
Defines functions gprocessingjs

Documented in gprocessingjs

##  Copyright (C) 2010 John Verzani
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
##  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

## interface to Processing.js
## handlers of processingEvents return javascript using processing. Use <<p>> to refer to processing
## object. For instance
## p$mouseMoved <- function(.) {
##  paste("<<p>>.background(0)",
##        "<<p>>.line(1,2,4,5)
## }

##' Widget to allow low-level graphics commands through processingjs.
##' The advantage over gcanvas is that this has more interactivity
##' defined for it.  The use of this is different though. The basic
##' idea is that several of the lowlevel plot commands are
##' implemented. For exmaple plot.new, plot.window, axis, title,
##' lines, polygon etc. These are called differently though. They are
##' implemented as proto methods of the gprocessingjs object, so are
##' called as in p\$plot.window().  The method addHandlerClick passes
##' back a value xy wich contains the position of the mouse click in
##' pixel coordinates. One can use the method pixelsToXY to covert to
##' usr coordinates.
##' @param width of graphic
##' @param height height of graphic (pixels)
##' @param pointsize size of fonts
##' @param container parent container
##' @param ... passed to container's add method
##' @export
gprocessingjs <- function(width=400, height=400, pointsize= 12, container = NULL, ...) {
  widget <- EXTComponentNoItems$new(toplevel = container$toplevel,
                             ..width = width,
                             ..height = height,
                             ..pointsize = pointsize)
  class(widget) <- c("gProcessingJS", class(widget))

  ## addHandlerMouseMove
  EXTWidget$addHandlerMousemove <- function(., handler, action=NULL) {
    .$addHandler(signal="mousemove",handler, action,
                 handlerExtraParameters = "Ext.util.JSON.encode({xy:[e.layerX,e.layerY]})"

  ## properties
  widget$..margin <- as.integer(c(1,2,1.5,3) * pointsize * 1.2)
  widget$..background <- 250 ## passed to .$background via plot.new
  ## holds value as string
  widget$out <- String()

  widget$ExtConstructor <- "Ext.ux.Canvas"
  widget$ExtCfgOptions <- function(.) {
    out <- list()


  widget$asProcessingCharacter <- function(.) sprintf("processing%s", .$ID)
  widget$..writeConstructor <- function(.) {
    ## create element
    out <- String() + "\n" + "// ------- \n" +
      sprintf("var %s = new Processing(document.getElementById('%s'));", .$asProcessingCharacter(), .$ID) +
        sprintf("%s.size(%s, %s);", .$asProcessingCharacter(), .$..width, .$..height) +
          .$out + "\n"
  widget$footer <- function(.) {
    ID <- .$ID
    pID <- .$asCharacter()

    out <- String()
    ## for i in handlers, call
    ## these are javascript to call direct avoiding R handlers.
    for(i in .$processingEvents) {
      f <- .[[i]]
      if(!is.null(f)) {
         val <- f()
         pID <- String("processing") + ID
         fnHead <- pID + "." + i + "= function() {\n"
         val <- gsub("<<p>>",pID, val) ## sub for processing ID
         val <- paste(val, collapse="\n")
         out <- out + fnHead + val + "};\n"
     ## call init
#    out <- out + sprintf("%s.init();", .$asCharacter())
  ## turn method into javascript command from Processing.js
  widget$makeCommand <- function(.,name, ...) {
    args <- list(...)
    vals <- paste(args, collapse=", ")

    val <-  String() +
      "processing" + .$ID +  "." + name + "(" + vals + ");\n"

      .$out <- .$out + val

  ## if these are defined, then they are to be functions returning
  ## javascript code the interactive handlers can be **really slow**
  ## if sent back into R. Use gWidgets Handlers to put in interactive
  ## code with R commands. These allow interactive demos at the expense
  ## of being able to program in javascript The value <<p>> will
  ## expand to the appropriate object ID.
  widget$processingEvents <- c("mouseDragged","mouseMoved", "mousePressed", "mouseReleased",
  for(i in widget$processingEvents) widget[[i]] <- NULL

  ## functions for mouse positions when making javascript handlers
  widget$pmouseX <- function(.) String("processing") + .$ID + ".pmouseX"
  widget$pmouseY <- function(.) String("processing") + .$ID + ".pmouseY"
  widget$mouseX <- function(.) String("processing") + .$ID + ".mouseX"
  widget$mouseY <- function(.) String("processing") + .$ID + ".mouseY"
  widget$mouseButton <- function(.) String("processing") + .$ID + ".mouseButton"

  ## Make functions for processing commands
  ## Mostly copied over from Processing.js. Most aren't used
  ## ???
  widget$color <- function(., aValue1, aValue2, aValue3, aValue4)
    .$makeCommand("color", aValue1, aValue2, aValue3, aValue4)

