
### R code from vignette source 'exams.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: preliminaries
options(width = 70, prompt = "R> ", continue = "+  ")
combine <- function(x, sep, width) {
  cs <- cumsum(nchar(x))
  remaining <- if (any(cs[-1] > width)) combine(x[c(FALSE, cs[-1] > width)], sep, width)
  c(paste(x[c(TRUE, cs[-1] <= width)], collapse= sep), remaining)
prettyPrint <- function(x, sep = " ", linebreak = "\n\t", width = getOption("width")) {
  x <- strsplit(x, sep)[[1]]
  paste(combine(x, sep, width), collapse = paste(sep, linebreak, collapse = ""))

### code chunk number 2: exams.Rnw:232-235
invisible(file.copy(system.file("exercises", "tstat.Rnw", package = "exams"), "tstat.Rnw"))
Rnw <- readLines("tstat.Rnw")
cat(c("\\begin{verbatim}", Rnw, "\\end{verbatim}"), sep = "\n")

### code chunk number 3: exams.Rnw:248-252
tex <- readLines("tstat.tex")
file.remove(c("tstat.Rnw", "tstat.tex"))

### code chunk number 4: exams.Rnw:254-255
cat(c("\\begin{verbatim}", tex, "\\end{verbatim}"), sep = "\n")

### code chunk number 5: exams.Rnw:268-269
cat(tex, sep = "\n")

### code chunk number 6: tstat-interacive (eval = FALSE)
## library("exams")
## set.seed(1090)
## tstat_ex <- exams2pdf("tstat.Rnw")

### code chunk number 7: tstat-non-interacive
dir.create(tdir <- tempfile())
tstat_ex <- exams2pdf("tstat.Rnw", dir = tdir)
tstat_sol <- exams_metainfo(tstat_ex)

### code chunk number 8: exams.Rnw:342-343

### code chunk number 9: exams.Rnw:396-399
tex <- readLines(system.file("tex", "plain.tex", package = "exams"))
tex <- c(tex[1:5], substr(tex[6], 1, 70), paste(" ", substr(tex[6], 71, nchar(tex[6]))), tex[7:12])
cat(c("\\begin{verbatim}", tex, "\\end{verbatim}"), sep = "\n")

### code chunk number 10: exams.Rnw:415-419
tstat_char <- strsplit(gsub("\\.", "", as.character(tstat_sol[[1]][[1]]$solution)), "")[[1]]
tstat_exnum <- rep("", 9)
tstat_exnum[(10 - length(tstat_char)):9] <- tstat_char
tstat_exnum <- paste("{", tstat_exnum, "}", sep = "", collapse = "")

### code chunk number 11: exams.Rnw:486-489
cat(prettyPrint(prompt(exams2pdf, filename = NA)$usage[[2]], sep = ", ", 
  linebreak = paste("\n", paste(rep(" ", nchar("exams2pdf") + 1), collapse = ""), sep= ""),
  width = 60))

### code chunk number 12: exams.Rnw:502-507
myexam <- list("boxplots",
               c("confint", "ttest", "tstat"),
               c("anova", "regression"),

### code chunk number 13: exams.Rnw:564-565
odir <- tempfile()

### code chunk number 14: exams.Rnw:572-575
getID <- function(i) 
  paste("myexam", gsub(" ", "0", format(i, width = 2)), sep = "")

### code chunk number 15: exams.Rnw:579-583
ex <- exams2pdf(myexam, n = 5, nsamp = c(1, 2, 1, 1, 1), dir = odir, 
 template = c("exam", "solution"), 
 header = list(ID = getID, Date = Sys.Date()))

### code chunk number 16: exams.Rnw:592-593

### code chunk number 17: exams.Rnw:601-604
sol <- exams_metainfo(ex)
print(sol, 1)
print(sol, "exam5")

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exams documentation built on Nov. 14, 2022, 3:02 p.m.