
## $Id: detPhase.R 600 2014-01-30 03:31:47Z sluque $

".rleActivity" <- function(time, act, interval)
    ## Value: list with factor breaking activity phases, duration of each,
    ## and beginning and end times of each
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: time=POSIXct date and time; act=factor representing
    ## activity for each row interval=sampling interval (s) in POSIXct
    ## units
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Sebastian Luque
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    runs <- rle(as.vector(act))
    cuttimbr <- factor(rep(seq(along=runs$lengths), runs$lengths))
    timsplit <- split(time, cuttimbr)
    begtim <- .POSIXct(sapply(timsplit, "[", 1),  "GMT")
    names(begtim) <- NULL
    endtim <- .POSIXct(sapply(timsplit, function(x) x[length(x)]), "GMT")
    names(endtim) <- NULL
    duration <- difftime(endtim, begtim, units="secs") + interval

".detPhase" <- function(time, depth, dry.thr, wet.cond, wet.thr,
    ## Value: list with index of per-row activities, the activity code, and
    ## start and end of each activity phase
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: time=POSIXct vector; depth=numeric vector with depth
    ## readings (m); dry.thr=duration (in s) of on-land readings that
    ## should be considered at-sea; wet.thr=duration (in s) of at-sea
    ## readings to be taken as leisure; wet.cond=logical indicating which
    ## observations should be considered wet (only needed when instrument
    ## did not have a salt-water switch turning off recording of depth, or
    ## when it was inappropriately used); interval=sampling interval in
    ## POSIXct units (s), to pass to rleActivity
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Sebastian Luque
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Factor with default "land" values to code activity levels: L=land,
    ## W=wet (at-sea), U=underwater (below dive threshold), D=diving, Z=wet
    ## (leisure)
    trange <- range(time)
    trange.diff <- difftime(trange[2], trange[1], units="secs")
    if (wet.thr >= trange.diff)
        warning("wet.thr is larger than duration of time series")
    if (dry.thr >= trange.diff)
        warning("dry.thr is larger than duration of time series")
    act <- factor(rep("L", length(time)), levels=c("L", "W", "U", "D", "Z"))
    ## W when animal is wet; i.e. when depth is being recorded
    if (missing(wet.cond)) {
        act[!is.na(depth)] <- "W"
    } else {                            # or when wet.cond=TRUE
        if ((!is.logical(wet.cond)) || (length(wet.cond) != length(depth)))
            stop("'wet.cond' must be a logical vector as long as 'depth'")
        act[wet.cond] <- "W"
    ## First run calculates times in each activity phase from the raw data
    rawacts <- .rleActivity(time, act, interval)
    ## On-land activity < 'dry.thr' should be considered still at-sea
    land <- levels(rawacts[[1]])[rawacts[[2]] < dry.thr]
    act[rawacts[[1]] %in% land & act == "L"] <- "W"
    ## Second run; at-sea phases < wet.thr should be leisure
    leiacts <- .rleActivity(time, act, interval)
    leisure <- levels(leiacts[[1]])[leiacts[[2]] < wet.thr]
    act[leiacts[[1]] %in% leisure & act == "W"] <- "Z"
    ## Last run of NAs should be forced back to "L"
    maxnoNA <- max(which(!is.na(depth)))
    if (maxnoNA < length(act)) act[(maxnoNA + 1):length(act)] <- "L"
    ## Final run to determine times with all corrected activities
    finacts <- .rleActivity(time, act, interval)
    nphase <- length(levels(finacts[[1]]))
    if(act[1] == "L" & act[length(act)] == "L") {
        message("Record is complete\n", nphase, " phases detected")
    } else {
        if(act[1] != "L" & act[length(act)] != "L") {
            message("Record is truncated at the beginning and at the end\n",
                    nphase, " phases detected")
        } else {
            if(act[1] != "L") {
                message("Record is truncated at the beginning\n", nphase,
                        " phases detected")
            } else {
                message("Record is truncated at the end\n", nphase,
                        " phases detected")
    indphases <- as.numeric(finacts[[1]])
    names(finacts[[3]]) <- seq(length(finacts[[3]]))
    names(finacts[[4]]) <- seq(length(finacts[[4]]))
    list(phase.id=indphases,            # index of per-row activities
         activity=act,                  # activities themselves
         begin=finacts[[3]],            # start of activity phase
         end=finacts[[4]])              # end of activity phase

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diveMove documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.