
Defines functions .dellipticalContourSlider .dellipticalPerspSlider .dellipticalCopulaGrid .dcauchyCopula .dtCopula .dnormCopula dellipticalSlider dellipticalCopula .pellipticalContourSlider .pellipticalPerspSlider .pellipticalCopulaDiag .pellipticalCopulaGrid .ptCopula .pcauchyCopula .pnormCopula pellipticalSlider pellipticalCopula .rtCopula .rcauchyCopula .rnormCopula rellipticalSlider rellipticalCopula

Documented in dellipticalCopula dellipticalSlider pellipticalCopula pellipticalSlider rellipticalCopula rellipticalSlider

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA  02111-1307  USA

#  rellipticalCopula          Generates elliptical copula variates
#  rellipticalSlider          Generates interactive plots of random variates
#  .rnormCopula               Generates normal copula random variate
#  .rcauchyCopula             Generates Cauchy copula random variate
#  .rtCopula                  Generates Student-t copula random variate
#  pellipticalCopula          Computes elliptical copula probability
#  pellipticalSlider          Generates interactive plots of probability
#  .pnormCopula               Computes normal copula probability
#  .pcauchyCopula             Computes Cauchy copula probability
#  .ptCopula                  Computes Student-t copula probability
#  .pellipticalCopulaGrid     Fast equidistant grid version
#  .pellipticalCopulaDiag     Fast diagonal cross section version
#  .pellipticalPerspSlider    Interactive perspective plots of probability
#  .pellipticalContourSlider  Interactive contour plots of probability
#  dellipticalCopula          Computes elliptical copula density
#  dellipticalSlider          Generates interactive plots of density
#  .dnormCopula               Computes normal copula density
#  .dcauchyCopula             Computes Cauchy copula density
#  .dtCopula                  Computes Student-t copula density
#  .dellipticalCopulaGrid     Fast grid version for elliptical copula density
#  .dellipticalPerspSlider    Interactive perspective plots of density
#  .dellipticalContourSlider  Interactive contour plots of density

#  rellipticalCopula          Generates elliptical copula variates
#  rellipticalSlider          Generates interactive plots of random variates
#  .rnormCopula               Generates normal copula random variate
#  .rcauchyCopula             Generates Cauchy copula random variate
#  .rtCopula                  Generates Student-t copula random variate

rellipticalCopula <-
    function(n, rho = 0.75, param = NULL, type = c("norm", "cauchy", "t"))
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes extreme value copula probability

    # Arguments:
    #   n - number of deviates to be generated.
    #   rho - a numeric value setting the coorelation strength, ranging
    #       between minus one and one.
    #   nu - the number of degrees of freedom, only required for
    #       Student-t copulae.
    #   type - the type of the elliptical copula. Either "norm" or
    #       "t" denoting the normal or Student-t copula, respectively.
    #   output - a character string specifying how the output should
    #       be formatted. By default a vector of the same length as
    #       'u' and 'v'. If specified as "list" then 'u' and 'v' are
    #       expected to span a two-dimensional grid as outputted by the
    #       function 'grid2d' and the function returns a list with
    #       elements '$x', 'y', and 'z' which can be directly used
    #       for example by 2D plotting functions.

    # Value:
    #   returns a vector or list of probabilities depending on the
    #   value of the "output" variable.

    # Example:
    #   Diagonal Value: pnormCopula((0:10)/10)
    #   persp(pnormCopula(u = grid2d(), output = "list"))


    # Settings:
    type = match.arg(type)

    # Parameters:
    if (type == "t") {
        if(is.null(param)) {
            param = c(nu = 4)
        } else {
            param = c(nu = param)
        names(param) = "nu"

    # Copula:
    if (type == "norm")
        ans = .rnormCopula(n = n, rho = rho)
    if (type == "cauchy")
        ans = .rcauchyCopula(n = n, rho = rho)
    if (type == "t")
        ans = .rtCopula(n = n, rho = rho, nu = param)

    # Add Control Attribute:
    control = list(rho = rho, param = param, type = type)
    attr(ans, "control")<-unlist(control)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rellipticalSlider <- 
    function(B = 100)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively perspective plots of random variates


    # Graphic Frame:
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Internal Function:
    refresh.code <-  function(...)
        # Startup Counter:
        .counter <- getRmetricsOptions(".counter") + 1
        setRmetricsOptions(.counter = .counter)
        if (.counter < 7) return ()

        # Sliders:
        Copula = .sliderMenu(no = 1)
        N = .sliderMenu(no = 2)
        rho = .sliderMenu(no = 3)
        nu = .sliderMenu(no = 4)
        seed = .sliderMenu(no = 5)
        size = .sliderMenu(no = 6)
        col = .sliderMenu(no = 7)
        Names = c("- Normal", "- Cauchy", "- Student t")
        Type = c("norm", "cauchy", "t")
        eps = 1.0e-6
        if (rho == +1) rho = rho - eps
        if (rho == -1) rho = rho + eps

