
smooth.basis1 <- function (argvals=1:n, y, fdParobj,
                           wtvec=NULL,   fdnames=NULL, covariates=NULL,
                           method="chol", dfscale=1, returnMatrix=FALSE)
#  Arguments:
# ARGVALS  A set of N argument values, set by default to equally spaced
#             on the unit interval (0,1).
# Y        an array containing values of curves
#             If the array is a matrix, rows must correspond to argument
#             values and columns to replications, and it will be assumed
#             that there is only one variable per observation.
#             If Y is a three-dimensional array, the first dimension
#             corresponds to argument values, the second to replications,
#             and the third to variables within replications.
#             If Y is a vector, only one replicate and variable are assumed.
# FDPAROBJ A functional parameter or fdPar object.  This object
#             contains the specifications for the functional data
#             object to be estimated by smoothing the data.  See
#             comment lines in function fdPar for details.
#             This argument may also be either a FD object, or a
#             BASIS object.  In this case, the smoothing parameter
#             LAMBDA is set to 0.
# WEIGHT   A vector of N weights, set to one by default, that can
#             be used to differentially weight observations, or
#             a symmetric positive definite matrix of order N
# FDNAMES  A cell of length 3 with names for
#             1. argument domain, such as "Time"
#             2. replications or cases
#             3. the function.
# COVARIATES  A N by Q matrix Z of covariate values used to augment
#             the smoothing function, where N is the number of
#             data values to be smoothed and Q is the number of
#             covariates.  The process of augmenting a smoothing
#             function in this way is often called "semi-parametric
#             regression".  The default is the null object NULL.
# METHOD      The method for computing coefficients.  The usual method
#             computes cross-product matrices of the basis value matrix,
#             adds the roughness penalty, and uses the Choleski decomposition
#             of this to compute coefficients, analogous to using the
#             normal equations in least squares fitting.  But this approach,
#             while fast, contributes unnecessary rounding error, and the qr
#             decomposition of the augmented basis matrix is prefererable.
#             But nothing comes for free, and the computational overhead of
#             the qr approach can be a serious problem for large problems
#             (n of 1000 or more).  For this reason, the default is
#             "method" = "chol", but if 'method' == 'qr', the qr
#             decomposition is used.
# DFFACTOR A multiplier of df in GCV, set to one by default
# Returns a list containing:
#   FDOBJ   an object of class fd containing coefficients.
#   DF      a degrees of freedom measure.
#   GCV     a measure of lack of fit discounted for df.
#              If the function is univariate, GCV is a vector
#              containing the error  sum of squares for each
#              function, and if the function is multivariate,
#              GCV is a NVAR by NCURVES matrix.
#   COEF    the coefficient matrix for the basis function
#                expansion of the smoothing function
#   SSE     the error sums of squares.
#              SSE is a vector or matrix of the same size as
#              GCV.
#   PENMAT  the penalty matrix.
#   Y2CMAP  the matrix mapping the data to the coefficients.
# last modified 16 January 2013 by Jim Ramsay

#  This version of smooth.basis, introduced in March 2011, permits ARGVALS
#  to be a matrix, with the same dimensions as the first two dimensions of Y
#  This allows the sampling points to vary from one record to another.
#  This first section of code selects the version of smooth.basis to use
#  depending on whether ARGVALS is a vector (case 1) or a matrix (case 2)
#  The earlier version of smooth.basis is found at the end of the file where
#  it is names smooth.basis1.

