
Defines functions forceGrob.animated.grob primToDev.animated.grob animate.gTree animate.grob animate applyAnimationSet applyAnimation.gTree applyAnimation.grob applyAnimation.xspline applyAnimation.rastergrob applyAnimation.pathgrob applyAnimation.polygon applyAnimation.segments applyAnimation.polyline applyAnimation.lines doNotAnimate applyAnimation.text applyAnimation.points applyAnimation.circle applyAnimation.rect ithAnimUnit ithAnimValue ithUnit unitType ithValue applyAnimation grid.animate animateGrob animationSet autoid print.animUnit listFromAnimUnit as.animUnit.list as.animUnit.matrix as.animUnit.unit as.animUnit.numeric as.animUnit.animUnit as.animUnit is.animUnit animUnit print.animValue listFromAnimValue as.animValue.list as.animValue.matrix as.animValue.character as.animValue.numeric as.animValue.animValue as.animValue is.animValue animValue

Documented in animate animateGrob animUnit animValue as.animUnit as.animValue grid.animate

# "animValue" stuff

# An animValue is a vector PLUS a timeid PLUS an id
animValue <- function(x, timeid=NULL, id=NULL) {
    if (!is.atomic(x))
        stop("'x' must be a atomic")
    if (!is.null(timeid))
        timeid <- rep(timeid, length.out=length(x))
    if (!is.null(id))
        id <- rep(id, length.out=length(x))
    tu <- list(values=x, timeid=timeid, id=id)
    class(tu) <- "animValue"

is.animValue <- function(x) inherits(x, "animValue")

as.animValue <- function(x, ...) {

as.animValue.animValue <- function(x, ...) x

as.animValue.numeric <- function(x, ...) {

as.animValue.character <- function(x, ...) {

# 'multVal' controls whether columns of the matrix are used as
# 'timeid' or 'id'
as.animValue.matrix <- function(x, multVal=FALSE, ...) {
    if (multVal) {
        animValue(x, timeid=rep(1:ncol(x), each=nrow(x)))
    } else {
        animValue(x, id=rep(1:ncol(x), each=nrow(x)))

as.animValue.list<- function(x, multVal=FALSE, ...) {
    if (!all(sapply(x, is.atomic)))
        stop("All components of list must be atomic")
    if (multVal) {
                  timeid=rep(1:length(x), sapply(x, length)))
    } else {
                  id=rep(1:length(x), sapply(x, length)))

listFromAnimValue <- function(x) {
    if (is.null(x$id)) {
        if (is.null(x$timeid)) {
            n <- length(x$values)
            animValueList <- as.list(x$values)
        } else {
            times <- unique(x$timeid)
            n <- length(times)
            animValueList <- split(x$values, x$timeid)
        names(animValueList) <- paste("t", 1:n, sep="")
    } else {
        shapes <- unique(x$id)
        ns <- length(shapes)
        animValueList <- vector("list", ns)
        for (i in 1:ns) {
            animValueList[[i]] <-
                listFromAnimValue(animValue(x$values[x$id == i],
                                            x$timeid[x$id == i]))
        names(animValueList) <- paste("id", 1:ns, sep="")

print.animValue <- function(x, ...) {
    # Generate list from animValue and then print the list

# "animUnit" stuff

# An animUnit is a unit PLUS a timeid PLUS an id
# The timeid breaks the values in the unit into different time
# periods, and the id breaks the values into different shapes

animUnit <- function(x, timeid=NULL, id=NULL) {
    if (!is.unit(x))
        stop("'x' must be a unit object")
    if (!is.null(timeid))
        timeid <- rep(timeid, length.out=length(x))
    if (!is.null(id))
        id <- rep(id, length.out=length(x))
    tu <- list(values=x, timeid=timeid, id=id)
    class(tu) <- "animUnit"

is.animUnit <- function(x) inherits(x, "animUnit")

as.animUnit <- function(x, ...) {

as.animUnit.animUnit <- function(x, ...) x

as.animUnit.numeric <- function(x, unit=NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(unit))
        stop("Require 'unit' to convert numeric vector")
    animUnit(unit(x, unit))

as.animUnit.unit <- function(x, ...) {

# 'multVal' controls whether columns of the matrix are used as
# 'timeid' or 'id'
as.animUnit.matrix <- function(x, unit=NULL, multVal=FALSE, ...) {
    if (is.null(unit))
        stop("Require 'unit' to convert matrix")
    if (multVal) {
        animUnit(unit(x, unit), timeid=rep(1:ncol(x), each=nrow(x)))
    } else {
        animUnit(unit(x, unit), id=rep(1:ncol(x), each=nrow(x)))

