
edbDataSource <- function(# Create an RODBC data source (from an 'edb' reference). Only for MS Windows RODBC databases.
### Create an RODBC data source (from an 'edb' reference). Only 
### for MS Windows RODBC databases. Generic function that call 
### class-specific method corresponding to the class of the 
### \code{edb} object provided.


### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbDataSource")}

){  #
    UseMethod( generic = "edbDataSource", object = edb ) 
}   #

edb <- function(# Create a database description (class 'edb'), to be used by other functions.
### Create a database description (class 'edb'), to be used by 
### other functions. Notice that this is _not_ a database connection, 
### so the function won't give a warning if the database does not 
### exists (yet) or if some parameters are wrong.

##seealso<< \code{\link{edbRead}}, \code{\link{edbWrite}}, 
## \code{\link{edbNames}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}.

### Single character string. Type of the database to describe, 
### formatted as \code{RPackageName_DatabaseType}. Possible values 
### are \code{RSQLite_SQLite}, \code{RODBC_Access} or 
### \code{RODBC_MySQL}. 

### Single character string. Name of the database to describe 
### (should include the path to the database if it is not in the 
### working directory. MySQL database have no path of course). 
### Not to be confused with the data source name below.

### Single character string. Name of the data source (only ODBC 
### databases) for this database.

### Single character string. The IP address of the remote database 
### server (only for RODBC_MySQL).

### Single character string. Database login (or user name). Only 
### for certain dbType (only for RODBC_MySQL). 

### Single character string. Database password (eventually user 
### specific). Only for certain dbType (only for RODBC_MySQL). 

### Single integer. The connexion port to the database (only for 
### RODBC_MySQL). 

### Additional named arguments, to be passed to the function used 
### to connect to the database (internally).

){  #
    res <- list( 
        "dbName"       = dbName, 
        "dbLogin"      = dbLogin, 
        "dbPwd"        = dbPwd, 
        "dbSourceName" = dbSourceName, 
        "dbHost"       = dbHost, 
        "dbPort"       = dbPort  
    )   #
    dotDot <- list(...) 
    if( length( dotDot ) != 0 ) 
    {   #
        res <- c( res, dotDot ) 
    }   #
    class( res ) <- c( "edb", dbType ) 
    return( res ) 
}   #

.formatCol <- function(# Convert the columns of a data.frame 
### Convert the columns of a data.frame.


### A data.frame

### If not NULL, a named list of functions to be applied to certain columns 
### after the data has been extracted from the database. The name of each list 
### item gives the column to process, and the value of each item gives the 
### function that must be applied. For instance 
### formatCol = list("DATE"=as.Date) will apply the function 
### \link{as.Date} to the column "DATE".

){  #
    if( !is.null(formatCol) )
    {   #
        if( !is.list( formatCol ) ) # Test that it is a list 
        {   #
            stop( "'formatCol' must be a list." ) 
        }   #
        namez <- names( formatCol ) 
        if( is.null( namez ) ) # Test that each item has a name
        {   #
            stop( "'formatCol' must be a named list. names(formatCol) can not be NULL." ) 
        }   #
        colz <- colnames(x) 
        # Test that each name in formatCol is a column name:
        testNamez <- namez %in% colz 
        if( any( !testNamez ) )
        {   #
                    sep = "", 
                    "Some names in 'formatCol' are not column names:", 
                    paste( collapse = ", ", namez[ !testNamez ] ) 
                )   #
            )   #
        }   #
        # Test that all item in formatCol is a function:
        testItems <- unlist( lapply( X = formatCol, FUN = class ) ) 
        testItems <- testItems == "function" 
        if( any( !testItems ) )
        {   #
            stop( "Values in 'formatCol' must be functions." ) 
        }   #
        res <- lapply( 
            X   = 1:length(formatCol), 
            FUN = function(X){ 
                selCol <- namez[ X ] 
                res <- formatCol[[ X ]]( x[, selCol ] ) 
                return( res ) 
            }   #
        )   #
        res <- do.call( 
            what = "data.frame", 
            args = c(res,"stringsAsFactors" = FALSE) 
        )   #
        colnames( res ) <- namez 
        x <- data.frame( 
            x[, !(colz %in% namez), drop = FALSE ], 
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE 
        )   #
        x <- x[, colz ] 
        names( x ) <- colz 
    }   #
    return( x ) 
}   #

edbRead <- function(# Read all or part of a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Read all or part of a table in a database (referenced by 'edb'). 
### Generic function that call class-specific method corresponding 
### to the class of the \code{edb} object provided.