  ## pad with leading 0's
  widget$nf <- function(., num, pad) .$makeCommand("nf", num, pad)

  ## ??
  widget$AniSprite <- function(., prefix, frames)
    .$makeCommand("AniSprite", prefix, frames)

  ## How would this work -- obj is a javascript object?
  widget$buildImageObject <- function(., obj)
    .$makeCommand("buildImageObject", obj)

  ## build image
  widget$createImage <- function(., w, h, mode)
    .$makeCommand("createImage", w, h, mode)

  ## stub -- handled through gWidgets
  widget$createGraphics <- function(., w, h) ""
  widget$beginDraw <- function(.) .$makeCommand("beginDraw")
  widget$endDraw <- function(.) .$makeCommand("endDraw")

  widget$loadImage <- function(.,file)
    .$makeCommand("loadImage", file)
  widget$loadFont <- function(., name)
    .$makeCommand("loadFont", shQuote(name))
  widget$textFont <- function(., name, size)
    .$makeCommand("textFont", shQuote(name), as.integer(size))
  widget$textSize <- function(., size)
    .$makeCommand("textSize", as.integer(size))
  widget$textAlign <- function(.)
  ## ptext - -so text will be R function
  widget$ptext <- function(., str, x, y) 
    .$makeCommand("text", str, x, y)
  widget$char <- function(., key)
    .$makeCommand("char", key)
  widget$println <- function(.)
  widget$map <- function(., value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop )
    .$makeCommands("map", value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop )

  widget$Point <- function(., x, y)
    .$makeCommands("Point", x, y)

  widget$Random <- function(.)

  widget$ArrayList <- function(., size, size2, size3)
    .$makeCommands("ArrayList",size, size2, size3)

  widget$colorMode <- function(., mode, range1, range2, range3, range4 ) 
    .$makeCommand("colorMode", mode, range1, range2, range3, range4 )

  widget$beginShape <- function(., type )

  widget$endShape <- function(., close="true" )

  widget$vertex <- function(., x, y) #x2, y2, x3, y3 )
  .$makeCommand("vertex",  x, y) #, x2, y2, x3, y3 )

  widget$curveVertex <- function(., x, y, x2, y2 )
    .$makeCommand("curveVertex", x, y, x2, y2 )

  widget$curveTightness <- function(., tightness)
    .$makeCommand("curveTightness", tightness)

  widget$rectMode <- function(., aRectMode)
    .$makeCommand("rectMode", aRectMode)

  widget$imageMode <- function(.)

  widget$ellipseMode <- function(., aEllipseMode)
    .$makeCommand("ellipsMode", aEllipseMode)
  ## skip math ones
  widget$translate <- function(., x, y)
    .$makeCommand("translate", x,y)
  widget$scale <- function(., x,y)
    .$makeCommand("scale", x, y)
  widget$rotate <- function(., aAngle)
    .$makeCommand("rotate", aAngle)
  widget$redraw <- function(.) 

 widget$loop <- function(.)

 widget$frameRate <- function(., aRate)
   .$makeCommand("frameRate", aRate)

 ## set background image, or color (gray scale 0 to 256?)
 widget$background <- function(., img=0) ## img could be image?
   .$makeCommand("background", img)

  widget$size <- function(., aWidth, aHeight) 
    .$makeCommand("size", aWidth, aHeight)

  widget$noStroke <- function(.) .$makeCommand("noStroke")

  widget$noFill <- function(.) .$makeCommand("noFill")

  widget$smooth <- function(.) .$makeCommand("smooth")

  widget$noLoop <- function(.) .$makeCommand("noLoop")

  widget$fill <- function(.,...) .$makeCommand("fill",...)

  widget$stroke <- function(.,...) .$makeCommand("stroke",...)

  widget$strokeWeight <- function(., w) .$makeCommand("strokeWeight", w)
  widget$point <- function(., x, y) .$makeCommand("point", x, y)
  ## rename with p -- otherwise get is an issue
  widget$pget <- function(., x, y) .$makeCommand("get", x, y)
   widget$pset <- function(., x, y, obj) .$makeCommand("set", x, y, obj)

  widget$arc <- function(., x, y, width, height, start, stop )
    .$makeCommand("arc",x, y, width, height, start, stop )

  ## draw a line. Make R like c(x,y), c(x1,y1)
  widget$line <- function(., x1, x2, y1, y2) {
    if(length(x1) == 2) 
      .$makeCommand("line", x1[1], x2[1], x1[2], x2[2])
      .$makeCommand("line", x1,x2,y1,y2)