as.animUnit.list<- function(x, multVal=FALSE, ...) {
    if (!all(sapply(x, is.unit)))
        stop("All components of list must be units")
    if (multVal) {
        animUnit(do.call("unit.c", x),
                 timeid=rep(1:length(x), sapply(x, length)))
    } else {
        animUnit(do.call("unit.c", x),
                 id=rep(1:length(x), sapply(x, length)))

listFromAnimUnit <- function(x) {
    if (is.null(x$id)) {
        if (is.null(x$timeid)) {
            n <- length(x$values)
            animUnitList <- vector("list", n)
            for (i in 1:n)
                animUnitList[[i]] <- x$values[i]
        } else {
            times <- unique(x$timeid)
            n <- length(times)
            animUnitList <- vector("list", n)
            for (i in 1:n)
                animUnitList[[i]] <- x$values[x$timeid == i]
        names(animUnitList) <- paste("t", 1:n, sep="")
    } else {
        shapes <- unique(x$id)
        ns <- length(shapes)
        animUnitList <- vector("list", ns)
        for (i in 1:ns) {
            animUnitList[[i]] <-
                listFromAnimUnit(animUnit(x$values[x$id == i],
                                          x$timeid[x$id == i]))
        names(animUnitList) <- paste("id", 1:ns, sep="")

print.animUnit <- function(x, ...) {
    # Generate list from animUnit and then print the list

# duration says how many SECONDS the animation lasts for
# id indicates the identity of multiple animated values
#   (i.e., allows a vector of animated values)
#   If "auto" then it depends on the number and size
#     of the elements being animated.  If there is
#     only one element, it is NULL.
# rep says how many times to repeat the animation
#   (TRUE means indefinitely;  FALSE means once)
# revert says whether to revert to the start value of the
#   animation upon completion

autoid <- function(id) {
    if (!is.numeric(id))
        if (id == "auto")
            stop("Invalid id")

animationSet <- function(...,
                         duration=1, rep=FALSE, revert=FALSE,
                         begin=0, interp="linear") {
    animations <- list(...)
    if (is.null(animations[[1]]))
        stop("need argument to animate")
         begin=begin, interp=interp, duration=duration, rep=rep, revert=revert)

animateGrob <- function(grob, ...,
                        rep=FALSE, revert=FALSE,
                        begin=0, interpolate="linear", group=FALSE) {
    if (!interpolate %in% c("linear", "discrete"))
        stop("Invalid interpolation method")
    as <- animationSet(...,
                       duration=duration, rep=rep, revert=revert,
                       begin=begin, interp=interpolate)
    cl <- class(grob)
    if (group) {
        grob$groupAnimationSets <- c(grob$groupAnimationSets, list(as))
    } else {
        grob$animationSets <- c(grob$animationSets, list(as))
    class(grob) <- unique(c("animated.grob", cl))
grid.animate <- function(path, ..., group=FALSE, redraw = FALSE,
                         strict=FALSE, grep=FALSE, global=FALSE) {
              function(path) {
                  grid.set(path, animateGrob(grid.get(path), ...,
                           redraw = redraw)
              }, strict = strict, grep = grep, global = global)

applyAnimation <- function(x, ...) {


# Convert to animValue then take value(s) for shape "i"
# This function is designed for animValues where timeid is NULL
# so that each time period has only ONE value
ithValue <- function(animValues, i) {
    av <- as.animValue(animValues)
    if (!is.null(av$timeid))
        stop("Expecting only one value per time point")
    if (is.null(av$id))
        av$values[av$id == i]

## If the API is available, extract unit "unit" the right way
unitType <- function(x) {
    if (getRversion() >= "4.0.0") {
        ## Call this way to avoid R CMD check errors in R < 4.0.0 about
        ## grid::unitType() not being exported
        unitType <- get("unitType", envir=asNamespace("grid"))
    } else {
        attr(x, "unit")

# Convert to animUnit then take unit(s) for shape "i"
# This function is designed for animUnits where timeid is NULL
# so that each time period has only ONE value
ithUnit <- function(animValues, origValue, i) {
    au <- as.animUnit(animValues,
                      # Only take the first "unit" value
    if (!is.null(au$timeid))
        stop("Expecting only one value per time point")
    if (is.null(au$id))
        au$values[au$id == i]

# Convert to animValue then take value(s) for shape "i"
# This function is designed for animValues where there is a timeid 
# so that each time period has MULTIPLE values
ithAnimValue <- function(animValues, i) {
    av <- as.animValue(animValues, multVal=TRUE)
    if (is.null(av$timeid))
        stop("Expecting multiple values per time point")
    if (is.null(av$id))
        animValue(av$values[av$id == i],
                  av$timeid[av$id == i])