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbWrite}}, 
## \code{\link{edbNames}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### A list of named items. List of contrains/criterion to be applied 
### on \code{tableName} to retrieve a subset of rows. Each item in 
### \code{sRow} must be named after the columns on which the constrain 
### apply. The (vector of) value(s) of each items are the possible values 
### that can be retrieved. Values can be character or numeric. If NULL 
### (the default), all values are returned.

### A vector of character strings. Names of the columns to retrieve.

### A single character string. Operator to be used to combine multiple 
### constrains in sRow. Possible values are "OR" or "AND". Default value 
### is "AND".

### If not NULL, a named list of functions to be applied to certain columns 
### after the data has been extracted from the database. The name of each list 
### item gives the column to process, and the value of each item gives the 
### function that must be applied. For instance 
### formatCol = list("DATE"=as.Date) will apply the function 
### \link{as.Date} to the column "DATE".

### Single logical. If TRUE, unique values in the result table will 
### be returned, using the \code{SELECT DISTINCT} SQL statement. 
### This is equivalent to applying \code{\link{unique}} to the 
### data.frame returned by the function, except that the action is 
### performed inside the database (not in R).

### Vector of character strings, or NULL (the default). If non NULL, 
### vector of column names that must be used to sort the result table. 
### Column names may be followed by a space and 'DESC' if the column 
### must be sorted in a descending order ('ASC', ascending, is the 
### default). For example, \code{oderBy = "MYCOLUMN DESC"}. This 
### operation is performed in the database with SQL ORDER BY 
### statement and is equivalent to ordering the data in R with 
### \code{\link{order}}.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbRead")}

){  #
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( tableName ) ){ stop( "Argument 'tableName' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    UseMethod( generic = "edbRead", object = edb ) 
}   #

.edbOperation <- function(# Connect to a database (referenced by 'edb'), do some operation and close the database.
### Connect to a database (referenced by 'edb'), do some 
### operation and close the database.
### Generic function that call class-specific method corresponding 
### to the class of the \code{edb} object provided.


### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single expression, eventually between \code{expression({})}. Expression 
### that will be passed to tryCatch after a connection to the database has 
### been established. Additional parameters can be passed 
### to ..., and the database connexion object must be named 'dbCon'. 
### If an output is returned, it must be saved in an object called 
### 'exprOut' that is then returned by \code{.edbOperation}. After the 
### operation is done, the database connection is closed (even if an 
### error was detected).

### Vector of character strings. Error data classes to be found in 
### tryCatch result.

### Single logical. If TRUE and an error is detected, the function stops 
### AFTER closing the database and driver. If FALSE it just returns 
### the error as an object.

 errorMessage="An error was detected by tryCatch", 
### Error message to be send if an error is detected. Either as 
### stop message if \code{stopOnError = TRUE} or as a warning 

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbRead")}

){  #
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( expr ) ){ stop( "Argument 'expr' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    UseMethod( generic = ".edbOperation", object = edb ) 
}   #

.edbFileExists <- function(# Internal function. Checks if some files exist and stop otherwise.
### Internal function. Checks if some files exist and stop otherwise.

### Names of the file to check.

){  #
    absent <- !file.exists( fileNames ) 
    if( any( absent ) ) 
    {   #
        msg <- sprintf( 
            fmt = "Some file(s) (%s) could not be found.\n", 
            paste( fileNames[ absent ], collapse = ", " ) 
        )   #
        stop( msg )
    }   #
}   #

edbColnames <- function(# Retrieve column names of a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Retrieve column names of a table in a database (referenced by 
### 'edb'). Generic function that call class-specific method 
### corresponding to the class of the \code{edb} object provided.
### Notice that the methods do NOT retrieve the full table to 
### get its column names (so it should work even if the table is big).

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbRead}}, 
## \code{\link{edbWrite}}, 
## \code{\link{edbNames}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbColnames")}

){  #
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( tableName ) ){ stop( "Argument 'tableName' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    UseMethod( generic = "edbColnames", object = edb ) 
}   #

.edb.sRow <- function(

### A list of named items. List of contrains/criterion to be applied 
### on a table to retrieve a subset of rows. Each item in 
### \code{sRow} must be named after the columns on which the constrain 
### apply. The (vector of) value(s) of each items are the possible values 
### that can be retrieved. Values can be character or numeric. If NULL 
### (the default), all values are returned.

