
##' Hands back a function to spot the items it was given in (\code{...})
##' This is a convenience function for creates a function that returns
##' true for exact matches to its arguments.
##' @title Make a spotting function
##' @param ... The items for which the new function should return \code{TRUE}
##' @return A function 
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
spotter <- function(...){
  lst <- unlist(list(...))
  f <- function(x){x %in% lst }

##' Removes well-known noise from KEDS output files
##' This function applies the regular expression based cleaning routine 
##' from the KEDS website.  This is a direct translation from the original 
##' PERL which replaces capital 'O's and small 'l's with 0 and 1
##' respectively and removes the event code '---]', on the 
##' assumption that these are all output noise.
##' @title Remove well-known noise from KEDS event data file
##' @param edo An event data object  
##' @return Event data
##' @export
##' @seealso \code{\link{read_keds}}
##' @author Will Lowe
scrub_keds <- function(edo){
  edo$code <- sub('O(\\d\\d)$', '0\\1', edo$code, perl=TRUE)
  edo$code <- sub('l(\\d\\d)$', '1\\1', edo$code, perl=TRUE)
  good <- grep('^.*---].*$', edo$code, invert=TRUE)
  edo <- edo[good,]
  edo$code <- factor(edo$code)

##' Reads a KEDS event data output file
##' Reads KEDS output and optionally applies the \code{\link{scrub_keds}} cleaning function
##' and the \code{\link{one_a_day}} duplicate removal filter.  This function is thin wrapper
##' around \code{read.csv}.
##' This function assumes that output data is a tab separated text file wherein the
##' first field is a date in \code{yymmdd} format, the second and third fields are actor
##' codes, the fourth field is an string event code, and the fifth field is a
##' matched noun phrase.  The last two fields are optional and can be discarded when
##' reading in.
##' @title Read KEDS events file 
##' @param d Filename
##' @param keep.quote Whether the exact noun phrase be retained
##' @param keep.desc Whether the label for the event code should be retained
##' @param one.a.day Whether to apply the duplicate event remover
##' @param scrub.keds Whether to apply the data cleaner
##' @return Event data
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
read_keds <- function(d, keep.quote=FALSE, keep.desc=TRUE, one.a.day=TRUE, scrub.keds=TRUE){ 
  ff <- read.csv(d, sep='\t', 
                 col.names=c('date', 'source', 'target', 'code', 'desc', 'quote'),
                 colClasses=c("character", "factor", "factor", "character", "character"))
  ff$date <- as.Date(as.character(ff$date), '%y%m%d')

  if (!keep.quote)
  	ff$quote <- NULL

  if (!keep.desc)
  	ff$desc <- NULL
  if (scrub.keds)
  	ff <- scrub.keds(ff)

  if (one.a.day)
  	ff <- one.a.day(ff)
  class(ff) <- c("eventdata", class(ff))

##' Tries to remove duplicate events
##' This function removes duplicates of any event that occurs to the same source
##' and target with the same event code, on the assumption that these are
##' in fact the same event reported twice.
##' This function can also be applied as part of \code{\link{read_keds}} 
##' @title Apply the one-a-day filter
##' @param edo Event data object
##' @return New event data object with duplicate events removed
##' @seealso \code{\link{read_keds}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
one_a_day <- function(edo){

##' Summarises a set of event data
##' This is a compact summary of an event data object.  For more detail
##' consult the object itself.  Currently this is simply a data.frame with 
##' conventionally named column names, but that almost certainly will change to
##' deal with larger datasets in later package versions.  
##' If your code uses the package's accessor functions then
##' you won't feel a thing when this happens.
##' @title Summarise event data
##' @param edo Event data object 
##' @return A short description of the event data
##' @author Will Lowe
##' @method summary eventdata
summary.eventdata <- function(edo){
  src <- sum(table(edo$source)>0)
  trg <- sum(table(edo$target)>0)
  start <- format(min(edo$date), "%a %b %d, %Y")
  end <- format(max(edo$date), format="%a %b %d, %Y")
  all <- nrow(edo)
  cat(paste(all, "events", "involving", src, "sources and",
            trg, "targets", "\n"))
  cat(paste("from", start, "to", end, "\n"))