#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#                      Check argments
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#  check Y  and set nrep, nvar and ndim

#  set up matrix or array for coefficients of basis expansion,
#  as well as names for replications and, if needed, variables 
  if (is.vector(y))y <- matrix(y,length(y),1)
  dimy <- dim(y)
  n    <- dimy[1]

  ycheck <- ycheck(y, n)
  y      <- ycheck$y
  y0     <- y  #  preserve a copy of Y
  nrep   <- ycheck$ncurve
  nvar   <- ycheck$nvar
  ndim   <- ycheck$ndim
  ydim   <- dim(y)

#  check ARGVALS

  if (!is.numeric(argvals)) stop("'argvals' is not numeric.")
  argvals <- as.vector(argvals)

#  check fdParobj

  fdParobj <- fdParcheck(fdParobj)

  fdobj    <- fdParobj$fd
  lambda   <- fdParobj$lambda
  Lfdobj   <- fdParobj$Lfd
  penmat   <- fdParobj$penmat

#  check LAMBDA

  if (lambda < 0) {
    warning ("Value of 'lambda' was negative  0 used instead.")
    lambda <- 0

#  check WTVEC

  wtlist <- wtcheck(n, wtvec)
  wtvec  <- wtlist$wtvec
  onewt  <- wtlist$onewt
  matwt  <- wtlist$matwt

# if (matwt) wtmat <- wtvec #  else wtmat <- diag(as.vector(wtvec))

#  set up names for first dimension of y

  tnames <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
  if (is.null(tnames)) tnames <- 1:n

#  extract information from fdParobj

  nderiv   <- Lfdobj$nderiv
  basisobj <- fdobj$basis
  dropind  <- basisobj$dropind
  ndropind <- length(dropind)
  nbasis   <- basisobj$nbasis - ndropind 

#  get names for basis functions

  names <- basisobj$names
  if (ndropind > 0) {
    names <- names[-dropind]
  if (ndim == 2)  {
    coef   <- matrix(0,nbasis,nrep)
    ynames <- dimnames(y)[[2]]
    vnames <- "value"
    dimnames(coef) <- list(names, ynames)

  if (ndim == 3)  {
    coef <- array(0,c(nbasis,nrep,nvar))
    ynames <- dimnames(y)[[2]]
    vnames <- dimnames(y)[[3]]
    dimnames(coef) <- list(names, ynames, vnames)

#  check COVARIATES and set value for q, the number of covariates

  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    if (!is.numeric(covariates)) {
            "Optional argument COVARIATES is not numeric."))
    if (dim(covariates)[1] != n) {
            "Optional argument COVARIATES has incorrect number of rows."))
    q <- dim(covariates)[2]
  } else {
    q <- 0
    beta. <- NULL

#  set up names for first dimension of y

  tnames <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
  if (is.null(tnames)) tnames <- 1:n

#  ----------------------------------------------------------------
#                set up the linear equations for smoothing
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------

#  set up matrix of basis function values

  basismat <- eval.basis(as.vector(argvals), basisobj, 0, returnMatrix)

  if (method == "chol") {

  #  -----------------------------------------------------------------
  #  use the default choleski decomposition of the crossproduct of the
  #  basis value matrix plus the roughness penalty
  #  -----------------------------------------------------------------

    if (n > nbasis + q || lambda > 0) {

    #  augment BASISMAT0 and BASISMAT by the covariate matrix
    #  if it is supplied

      if (!is.null(covariates)) {
        ind1 <- 1:n
        ind2 <- (nbasis+1):(nbasis+q)
        basismat  <- as.matrix(basismat)
        basismat  <- cbind(basismat,  matrix(0,dim(basismat) [1],q))
        basismat[ind1,ind2]  <- covariates

    #  Compute the product of the basis and weight matrix

      if (matwt) {
        wtfac   <- chol(wtvec)
        basisw  <- wtvec %*% basismat
      } else {
        rtwtvec <- sqrt(wtvec)
        rtwtmat <- matrix(rtwtvec,n,nrep)
        basisw  <- (wtvec %*% matrix(1,1,nbasis+q))*basismat