# Convert to animUnit then take unit(s) for shape "i"
# This function is designed for animUnit where there is a timeid 
# so that each time period has MULTIPLE values
ithAnimUnit <- function(animValues, origValue, i) {
    au <- as.animUnit(animValues,
                      # Only take the first "unit" value
    if (is.null(au$timeid))
        stop("Expecting multiple values per time point")
    if (is.null(au$id))
        animUnit(au$values[au$id == i],
                 au$timeid[au$id == i])

# applyAnimation methods
# There is one of these for each primitive, but they all have similar
# structure:

# if (group)
#     animate the <g> element

# else

#     some sets of values (e.g., x/y) are animated together
#     so bail out if this combination has already been animated

#     recycle animation values to full length

#     for each shape ...

#         select anim values
#         animate sets of values
#         animate anything else


# When animating some cobination x/y/width/height/size AT THE SAME TIME
# the code below only makes sense if the number of time periods
# is the same for all of x/y/width/height/size (that are being animated)

applyAnimation.rect <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {

    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur, animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
  # We may be dealing with multiple rects that need animating
  n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$width), length(x$height))

  # Rep the original x/y/width/height out to be the same length
  x$x <- rep(x$x, length.out=n)
  x$y <- rep(x$y, length.out=n)
  x$width <- rep(x$width, length.out=n)
  x$height <- rep(x$height, length.out=n)
  # Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
  # distinct values
  begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
  interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
  dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
  rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
  rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)

  angle <- current.rotation()
  for (i in 1:n) {
    subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)

    # If x AND y change, need to transform together
    # If width/height changes, have to animate x/y as well
    # because SVG <rect> does not have justification
    if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))
        xi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, i)
        xi <- x$x[i]
    if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations))
        yi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, i)
        yi <- x$y[i]
    if ("width" %in% names(animSet$animations))
        widthi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$width, x$width, i)
        widthi <- x$width[i]
    if ("height" %in% names(animSet$animations))
        heighti <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$height, x$height, i)
        heighti <- x$height[i]
    lb <- leftbottom(xi, yi, widthi, heighti, x$just, x$hjust, x$vjust, dev)
               svgAnimateXYWH("x", cx(lb$x, dev),
                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                              subName, dev@dev)
               if (angle != 0) {
                   if (!("y" %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                       svgAnimateXYWH("y", cy(lb$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      subName, dev@dev)
                   svgAnimateRotation(angle, cx(lb$x, dev), cy(lb$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
               svgAnimateXYWH("y", cy(lb$y, dev),
                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                              subName, dev@dev)
               if (angle != 0) {
                   if (!("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                       svgAnimateXYWH("x", cy(lb$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      subName, dev@dev)
                   svgAnimateRotation(angle, cx(lb$x, dev), cy(lb$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
               # If x is also animated, this has already been handled above
               if (!("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                   svgAnimateXYWH("x", cx(lb$x, dev),
                                  begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                                  subName, dev@dev)
               if (angle != 0) {
                   if (!("y" %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                       svgAnimateXYWH("y", cy(lb$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      subName, dev@dev)
                   svgAnimateRotation(angle, cx(lb$x, dev), cy(lb$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
               dim <- dimToInches(ithUnit(animSet$animations$width,
                                          x$width, i),
                                  x$height[i], dev)
               svgAnimateXYWH("width", cw(dim$w, dev),
                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                              subName, dev@dev)
               if (!("y" %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                   svgAnimateXYWH("y", cy(lb$y, dev),
                                  begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                                  subName, dev@dev)
               if (angle != 0) {
                   if (!("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                       svgAnimateXYWH("x", cy(lb$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      subName, dev@dev)
                   svgAnimateRotation(angle, cx(lb$x, dev), cy(lb$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
               dim <- dimToInches(x$width[i],
                                          x$height, i),
               svgAnimateXYWH("height", ch(dim$h, dev),
                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                              subName, dev@dev)
           # Any other attribute
                          paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                          begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)

applyAnimation.circle <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {

    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur, animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
  # We may be dealing with multiple circles that need animating
  n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$r))

  # Rep the original x/y/width/height out to be the same length
  x$x <- rep(x$x, length.out=n)
  x$y <- rep(x$y, length.out=n)
  x$r <- rep(x$r, length.out=n)
  # Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
  # distinct values
  begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
  interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
  dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
  rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
  rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)