### A single character string. Operator to be used to combine multiple 
### constrains in sRow. Possible values are "OR" or "AND". Default value 
### is "AND".

 charQ = "\"", 
### A single character string. The character used to quote character 
### strings and factors.

 colQ = c("[","]") 
### A vector of length 2, with the character string that must preceed 
### and follow the column names.

){  #
    # Prepare the 1st series of constrains:
    if( length(sRow) != 0 ) 
    {   #
        if( class(sRow) != "list" ){ 
            stop("'sRow' must be a list.")
        }   #
        sRowLength <- length( sRow ) 
        sRowNames  <- names( sRow ) 
        if( length( sRowNames ) != sRowLength )
        {   #
            stop( "(column) names are missing in 'sRow'." ) 
        }   #
        selSQL  <- names(sRow) == "SQL"
        sRowSQL <- sRow[ selSQL ]  
        sRow    <- sRow[ !selSQL ] 
        if( length(sRow) > 0 ){
            sRow <- lapply( 
                X   = 1:length(sRow), 
                FUN = function(X){ 
                    const <- sRow[[ X ]] 
                    if( class(const) == "character" ) 
                    {   #
                        const <- paste( charQ, const, charQ, sep = "" ) 
                    }   #
                    const <- paste( const, collapse = ", " ) 
                    const <- paste( # modified 2012/04/24 
                        sep = "", 
                        "(", colQ[1], sRowNames[ X ], colQ[2], " IN (", 
                        const, "))" 
                    )   #
                    # const <- paste( 
                    #     sep = "", 
                    #     "(", colQ[1], sRowNames[ X ], colQ[2], " = ", 
                    #     const, ")" 
                    # )   #
                    # #
                    # const <- paste( const, collapse = " OR " )
                    # const <- paste( "(", const, ")", sep = "" )  
                    return( const ) 
                 }  #
            )   #
            sRow <- NULL 
        }   #
        if( length(sRowSQL) ){
            sRowSQL <- paste( "(", sRowSQL, ")", sep = "" )
        }   # 
        sRowOp <- paste( " ", sRowOp, " ", sep = "" ) 
        sRow <- c( unlist(sRow), sRowSQL ) 
        sRow <- paste( unlist( sRow ), collapse = sRowOp ) 
        sRow <- paste( "WHERE", sRow, sep = " " ) 
        sRow <- NULL 
    }   #
    return( sRow ) 
### Return a single character string, piece of SQL statement 
### for the WHERE close.
}   #

.edb.sCol <- function(

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### Either (1) a vector of character strings with the name of the 
### columns to retrieve or (2) a vector of logical of the same 
### length as the number of columns or (3) a vector of indexes / 
### integers giving the indexes of the column to retrieve. If 
### negative, then it indicates the indexes of the column to leave 
### out.

#  sRowOp=c("AND","OR")[1], 
# ### A single character string. Operator to be used to combine multiple 
# ### constrains in sRow. Possible values are "OR" or "AND". Default value 
# ### is "AND".

#  charQ = "\"", 
# ### A single character string. The character used to quote character 
# ### strings and factors.

 colQ = c("[","]") 
### A vector of length 2, with the character string that must preceed 
### and follow the column names.

