
Defines functions SpatialPolygons2map map2SpatialPolygons pruneMap map2SpatialLines .NAmat2xyList

Documented in map2SpatialLines map2SpatialPolygons pruneMap

.NAmat2xyList <- function(xy) {
	NAs <- unclass(attr(na.omit(xy), "na.action"))
	if ((length(NAs) == 1L) && (NAs == nrow(xy))) {
		xy <- xy[-nrow(xy)]
		NAs <- NULL
# NA problem found by Edzer Pebesma, 24/8-06
	diffNAs <- diff(NAs)
	if (any(diffNAs == 1)) {
		xy <- xy[-(NAs[which(diffNAs == 1)] + 1), ]
		NAs <- unclass(attr(na.omit(xy), "na.action"))
	nParts <- length(NAs) + 1L
# two NAs at end of file 070905 RSB
# no NAs at all RSB 080814
	if (!is.null(NAs) && nrow(xy) == NAs[length(NAs)])
            nParts <- nParts - 1
	res <- vector(mode="list", length=nParts)
	from <- integer(nParts)
	to <- integer(nParts)
	from[1] <- 1
	to[nParts] <- nrow(xy)
# two NAs at end of file 070905 RSB
# no NAs at all RSB 080814
	if (!is.null(NAs) && nrow(xy) == NAs[length(NAs)])
            to[nParts] <- to[nParts] - 1
	if (nParts > 1) {
		for (i in 2:nParts) {
			to[(i-1)] <- NAs[(i-1)]-1
			from[i] <- NAs[(i-1)]+1
	for (i in 1:nParts) res[[i]] <- xy[from[i]:to[i],, drop = FALSE]

map2SpatialLines <- function(map, IDs=NULL, proj4string=CRS(as.character(NA))) {
    	if (!requireNamespace("maps", quietly = TRUE))
		stop("package maps required")
#	require(maps)
	xyList <- .NAmat2xyList(cbind(map$x, map$y))
	if (is.null(IDs)) IDs <- as.character(1:length(xyList))

	if (length(xyList) != length(IDs)) stop("map and IDs differ in length")
	tab <- table(factor(IDs))
	n <- length(tab)
	IDss <- names(tab)
	reg <- match(IDs, IDss)
	belongs <- lapply(1:n, function(x) which(x == reg))
# assemble the list of Lines
	Srl <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
        drop_Lines <- logical(length=n)
	for (i in 1:n) {
		nParts <- length(belongs[[i]])
		srl <- vector(mode="list", length=nParts)
                lgs <- logical(length=nParts)
		for (j in 1:nParts) {
			crds <- xyList[[belongs[[i]][j]]]
                        lgs[j] <- LineLength(crds) > 0
			if (nrow(crds) > 1) srl[[j]] <- Line(coords=crds)
			else srl[[j]] <- Line(coords=rbind(crds, crds))
                srl <- srl[lgs]
                drop_Lines[i] <- length(srl) <= 0L
                if (!drop_Lines[i]) {
		    Srl[[i]] <- Lines(srl, ID=IDss[i])
        if (sum(drop_Lines) > 0) 
            warning("map2SpatialLines: ", sum(drop_Lines),
                " zero-length Lines object(s) omitted")
        Srl <- Srl[!drop_Lines]
        if (length(Srl) <= 0L) stop("map2SpatialLines: no Lines output")
	res <- SpatialLines(Srl, proj4string=proj4string)

pruneMap <- function(map, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL) {
	candx <- NULL
	if (!is.null(xlim)) {
		if (length(xlim) != 2L) stop("xlim must be of length 2")
		candx <- which(map$x < xlim[1] | map$x > xlim[2])
	candy <- NULL
	if (!is.null(ylim)) {
		if (length(ylim) != 2L) stop("ylim must be of length 2")
		candy <- which(map$y < ylim[1] | map$y > ylim[2])
	if (is.null(candx) && is.null(candy)) return(map)
	cand <- unique(sort(c(candx, candy)))
	map$x <- map$x[-cand]
	map$y <- map$y[-cand]

# to be moved to glue with maps:

map2SpatialPolygons <- function(map, IDs, proj4string=CRS(as.character(NA)), checkHoles=FALSE) {
    	if (!requireNamespace("maps", quietly = TRUE))
		stop("package maps required")
#	require(maps)
	if (missing(IDs)) stop("IDs required")
	xyList <- .NAmat2xyList(cbind(map$x, map$y))
	if (length(xyList) != length(IDs)) stop("map and IDs differ in length")
	tab <- table(factor(IDs))
	n <- length(tab)
	IDss <- names(tab)
	reg <- match(IDs, IDss)
	belongs <- lapply(1:n, function(x) which(x == reg))
# assemble the list of Srings
	Srl <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
        drop_Polygons <- logical(length=n)
	for (i in 1:n) {
		nParts <- length(belongs[[i]])
		srl <- vector(mode="list", length=nParts)
                ars <- logical(length=nParts)
		for (j in 1:nParts) {
                        crds <- xyList[[belongs[[i]][j]]]
                        if (nrow(crds) == 2) crds <- rbind(crds, crds[1,])
                        if (nrow(crds) == 3) crds <- rbind(crds, crds[1,])
                        if (.ringDirxy_gpc(crds) == -1)
                            crds <- crds[nrow(crds):1,]
			srl[[j]] <- Polygon(coords=crds, hole=FALSE)
                        ars[j] <- slot(srl[[j]], "area") > 0
                srl <- srl[ars]
                drop_Polygons[i] <- length(srl) <= 0L
                if (!drop_Polygons[i]) {
		  Srl[[i]] <- Polygons(srl, ID=IDss[i])
                  if (checkHoles) Srl[[i]] <- checkPolygonsHoles(Srl[[i]])
        if (sum(drop_Polygons) > 0) 
            warning("map2SpatialPolygons: ", sum(drop_Polygons),
                " zero-area Polygons object(s) omitted")
        Srl <- Srl[!drop_Polygons]
        if (length(Srl) <= 0L) stop("map2SpatialPolygons: no Polygons output")
	res <- as.SpatialPolygons.PolygonsList(Srl, proj4string=proj4string)

SpatialPolygons2map <- function(spol) {
    stopifnot(inherits(spol, "SpatialPolygons"))
    p4str <- proj4string(spol)
    if (is.na(p4str)) {
        warning("no coordinate reference system")
    } else {
        if (is.projected(spol)) warning("projected coordinates")
    pls <- slot(spol, "polygons")
    n <- length(pls)
    names <- NULL
    range <- c(t(bbox(spol)))
    x <- NULL
    y <- NULL
    for (i in 1:n) {
        nm <- slot(pls[[i]], "ID")
        Pls <- slot(pls[[i]], "Polygons")
        ni <- length(Pls)
        for (j in 1:ni) {
            if (ni == 1) {
                names <- c(names, nm)
            } else {
                names <- c(names, paste(nm, j, sep=":"))
            crds <- slot(Pls[[j]], "coords")
            x <- c(x, crds[,1])
            y <- c(y, crds[,2])
            if (j < ni) {
                x <- c(x, as.numeric(NA))
                y <- c(y, as.numeric(NA))
        if (i < n) {
            x <- c(x, as.numeric(NA))
            y <- c(y, as.numeric(NA))
    res <- list(x=x, y=y, range=range, names=names)
    class(res) <- "map"

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maptools documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 3:01 p.m.