  # Because grobs can produce multiple elements, if animation is to
  # occur on a grob it is assumed to occur on all elements, but
  # elements may simply have their properties assigned to the same
  # value multiple times.
  # Also note that when casting to a matrix, units lose their "unit"
  # attribute, we have to set this to the same unit as the grob
  # attribute that is being animated, for this reason, attributes should
  # be in the same unit prior to calling grid.animate()
  for (i in 1:n) {
    subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)

    if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))
        xi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, i)
        xi <- x$x[i]
    if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations))
        yi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, i)
        yi <- x$y[i]

               loc <- locToInches(xi, yi, dev)
               svgAnimateXYWH("cx", cx(loc$x, dev),
                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)
               loc <- locToInches(xi, yi, dev)
               svgAnimateXYWH("cy", cy(loc$y, dev),
                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)
               svgAnimateXYWH("r", cd(ithUnit(animSet$animations$r, x$r, i), dev),
                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)
           # Any other attribute
                          paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                          begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)

applyAnimation.points <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {

    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur, animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
        ## We may be dealing with multiple points that need animating
        n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$size))

        ## Rep the original x/y/width/height out to be the same length
        x$x <- rep(x$x, length.out=n)
        x$y <- rep(x$y, length.out=n)
        x$pch <- rep(x$pch, length.out = n)
        x$size <- rep(x$size, length.out = n)

        ## Need to grab the lwd so that we can keep line thickness the same
        ## as we change the size of a point
        if (! is.null(x$gp$lwd))
            sw <- x$gp$lwd
            sw <- get.gpar()$lwd
        if (! is.null(x$gp$lty))
            lty <- x$gp$lty
            lty <- get.gpar()$lty
        sw <- rep(as.numeric(devLwdToSVG(sw, lty, dev)), length.out = n)

        ## Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
        ## distinct values
        begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
        interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
        dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
        rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
        rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)

        ## Because grobs can produce multiple elements, if animation is to
        ## occur on a grob it is assumed to occur on all elements, but
        ## elements may simply have their properties assigned to the same
        ## value multiple times.
        for (i in 1:n) {
            subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)
            if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                xi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, i)
                xi <- x$x[i]
            if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                yi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, i)
                yi <- x$y[i]
            if ("size" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                pointsize <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$size, x$size, i)
                pointsize <- x$size[i]

            ## Enforce gp$cex or gp$fontsize
            pointsize <- adjustSymbolSize(pointsize, x$gp)
            angle <- current.rotation()
                       loc <- locToInches(xi, yi, dev)
                       svgAnimateXYWH("x", cx(loc$x, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                       if (angle != 0) {
                           if (!"y" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                               svgAnimateXYWH("y", cy(loc$y, dev),
                                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                              rep[i], rev[i], 
                                              id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                                              cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev),
                                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                              rep[i], rev[i],
                                              id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                           if (!"size" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                               svgAnimateTranslation(-cd(pointsize, dev)/2,
                                                     -cd(pointsize, dev)/2,
                                                     begin[i], interp[i],
                                                     rep[i], rev[i],
                                                     id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                       loc <- locToInches(xi, yi, dev)
                       svgAnimateXYWH("y", cy(loc$y, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)
                       if (angle != 0) {
                           if (!"x" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                               svgAnimateXYWH("x", cx(loc$x, dev),
                                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                              rep[i], rev[i], 
                                              id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                                                  cx(loc$x, dev),
                                                  cy(loc$y, dev),
                                                  begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                                  rep[i], rev[i],
                                                  id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                               if (!"size" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                                   svgAnimateTranslation(-cd(pointsize, dev)/2,
                                                         -cd(pointsize, dev)/2,
                                                         begin[i], interp[i],
                                                         rep[i], rev[i],
                       pchi <- x$pch[i]
                       docharanim <- (is.character(pchi) && pchi != ".") ||
                           (is.numeric(pchi) && (pchi >= 32 && pchi != 46))
                       donumanim <- is.numeric(pchi) && pchi <= 25

                       ## If we don't have a good pch, don't bother
                       if (! any(c(donumanim, docharanim)))
                       dimsize <- cd(pointsize, dev)
                       svgAnimateXYWH("width", dimsize,
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                       svgAnimateXYWH("height", cd(pointsize, dev),
                                      begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                      rep[i], rev[i],
                                      id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                       ## Centering the point
                       trdimsize <- -dimsize / 2
                       additive <- "replace"
                       if (angle != 0) {
                           loc <- locToInches(xi, yi, dev)
                                              cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev),
                                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                              rep[i], rev[i],
                                              id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                           additive <- "sum"
                       svgAnimateTranslation(trdimsize, trdimsize,
                                             begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                             rep[i], rev[i],
                                             id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                       ## Ensuring that stroke-width stays the same.
                       ## Only do this with low numeric pchs because 
                       if (donumanim & length(dimsize) > 1) {
                           swi <- sw[i]
                           scalef <- dimsize / 10
                           swi <- swi / scalef
                                             begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                             rep[i], rev[i],
                                             id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                   ## Any other attribute
                                  paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                                  begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                                  subName, dev@dev)

applyAnimation.text <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {
    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur, animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
    # We may be dealing with multiple points that need animating
    n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$label))

