
        title(main = inner.q, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
              col.main = col.inner)
        plotInfo$qplot$title <- c(main = inner.q, line = lineT,
             cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)

        options(warn = -1)
        do.call(lines, c(list(x=po, y=xo), dots.for.lines))
   #    if (verticals && !is.null(gaps(x))){
   #         do.call(lines, c(list(rep(pu1,2), c(gaps(x)[,1],gaps(x)[,2]),
   #                 col = col.vert), dots.without.pch))
   #     }
        plotInfo$qplot$lines <- c(list(x=po, y=xo), dots.for.lines)

        options(warn = o.warn)
        if (verticals && !is.null(gaps(x))){
                pu <- rep(pu1,3)
                xu <- c(gaps(x)[,1],gaps(x)[,2],rep(NA,ndots))
                o <- order(pu)
                do.call(lines, c(list(pu[o], xu[o],
                        col = col.vert), dots.v))
                plotInfo$qplot$vlines <- c(list(pu[o], xu[o],
                        col = col.vert), dots.v)
        if(!is.null(gaps(x)) && do.points){
            do.call(points, c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,1], pch = pch.a,
                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
            do.call(points, c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,2], pch = pch.u,
                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
            plotInfo$qplot$points.u <- c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,1], pch = pch.a,
                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
            plotInfo$qplot$points.a <- c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,2], pch = pch.u,
                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)

              do.call(points, c(list(x = 0, y = q.l(x)(0), pch = pch.u,
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
              plotInfo$qplot$points0 <- c(list(x = 0, y = q.l(x)(0), pch = pch.u,
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
              do.call(points, c(list(x = 1, y = q.l(x)(1), pch = pch.a,
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
              plotInfo$qplot$points0 <- c(list(x = 1, y = q.l(x)(1), pch = pch.a,
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
        if (mainL){
            mtext(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
                  outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
            plotInfo$mainL <- list(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
                  outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
        if (subL){
            mtext(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
                  outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
            plotInfo$subL <- list(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
               outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
    mc.ac <- mc1
       mc.ac$inner <- lapply(inner[3:5], function(x) 
                             else .mpresubs(x)) 
     mc.ac$xlab <- xlab0.c
     mc.ac$ylab <- ylab0.c
     mc.ac$mfColRow <- FALSE
     mc.ac$main <- FALSE
     mc.ac$sub <- FALSE
     mc.ac$x <- NULL 
     mc.ac$withSweave <- TRUE 
     mc.ac$to.draw.arg <- (1:3)[( (3:5) %in%to.draw )] 
     if(is.null(mc.ac$cex.inner))  mc.ac$cex.inner <- 0.9

     whichPFL <- plotCount-1+mc.ac$to.draw.arg  
     mc.ac$panel.first <- pF[whichPFL]
     mc.ac$panel.last  <- pL[whichPFL]

     plotInfo$ac <- do.call(plotC, c(list(acPart(x)),mc.ac), envir = parent.frame(2))
     plotCount <- plotCount + 3

     mc.di <- mc1
         mc.di$inner <- lapply(inner[6:8], function(x) 
                               else .mpresubs(x)) 
     mc.di$xlab <- xlab0.d
     mc.di$ylab <- ylab0.d
     mc.di$mfColRow <- FALSE
     mc.di$main <- FALSE
     mc.di$sub <- FALSE
     mc.di$x <- NULL
     mc.di$ngrid <- NULL
     mc.di$withSweave <- TRUE 
     mc.di$to.draw.arg <- (1:3)[( (6:8) %in%to.draw )]
     if(is.null(mc.di$cex.inner))  mc.di$cex.inner <- 0.9

     whichPFL <- plotCount-1+mc.di$to.draw.arg  
     mc.di$panel.first <- pF[whichPFL]
     mc.di$panel.last  <- pL[whichPFL]
     plotInfo$di <- do.call(plotD, c(list(discretePart(x)),mc.di), envir = parent.frame(2))
     plotCount <- plotCount + 3
     plotInfo$plotCount <- plotCount
     class(plotInfo) <- c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "CompoundDistribution", y = "missing"),
           function(x, ...) {
           mc <- as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), 
                            expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
           ret <- do.call(getMethod("plot",signature(x = "UnivarLebDecDistribution",
                                      y = "missing")),args=mc)
           ret$call <- mc

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distr documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 3 a.m.