){  #
    # Prepare the 1st series of constrains:
    if( length(sCol) != 0 )
    {   #
        if( is.numeric( sCol ) ) # Index selection
        {   #
            sCol <- as.integer( sCol ) 
            # Test that the sign ofcolums is homogeneous:
            # (inspired by the package dfdb-rodbc)
            signSCol <- sign( sCol )
            testSign <- !(sum( signSCol ) %in% (c(1,-1)*length(sCol))) 
            if( testSign )
            {   #
                stop( "When 'sCol' is integers/index, it must be either all positive or all negative" ) 
            }   #
            # Get column names:
            colsList <- edbColnames( edb, tableName = tableName ) 
            # Test that the range of values does not exceed the number of columns
            testRange <- abs( sCol ) %in% 1:length( colsList ) 
            if( !all(testRange) ) # Positive index
            {   #
                stop( "When 'sCol' is integers/index, it can't be 0 or bigger than the number of columns." ) 
            }   #
            # Transform indexes into column names
            if( all(as.logical(signSCol)) == 1 ) # Positive index
            {   #
                sCol <- colsList[ sCol ] 
            }else{ # Negative index
                sCol <- colsList[ !(colsList %in% colsList[ sCol ]) ] 
            }   #
            # Wrap and concatenate column names for SQL
            selectWhat <- paste( sep="", colQ[1], sCol, colQ[2] ) 
            selectWhat <- paste( sCol, collapse = ", " ) 
            if( is.logical( sCol ) )
            {   #
                # Get column names:
                colsList <- edbColnames( edb, tableName = tableName ) 
                if( length(sCol) != length(colsList) )
                {   #
                    stop( "When 'sCol' is logical, it must be the same length as the number of columns in the table." ) 
                }   #
                sCol <- colsList[ sCol ]
                # Wrap and concatenate column names for SQL
                selectWhat <- paste( sep="", colQ[1], sCol, colQ[2] ) 
                selectWhat <- paste( sCol, collapse = ", " ) 
                if( is.character( sCol ) )
                {   #
                    # Wrap and concatenate column names for SQL
                    selectWhat <- paste( sep="", colQ[1], sCol, colQ[2] ) 
                    selectWhat <- paste( sCol, collapse = ", " ) 
                    stop( "class(sCol) must be numerical/integer, logical or character." )
                }   #
            }   #
        }   #
        selectWhat <- "*"
    }   #
    return( list( "selectWhat" = selectWhat, "sCol" = sCol ) ) 
### Return a single character string, piece of SQL statement 
### for the WHERE close.
}   #

edbNames <- function(# Retrieve table names in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Retrieve table names in a database (referenced by 'edb'). 
### Generic function that call class-specific method corresponding 
### to the class of the \code{edb} object provided.

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbRead}}, 
## \code{\link{edbWrite}}, 
## \code{\link{edbColnames}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbColnames")}

){  #
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    UseMethod( generic = "edbNames", object = edb ) 
}   #

edbWrite <- function(# Write data in a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Write data in a table in a database (referenced by 'edb'). 
### Generic function that call class-specific method corresponding 
### to the class of the \code{edb} object provided.

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbRead}}, 
## \code{\link{edbNames}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### data.frame. Data to be writen in \code{tableName}. If the table 
### has a PRIMARY KEY, and if it is AUTOINCREMENT, then the column 
### can be omitted, and the attributed ID's will be retrieved if 
### \code{!is.null(getKey)} (not the default).

### Single character string. If \code{"a"} (default), the data are 
### appened to the table (added after the last row), and \code{sRow} 
### is ignored. If \code{"u"}, the data are updated according to some 
### critearia in \code{sRow} (that can't be NULL). If \code{"o"}, 
### the table is overwritten and \code{sRow} is ignored. 

### Single character string (if mode == "u") or NULL. Column name that 
### is PRIMARY KEY in the table.

#  sRow=NULL, 
# ### A list of named items. List of contrains/criterion to be applied 
# ### on \code{tableName} to _update_ a subset of rows. Each item in 
# ### \code{sRow} must be named after the columns on which the constrain 
# ### apply. The (vector of) value(s) of each items are the values 
# ### that must be updated, and it must have the same length as 
# ### \code{nrow(data)} (the 1st value being the constrain for row 1 in 
# ### \code{data}, etc.). Values can be character or numeric.

### Single character string or NULL. If non NULL, name of the PRIMARY 
### KEY whose latest attributed values should be retrieved.

### If not NULL, a named list of functions to be applied to certain columns 
### before the data are written to the database. The name of each list 
### item gives the column to process, and the value of each item gives the 
### function that must be applied. For instance 
### formatCol = list("DATE"=as.Date) will apply the function 
### \link{as.Date} to the column "DATE".

### Single character string. 'format' argument of the functions 
### format.POSIXlt() or format.POSIXct() used to convert POSIX 
### date-time into character strings when writing into the database.
### Only used if getKey is not NULL or when mode == "u" in SQLite or 
### MySQL.

### Single character string. 'format' argument of the functions 
### format.Date() used to convert "Date" 
### dates into character strings when writing into the database.
### Only used if getKey is not NULL or when mode == "u" in SQLite or 
### MySQL.

### Single logical. If TRUE, then a log of the operation is written 
### into the database, using the function \code{\link{edbLog}}. 
### See the arguments below and \code{\link{edbLog}} for more details.