    #  the weighted crossproduct of the basis matrix
      Bmat  <- t(basisw) %*% basismat
      Bmat0 <- Bmat

    #  set up right side of normal equations

      if (ndim < 3) {
        Dmat <- t(basisw) %*% y
      } else {
        Dmat <- array(0, c(nbasis+q, nrep, nvar))
        for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
            Dmat[,,ivar] <- crossprod(basisw,y[,,ivar])

      if (lambda > 0) {
      #  smoothing required, add the contribution of the penalty term
        if (is.null(penmat)) penmat <- eval.penalty(basisobj, Lfdobj)
        Bnorm   <- sqrt(sum(diag(t(Bmat0) %*% Bmat0)))
        pennorm <- sqrt(sum(penmat*penmat))
        condno  <- pennorm/Bnorm
        if (lambda*condno > 1e12) {
            lambda <- 1e12/condno
            warning(paste("lambda reduced to",lambda,
                          "to prevent overflow"))
        if (!is.null(covariates)) {
            penmat <- rbind(cbind(penmat, matrix(0,nbasis,q)),
                           cbind(matrix(0,q,nbasis), matrix(0,q,q)))
        Bmat   <- Bmat0 + lambda*penmat
      } else {
        penmat <- NULL
        Bmat   <- Bmat0

    #  compute inverse of Bmat

      Bmat    <- (Bmat+t(Bmat))/2
      Lmat    <- try(chol(Bmat), silent=TRUE)
      if (class(Lmat)=="try-error") {
        Beig <- eigen(Bmat, symmetric=TRUE)
        BgoodEig <- (Beig$values>0)
        Brank <- sum(BgoodEig)
        if (Brank<dim(Bmat)[1])
          warning("Matrix of basis function values has rank ",
                  Brank, " < dim(fdobj$basis)[2] = ",
                  length(BgoodEig), "  ignoring null space")
        goodVec <- Beig$vectors[, BgoodEig]
        Bmatinv <- (goodVec %*% (Beig$values[BgoodEig] * t(goodVec)))
      } else {
        Lmatinv <- solve(Lmat)
        Bmatinv <- Lmatinv %*% t(Lmatinv)

    #  compute coefficient matrix by solving normal equations

      if (ndim < 3) {
        coef <- Bmatinv %*% Dmat
        if (!is.null(covariates)) {
            beta. <- as.matrix(coef[(nbasis+1):(nbasis+q),])
            coef  <- as.matrix(coef[1:nbasis,])
        } else {
            beta. <- NULL
      } else {
        coef <- array(0, c(nbasis, nrep, nvar))
        if (!is.null(covariates)) {
          beta. <- array(0, c(q, nrep, nvar))
        } else {
          beta. <- NULL
        for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
          coefi <- Bmatinv %*% Dmat[,,ivar]
          if (!is.null(covariates)) {
            beta.[,,ivar] <- coefi[(nbasis+1):(nbasis+q),]
            coef[,,ivar] <- coefi[1:nbasis,]
          } else {
            coef[,,ivar] <- coefi

    } else {

      if (n == nbasis + q) {

      #  code for n == nbasis, q == 0, and lambda == 0
        if (ndim==2) {
          coef <- solve(basismat, y)
        } else {
          for (ivar in 1:var)
            coef[1:n, , ivar] <- solve(basismat, y[,,ivar])
        penmat  <- NULL
      } else {

      #  n < nbasis+q:  this is treated as an error

        stop("The number of basis functions = ", nbasis+q, " exceeds ",
              n, " = the number of points to be smoothed.")

  } else {

  #  -------------------------------------------------------------
  #  computation of coefficients using the qr decomposition of the
  #  augmented basis value matrix
  #  -------------------------------------------------------------

    if (n > nbasis || lambda > 0) {

    #  Multiply the basis matrix and the data pointwise by the square root
    #  of the weight vector if the weight vector is not all ones.
    #  If the weights are in a matrix, multiply the basis matrix by its
    #  Choleski factor.

