
# wrapper around the new function find_droughts() including pooling
# just emulates the interface of the old and buggy function streamdef()
streamdefRcmdr <- function(lfobj,
                           pooling = c("none", "MA", "IT", "IC"),
                           threslevel = 70,
                           thresbreaks = c("fixed", "monthly", "daily","seasonal"),
                           breakdays = c("01/06","01/10"),
                           MAdays = 7,
                           tmin = 5,
                           IClevel = 0.1,
                           mindur = 0,
                           minvol = 0,
                           table = c("all", "volmax", "durmax"),
                           na.rm = TRUE,
                           plot = TRUE
) {

  pooling <- match.arg(pooling)
  thresbreaks <- match.arg(thresbreaks)
  table <- match.arg(table, several.ok = FALSE)

  breakdays <- paste(breakdays, "2000", sep = "/")
  breakdays <- as.Date(breakdays, format = "%d/%m/%Y")

  if(thresbreaks == "fixed") thresbreaks <- "constant"
  if(thresbreaks == "seasonal") {
    thresbreaks <- breakdays

  x <- as.xts(lfobj)

  threshold <- vary_threshold(x = x, varying = thresbreaks,
                              fun = quantile, probs = (1 - threslevel/100),
                              na.rm = na.rm)

  # MA "pooling" can introduce NAs, do not warn twice
  if(pooling == "MA") {
    x <- suppressWarnings(find_droughts(x, threshold = threshold))
  } else {
    x <- find_droughts(x, threshold = threshold)

  if(pooling == "MA") x <- pool_ma(x, n = MAdays)
  if(pooling == "IT") x <- pool_ic(x, tmin = tmin, ratio = Inf)
  if(pooling == "IC") x <- pool_ic(x, tmin = tmin, ratio = IClevel)

  y <- summary(x, drop_minor = c(volume = minvol, duration = mindur))

  if(table != "all") {
    table <- c("volmax" = "volume", "durmax" = "duration")[table]
    y$hyear <- water_year(y$start, hyear_start(lfobj))
    y <- by(y, y$hyear, function(x) x[which.max(x[, table]), ])
    y <- do.call(rbind, y)
    rownames(y) <- NULL

  if(plot) {
    x$event.no[!x$event.no %in% y$event.no] <- 0
    p <- plot(x, drop_minor = c(volume = minvol, duration = mindur))


# wrapper around the new function find_droughts() including pooling
# just emulates the interface of the old and buggy function streamdef()
streamdef <- function(lfobj,
                      pooling = c("none", "MA", "IT", "IC"),
                      threslevel = 70,
                      thresbreaks = c("fixed", "monthly", "daily","seasonal"),
                      breakdays = c("01/06","01/10"),
                      MAdays = 7,
                      tmin = 5,
                      IClevel = 0.1,
                      mindur = 0,
                      minvol = 0,
                      table = c("all", "volmax", "durmax"),
                      na.rm = TRUE
) {

  message("This is a wrapper around the new function 'find_droughts()' including pooling. Please use 'find_droughts()' directly, as in future versions 'streamdef' will be removed.", domain = NA)

  pooling <- match.arg(pooling)
  thresbreaks <- match.arg(thresbreaks)
  table <- match.arg(table)

  breakdays <- paste(breakdays, "2000", sep = "/")
  breakdays <- as.Date(breakdays, format = "%d/%m/%Y")

  if(thresbreaks == "fixed") thresbreaks <- "constant"
  if(thresbreaks == "seasonal") {
    thresbreaks <- breakdays

  x <- as.xts(lfobj)

  threshold <- vary_threshold(x = x, varying = thresbreaks,
                              fun = quantile, probs = (1 - threslevel/100),
                              na.rm = na.rm)

  # MA "pooling" can introduce NAs, do not warn twice
  if(pooling == "MA") {
    x <- suppressWarnings(find_droughts(x, threshold = threshold))
  } else {
    x <- find_droughts(x, threshold = threshold)

  if(pooling == "MA") x <- pool_ma(x, n = MAdays)
  if(pooling == "IT") x <- pool_ic(x, tmin = tmin, ratio = Inf)
  if(pooling == "IC") x <- pool_ic(x, tmin = tmin, ratio = IClevel)

  y <- summary(x, drop_minor = c(volume = minvol, duration = mindur))

  yy <- with(y, data.frame(d = duration, v = volume, mi = volume/duration,
                           Qmin = qmin,
                           strsplit_date(start, prefix = "start")))

  if(table != "all") {
    yy$hyear <- water_year(y$start, hyear_start(lfobj))
    yy <- by(yy, yy$hyear, function(x) x[which.max(x[, substr(table, 1, 1)]), ])
    yy <- do.call(rbind, yy)
    rownames(yy) <- NULL