### Single numerical. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single character string. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single character string. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single logical. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single logical. If set to TRUE (the default), the function is 
### run on "paranoia mode", that is additional tests are performed 
### before the data are written into the database. This slows down 
### a bit (more) the function, but it may avoid some mistakes.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbWrite")}

){  #
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( tableName ) ){ stop( "Argument 'tableName' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( data ) ){ stop( "Argument 'data' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    UseMethod( generic = "edbWrite", object = edb ) 
}   #

.formatTable4Query <- function(# Format data in a data.frame so it is ready to be send in a query (format conversion).
### Format data in a data.frame so it is ready to be send in a query (format conversion).

### A data.frame 

### A single character. Type of delimiter to be used for character strings: 
### Either "\"" or "'" or "`" 

### Single character string. 'format' argument of the functions 
### format.POSIXlt() or format.POSIXct() used to convert POSIX 
### date-time into character strings when writing into the database.

### Single character string. 'format' argument of the functions 
### format.Date() used to convert "Date" 
### dates into character strings when writing into the database.

){  #
    dataCol <- colnames( data ) 
    # Identify character or factor columns:
    testDataCol <- unlist( 
            X   = 1:ncol(data), 
            FUN = function(X){ 
                is.character( data[,X] ) | is.factor( data[,X] ) 
            }   #
        )   #
    )   #
    tNA  <- paste( del, "NA", del, sep = "" ) 
    tNA2 <- paste( del, del, sep = "" ) 
    # Wrap the character data into "" for the SQL statement
    if( any(testDataCol) )
    {   #
        data[,testDataCol] <- do.call( 
            what = "cbind", 
            args = lapply( 
                X   = (1:ncol(data))[ testDataCol ], 
                FUN = function(X){ 
                    tmp <- paste( del, data[,X], del, sep = "" ) 
                    tmp[ tmp == tNA ] <- tNA2 
                }   #
            )   #
        )   #
    }   #
    # NEW NEW: Identify character or factor columns:
    testDateCol <- unlist( 
            X   = 1:ncol(data), 
            FUN = function(X){ 
                any( class( data[,X] ) %in% c("POSIXlt","POSIXct") )
            }   #
        )   #
    )   #
    # Wrap the character data into "" for the SQL statement
    if( any(testDateCol) )
    {   #
        data[,testDateCol] <- do.call( 
            what = "cbind", 
            args = lapply( 
                X   = (1:ncol(data))[ testDateCol ], 
                FUN = function(X){ 
                    tmp <- paste( 
                        format( data[,X], format = posixFormat ), 
                        sep = ""
                    )   # 
                    tmp[ tmp == tNA ] <- tNA2 
                }   #
            )   #
        )   #
    }   #
    testDateCol2 <- unlist( 
            X   = 1:ncol(data), 
            FUN = function(X){ 
                class( data[,X] ) == "Date" 
            }   #
        )   #
    )   #
    # Wrap the character data into "" for the SQL statement
    if( any(testDateCol2) )
    {   #
        data[,testDateCol2] <- do.call( 
            what = "cbind", 
            args = lapply( 
                X   = (1:ncol(data))[ testDateCol2 ], 
                FUN = function(X){ 
                    tmp <- paste( 
                        format( data[,X], format = dateFormat ), 
                        sep = ""
                    )   # 
                    tmp[ tmp == tNA ] <- tNA2 
                }   #
            )   #
        )   #
    }   #
    selCol <- !(testDataCol | testDateCol | testDateCol2) 
    # Same for non character columns:
    if( any( selCol ) )
    {   #
        data[,selCol] <- do.call( 
            what = "cbind", 
            args = lapply( 
                X   = (1:ncol(data))[ selCol ], 
                FUN = function(X){ 
                    tmp <- data[,X]
                    tmp[ is.na(tmp) ] <- tNA2 
                }   #
            )   #
        )   #
    }   #
    data <- data[, dataCol, drop = FALSE ] 
    return( data ) 
}   #

edbDelete <- function(# Delete all or some rows in a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Delete all or some rows in a table in a database (referenced by 'edb'). 
### Generic function that call class-specific method corresponding 
### to the class of the \code{edb} object provided.

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbWrite}}, 
## \code{\link{edbNames}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}, 
## \code{\link{edbRead}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### A list of named items. List of contrains/criterion to be applied 
### on \code{tableName} to retrieve a subset of rows. Each item in 
### \code{sRow} must be named after the columns on which the constrain 
### apply. The (vector of) value(s) of each items are the possible values 
### that can be retrieved. Values can be character or numeric. If NULL 
### (the default), all values are returned.