        # Tau and Rho:
        Tau = ellipticalTau(rho)
        Rho = ellipticalRho(rho)

        # Plot:
        Title = paste("Elliptical Copula No:", as.character(Copula),
            Names[Copula], "\nrho =", as.character(rho), "|")
        if (Copula == 2) Title = paste(Title, "nu =", as.character(nu), "|")
        Title = paste(Title,
            "Kendall = ", as.character(round(Tau, digits = 3)), "|",
            "Spearman = ", as.character(round(Rho, digits = 3)) )
        R = rellipticalCopula(n = N, rho = rho, param = nu, type = Type[Copula])
        plot(x = R[, 1], y = R[, 2], xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1),
            xlab = "u", ylab = "v", pch = 19, col = col, cex = size)
        title(main = Title)

        # Reset Frame:
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Open Slider Menu:
    setRmetricsOptions(.counter = 0)
    plot.names = c("Plot - size", "... color")
        names       = c("Copula",   "N", "rho", "t: nu", "seed", plot.names),
        minima      = c(       1,  1000,    -1,       1,   1000,     0,   1),
        maxima      = c(       3, 10000,    +1,       B,   9999,     1,  16),
        resolutions = c(       1,   500,  0.01,       1,      1,   0.1,   1),
        starts      = c(       1,  1000,     0,       4,   4711,   0.5,   1))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.rnormCopula <- 
    function(n, rho = 0.75)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Generates normal copula random variate

    # Example:
    #   UV = rnormCopula(n = 10000); plot(UV[,1], UV[,2], cex = 0.25)


    ## Use: X = .rnorm2d(n, rho) or alternatively:
    ## X = fMultivar:::.rnorm2d(n = n, rho = rho)
    ## The above isn;t exported - use the exported function
    X = fMultivar::rnorm2d(n = n, rho = rho)
    # Generate
    Z <- NULL
    for(i in (1:n)) Z <- rbind(Z, pnorm(X [i,]))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.rcauchyCopula <-
    function(n, rho = 0.75)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Generates Student-t copula random variate

    # Example:
    #   UV = rtCopula(n = 10000); plot(UV[,1], UV[,2], cex = 0.25)


    # Cauchy Deviates:
    Z = .rtCopula(n = n, rho = rho, nu = 1)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.rtCopula <- 
    function(n, rho = 0.75, nu = 4)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Generates Student-t copula random variate

    # Example:
    #   UV = rtCopula(n = 10000); plot(UV[,1], UV[,2], cex = 0.25)


    # Use: X = .rnorm2d(n, rho) or alternatively:
    X = rt2d(n = n, rho = rho, nu = nu)

    # Generate
    Z = NULL
    for (i in (1:n)) Z = rbind(Z, pt(X [i,], df = nu))

    # Return Value:

#  pellipticalCopula          Computes elliptical copula probability
#  pellipticalSlider          Generates interactive plots of probability
#  .pnormCopula               Computes normal copula probability
#  .pcauchyCopula             Computes Cauchy copula probability
#  .ptCopula                  Computes Student-t copula probability
#  .pellipticalCopulaGrid     Fast equidistant grid version
#  .pellipticalCopulaDiag     Fast diagonal cross section version
#  .pellipticalPerspSlider    Interactive perspective plots of probability
#  .pellipticalContourSlider  Interactive contour plots of probability

pellipticalCopula <- 
    function(u = 0.5, v = u, rho = 0.75, param = NULL, type = ellipticalList(),
    output = c("vector", "list"), border = TRUE)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes extreme value copula probability

    # Arguments:
    #   u, v - two numeric values or vectors of the same length at
    #       which the copula will be computed. If 'u' is a list then the
    #       the '$x' and '$y' elements will be used as 'u' and 'v'.
    #       If 'u' is a two column matrix then the first column will
    #       be used as 'u' and the the second as 'v'.
    #   rho - a numeric value setting the coorelation strength, ranging
    #       between minus one and one.
    #   param - distributional parameters, the number of degrees of
    #       freedom for the Student-t copulae.
    #   type - the type of the elliptical copula. Either "norm" or
    #       "t" denoting the normal or Student-t copula, respectively.
    #   output - a character string specifying how the output should
    #       be formatted. By default a vector of the same length as
    #       'u' and 'v'. If specified as "list" then 'u' and 'v' are
    #       expected to span a two-dimensional grid as outputted by the
    #       function 'grid2d' and the function returns a list with
    #       elements '$x', 'y', and 'z' which can be directly used
    #       for example by 2D plotting functions.