    # Rep the original x/y/width/height out to be the same length
    x$x <- rep(x$x, length.out=n)
    x$y <- rep(x$y, length.out=n)
    # Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
    # distinct values
    begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
    interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
    dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
    rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
    rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)

    angle <- current.rotation()
    for (i in 1:n) {
        subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)

        if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))
            xi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, i)
            xi <- x$x[i]
        if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations))
            yi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, i)
            yi <- x$y[i]

                   loc <- locToInches(xi, yi, dev)
                   additive <- "replace"
                   if (angle != 0) {
                       svgAnimateRotation(angle, cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev),
                                          begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                          rep[i], rev[i],
                                          id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                       additive <- "sum"
                   svgAnimateTranslation(cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev),
                                         begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                         rep[i], rev[i],
                                         additive, subName, dev@dev)
                   if (!("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                       loc <- locToInches(xi, yi, dev)
                       additive <- "replace"
                       if (angle != 0) {
                                              cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev),
                                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                              rep[i], rev[i],
                                              id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                           additive <- "sum"
                       svgAnimateTranslation(cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev),
                                             begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                             rep[i], rev[i],
                                             additive, subName, dev@dev)
               # Any other attribute
                              paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                              # Apply these to child <text> element rather
                              # than parent <g>
                              paste(subName, "text",

doNotAnimate <- function(animSet, animation) {
    # Avoid doing BOTH x and y if BOTH animated
    animNames <- names(animSet$animations)
    if ((all(c("x", "y") %in% animNames) &&
         animation %in% c("x", "y") &&
         match(animation, animNames) ==
         max(match(c("x", "y"), animNames))) ||
        (sum(c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1") %in% animNames) > 1 &&
         animation %in% c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1") &&
         match(animation, animNames) >
         min(match(c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1"), animNames), na.rm=TRUE)))

applyAnimation.lines <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {
    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur, animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
    if (doNotAnimate(animSet, animation))
    # NOTE:  only ever drawing ONE line
    begin <- animSet$begin
    interp <- animSet$interp
    dur <- animSet$duration
    rep <- animSet$rep
    rev <- animSet$revert
    subName <- subGrobName(x$name, 1)
    if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
        au <- ithAnimUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, 1)
        xx <- au$values
        timeid <- au$timeid
    } else {
        xx <- x$x
    if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
        au <- ithAnimUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, 1)
        yy <- au$values
        timeid <- au$timeid
    } else {
        yy <- x$y
    if (any(c("x", "y") %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
        loc <- locToInches(xx, yy, dev)
        svgAnimatePoints(cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev), timeid,
                         begin, interp, dur, rep, rev, subName, dev@dev)
    # Any other attribute
    if (!(animation %in% c("x", "y"))) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   begin, interp, dur, rep, rev, subName, dev@dev)
applyAnimation.polyline <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {
    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur, animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
    if (doNotAnimate(animSet, animation))
  # If we only have one line
    if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.lengths)) {
        x$id <- rep(1L, length(x$x))

  # Multiple lines exist
    if (is.null(x$id)) {
        n <- length(x$id.lengths)
        id <- rep(1L:n, x$id.lengths)
    } else {
        n <- length(unique(x$id))
        id <- x$id

  # Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
  # distinct values
    begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
    interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
    dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
    rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
    rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)

    for (i in 1:n) {
        subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)
        if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
            au <- ithAnimUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, i)
            xx <- au$values
            timeid <- au$timeid
        } else {
            xx <- x$x[x$id == i]
        if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
            au <- ithAnimUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, i)
            yy <- au$values
            timeid <- au$timeid
        } else {
            yy <- x$y[x$id == i]

        if (any(c("x", "y") %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
            loc <- locToInches(xx, yy, dev)
            svgAnimatePoints(cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev), timeid,
                             begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)
        # Any other attribute
        if (!(animation %in% c("x", "y"))) {
                       paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                       begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)