#Streamflow plot        #

streamdefplot <- function(lfobj, year, threslevel = 70,
                          thresbreaks = c("fixed", "monthly", "daily", "seasonal"),
                          breakdays = c("01/06", "01/10")){
  if(!year %in% c(min(lfobj$hyear):max(lfobj$hyear), "any")){
    stop("'year must be within the range of your data or \"any\" for taking whole series")}

  thresbreaks <- match.arg(thresbreaks)
  threshold <- buildthres(lfobj=lfobj,
                          threslevel = threslevel,
                          thresbreaks = thresbreaks,
                          breakdays = breakdays)
  dummi <- year
  sublf <- subset(lfobj, hyear == dummi)
  full <- merge(sublf, threshold, by = c("day", "month"), sort = FALSE)

       type = "n",
       xaxt = "n",
       xaxs = "i",
       xlab = "",
       ylab = lflabel("Flow"))

  #Higher resolution to reduce gaps when crossing the threshold
  if(thresbreaks != "daily"){
    approx.x <- approx(1:length(full$flow.x), full$flow.x, xout = seq(1, length(full$flow.x), by = 0.05))
    #approx.y <- approx(1:length(full$flow.y), full$flow.y, xout = seq(1, length(full$flow.x), by = 0.05))
    approx.y2 <- approx(1:length(full$flow.y), full$flow.y, xout = seq(1, length(full$flow.x), by = 0.05), method = "constant")
    level <- apply(cbind(approx.x$y, approx.y2$y), 1, min)

    polygon(c(approx.x$x, rev(approx.y2$x)), c(level, rev(approx.y2$y)), col = "lightblue")#, border = NA)
    points(1:length(full$flow.y), full$flow.y, type = "s", col = "red")
    approx.x <- approx(1:length(full$flow.x), full$flow.x, xout = seq(1, length(full$flow.x), by = 0.05))
    approx.y <- approx(1:length(full$flow.y), full$flow.y, xout = seq(1, length(full$flow.x), by = 0.05))
    level <- apply(cbind(approx.x$y, approx.y$y), 1, min)
    polygon(c(approx.x$x, rev(approx.y$x)), c(level, rev(approx.y$y)), col = "lightblue")#, border = NA)
    points(1:length(full$flow.y), full$flow.y, type = "l", col = "red")
  points(x=1:length(full$flow.x), y=full$flow.x, type = "l")

  months <- which(lfobj$day[lfobj$hyear == year] == 1)
  monthsex <-  which(subset(lfobj, hyear == dummi, month)[months[1], ] ==lfobj$month & lfobj$day == 1 & lfobj$hyear == (year +1))
  lab <-rbind(subset(x = lfobj,
                     subset = hyear == dummi,
                     select = c(month, year))[months, ],
              c(lfobj$month[monthsex], lfobj$year[monthsex]))
  months <- c(months, 366)
  label <- paste(lab$month, lab$year, sep = "/")
  while(length(label) < length(months)){
    label <- c(label, "")}
  axis(1, at = months, labels = label)

#BUILDING threshold
buildthres <- function(lfobj,
                       threslevel = 70,
                       thresbreaks = c("fixed", "monthly", "daily", "seasonal"),
                       breakdays = c("01/06", "01/10"),
                       na.rm = TRUE){
  thresbreaks <- match.arg(thresbreaks)
  threshold <- data.frame(day = rep(1:31, 12), month = sort(rep(1:12, 31)))

  if(thresbreaks == "fixed")
  {threshold$flow <- quantile(lfobj$flow, 1-threslevel/100, na.rm = na.rm)}
  if(thresbreaks == "monthly"){
    mon <- aggregate(flow~month, lfobj, quantile, probs = 1-threslevel/100)
    threshold <- merge(threshold, mon, sort = FALSE)
  if(thresbreaks == "daily"){
    mon <- aggregate(flow~day + month, lfobj, quantile, probs = 1-threslevel/100)
    threshold <- merge(threshold, mon, sort = FALSE)
  if(thresbreaks == "seasonal"){
    ii <- subset(lfobj, year != hyear, month)
    if(nrow(ii)==0){hyearstart <-1} else if(max(ii) <5.5){hyearstart <- max(ii)+1}else{hyearstart <- min(ii)}
    if(length(breakdays) == 1){
      breakdays <- c(paste("1/", hyearstart, sep = ""), breakdays)
    bdays <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2))
    names(bdays) <- c("day", "month")
    str <- strsplit(breakdays, "/")
    for(ii in seq_along(str)){
      bdays[ii, ] <- as.numeric(c(str[[ii]]))
    threshold$breakp <- FALSE
    for(ii in seq_along(bdays$day)){
      threshold$breakp[threshold$day == bdays[ii, "day"] & threshold$month == bdays[ii, "month"]]<-TRUE
    threshold$season = cumsum(threshold$breakp)
    threshold$season[threshold$season == 0] <- max(threshold$season)
    threshold$breakp <- NULL
    something <- merge(lfobj, threshold, by = c("day", "month"), sort = FALSE)
    sea <- aggregate(flow ~ season, something, quantile, probs = 1-threslevel/100)
    threshold <- merge(threshold, sea, by = "season", sort = FALSE)
    threshold$season <- NULL

streamdef2 <- function(lfobj,
                       pooling = c("none", "MA", "IT","IC"),
                       threslevel = 70,
                       thresbreaks = c("fixed","monthly","daily","seasonal"),
                       breakdays = c("01/06","01/10"),
                       MAdays = 7,
                       tmin =5,
                       IClevel = .1,
                       mindur = 0, #min days for IT/IC
                       minvol = 0, #min volume for IT/IC
                       table = c("all","volmax","durmax"),
                       na.rm = TRUE
  pooling <- match.arg(pooling)
  thresbreaks <- match.arg(thresbreaks)
  table <- match.arg(table)

  threshold <- buildthres(lfobj = lfobj, threslevel = threslevel, thresbreaks=thresbreaks, breakdays = breakdays,na.rm = na.rm)