    # Value:
    #   returns a vector or list of probabilities depending on the
    #   value of the "output" variable.


    # Match Arguments:
    type <- match.arg(type)
    output <- match.arg(output)

    # Settings:
    subdivisions = 100
    if (is.list(u)) {
        v = u[[2]]
        u = u[[1]]
    if (is.matrix(u)) {
        v = u[, 2]
        u = u[, 1]
    if (length(u) == 1 & u[1] > 1) {
        return(.pellipticalCopulaGrid(N = u, rho, param, type, border = border))

    # Parameters:
    if (type == "t") if (is.null(param)) param = c(nu = 4)
    if (type == "kotz") if (is.null(param)) param = c(r = 1)
    if (type == "epower") if (is.null(param)) param = c(r = 1, s = 1)

    # Specical Copulae:
    if (type == "norm") {
        if (rho == -1) {
            ans <- pfrechetCopula(u = u, v = v, type = "m", output = output)
        } else if (rho == +1) {
            ans <- pfrechetCopula(u = u, v = v, type = "w", output = output)
        } else {
            ans = .pnormCopula(u = u, v = v, rho = rho, output = output)
    } else if (type == "cauchy") {
        ans <- .pcauchyCopula(u = u, v = v, rho = rho, output = output)
    } else if (type == "t") {
        if (is.null(param)) param = 4
        ans <- .ptCopula(u = u, v = v, rho = rho, nu = param, output = output)

    # The remaining Copulae - Compute Density on Regular Grid:
    N = subdivisions
    x = (0:N)/N
    c.uv = .dellipticalCopulaGrid(N = N, rho, param, type, border = TRUE)
    c.uv$z[is.na(c.uv$z)] = 0

    # Integrate to get Probability:
    C.uv = 0*c.uv$z
    for (i in 1:(N+1)) {
        D = matrix(rep(0, times = (N+1)^2), ncol = N+1)
        for (j in 1:i) {
            D[1:i, j] = 1
            C.uv[i,j] = C.uv[j,i] = sum(D*c.uv$z)
    C.uv = C.uv/N^2

    # Take care about the Boundary on the Unit Square:
    C.uv[1, ] = C.uv[, 1] = 0
    C.uv[N+1, ] = C.uv[, N+1] = c.uv$x

    # Interpolate for the desired Values on the grid:
    U0 = trunc(u*N)
    V0 = trunc(v*N)
    P = (u - U0/N)
    Q = (v - V0/N)
    U0 = U0 + 1
    U1 = U0 + 1
    V0 = V0 + 1
    V1 = V0 + 1
    C.vec = rep(NA, times = length(u))
    for ( i in 1:length(u) ) {
        p = P[i]
        q = Q[i]
        if (p == 0 & q == 0) {
            C.vec[i] = C.uv[U0[i], V0[i]]
        } else if (p == 0 & q > 0) {
            C.vec[i] = (1-q)*C.uv[U0[i], V0[i]] + q*C.uv[U0[i], V1[i]]
        } else if (p > 0 & q == 0) {
            C.vec[i] = (1-p)*C.uv[U0[i], V0[i]] + p*C.uv[U1[i], V0[i]]
        } else {
            C.vec[i] = (1-p)*(1-q)*C.uv[U0[i], V0[i]] +
                p*(1-q)*C.uv[U1[i], V0[i]] + (1-p)*q*C.uv[U0[i], V1[i]] +
                p*q*C.uv[U1[i], V1[i]]
    C.uv = round(C.vec, digits = 3)
    attr(C.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho)

    # As List ?
    if (output == "list") {
        N = sqrt(length(u))
        x = u[1:N]
        y = matrix(v, ncol = N)[1, ]
        names(x) = names(y) = NULL
        C.uv = list(x = x, y = y,  z = matrix(C.uv, ncol = N))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

pellipticalSlider <-
    function(type = c("persp", "contour"), B = 20)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively plots of probability

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively plots of probability

    # Arguments:
    #   type - a character string specifying the plot type.
    #       Either a perspective plot which is the default or
    #       a contour plot with an underlying image plot will
    #       be created.
    #   B - the maximum slider menu value when the boundary
    #       value is infinite. By default this is set to 10.


    # Settings:
    type = match.arg(type)

    # Plot:
    if (type == "persp")
        .pellipticalPerspSlider(B = B)
    if (type == "contour")
        .pellipticalContourSlider(B = B)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.pnormCopula <-
    function(u = 0.5, v = u, rho = 0.75, output = c("vector", "list") )
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes normal copula probability

    # Arguments:
    #   see function 'pellipticalCopula'


    # Type:
    output = match.arg(output)

    # Settings:
    type = "norm"
    if (is.list(u)) {
        v = u[[2]]
        u = u[[1]]
    if (is.matrix(u)) {
        v = u[, 2]
        u = u[, 1]

    # Copula Probability:
    C.uv = pnorm2d(qnorm(u), qnorm(v), rho = rho)
    names(C.uv) = NULL

    # Simulates Max function:
    C.uv = (C.uv + abs(C.uv))/2

    # On Boundary:
    C.uv[is.na(C.uv)] = 0
    C.uv[which(u == 0)] = 0
    C.uv[which(u == 1)] = v[which(u == 1)]
    C.uv[which(v == 0)] = 0
    C.uv[which(v == 1)] = u[which(v == 1)]
    C.uv[which(u*v == 1)] = 1
    C.uv[which(u+v == 0)] = 0

    # Result:
    attr(C.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho)

    # As List ?
    if (output == "list") {
        N = sqrt(length(u))
        x = u[1:N]
        y = matrix(v, ncol = N)[1, ]
        C.uv = list(x = x, y = y,  z = matrix(C.uv, ncol = N))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.pcauchyCopula <- 
    function(u = 0.5, v = u, rho = 0.75, output = c("vector", "list") )
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes Student-t copula probability