# Possibly multiple line segments, each of which become <polyline> elements
applyAnimation.segments <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {
    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur, animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {

        if (doNotAnimate(animSet, animation))
        # We may be dealing with multiple rects that need animating
        n <- max(length(x$x0), length(x$y0),
                 length(x$x1), length(x$y1))

        # Rep the original x/y/width/height out to be the same length
        x$x0 <- rep(x$x0, length.out=n)
        x$y0 <- rep(x$y0, length.out=n)
        x$x1 <- rep(x$x1, length.out=n)
        x$y1 <- rep(x$y1, length.out=n)
        # Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
        # distinct values
        begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
        interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
        dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
        rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
        rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)
        for (i in 1:n) {
            subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)

            if ("x0" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                x0i <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$x0, x$x0, i)
                x0i <- x$x0[i]
            if ("y0" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                y0i <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$y0, x$y0, i)
                y0i <- x$y0[i]
            if ("x1" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                x1i <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$x1, x$x1, i)
                x1i <- x$x1[i]
            if ("y1" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                y1i <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$y1, x$y1, i)
                y1i <- x$y1[i]
            if (any(c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1") %in%
                    names(animSet$animations))) {
                nvals <- max(length(x0i), length(y0i),
                             length(x1i), length(y1i))
                loc0 <- locToInches(x0i, y0i, dev)
                loc1 <- locToInches(x1i, y1i, dev)
                xx <- rbind(convertX(loc0$x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE),
                            convertX(loc1$x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE))
                yy <- rbind(convertY(loc0$y, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE),
                            convertY(loc1$y, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE))
                svgAnimatePoints(cx(unit(xx, "inches"), dev),
                                 cy(unit(yy, "inches"), dev),
                                 rep(1:nvals, each=2), # timeid
                                 begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                 rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)
            # Any other attribute
            if (!(animation %in% c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1"))) {
                           paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                           begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                           rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)

applyAnimation.polygon <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {
    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur,
                   animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
        if (doNotAnimate(animSet, animation))
        # If we only have one polygon
        if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.lengths)) {
            x$id <- rep(1L, length(x$x))

        # Multiple polygons exist
        if (is.null(x$id)) {
            n <- length(x$id.lengths)
            id <- rep(1L:n, x$id.lengths)
        } else {
            n <- length(unique(x$id))
            id <- x$id

        # Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
        # distinct values
        begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
        interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
        dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
        rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
        rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)

        for (i in 1:n) {
            subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)
            if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                au <- ithAnimUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, i)
                xx <- au$values
                timeid <- au$timeid
            } else {
                xx <- x$x[x$id == i]
            if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                au <- ithAnimUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, i)
                yy <- au$values
                timeid <- au$timeid
            } else {
                yy <- x$y[x$id == i]

            if (any(c("x", "y") %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                loc <- locToInches(xx, yy, dev)
                svgAnimatePoints(cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev), timeid,
                                 begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                                 subName, dev@dev)
            # Any other attribute
            if (!(animation %in% c("x", "y"))) {
                           paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                           begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                           subName, dev@dev)

applyAnimation.pathgrob <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {
    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur,
                   animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
        if (doNotAnimate(animSet, animation))

        # NOTE:  only ever drawing ONE line
        begin <- animSet$begin
        interp <- animSet$interp
        dur <- animSet$duration
        rep <- animSet$rep
        rev <- animSet$revert

        subName <- subGrobName(x$name, 1)

        # Rather than looping through 'n' different shapes
        # need to generate a set of animation values for a
        # single shape consisting of multiple sub-paths
        # at multiple time points

        # If we only have one sub-path
        if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.lengths)) {
            x$id <- rep(1L, length(x$x))

        # Multiple sub-paths
        if (is.null(x$id)) {
            n <- length(x$id.lengths)
            id <- rep(1L:n, x$id.lengths)
        } else {
            n <- length(unique(x$id))
            id <- x$id
        # NOTE:  according to the SVG spec, I think the animated values
        #        HAVE to follow the original series of M, L, Z to be
        #        valid;  otherwise behaviour of browser is undefined?
        if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
            au <- as.animUnit(animSet$animations$x, unitType(x$x))
            xx <- au$values
            pathid <- au$id
            timeid <- au$timeid
        } else {
            xx <- x$x
        if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
            au <- as.animUnit(animSet$animations$y, unitType(x$y))
            yy <- au$values
            pathid <- au$id
            timeid <- au$timeid
        } else {
            yy <- x$y