##' Applies a generic field filter to event data
##' This function applies a filter function to event data.
##' It is the workhorse function behind the \code{filter_} functions.
##' You should use these in ordinary use.
##' @title Filter events data 
##' @param edo Events data object
##' @param fun Function that shoudl be applied 
##' @param which Which field should be filtered
##' @return Event data
##' @author Will Lowe
filter_eventdata <- function(edo, fun, which){
  ## note the switch to character format
  keep <- which(sapply(as.character(edo[[which]]), fun))
  d <- edo[keep,]
  ## remove unused levels
  d[[which]] <- factor(as.character(d[[which]]))

##' Discards all but relevant actors
##' The \code{which} parameter specifies whether the filter should be applied
##' only to targets, only to sources, or to all actors in the event data.
##' @title Discard all but elevant actors 
##' @param edo Event data
##' @param fun Function that returns \code{TRUE} for actor codes that should not be discarded.
##' @param which What actor roles should be filtered
##' @return Event data containing only actors that pass through \code{fun}
##' @seealso \code{\link{filter_codes}}, \code{\link{filter_time}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
filter_actors <- function(edo, fun=function(x){return(TRUE)}, which=c('both','target','source')){
  wh <- match.arg(which)
  if (wh=='both')
    d <- filter_eventdata(filter_eventdata(edo, fun, 'target'), fun, 'source')
  else if (wh=='target')
    d <- filter_eventdata(edo, fun, 'target')
  else if (wh=='source')
    d <- filter_eventdata(edo, fun, 'source')
  return (d)

##' Discards all but relevant event codes
##' Applies the filter function to each event code to see whether
##' to keep the observation.  
##' @title Discard all but relevant event codes
##' @param edo Event data
##' @param fun Function that returns \code{TRUE} or event codes that should not be discarded
##' @return Event data containing only events that pass through \code{fun}
##' @seealso \code{\link{filter_actors}}, \code{\link{filter_time}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
filter_codes <- function(edo, fun=function(x){return(TRUE)}){
  d <- filter_eventdata(edo, fun, 'code')
  return (d)

##' Restricts events to a time period
##' Restricts events on or after \code{start} and before or on \code{end}.
##' @title Restrict events to a time period
##' @param edo Event data
##' @param start Something convertable to a \code{Date} object
##' @param end Something convertable to a \code{Date} object
##' @return Event data restricted to a time period
##' @seealso \code{\link{filter_codes}}, \code{\link{filter_actors}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
filter_time <- function(edo, start=min(edo$date), end=max(edo$date)){
  st <- as.Date(start)
  en <- as.Date(end)
  edo[(edo$date >= st) & (edo$date <= en),]

##' Lists actor codes
##' Lists all the actor codes that occur in the event data in alphabetical order.
##' @title List actor codes
##' @param edo Event data
##' @return Array of actor codes
##' @seealso \code{\link{sources}}, \code{\link{targets}}, \code{\link{codes}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
actors <- function(edo){
  sort(unique(c(as.character(edo$target), as.character(edo$source))))

##' Lists target actor codes
##' Lists all the actor codes that appear as a target in the event data
##' in alphabetical order.
##' @title Lists target actor codes
##' @param edo Event data
##' @return Array of actor codes
##' @seealso \code{\link{sources}}, \code{\link{actors}}, \code{\link{codes}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
targets <- function(edo){

##' Lists source actor codes
##' Lists all the actor codes that appear as a source in the event data
##' in alphabetical order.
##' @title List source actor codes
##' @param edo Event data
##' @return Array of actor codes
##' @seealso \code{\link{actors}}, \code{\link{targets}}, \code{\link{codes}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
sources <- function(edo){

##' Lists event codes
##' Lists all the event codes that appear in the event data
##' @title List event codes
##' @param edo Event data
##' @return Array of event codes
##' @seealso \code{\link{sources}}, \code{\link{targets}}, \code{\link{actors}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
codes <- function(edo){