    # Arguments:
    #   see function 'pellipticalCopula'


    # Cauchy Probability:
    C.uv <- .ptCopula(u = u, v = v, rho = rho, nu = 1, output = output)
    attr(C.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.ptCopula <-
    function(u = 0.5, v = u, rho = 0.75, nu = 4, output = c("vector", "list") )
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes Student-t copula probability

    # Arguments:
    #   see function 'pellipticalCopula'


    # Match Arguments:
    output <- match.arg(output)

    # Settings:
    type = "t"
    if (is.list(u)) {
        v = u[[2]]
        u = u[[1]]
    if (is.matrix(u)) {
        v = u[, 2]
        u = u[, 1]

    # Copula Probability:
    C.uv <- pt2d(qt(u, df = nu), qt(v, df = nu), rho = rho, nu = nu)
    names(C.uv) = NULL

    # Simulates Max function:
    C.uv = (C.uv + abs(C.uv))/2

    # On Boundary:
    C.uv[is.na(C.uv)] = 0
    C.uv[which(u == 0)] = 0
    C.uv[which(u == 1)] = v[which(u == 1)]
    C.uv[which(v == 0)] = 0
    C.uv[which(v == 1)] = u[which(v == 1)]
    C.uv[which(u*v == 1)] = 1
    C.uv[which(u+v == 0)] = 0

    # Result:
    attr(C.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho, nu = nu)

    # As List ?
    if (output == "list") {
        N = sqrt(length(u))
        x = u[1:N]
        y = matrix(v, ncol = N)[1, ]
        C.uv = list(x = x, y = y,  z = matrix(C.uv, ncol = N))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.pellipticalCopulaGrid <-
    function(N, rho = 0.75, param = NULL, type = ellipticalList(), border = TRUE)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes elliptical copula probability on a 2d grid

    # Arguments:
    #   see function pellipticalCopula()


    # Settings:
    U = (0:N)/N
    V = (1:(N-1))/N

    # Compute Density on Regular Grid:
    c.uv = .dellipticalCopulaGrid(N, rho, param, type, border = TRUE)
    c.uv$z[is.na(c.uv$z)] = 0

    # Integrate to get Probability:
    if (TRUE) {
        C.uv = 0*c.uv$z
        for (i in 1:(N+1)) {
            for (j in 1:i) {
                C.uv[i,j] = C.uv[j,i] = sum(c.uv$z[1:i, 1:j])
        C.uv = C.uv/N^2

    if (FALSE) {
        # This is much slower !
        IJ = grid2d(1:(N+1))
        X = cbind(IJ$x, IJ$y)
        fun =  function(X, C) sum(C[1:X[1], 1:X[2]])
        C.uv = apply(X, MARGIN=1, FUN = fun, C = c.uv$z)
        C.uv = matrix(C.uv, byrow = TRUE, ncol = N+1) / N^2

    # Probability - Take care about the Boundary on the Unit Square:
    C.uv[1, ] = C.uv[, 1] = 0
    C.uv[N+1, ] = C.uv[, N+1] = c.uv$x
    names(C.uv) = NULL
    attr(C.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho)
    C.uv = list(x = U, y = U, z = matrix(C.uv, ncol = length(U)))
    if (!border) {
        C.uv$z = C.uv$z[-1, ]
        C.uv$z = C.uv$z[-N, ]
        C.uv$z = C.uv$z[, -1]
        C.uv$z = C.uv$z[, -N]
        C.uv$x = C.uv$y = V

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.pellipticalCopulaDiag <-
    function(N, rho = 0.75, param = NULL, type = ellipticalList(), border = TRUE)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes elliptical diagonal cross section copula probability

    # Arguments:
    #   see function pellipticalCopula()


    # Settings:
    U = (0:N)/N
    V = (1:(N-1))/N

    # Compute Density on Regular Grid:
    c.uv = .dellipticalCopulaGrid(N, rho, param, type[1], border = TRUE)
    c.uv$z[is.na(c.uv$z)] = 0

    # Integrate to get Probability:
    C.uu = 0*U
    for (i in 1:(N+1)) {
        C.uu[i] = sum(c.uv$z[1:i, 1:i])
    C.uu = C.uu/N^2
    names(C.uu) = NULL
    attr(C.uu, "control") <- c(rho = rho)

    if (border) {
        C.uu = list(x = U, y = C.uu)
    } else {
        C.uu = list(x = V, y = C.uu[c(-1,-(N+1))])

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.pellipticalPerspSlider <-
    function(B = 20)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively perspective plots of probability

    # Arguments:


    # Graphic Frame:
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Internal Function:
    refresh.code = function(...)
        # Startup Counter:
        .counter <- getRmetricsOptions(".counter") + 1
        setRmetricsOptions(.counter = .counter)
        if (.counter < 7) return ()