        # Only one sub-path
        if (is.null(pathid)) {
            pathid <- rep(id, length.out=length(timeid))
        if (any(c("x", "y") %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
            loc <- locToInches(xx, yy, dev)
            svgAnimatePath(cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev), pathid, timeid,
                           begin, interp, dur, rep, rev, subName, dev@dev)
        # Any other attribute
        if (!(animation %in% c("x", "y"))) {
                       paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                       begin, interp, dur, rep, rev, subName, dev@dev)

applyAnimation.rastergrob <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {

    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur,
                   animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {

        # Raster may have NULL width or height
        x$width <- widthDetails(x)
        x$height <- heightDetails(x)

        # We may be dealing with multiple rasters that need animating
        n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$width), length(x$height))

        # Rep the original x/y/width/height out to be the same length
        x$x <- rep(x$x, length.out=n)
        x$y <- rep(x$y, length.out=n)
        x$width <- rep(x$width, length.out=n)
        x$height <- rep(x$height, length.out=n)
        # Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
        # distinct values
        begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
        interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
        dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
        rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
        rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)

        angle <- current.rotation()
        for (i in 1:n) {
            subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)

            # If x AND y change, need to transform together
            # If width/height changes, have to animate x/y as well
            # because SVG <rect> does not have justification
            if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                xi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, i)
                xi <- x$x[i]
            if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                yi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, i)
                yi <- x$y[i]
            if ("width" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                widthi <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$width, x$width, i)
                widthi <- x$width[i]
            if ("height" %in% names(animSet$animations))
                heighti <- ithUnit(animSet$animations$height, x$height, i)
                heighti <- x$height[i]
            lb <- leftbottom(xi, yi, widthi, heighti,
                             x$just, x$hjust, x$vjust, dev)
                       dim <- dimToInches(widthi, heighti, dev)
                       additive <- "replace"
                       if (angle != 0) {
                                              cx(lb$x, dev), cy(lb$y, dev),
                                              begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                              rep[i], rev[i],
                                              id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                           additive <- "sum"
                       svgAnimateTranslation(cx(lb$x, dev),
                                             cy(lb$y, dev),
                                             begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                             rep[i], rev[i],
                                             subName, dev@dev)
                       # If we are also animating "x" then this has
                       # already been done
                       if (!"x" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                           dim <- dimToInches(widthi, heighti, dev)
                           additive <- "replace"
                           if (angle != 0) {
                                                  cx(lb$x, dev), cy(lb$y, dev),
                                                  begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                                  rep[i], rev[i],
                                                  id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                               additive <- "sum"
                           svgAnimateTranslation(cx(lb$x, dev),
                                                 ch(dim$h, dev) +
                                                 cy(lb$y, dev),
                                                 begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                                 rep[i], rev[i],
                                                 subName, dev@dev)
                       dim <- dimToInches(widthi, heighti, dev)
                       # If x is also animated,
                       # this has already been handled above
                       if (!any(c("x", "y") %in% names(animSet$animations))) {
                           if (angle != 0) {
                                                  cx(lb$x, dev), cy(lb$y, dev),
                                                  begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                                  rep[i], rev[i],
                                                  id=subName, svgdev=dev@dev)
                               additive <- "sum"
                           svgAnimateTranslation(cx(lb$x, dev),
                                                 ch(dim$h, dev) +
                                                 cy(lb$y, dev),
                                                 begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                                 rep[i], rev[i],
                                                 subName, dev@dev)
                       svgAnimateScale(cw(dim$w, dev), ch(dim$h, dev), 
                                       begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                       rep[i], rev[i],
                                       id=paste(subName, "scale",
                       # If "width" is also animated,
                       # this has already been done
                       if (!"width" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                           dim <- dimToInches(widthi, heighti, dev)
                           if (!any(c("x", "y") %in%
                                    names(animSet$animations))) {
                               if (angle != 0) {
                                                      cx(lb$x, dev),
                                                      cy(lb$y, dev),
                                                      begin[i], interp[i],
                                                      dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                                   additive <- "sum"
                               svgAnimateTranslation(cx(lb$x, dev),
                                                     ch(dim$h, dev) +
                                                     cy(lb$y, dev),
                                                     begin[i], interp[i],
                                                     dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                                                     subName, dev@dev)
                           svgAnimateScale(cw(dim$w, dev), ch(dim$h, dev), 
                                           begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                           rep[i], rev[i],
                                           id=paste(subName, "scale",
                   # Any other attribute
                                  paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                                  begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                  rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)

applyAnimation.xspline <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {
    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur,
                   animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)
    } else {
        if (doNotAnimate(animSet, animation))

        # If we only have one xspline
        if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.lengths)) {
            x$id <- rep(1L, length(x$x))