##' Aggregates event codes
##' This function relabels event codes according to \code{fun},
##' which may either be a function that returns the new name
##' of an event when handed the old one, or a list with entries of the
##' form: \code{lst[[newname]] = c(oldname1, oldname2)}.
##' It can also be used as a renaming function, but it is most
##' useful when multiple codes should be treated as equivalent.
##' @title Aggregate event codes 
##' @param edo Event data
##' @param fun Function or list specifying the aggregation mapping
##' @return Event data with new event codes
##' @seealso \code{\link{map_actors}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
map_codes <- function(edo, fun=function(x){return(x)}){
  if (is.list(fun))
    fun <- make_fun_from_list(fun)
  cde <- sapply(as.character(edo$code), fun)
  edo$code <- factor(cde)

##' Creates a mapping function from list
##' Turns a list of the form \code{list(a=c(1,2), b=3)} into a function
##' that returns 'a' when given 1 or 2 as argument, 'b' when given 3
##' and otherwise gives back its argument unchanged.
##' This is a convenience function to make it possible to specify onto mappings
##' using lists.  The \code{map_*} functions use it internally, but you might find a 
##' a use for it.
##' @title Create a mapping function from list
##' @param lst A list
##' @return A function that inverts the mapping specified by \code{lst}
##' @author Will Lowe
make_fun_from_list <- function(lst){
  revf <- list() ## reverse this list to do look ups the otherway
  for (newname in names(lst)){
    newname.lst <- lst[[newname]]
    for (n in newname.lst)
      revf[[n]] <- newname
  f <- function(x){ 
    if (x %in% names(revf)) 

## takes either a function that hands back a new name
## or a list(newname=c('oldname', 'othername'))

##' Aggregates actor codes
##' The function relabels actor codes according to the filter.
##' The filter may either be a function that returns the new name
##' of an event when handed the old one, or a list with entries of the
##' form: \code{lst[[newname]] = c(oldname1, oldname2)}.
##' This function can also be used as a renaming function, but it is most
##' useful when multiple codes should be treated as equivalent.
##' @title Aggregate actor codes 
##' @param edo Event data
##' @param fun Function or list specifying the aggregation mapping
##' @return Event data with new actor codes
##' @seealso \code{\link{map_codes}}
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
map_actors <- function(edo, fun=function(x){return(x)}){

  ## make a filter function from a list
  if (is.list(fun))
    fun <- make_fun_from_list(fun)
  trg <- sapply(as.character(edo$target), fun)
  src <- sapply(as.character(edo$source), fun)
  edo$target <- factor(trg)
  edo$source <- factor(src)

## non-null scale does a numeric aggregation using fun, inserts missing.data when none
## null scale generates count vectors of all event types that occur.
## Does every combination of actors in the data
## Only one scale is ever present, which must be specified