### A single character string. Operator to be used to combine multiple 
### constrains in sRow. Possible values are "OR" or "AND". Default value 
### is "AND".

### Single logical. If TRUE, then a log of the operation is written 
### into the database, using the function \code{\link{edbLog}}. 
### See the arguments below and \code{\link{edbLog}} for more details.

### Single numerical. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single character string. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single character string. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single logical. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbDelete")}

){  #
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( tableName ) ){ stop( "Argument 'tableName' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    UseMethod( generic = "edbDelete", object = edb ) 
}   #

edbDrop <- function(# Drop a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Drop a table in a database (referenced by 'edb'). 
### Generic function that call class-specific method corresponding 
### to the class of the \code{edb} object provided.

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbWrite}}, 
## \code{\link{edbNames}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}, 
## \code{\link{edbRead}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### Single logical. If TRUE, then a log of the operation is written 
### into the database, using the function \code{\link{edbLog}}. 
### See the arguments below and \code{\link{edbLog}} for more details.

### Single numerical. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single character string. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single character string. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Single logical. See \code{\link{edbLog}}.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbDelete")}

    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( tableName ) ){ stop( "Argument 'tableName' is missing, with no default" ) } 

    UseMethod( generic = "edbDrop", object = edb ) 

edbDim <- function(# Retrieve the dimension of a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Retrieve the dimension of a table in a database (referenced by 
### 'edb'). Notice that the methods do NOT retrieve the full table to 
### get its column names (so it should work even if the table is big).

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}, 
## \code{\link{edbRead}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbColnames")} and \code{methods("edbNRow")}.

    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( tableName ) ){ stop( "Argument 'tableName' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    # Retrieve the column names:
    cn <- edbColnames( 
        edb       = edb, 
        tableName = tableName, 
    )   #
    # Number of columns
    nbcol <- length( cn ) 
    nbrow <- edbNRow( 
        edb       = edb, 
        tableName = tableName, 
    )   #
    # # Format the query to count the rows
    # statement <- paste("SELECT Count(*) FROM", tableName ) 
    # #
    # nbrow <- edbQuery( edb = edb, statement = statement, ... )[,] 
    return( c(nbrow,nbcol) ) 
}   #

edbNRow <- function(# Retrieve the number of rows of a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Retrieve the number of rows of a table in a database (referenced by 
### 'edb'). Notice that the methods do NOT retrieve the full table to 
### get its column names (so it should work even if the table is big).

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}, 
## \code{\link{edbRead}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbNRow")}.

){  # Retrieve the dimention of the table:
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( tableName ) ){ stop( "Argument 'tableName' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    UseMethod( generic = "edbNRow", object = edb ) 
}   #

edbNCol <- function(# Retrieve the number of columns of a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Retrieve the number of columns of a table in a database (referenced by 
### 'edb'). Notice that the methods do NOT retrieve the full table to 
### get its column names (so it should work even if the table is big).

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}, 
## \code{\link{edbRead}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. Name of the table to read in 'edb'.

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbColnames")}.

){  # Retrieve the dimention of the table:
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( tableName ) ){ stop( "Argument 'tableName' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    # tblDim <- edbDim( 
    #     edb       = edb, 
    #     tableName = tableName, 
    #     ...
    # )   #
    cn <- edbColnames( 
        edb       = edb, 
        tableName = tableName, 
    )   #
    # Number of columns
    return( length( cn ) ) 
### Returns the number of columns in the table.
}   #

edbLog <- function(# Write an operation "log" (used when modifying the database)
### Write an operation "log" (to be used when modifying the 
### database). An operation log consists in information about (a) the function 
### used, (b) the table modified, (c) the operation date, (d) R version, (e) 
### easydb version, (f) the option useds ('mode' and 'getKey' if used with 
### edbWrite()). This is not version control, and this is not comprehensive 
### operation log.

##seealso<<\code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbWrite}}, \code{\link{edbDelete}}, 
## \code{\link{edbDrop}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.
### Database in which the log has to be written.