        # Sliders:
        Copula = .sliderMenu(no = 1)
        N = .sliderMenu(no = 2)
        rho = .sliderMenu(no = 3)
        nu = .sliderMenu(no = 4)
        s = .sliderMenu(no = 5)
        theta = .sliderMenu(no = 6)
        phi = .sliderMenu(no = 7)
        r = 1

        # Title:
        Names =
            c("- Normal", "- Student t", "- Logistic", "- Exponential Power")
        if (nu == 1) Names[2] = "- Student-t [Cauchy]"
        if (s == 0.5) Names[4] = "- Exponential Power [Laplace]"
        if (s == 1) Names[4] = "- Exponential Power [Kotz|Normal]"
        Title = paste("Elliptical Copula No:", as.character(Copula),
            Names[Copula], "\nrho = ", as.character(rho))
        if (Copula == 2) Title = paste(Title, "nu =", as.character(nu))
        if (Copula == 4) Title = paste(Title, "s =", as.character(s))

        # Plot:
        Type = c("norm", "t", "logistic", "epower")
        param = NULL
        if (Copula == 2) param = nu
        if (Copula == 4) param = c(r, s)
        P = .pellipticalCopulaGrid(N = N, rho = rho, param = param,
            type = Type[Copula], border = TRUE)
        persp(P, theta = theta, phi = phi, col = "steelblue", shade = 0.5,
            ticktype = "detailed", cex = 0.5, xlab = "u", ylab = "v",
            zlab = "C(u, v)", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), zlim = c(0, 1) )
        title(main = Title)
        Tau = as.character(round(2*asin(rho)/pi, 2))
        mTitle = paste("Tau", Tau)
        mtext(mTitle, side = 4, col = "grey", cex = 0.7)
        mTitle = paste("1: Normal | 2: Student-t [Cauchy] | 3: Logistic |",
            "4: Exponential Power [Laplace|Kotz]")
        mtext(mTitle, side = 1, line = 3, col = "grey", cex = 0.7)

        # Reset Frame:
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Open Slider Menu:
    setRmetricsOptions(.counter = 0)
    plot.names = c("Plot - theta", "... phi")
        names = c("Copula",  "N", "rho", "2: nu", "4: s", plot.names),
        minima      = c( 1,   10, -0.95,       1,    0.1,  -180,    0),
        maxima      = c( 4,  100,  0.95,       B,      5,   180,  360),
        resolutions = c( 1,   10,  0.05,     0.1,    0.1,     1,    1),
        starts      = c( 1,   20,  0.50,       4,      1,   -40,   30))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.pellipticalContourSlider <- 
    function(B = 20)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively perspective plots of probability

    # Arguments:


    # Graphic Frame:
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Internal Function:
    refresh.code =  function(...)
        # Startup Counter:
        .counter <- getRmetricsOptions(".counter") + 1
        setRmetricsOptions(.counter = .counter)
        if (.counter < 7) return ()

        # Sliders:
        Copula = .sliderMenu(no = 1)
        N = .sliderMenu(no = 2)
        rho = .sliderMenu(no = 3)
        nu = .sliderMenu(no = 4)
        s = .sliderMenu(no = 5)
        nlev = .sliderMenu(no = 6)
        ncol = .sliderMenu(no = 7)
        r = 1

        # Title:
        Names =
            c("- Normal", "- Student t", "- Logistic", "- Exponential Power")
        if (nu == 1) Names[2] = "- Student-t [Cauchy]"
        if (s == 0.5) Names[4] = "- Exponential Power [Laplace]"
        if (s == 1) Names[4] = "- Exponential Power [Kotz|Normal]"
        Title = paste("Elliptical Copula No:", as.character(Copula),
            Names[Copula], "\nrho = ", as.character(rho))
        if (Copula == 2) Title = paste(Title, "nu =", as.character(nu))
        if (Copula == 4) Title = paste(Title, "s =", as.character(s))

        # Plot:
        Type = c("norm", "t", "logistic", "epower")
        param = NULL
        if (Copula == 2) param = nu
        if (Copula == 4) param = c(r, s)
        P = .pellipticalCopulaGrid(N = N, rho = rho, param = param,
            type = Type[Copula], border = FALSE)
        image(P, col = heat.colors(ncol), ylab = "v")
        mtext("u", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.7)
        contour(P, nlevels = nlev, add = TRUE)
        title(main = Title)
        Tau = as.character(round(2*asin(rho)/pi, 2))
        mTitle = paste("Tau", Tau)
        mtext(mTitle, side = 4, col = "grey", cex = 0.7)
        mTitle = paste("1: Normal | 2: Student-t [Cauchy] | 3: Logistic |",
            "4: Exponential Power [Laplace|Kotz]")
        mtext(mTitle, side = 1, line = 3, col = "grey", cex = 0.7)

        # Reset Frame:
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Open Slider Menu:
    setRmetricsOptions(.counter = 0)
    plot.names = c("Plot - levels", "... colors")
        names = c("Copula", "N", "rho", "2: nu", "4: s", plot.names),
        minima      = c( 1,  10, -0.95,       1,    0.1,     5,   12),
        maxima      = c( 4, 100,  0.95,       B,      5,   100,  256),
        resolutions = c( 1,  10,  0.05,     0.1,    0.1,     5,    4),
        starts      = c( 1,  20,  0.50,       4,      1,    10,   32))