##' Aggregates events to a regular time interval
##' In an event data set S, assume that \eqn{A}=\code{length(actors(S))} actors 
##' \eqn{K}=\code{length(codes(S))} event codes occur.  This function
##' creates \eqn{A^2} data streams labelled by the combination of source and target
##' actors.  If \code{scale} is \code{NULL} these are \eqn{K}-dimensional time series of event counts.
##' If \code{scale} names a scale that has been
##' added to the event data \code{fun} is used to aggregate the events falling into
##' each temporal interval. This creates a univariate interval valued
##' time series for each directed dyad.
##' @title Aggregate events to a regular time interval 
##' @param edo Event data
##' @param scale Name of an eventscale or \code{NULL} to create counts
##' @param unit Temporal aggregation unit
##' @param monday Whether weeks start on Monday. If \code{FALSE}, they start on Sunday
##' @param fun Aggregation function.  Should take a vector and return a scalar
##' @param missing.data What weeks with no data are assigned
##' @return A list of named dyadic aggregated time series
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
make_dyads <- function(edo, scale=NULL, unit=c('week','day','month','quarter','year'), monday=TRUE, fun=mean, missing.data=NA) {
  unit <- match.arg(unit)
  segs <- cut(edo$date, breaks=unit, start.on.monday=monday)
  segsd <- as.Date(levels(segs))
  ## add the segs to edo before aggregating
  edo$sEGs <- segs
  evs <- codes(edo)
  ff <- function(a, b){
    edo.subset <- edo[edo$source==a & edo$target==b, ]
    if (nrow(edo.subset) == 0)
    if (is.null(scale)){
      ## this process 
      rr <- as.matrix(with(edo.subset, table(sEGs, code)))
      ret <- data.frame(date=segsd)
      ## sometimes dyads just do not use some codes
      for (e in evs){
        if (e %in% colnames(rr))
          ret[,e] <- rr[,e]
          ret[,e] <- rep(0, nrow(rr))
    } else {
      agg <- aggregate(edo.subset[[scale]], by=list(unit=edo.subset$sEGs), FUN=fun)
      hh <- data.frame(date=as.Date(agg$unit))
      hh[[scale]] <- agg$x
      aggn <- aggregate(edo.subset[[scale]], by=list(unit=edo.subset$sEGs), FUN=length) ## to get N
      hh$n <- aggn$x
      ## fold into a proper timeline
      ret <- data.frame(date=segsd)
      ret <- merge(ret, hh, by='date', all.x=TRUE)
      ret$n[is.na(ret$n)] <- 0
      ## pad with zeros or something, if you must...
      if (!is.na(missing.data))
      	ret[[scale]][ret$n==0] <- missing.data

  res <- list()
  act <- actors(edo)
  for (a in act){
    for (b in act){
      val <- ff(a, b)
      if (!is.null(scale))
      	class(val) <- c('dyadic.aggregated.scaled.eventdata', class(val))
      	class(val) <- c('dyadic.aggregated.count.eventdata', class(val))
      res[[paste(a,b,sep='.')]] <- val

##' Plots scaled directed dyad
##' A convenience function to plot the named scale within a directed dyad against time.  
##' @title Plot scaled directed dyad
##' @param dyad One directed dyadic time series from the \code{make_dyads} function 
##' @param ... Extra arguments to plot
##' @return Nothing, used for side effect
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
plot_dyad <- function(dyad, ...){
  stopifnot(is(dyad, 'dyadic.aggregated.scaled.eventdata'))
  scalename <- names(dyad)[which(!(names(dyad) %in% c("n", "date")))]
  with(dyad, plot(dyad$date, dyad[[scalename]], ...))

## ellipses are extra arguments to read.csv (row.names=1 is assumed)

##' Makes an event scale
##' Makes an event scale from a specification found in a file or 
##' using the \code{types} and \code{variables}
##' parameters.  If a file is specified it is assumed to be headerless and to
##' contain event codes in the first column and numerical values in the second
##' column.
##' Scales must be assigned a name and may also be assigned a
##' description.  If you wish to assign codes without a specified value to
##' some particular value, set \code{default} to something other than \code{NA}. 
##' @title Make an event scale
##' @param name Name of scale
##' @param types Array of event codes
##' @param values Array of event code values
##' @param file Input file defining event codes and their values
##' @param desc Optional description of the scale
##' @param default What to assign event codes that have no mapping in the scale. Defaults to \code{NA}.
##' @param sep Separator in \code{file} 
##' @return An event scale object
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
make_scale <- function(name, types=NULL, values=NULL, file=NULL, desc="", default=NA, sep=","){
  def <- default
  v <- list()
  if (!is.null(file)){
    vvf <- read.csv(file, header=FALSE, 
	    colClasses=c("character", "numeric"),
    	col.names=c("code", name), sep=sep)
	for (i in 1:nrow(vvf))
  		v[[vvf[i,1]]] <- vvf[i,2]
  } else {
    for (i in 1:length(types))
  		v[[ types[i] ]] <- values[i]
  attr(v, 'desc') <- desc
  attr(v, 'name') <- name
  attr(v, 'default') <- def
  class(v) <- c('eventscale', class(v))