### Single character string. The name of the table that was modified.
### Not to be confused with 'logTableName'.

### Single character string. The name of the function that did the modification. 

### Single character string. The date and time of the operation.

### Single character string. R version

### Single character string. Name of the computer (node). 

### Single character string. Version of easydb. If NULL, the version is 
### fetched using 'installed.packages()'.

### Single character string. Value of the argument 'mode', if fun is 
### edbWrite().
### Single character string. Value of the argument 'getKey', if fun is 
### edbWrite().

### Single numerical. Some number, hopefully unique, that can be used 
### to identify the log record, as a complement to the log date.

### Single character string. Aditional log message to be written in the 
### log table (same record as the rest).

### Single character string. Name of the log table. If that table does not 
### exist, it will be created.

### Single logical. If TRUE (the default), then the table is created if it 
### does not exist yet. Please notice that this option is not multi-thread 
### safe.

){  #
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( is.null( edbVersion ) )
    {   #
        edbVersion <- utils::installed.packages()[,c("Package","Version")] 
        selRow <- edbVersion[, "Package" ] == "easydb" 
        edbVersion <- edbVersion[ selRow, "Version" ] 
    }   #
    if( is.null(getKey) ){ getKey <- "" }
    tbl <- data.frame( 
        "TABLE_NAME"   = tableName, 
        "FUN"          = fun, 
        "DATE_LOG"     = date, 
        "R_VERSION"    = R.version, 
        "NODE_NAME"    = nodename, 
        "EDB_VERSION"  = edbVersion, 
        "MODE"         = mode, 
        "GETKEY"       = getKey, 
        "RAND_ID"      = logRandId, 
        "LOG_MESSAGE"  = logMsg, 
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE 
    )   #
    if( logCreateTableIfNotExist )
    {   #
        tableList <- edbNames( edb ) 
        if( !(logTableName %in% tableList) )
        {   #
            mode2 <- "o" 
            mode2 <- "a" 
        }   #
        mode2 <- "a" 
    }   #
    res <- edbWrite(
        edb         = edb,
        tableName   = logTableName, 
        data        = tbl, 
        mode        = mode2, 
        #pKey        = NULL, # NEW NEW
        #getKey      = NULL, 
        #formatCol   = NULL, 
        #posixFormat = "", 
        #dateFormat  = "", 
        logOp       = FALSE  # DO NOT SET TO TRUE!!
        #logRandId   =rnorm(1), 
        #logMsg      =as.character(NA), 
    )   #
    return( res ) 
}   #

edbQuery <- function(# Read all or part of a table in a database (referenced by 'edb').
### Read all or part of a table in a database (referenced by 'edb'). 
### Generic function that call class-specific method corresponding 
### to the class of the \code{edb} object provided.

##seealso<< \code{\link{edb}}, \code{\link{edbWrite}}, 
## \code{\link{edbNames}}, \code{\link{edbColnames}}.

### An object of class 'edb', such as returned by \code{\link{edb}}.

### Single character string. SQL statement / SQL query to be passed 
### to the database.

### If not NULL, a named list of functions to be applied to certain columns 
### after the data has been extracted from the database. The name of each list 
### item gives the column to process, and the value of each item gives the 
### function that must be applied. For instance 
### formatCol = list("DATE"=as.Date) will apply the function 
### \link{as.Date} to the column "DATE".

### Additional parameters to be passed to class-specific method. See 
### \code{methods("edbRead")}

){  #
    if( missing( edb ) ){ stop( "Argument 'edb' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    if( missing( statement ) ){ stop( "Argument 'statement' is missing, with no default" ) } 
    UseMethod( generic = "edbQuery", object = edb ) 
}   #

.splitBySize <- function(# Split a vector or data.frame in equal size groups.
### Split a vector or data.frame in equal size groups. 

### A vector or a data.frame to be splitted.

### Size of the groups to be created.

### Additional parameters passed to \code{\link[base]{split}}.

){  n <- NULL 
    if( is.vector( x ) ){ 
        n <- length(x) 
    if( is.data.frame( x ) ){ 
        n <- nrow(x) 
    if( is.matrix( x ) ){ 
        x <- as.data.frame( x ) 
        n <- nrow( x ) 
    if( is.null(n) ){ 
        stop( "'x' must be a vector, a matrix or a data.frame" )
    ## Create a vector of groups ID
    grp <- ceiling( n / size ) 
    grp <- rep( 1:grp, each = size ) 
    grp <- as.integer( grp[ 1:n ] ) 
    return( split( x = x, f = grp ) )
### Returns a splitted \code{x} object.

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easydb documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.