#  dellipticalCopula          Computes elliptical copula density
#  dellipticalSlider          Generates interactive plots of density
#  .dnormCopula               Computes normal copula density
#  .dcauchyCopula             Computes Cauchy copula density
#  .dtCopula                  Computes Student-t copula density
#  .dellipticalCopulaGrid     Fast grid version for elliptical copula density
#  .dellipticalPerspSlider    Interactive perspective plots of density
#  .dellipticalContourSlider  Interactive contour plots of density

dellipticalCopula <-
    function(u = 0.5, v = u, rho = 0.75, param = NULL, type = ellipticalList(),
output = c("vector", "list"), border = TRUE)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes extreme value copula density

    # Arguments:
    #   u, v - two numeric values or vectors of the same length at
    #       which the copula will be computed. If 'u' is a list then the
    #       the '$x' and '$y' elements will be used as 'u' and 'v'.
    #       If 'u' is a two column matrix then the first column will
    #       be used as 'u' and the the second as 'v'.
    #   rho - a numeric value setting the coorelation strength, ranging
    #       between minus one and one.
    #   param - additional distributional parameters.
    #   type - the type of the elliptical copula. Either "norm" or
    #       "t" denoting the normal or Student-t copula, respectively.
    #   output - a character string specifying how the output should
    #       be formatted. By default a vector of the same length as
    #       'u' and 'v'. If specified as "list" then 'u' and 'v' are
    #       expected to span a two-dimensional grid as outputted by the
    #       function 'grid2d' and the function returns a list with
    #       elements '$x', 'y', and 'z' which can be directly used
    #       for example by 2D plotting functions.

    # Value:
    #   returns a vector or list of probabilities depending on the
    #   value of the "output" variable.

    # Example:
    #   Diagonal Value: pnormCopula((0:10)/10)
    #   persp(pnormCopula(u = grid2d(), output = "list"))


    # Use Grid Version?
    if (is.numeric(u)) {
        if (length(u) == 1 & u[1] > 1) {
            ans = .dellipticalCopulaGrid(N = u, rho = rho, param = param,
                type = type, border = border)

    # Match Arguments:
    type = match.arg(type)
    output = match.arg(output)

    # Settings:
    if (is.list(u)) {
        v = u[[2]]
        u = u[[1]]
    if (is.matrix(u)) {
        v = u[, 2]
        u = u[, 1]
    if (length(u) == 1 & u[1] > 1) {
        return(.pellipticalCopulaGrid(N = u, rho, param, type, border = border))

    # Parameters:
    if (type == "t") if (is.null(param)) param = c(nu = 4)
    if (type == "kotz") if (is.null(param)) param = c(r = 1)
    if (type == "epower") if (is.null(param)) param = c(r = 1, s = 1)

    # Density:
    x = .qelliptical(u, param = param, type = type)
    y = .qelliptical(v, param = param, type = type)
    c.uv = delliptical2d(x, y, rho = rho, param = param, type = type) / (
        .delliptical(x, param = param, type = type) *
        .delliptical(y, param = param, type = type) )
    if (rho == 0 & type == "norm") c.uv[!is.na(c.uv)] = 1
    names(c.uv) = NULL
    attr(c.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho)
    if (output == "list") {
        N = sqrt(length(u))
        x = u[1:N]
        y = matrix(v, ncol = N)[1, ]
        c.uv = list(x = x, y = y, z = matrix(c.uv, ncol = N))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

dellipticalSlider <- 
    function(type = c("persp", "contour"), B = 20)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively plots of density

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively plots of density

    # Arguments:
    #   type - a character string specifying the plot type.
    #       Either a perspective plot which is the default or
    #       a contour plot with an underlying image plot will
    #       be created.
    #   B - the maximum slider menu value when the boundary
    #       value is infinite. By default this is set to 10.


    # Settings:
    type = match.arg(type)

    # Plot:
    if (type == "persp")
        .dellipticalPerspSlider(B = B)
    if (type == "contour")
        .dellipticalContourSlider(B = B)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.dnormCopula <-
    function(u = 0.5, v = u, rho = 0.75, output = c("vector", "list") )
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes normal copula density

    # Arguments:
    #   see function 'dellipticalCopula'


    # Type:
    output = match.arg(output)

    # Settings:
    type = "norm"
    if (is.list(u)) {
        v = u[[2]]
        u = u[[1]]
    if (is.matrix(u)) {
        v = u[, 2]
        u = u[, 1]

    # Copula Density:
    x = qnorm(u)
    y = qnorm(v)
    c.uv = dnorm2d(x, y, rho)/(dnorm(x) * dnorm(y))
    names(c.uv) = NULL