  ## draw Bezier curve
  ## if x1 length 4, assume y1 is and replace
  widget$bezier <- function(.,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) {
    if(length(x1) == 4) {
      x2 <- x1[2]; x3 <- x1[3]; x4 <- x1[4]; x1 <- x1[1]
      y2 <- y1[2]; y3 <- y1[3]; y4 <- y1[4]; y1 <- y1[1]
    .$makeCommand("bezier", x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)

  widget$triangle <- function(.,  x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 )
    .$makeCommand("triangle", x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 )

  widget$quad <- function(., x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 )
    .$makeCommand("quad", x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 )

  ## rect -> prect
  widget$prect <- function(., x,y, width, height)
    .$makeCommand("rect",  x, y, width, height)

  ## draw ellipse or circle
  widget$ellipse <- function(., x, y, width=10, height=width)
    .$makeCommand("ellipse", x, y, width, height)

  ## Familiar R methods for plot devices, using those above
  ## not exactly a device interface, but not hard to use either.

  ## Some helper functions
  ## The canvas uses pixels, R uses coordinates within xlim/ylim. This converts x to Pixels
  ## separate --but identical -- function for y to pixels
  ## Respects p$..margin <- c(left, top, right, bottom) in pixels
  widget$xToPixels <- function(., x) {
    xlim <- .$getXlim()
    margin <- .$..margin

    for(k in 2:4)
      if(length(margin) == k - 1) margin[k] <- margin[k-1]
    .$..margin <- margin
    m <- (.$..width - margin[3] - margin[1]) / diff(xlim)
    px <- round(margin[1] + m * (x - xlim[1]))
  widget$yToPixels <- function(., y) {
    ylim <- .$getYlim()

    margin <- .$..margin

    for(k in 2:4)
      if(length(margin) == k - 1) margin[k] <- margin[k-1]
    .$..margin <- margin
    m <- (.$..height - margin[2] - margin[4]) / diff(ylim)
    py <- round(margin[2] + m * (y - ylim[1]))
    ## flip
    .$..height - py

  ## convert back into XY form pixes
  ## mouse handlers return h$xy = c(x,y) for coordinates in pixels
  widget$pixelsToXY <- function(., pxy) {
    px <- pxy[1]; py <- pxy[2]
    xlim <- .$xlim; ylim <- .$ylim
    widget <- .$..width; height <- .$..height

    margin <- .$..margin

    mx <- (.$..width - margin[3] - margin[1]) / diff(xlim)
    my <- (.$..height - margin[2] - margin[4]) / diff(ylim)

    x <- (px - margin[1])/mx + xlim[1]
    y <- ((height -py) - margin[2])/my + ylim[1]
  ## xlim -- if not set.
  widget$getXlim <- function(.) {
    if(!exists("xlim",envir=., inherits=FALSE))
      .$xlim <- c(1,.$..width)
  widget$getYlim <- function(.) {
    if(!exists("ylim",envir=., inherits=FALSE))
      .$ylim <- c(1,.$..height)
  ## covert color into rgb for use with col=NA argument
  widget$fixColor <- function(., col) {
    if(col %in% colors())
      col <- paste(col2rgb(col), collapse=",")

  ## The basic R plot commands as methods for the processing object
  ## several argument are not implemented. -- LAZY --
  ## plot.new -- just sets p$background(). The default background has no method to set
  ##             one can set via p$..background <- "..."
  widget$plot.new <- function(., ...) {
  ## set xlim and ylim. missing  log = "", asp=NA, 
  widget$plot.window <- function(., xlim, ylim,...) {
    .$xlim <- xlim
    .$ylim <- ylim
  ## title: ylab does not turn text
  widget$title <- function(., main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                           cex = 1, ...) {
    margin <- .$..margin
    xlim <- .$getXlim(); ylim <- .$getYlim()
    width <- .$..width; height <- .$..height
    if(!is.null(main)) {
      .$textSize(cex * 1.2 * .$..pointsize)
      .$ptext(shQuote(main), width/2, margin[2]/2)
    if(!is.null(sub)) {
      .$textSize(cex * .$..pointsize)
      .$ptext(shQuote(sub), width/2, height)

    if(!is.null(xlab)) {
      .$textSize(cex * .8 * .$..pointsize)
      .$ptext(shQuote(xlab), width/2, height - margin[4]/2)
    if(!is.null(ylab)) {
      .$textSize(cex * .8 * .$..pointsize)
      .$ptext(shQuote(ylab), margin[1]/2, height/2)

  ## axis
  widget$axis <- function(.,side,...) {

    if(missing(side)) side <- 1:2
    xlim <- .$getXlim(); ylim <- .$getYlim()
    px <- pretty(xlim); py <- pretty(ylim)
    if(1 %in% side) {
      .$lines(xlim, c(ylim[1], ylim[1]))
      for(i in 1:length(px)) 
        .$text(px[i], ylim[1], px[i], pos=1)
    if(2 %in% side) {
      .$lines(c(xlim[1], xlim[1]), ylim)
      for(i in 1:length(py)) 
        .$text(xlim[1],py[i], py[i], pos=2)
    if(3 %in% side) {
      .$lines(xlim, c(ylim[2], ylim[2]))
    if(4 %in% side) {
      .$lines(c(xlim[2], xlim[2]), ylim)