##' Checks coverage of scale for event data
##' Returns an array of event codes that occur in an event data set but are not
##' assigned values by the scale.  These are the codes that will, in subsequent processing,
##' be assigned the scales default value.
##' @title Check coverage of scale for event data
##' @param sc An eventscale
##' @param edo Event data
##' @return Array of unscaleable event codes
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
scale_coverage <- function(sc, edo){
  evts <- codes(edo)
  mis <- which(!(evts %in% scale_codes(sc)))
  nme <- attr(sc, 'name')
  if (length(mis)==0){
    cat(paste("Scale", nme, "covers all codes in the data\n"))
  } else {
    cat(paste("Scale", nme, "does not cover codes:\n"))

##' Shows which events codes are covered by a scale
##' Returns an array of event codes to which an eventscale assigns a value.
##' @title Show which events are scaleable
##' @param es Eventscale
##' @return Array of scaleable event codes
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
scale_codes <- function(es){

##' Summarise an eventscale
##' Print summary statistics for an eventscale.
##' @title Summarise an eventscale
##' @param es Scale
##' @return Nothing, used for side effect
##' @author Will Lowe
##' @method summary eventscale
summary.eventscale <- function(es){
  nme <- attr(es, 'name')
  des <- attr(es, 'desc')
  def <- attr(es, 'default')
  len.es <- length(es)
  max.es <- max(unlist(es))
  min.es <- min(unlist(es))
  cat(paste("Scale name:", nme, "\n"))
  if ((!is.null(des)) & (des != ""))
    cat(paste(des, "\n"))
  cat(paste("Unrecognized event codes:", def, "\n"))
  cat(paste(len.es, "event codes assigned scores between", min.es, 
            "and", max.es, "\n"))

##' Applies an eventscale to event data
##' Applies an eventscale to event data.  This adds a new field in the event data
##' with the same name as the eventscale. 
##' @title Apply eventscale to event data
##' @param edo Event data
##' @param sc scale
##' @return Event data with a scaling
##' @export
##' @author Will Lowe
add_eventscale <- function(edo, sc){
  scname <- attr(sc, 'name') 
  def <- attr(sc, 'default')
  ## turns
  mapper <- function(x){ 
    v <- sc[[x]]
        ifelse(!is.numeric(v), def, v)
  edo[[scname]] <- sapply(as.character(edo$code), mapper)
  class(edo) <- c('scaled.eventdata', class(edo))

## assumes [-1,1] ranged data, so squash scales first
fisher.transform <- function(x){
  0.5 * log((1+x)/(1-x))

inv.fisher.transform <- function(x){
  (exp(2*x)-1) / (exp(2*x)+1)	

############ Data from here on ###############

#' Balkans conflict events in WEIS encoding
#' Event data on the conflict during the collapse of Yugoslavia.  Events are
#' coded according to an extended WEIS scheme by the KEDS Project.
#' @name balkans.weis
#' @docType data
#' @author KEDS Project
#' @references \url{http://web.ku.edu/~keds/data.dir/balk.html}
#' @keywords data

#' WEIS codes to Goldstein's conflict-cooperation scale
#' A mapping of WEIS event codes to [-10,10] representing a scale
#' of conflict and cooperation, developed by Joshua Goldstein.  
#' Note: This mapping does not cover all the events in \code{balkans.weis}.
#' Taken from the KEDS Project's documentation.
#' @name weis.goldstein.scale
#' @docType data
#' @author KEDS Project
#' @references \url{http://web.ku.edu/~keds/}
#' @keywords data

################### Package blah ################################

#' Stores and manipulates event data
#' Stores, manipulates, scales, aggregates and creates directed dyadic time series
#' from event data generated by KEDS, TABARI, or any other extraction tool 
#' with similarly structured output.
#' Events offers simple methods for aggregating and renaming actors and event codes, 
#' applying event scales, and constructing regular time series at a choice of
#' temporal scales and measurement levels. 
#' @author Will Lowe \email{will.lowe@@uni-mannheim.de}
#' @docType package
#' @name events
#' @aliases events package-events

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events documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.