    # Result:
    attr(c.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho)

    # As List ?
    if (output == "list") {
        N = sqrt(length(u))
        x = u[1:N]
        y = matrix(v, ncol = N)[1, ]
        c.uv = list(x = x, y = y,  z = matrix(c.uv, ncol = N))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.dtCopula <- 
    function(u = 0.5, v = u, rho = 0.75, nu = 4, output = c("vector", "list") )
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes Student-t copula density

    # Arguments:
    #   see function 'dellipticalCopula'


    # Match Arguments:
    output = match.arg(output)

    # Settings:
    type = "t"
    if (is.list(u)) {
        v = u[[2]]
        u = u[[1]]
    if (is.matrix(u)) {
        v = u[, 2]
        u = u[, 1]

    # Copula Probability:
    x = qt(u, df = nu)
    y = qt(v, df = nu)
    c.uv = dt2d(x, y, rho, nu)/(dt(x, nu) * dt(y, nu))
    names(c.uv) = NULL

    # Result:
    attr(c.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho, nu = nu)

    # As List ?
    if (output == "list") {
        N = sqrt(length(u))
        x = u[1:N]
        y = matrix(v, ncol = N)[1, ]
        c.uv = list(x = x, y = y,  z = matrix(c.uv, ncol = N))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.dcauchyCopula <- 
    function(u = 0.5, v = u, rho = 0.75, nu = 4, output = c("vector", "list") )
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes Student-t copula density

    # Arguments:
    #   see function 'dellipticalCopula'


    # Cauchy Density:
    c.uv = .dtCopula(u = u, v = v, rho = rho, nu = 1, output = output)
    attr(c.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.dellipticalCopulaGrid <- 
    function(N, rho = 0.75, param = NULL, type = ellipticalList(), border = TRUE)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Computes extreme value copula density

    # Arguments:
    #   N - the number of grid points is (N+1)*(N+1)
    #   rho - a numeric value setting the coorelation strength, ranging
    #       between minus one and one.
    #   param - additional distributional parameters.
    #   type - the type of the elliptical copula. Either "norm" or
    #       "t" denoting the normal or Student-t copula, respectively.

    # Value:
    #   returns a vector or list of probabilities depending on the
    #   value of the "output" variable.

    # Note:
    #   Made for the Sliders.


    # Settings:
    type = type[1]
    U = (0:N)/N
    V = (1:(N-1))/N

    # Reduce to Grid - speeds up the computation:
    M = N%/%2 + 1
    X = .qelliptical(U[1:M], param = param, type = type)
    if (N%%2 == 0) {
        X = c(X, rev(-X)[-1])
    } else {
        X = c(X, rev(-X))
    NX = length(X)
    x = rep(X, times = NX)
    y = rep(X, each = NX)
    D = .delliptical(X, param = param, type = type)
    DX = rep(D, times = NX)
    DY = rep(D, each = NX)

    # Density:
    c.uv = delliptical2d(x, y, rho = rho, param = param, type = type) / (DX*DY)
    if (rho == 0 & type == "norm") c.uv[!is.na(c.uv)] = 1
    c.uv[is.na(c.uv)] = 0
    names(c.uv) = NULL
    attr(c.uv, "control") <- c(rho = rho)
    c.uv = list(x = U, y = U, z = matrix(c.uv, ncol = N+1))
    if (!border) {
        c.uv$z = c.uv$z[-1, ]
        c.uv$z = c.uv$z[-N, ]
        c.uv$z = c.uv$z[, -1]
        c.uv$z = c.uv$z[, -N]
        c.uv = list(x = V, y = V, z = matrix(c.uv$z, ncol = N-1))

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.dellipticalPerspSlider <- 
    function(B = 20)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively perspective plots of density


    # Graphic Frame:
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Internal Function:
    refresh.code =  function(...)
        # Startup Counter:
        .counter <- getRmetricsOptions(".counter") + 1
        setRmetricsOptions(.counter = .counter)
        if (.counter < 7) return ()

        # Sliders:
        Copula = .sliderMenu(no = 1)
        N = .sliderMenu(no = 2)
        rho = .sliderMenu(no = 3)
        nu = .sliderMenu(no = 4)
        s = .sliderMenu(no = 5)
        theta = .sliderMenu(no = 6)
        phi = .sliderMenu(no = 7)
        r = 1

        # Title:
        Names =
            c("- Normal", "- Student t", "- Logistic", "- Exponential Power")
        if (nu == 1) Names[2] = "- Student-t [Cauchy]"
        if (s == 0.5) Names[4] = "- Exponential Power [Laplace]"
        if (s == 1) Names[4] = "- Exponential Power [Kotz|Normal]"
        Title = paste("Elliptical Copula Density No:", as.character(Copula),
            Names[Copula], "\nrho = ", as.character(rho))
        if (Copula == 2) Title = paste(Title, "nu =", as.character(nu))
        if (Copula == 4) Title = paste(Title, "s =", as.character(s))