  ### draw box using lines
  widget$box <- function(., ... ) {
    xlim <- .$getXlim(); ylim <- .$getYlim()
    .$lines(xlim[c(1,2,2,1,1)], ylim[c(1,1,2,2,1)], col=col, ...)

  widget$points <- function(., x, y = NULL, cex=1, col = NA, ...) {
    xy <- xy.coords(x,y)
    xy$x <- .$xToPixels(x)
    xy$y <- .$yToPixels(y)

    ## recycle cex
    cex <- rep(cex, length.out=length(xy$x))
    ## fix and recycle col
      col <- "black"
    col <- .$fixColor(col)
    col <- rep(col, length.out=length(xy$x))

    for(i in seq_along(xy$x))  {
      .$ellipse(xy$x[i], xy$y[i], width=round(cex[i] * 5))

  widget$lines <- function(., x, y = NULL, col=NA, lwd=1, ...) {
    xy <- xy.coords(x,y)
    xy$x <- .$xToPixels(x)
    xy$y <- .$yToPixels(y)

    ## fix and recycle col
      col <- "black"
    col <- .$fixColor(col)
    col <- rep(col, length(xy$x) - 1)
    ## ditto  lwd
    lwd <- rep(lwd, length(xy$x) -1)

    for(i in 2:length(xy$x)) {
      .$line(xy$x[i-1], xy$y[i-1], xy$x[i], xy$y[i])

  widget$polygon <- function(., x, y=NULL, col=NA, ...)  {
    ## XXX add in other args later
    xy <- xy.coords(x,y)
    xy$x <- .$xToPixels(x)
    xy$y <- .$yToPixels(y)

    for(i in 1:length(xy$x))
      .$vertex(xy$x[i], xy$y[i])
  widget$rect <- function(., xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, col=NA, ...) {
    ## recycle col
    col <- rep(col, length=length(xleft))
    ## can be vectori´d
    for(i in 1:length(xleft))
    .$polygon(c(xleft[i], xright[i], xright[i], xleft[i]),
              c(ybottom[i], ybottom[i], ytop[i], ytop[i]),
              col=col[i], ...)

  widget$abline <- function(., a = NULL, b = NULL, h = NULL, v = NULL, coef = NULL, ...) {
    ## draws line depending
      a <- coef[1]; b <- coef[2]
    if(inherits(a,"lm")) {
      b <- coef(a)[2]; a <- coef(a)[1]
    xlim <- .$getXlim()
    if(!is.null(a)) {
      y <- a + b*xlim
      .$lines(xlim, y, ...)
    } else if(!is.null(h)) {
      .$lines(xlim, c(h,h), ...)
    } else if(!is.null(v)) {
      ylim <- .$getYlim()
      .$lines(c(v,v), ylim, ...)
  widget$text <- function(., x, y = NULL, labels = seq_along(x), 
          cex = 1, col = NULL, pos = NULL, ...) {

    ## XXX add in other args later
    xy <- xy.coords(x,y)
    xy$x <- .$xToPixels(x)
    xy$y <- .$yToPixels(y)
    ## recycle labels if needed
    labels <- rep(labels, length=length(xy$x))
    labels <- as.character(labels)
    labels <- shQuote(labels)
    ## recyle size
    size <- round(.$..pointsize * cex)
    size <- rep(size, length=length(xy$x))

    ## recycle cex
    cex <- rep(cex, length=length(xy$x))
    ## fix and recycle col
      col <- "black"
    col <- .$fixColor(col)
    col <- rep(col, length(xy$x))

    ## recycle pos
    if(is.null(pos)) pos <- 0
    pos <- rep(pos, length(xy$x))
    for(i in 1:length(xy$x)) {
##       if(!is.null(font))
##         .$textFont(font, size[i])
##       else if(is.numeric(cex))
##         .$textSize(size[i])


      xoff <- 0; yoff <- 0
      if(pos[i] == 1)
        yoff <-  cex[i]* .$..pointsize
      else if(pos[i] == 2)
        xoff <- -cex[i] * .$..pointsize
      else if(pos[i] == 3)
        yoff <- -cex[i]* .$..pointsize
      else if(pos[i] == 4)
        xoff <- cex[i] * .$..pointsize
      .$ptext(labels[i], xy$x[i] + xoff, xy$y[i] + yoff)

  ## add after CSS, scripts defined


Try the gWidgetsWWW package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gWidgetsWWW documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.