      if (!onewt) {
        if (matwt) {
          wtfac <- chol(wtvec)
          basismat.aug <- wtfac %*% basismat
          if (ndim < 3) {
            y <- wtfac %*% y
          } else {
            for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
                y[,,ivar] <- wtfac %*% y[,,ivar]
        } else {
          rtwtvec  <- sqrt(wtvec)
          basismat.aug <- matrix(rtwtvec,n,nbasis) * basismat
          if (ndim < 3) {
            y <- matrix(rtwtvec,n,nrep) * y
          } else {
            for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
                y[,,ivar] <- matrix(rtwtvec,n,nrep) * y[,,ivar]
      } else {
        basismat.aug <- basismat

    #  set up additional rows of the least squares problem for the
    #  penalty term.

      if (lambda > 0) {
        if (is.null(penmat)) penmat <- eval.penalty(basisobj, Lfdobj)
        eiglist <- eigen(penmat)
        Dvec    <- eiglist$values
        Vmat    <- eiglist$vectors
        #  Check that the lowest eigenvalue in the series that is to be
        #  kept is positive.
        neiglow <- nbasis - nderiv
        naug    <- n + neiglow
        if (Dvec[neiglow] <= 0) {
                       "Eigenvalue(NBASIS-NDERIV) of penalty matrix ",
                       "is not positive check penalty matrix."))
        #  Compute the square root of the penalty matrix in the subspace
        #  spanned by the first N - NDERIV eigenvectors
        indeig <- 1:neiglow
        penfac <- Vmat[,indeig] %*% diag(sqrt(Dvec[indeig]))
        #  Augment basismat by sqrt(lambda)*t(penfac)
        basismat.aug <- rbind(basismat.aug, sqrt(lambda)*t(penfac))
        #  Augment data vector by n - nderiv 0's
        if (ndim < 3) {
            y <- rbind(y, matrix(0,nbasis-nderiv,nrep))
        } else {
            y <- array(0,c(ydim[1]+nbasis-nderiv,ydim[2],ydim[3]))
            y[1:ydim[1],,] <- y0
            ind1 <- (1:(nbasis-nderiv)) + ydim[1]
            for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
                y[ind1,,ivar] <- matrix(0,nbasis-nderiv,nrep)
      } else {
        penmat <- NULL

    #  augment BASISMAT0 and BASISMAT by the covariate matrix
    #  if it is supplied

      if (!is.null(covariates)) {
        ind1 <- 1:n
        ind2 <- (nbasis+1):(nbasis+q)
        basismat.aug  <- cbind(basismat.aug,  matrix(0,naug,q))
        if (!onewt) {
            if (matwt) {
                basismat.aug[ind1,ind2]  <- wtfac %*% covariates
            } else {
                wtfac <- matrix(rtwtvec,n,q)
                basismat.aug[ind1,ind2]  <- wtfac*covariates
        } else {
            basismat.aug[ind1,ind2]  <- covariates
        penmat <- rbind(cbind(penmat,             matrix(0,nbasis,q)),
                        cbind(matrix(0,q,nbasis), matrix(0,q,q)))

    #  solve the least squares problem using the QR decomposition with
    #  one iteration to improve accuracy

      qr <- qr(basismat.aug)
      if (ndim < 3) {
        coef <- qr.coef(qr,y)
        if (!is.null(covariates)) {
            beta. <- coef[ind2,]
            coef  <- coef[1:nbasis,]
        } else {
            beta. <- NULL
      } else {
        coef <- array(0, c(nbasis, nrep, nvar))
        if (!is.null(covariates)) {
            beta. <- array(0, c(q,nrep,nvar))
        } else {
            beta. <- NULL
        for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
            coefi <- qr.coef(qr,y[,,ivar])
            if (!is.null(covariates)) {
                beta.[,,ivar] <- coefi[ind2,]
                coef[,,ivar] <- coefi[1:nbasis,]
            } else {
                coef[,,ivar] <- coefi

    } else {

      if (n == nbasis + q) {

      #  code for n == nbasis and lambda == 0
        if (ndim==2){
          coef <- solve(basismat, y)
        } else {
          for (ivar in 1:var)
            coef[,,ivar] <- solve(basismat, y[,,ivar])
        penmat <- NULL