        # Multiple xsplines exist
        if (is.null(x$id)) {
            n <- length(x$id.lengths)
            id <- rep(1L:n, x$id.lengths)
        } else {
            n <- length(unique(x$id))
            id <- x$id

        # Repeating animation parameters so that each element can have
        # distinct values
        begin <- rep(animSet$begin, length.out = n)
        interp <- rep(animSet$interp, length.out = n)
        dur <- rep(animSet$duration, length.out = n)
        rep <- rep(animSet$rep, length.out = n)
        rev <- rep(animSet$revert, length.out = n)

        for (i in 1:n) {
            subName <- subGrobName(x$name, i)
            if ("x" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                au <- ithAnimUnit(animSet$animations$x, x$x, i)
                xx <- au$values
                timeid <- au$timeid
            } else {
                xx <- x$x[x$id == i]
            if ("y" %in% names(animSet$animations)) {
                au <- ithAnimUnit(animSet$animations$y, x$y, i)
                yy <- au$values
                timeid <- au$timeid
            } else {
                yy <- x$y[x$id == i]
            if (any(c("x", "y") %in% names(animSet$animations))) {

                getSplinePoints <- function(x, y, grob) {
                    tempSpline <- grob
                    tempSpline$x <- x
                    tempSpline$y <- y
                    tempSpline$id <- NULL
                    tempSpline$id.lengths <- NULL
                # for each time period, need to convert control
                # points into (x, y) and then generate new timeid
                nval <- length(timeid)
                xx <- rep(xx, length.out=nval)
                yy <- rep(yy, length.out=nval)
                xxx <- split(xx, timeid)
                yyy <- split(yy, timeid)
                points <- mapply(getSplinePoints, xxx, yyy,
                                 MoreArgs=list(grob=x), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
                timeid <- rep(1:length(points),
                              sapply(points, function(p) length(p$x)))
                xpoints <- do.call("unit.c", lapply(points, function(p) p$x))
                ypoints <- do.call("unit.c", lapply(points, function(p) p$y))
                if (x$open) {
                    # animating a polyline element
                    loc <- locToInches(xpoints, ypoints, dev)
                    svgAnimatePoints(cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev), timeid,
                                     begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                     rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)
                } else {
                    # animating a path element
                    loc <- locToInches(xpoints, ypoints, dev)
                    pathid <- rep(id, length.out=length(timeid))
                    svgAnimatePath(cx(loc$x, dev), cy(loc$y, dev),
                                   pathid, timeid,
                                   begin[i], interp[i], dur[i],
                                   rep[i], rev[i], subName, dev@dev)
            # Any other attribute
            if (!(animation %in% c("x", "y"))) {
                           paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], i),
                           begin[i], interp[i], dur[i], rep[i], rev[i],
                           subName, dev@dev)

applyAnimation.grob <- function(x, ...) {
    # If we got here, then we've hit something that is not yet implemented
    stop(paste("Animation of ", paste(class(x), collapse=":"),
               " objects is not yet implemented",

applyAnimation.gTree <- function(x, animSet, animation, group, dev, ...) {
    if (group) {
                   paste(ithValue(animSet$animations[[animation]], 1),
                   animSet$begin, animSet$interp, animSet$dur, animSet$rep, animSet$rev,
                   x$name, dev@dev)

applyAnimationSet <- function(x, animationSet, group, dev) {
    x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob", FALSE)
    animations <- animationSet$animations
    for (i in names(animations)) 
        applyAnimation(x, animationSet, i, group, dev)

animate <- function(x, dev) {

animate.grob <- function(x, dev) {
           function(as) {
               applyAnimationSet(x, as, FALSE, dev)
           function(as) {
               applyAnimationSet(x, as, TRUE, dev)

animate.gTree <- function(x, dev) {
           function(as) {
               applyAnimationSet(x, as, TRUE, dev)
    # If you want to do something with the 'animationSets'
    # for your gTree then you have to write your own
    # animate() method

# NOTE that this has to be a primToDev() method
# NOT a grobToDev() method
# OTHERWISE, viewports will not be set up correctly
primToDev.animated.grob <- function(x, dev) {
    animate(x, dev)

# Ensure the animation is retained on a forced grob
forceGrob.animated.grob <- function(x) {
    y <- NextMethod()
    if (inherits(y, "forcedgrob")) {
        y$animationSets <- x$animationSets
        y$groupAnimationSets <- x$groupAnimationSets
        class(y) <- unique(c("animated.grob", class(y)))

Try the gridSVG package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gridSVG documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:09 p.m.