  #Calculation FLOW
  if(pooling == "MA"){
    ma <- function(x,n){a<-filter(x,rep(1/n,n),
                                  circular = FALSE)
    a} #to avoid NA's -> first and last values are not averaged

  flow <- switch(pooling,
                 "none" = lfobj$flow,
                 "IT" = lfobj$flow,
                 "IC" = lfobj$flow,
                 "MA" = as.vector(ma(x = lfobj$flow,n = MAdays)))

  #Comparing FLOW and THRESHOLD
  check <- NULL
  temp <- merge(x=lfobj, y=threshold, by = c("day", "month"),sort = FALSE)
  temp <- temp[order(temp$year,temp$month,temp$day),]
  defrun <-  rle(flow <= temp$flow.y)
  pos <- c(cumsum(c(1,defrun$lengths)))
  streamdef <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 9))
  names(streamdef) <-  c("pos","d","v","mi","Qmin","startyear","startmonth", "startday","hyear")
  a <-  pos[defrun$values]
  a <- a[!is.na(a)]
  # a <- a[-length(a)] # switched off (GL)
  d <- defrun$lengths[defrun$values]
  d <- d[!is.na(d)]
  def <- flow - temp$flow.y
  for(ii in seq_along(a)){
    streamdef[ii,1] <- a[ii]
    streamdef[ii,6] <- lfobj[a[ii],"year"]
    streamdef[ii,7] <- lfobj[a[ii],"month"]
    streamdef[ii,8] <- lfobj[a[ii],"day"]
    streamdef[ii,9] <- lfobj[a[ii],"hyear"]
    streamdef[ii,2] <- d[ii]
    streamdef[ii,3] <- sum(def[a[ii]:(a[ii]+d[ii]-1)])
    #  streamdef[ii,4] <- streamdef[ii,3]/d[ii]
    #  streamdef[ii,5] <- min(flow[a[ii]:(a[ii]+d[ii]-1)])

  if(pooling == "IT"){
    for(ii in nrow(streamdef):2){
      if(streamdef[ii,"pos"]-streamdef[ii-1,"d"]-tmin < streamdef[ii-1,"pos"]){
        streamdef[ii-1,"d"] <- streamdef[ii,"d"]+streamdef[ii-1,"d"]
        streamdef[ii-1,"v"] <- streamdef[ii,"v"]+streamdef[ii-1,"v"]
        streamdef <- streamdef[-ii,]}

  if(pooling == "IC"){
    for(ii in nrow(streamdef):2){
      if(streamdef[ii,"pos"]-streamdef[ii-1,"d"]-tmin < streamdef[ii-1,"pos"]){
        s <- sum((def[(streamdef[ii-1,"pos"]+streamdef[ii-1,"d"]):(streamdef[ii,"pos"]-1)]))
          streamdef[ii-1,"d"] <- streamdef[ii,"pos"]-streamdef[ii-1,"pos"]+streamdef[ii,"d"]
          streamdef <- streamdef[-ii,]}}

  for(ii in seq_along(streamdef$pos)){
    if(pooling == "IC"){
      streamdef[ii,3] <- sum(def[streamdef[ii,"pos"]:(streamdef[ii,"pos"]+streamdef[ii,"d"]-1)])}
    streamdef[ii,4] <- streamdef[ii,"v"]/streamdef[ii,"d"]
    streamdef[ii,5] <- min(flow[streamdef[ii,"pos"]:(streamdef[ii,"pos"]+streamdef[ii,"d"]-1)])

  #excluding minor deficits in IC/IT methods
  if(pooling %in% c("IC","IT")){
    streamdef <- streamdef[streamdef$d >mindur & streamdef$v < -minvol,]

  streamdef$v <- -streamdef$v*60**2*24
  streamdef$mi <- -streamdef$mi*60**2*24
  if(table == "all") {
    if(table == "volmax"){
      agg <- aggregate(v ~ hyear, streamdef,max)
      lin <- NULL
      for(ii in seq_along(agg$hyear)){
        lin[ii] <- min(which(streamdef$hyear == agg$hyear[ii] & streamdef$v == agg$v[ii]))
      agg <- aggregate(d ~ hyear, streamdef,max)
      lin <- NULL
      for(ii in seq_along(agg$hyear)){
        lin[ii] <- min(which(streamdef$hyear == agg$hyear[ii] & streamdef$d == agg$d[ii]))


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lfstat documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:07 p.m.