      } else {

        stop(paste("The number of basis functions = ", nbasis, " exceeds ",
              n, " = the number of points to be smoothed.  "))

#  ----------------------------------------------------------------
#            compute SSE, yhat, GCV and other fit summaries
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------

#  compute map from y to c

  if (onewt) {
    temp   <- t(basismat) %*% basismat
    if (lambda > 0) {
        temp <- temp + lambda*penmat
    L      <- chol(temp)
    MapFac <- solve(t(L),t(basismat))
    y2cMap <- solve(L,MapFac)
  } else {
        temp <- t(basismat) %*% wtvec %*% basismat
    } else {
        temp <- t(basismat) %*% (as.vector(wtvec)*basismat)

    if  (lambda > 0) {
        temp <- temp + lambda*penmat
    L      <- chol((temp+t(temp))/2)
    MapFac <- solve(t(L),t(basismat))
        y2cMap <- solve(L, MapFac%*%wtvec)
    } else {
        y2cMap <- solve(L,MapFac*rep(as.vector(wtvec), e=nrow(MapFac)))

#  compute degrees of freedom of smooth

  df. <- sum(diag(y2cMap %*% basismat))

#  compute error sum of squares

  if (ndim < 3) {
    yhat <- basismat[,1:nbasis] %*% coef
    SSE  <- sum((y[1:n,] - yhat)^2)
    if (is.null(ynames)) ynames <- dimnames(yhat)[[2]]
  } else {
    SSE <- 0
    yhat <- array(0,c(n, nrep, nvar))
    dimnames(yhat) <- list(dimnames(basismat)[[1]],
    for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
      yhat[,,ivar] <- basismat[,1:nbasis] %*% coef[,,ivar]
      SSE <- SSE + sum((y[1:n,,ivar] - yhat[,,ivar])^2)
    if (is.null(ynames))ynames <- dimnames(yhat)[[2]]
    if (is.null(vnames))vnames <- dimnames(yhat)[[2]]
  if (is.null(ynames)) ynames <- paste("rep", 1:nrep, sep="")
  if (is.null(vnames)) vnames <- paste("value", 1:nvar, sep="")

#  compute  GCV index

  if (!is.null(df.) && df. < n) {
    if (ndim < 3) {
      gcv <- rep(0,nrep)
      for (i in 1:nrep) {
        SSEi <- sum((y[1:n,i] - yhat[,i])^2)
        gcv[i] <- (SSEi/n)/((n - df.)/n)^2
      if (ndim > 1) names(gcv) <- ynames
    } else {
      gcv <- matrix(0,nrep,nvar)
      for (ivar in 1:nvar) {
        for (i in 1:nrep) {
          SSEi <- sum((y[1:n,i,ivar] - yhat[,i,ivar])^2)
          gcv[i,ivar] <- (SSEi/n)/((n - df.)/n)^2
      dimnames(gcv) <- list(ynames, vnames)
  } else {
    gcv <- NULL

#       Set up the functional data objects for the smooths
#  ------------------------------------------------------------------

#  set up default fdnames

  if (is.null(fdnames)) {
    fdnames <- list(time=tnames, reps=ynames, values=vnames)

#  set up the functional data object

  if (ndim < 3) {
    coef  <- as.matrix(coef)
    fdobj <- fd(coef[1:nbasis,],  basisobj, fdnames)
  } else {
    fdobj <- fd(coef[1:nbasis,,], basisobj, fdnames)

#  return penalty matrix to original state if there were covariates

  if (!is.null(penmat) && !is.null(covariates))
                 penmat <- penmat[1:nbasis,1:nbasis]

#  assemble the fdSmooth object returned by the function

  smoothlist <- list(fd=fdobj, df=df., gcv=gcv, beta=beta.,
                   SSE=SSE, penmat=penmat, y2cMap=y2cMap,
                   argvals=argvals, y=y0)

  class(smoothlist) <- "fdSmooth"


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