        # Plot:
        uv = grid2d(x = (1:(N-1))/N)
        Type = c("norm", "t", "logistic", "epower")
        param = NULL
        if (Copula == 2) param = nu
        if (Copula == 4) param = c(r, s)
        D = .dellipticalCopulaGrid(N, rho = rho, param = param,
            type = Type[Copula], border = FALSE)
        Integrated = as.character(round(mean(D$z),2))
        Var = var(as.vector(D$z), na.rm = TRUE)
        if (Var < 1.0e-6) {
            # A flat perspective plot fails, if zlim is not specified!
            Mean = round(1.5*mean(as.vector(D$z), na.rm = TRUE), 2)
            persp(D, theta = theta, phi = phi, col = "steelblue", shade = 0.5,
                ticktype = "detailed", cex = 0.5, xlab = "u", ylab = "v",
                zlim = c(0, Mean), zlab = "C(u,v)" )
        } else {
            persp(D, theta = theta, phi = phi, col = "steelblue", shade = 0.5,
                ticktype = "detailed", cex = 0.5, xlab = "u", ylab = "v",
                zlab = "C(u,v)" )
        title(main = Title)
        Tau = as.character(round(2*asin(rho)/pi, 2))
        mTitle = paste("Mean: ", Integrated, " |  Tau", Tau)
        mtext(mTitle, side = 4, col = "grey", cex = 0.7)
        mTitle = paste("1: Normal | 2: Student-t [Cauchy] | 3: Logistic |",
            "4: Exponential Power [Laplace|Kotz]")
        mtext(mTitle, side = 1, col = "grey", cex = 0.7)

        # Reset Frame:
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Open Slider Menu:
    setRmetricsOptions(.counter = 0)
    plot.names = c("Plot - theta", "... phi")
        names = c("Copula", "N", "rho", "3: nu", "4: s", plot.names),
        minima      = c( 1,  10, -0.95,       1,   0.1,  -180,    0),
        maxima      = c( 4, 100,  0.95,       B,     5,   180,  360),
        resolutions = c( 1,  10,  0.05,     0.1,   0.1,     1,    1),
        starts      = c( 1,  20,  0.50,       4,     1,   -40,   30))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.dellipticalContourSlider <-
    function(B = 20)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Displays interactively perspective plots of density


    # Graphic Frame:
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Internal Function:
    refresh.code =  function(...)
        # Startup Counter:
        .counter <- getRmetricsOptions(".counter") + 1
        setRmetricsOptions(.counter = .counter)
        if (.counter < 7) return ()

        # Sliders:
        Copula = .sliderMenu(no = 1)
        N = .sliderMenu(no = 2)
        rho = .sliderMenu(no = 3)
        nu = .sliderMenu(no = 4)
        s = .sliderMenu(no = 5)
        nlev = .sliderMenu(no = 6)
        ncol = .sliderMenu(no = 7)
        if (rho == 0 & Copula == 1) return(invisible())
        r = 1

        # Title:
        Names =
            c("- Normal", "- Student t", "- Logistic", "- Exponential Power")
        if (nu == 1) Names[2] = "- Student-t [Cauchy]"
        if (s == 0.5) Names[4] = "- Exponential Power [Laplace]"
        if (s == 1) Names[4] = "- Exponential Power [Kotz|Normal]"
        Title = paste("Elliptical Copula Density No:", as.character(Copula),
            Names[Copula], "\nrho = ", as.character(rho))
        if (Copula == 2) Title = paste(Title, "nu =", as.character(nu))
        if (Copula == 4) Title = paste(Title, "s =", as.character(s))

        # Plot:
        uv = grid2d(x = (0:N)/N)
        Type = c("norm", "t", "logistic", "laplace", "kotz", "epower")
        param = NULL
        if (Copula == 2) param = nu
        if (Copula == 5) param = r
        if (Copula == 6) param = c(r, s)
        D = .dellipticalCopulaGrid(N, rho = rho, param = param,
            type = Type[Copula], border = FALSE)
        Integrated = as.character(round(mean(D$z),2))
        image(D, col = heat.colors(ncol), ylab = "v",
            xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1) )
        mtext("u", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.7)
        contour(D, nlevels = nlev, add = TRUE)
        title(main = Title)
        Tau = as.character(round(2*asin(rho)/pi, 2))
        mTitle = paste("Mean: ", Integrated, " |  Tau", Tau)
        mtext(mTitle, side = 4, col = "grey", cex = 0.7)
        mTitle = paste("1: Normal | 2: Student-t [Cauchy] | 3: Logistic |",
            "4: Exponential Power [Laplace|Kotz]")
        mtext(mTitle, side = 1, line =  3, col = "grey", cex = 0.7)

        # Reset Frame:
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    # Open Slider Menu:
    setRmetricsOptions(.counter = 0)
    plot.names = c("Plot - levels", "... colors")
        names = c("Copula", "N", "rho", "2: nu", "4: s", plot.names),
        minima      = c( 1,  10, -0.95,       1,    0.1,     5,   12),
        maxima      = c( 4, 100,  0.95,       B,      5,   100,  256),
        resolutions = c( 1,  10,  0.05,     0.1,    0.1,     5,    4),
        starts      = c( 1,  20,  0.50,       4,      1,    10,   32))


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fCopulae documentation built on Dec. 29, 2022, 4:03 p.m.